Daily Chat Thread



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Nice work everyone.

    Long day for me. Met coworker at her gym though she was late due to having sleeping issues lately, but she made it and helped get some pictures for me. Then got in the upper body workout. Went to park to run but only got about 40 minutes because the path is shortened thanks to all of the water we've had over the last week (so much rain lead to some flooding issues). Also got a couple of errands done, so productive one day off of work this week.

    low bar squats 2x5 or so at 135 for photo taking cause need dorky gift to send my dad and grandparents, so pictures of me...

    40 - Upper Hypertrophy

    incline bench 4x8@ 65 - warm up felt fine but at 65 it was heavy so just did that as my working set since was over a week since last time due to cold. Coworker also got picture of me on this one with her phone, not my best angle but instagram proof I sometimes do upper body, lol.
    db fly 4x10 @ 15 - smaller gym so doesn't have as many dumbbells, had to go a little lighter.
    seated row 4x10@ 70 - fine while doing but the one there was hard to pull into position. I had to use my foot and struggle before could sit down because of their layout.
    1 db row 4x10 @ 25 - easy cause tad lighter than before, also did wrist curls with 15 for 3x10
    lat raise 4x10 @ 10 - easy as they didn't have 12.5 to use
    cable curl 2x12 and 2x10 @ 50 - challenging at ends of the sets
    tricep extension 4x10 @ 70 - okay though wrist got cranky during one set

    Then jogged for almost 40 minutes with some walking. My usual path was obstructed by water as I run near a small river and park that has a marshy area as well, so after a week of rain, it's a bit wet out there still. Might have to try the hour+ run on treadmill next week instead cause outdoors has minor issues, like flooding.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    I was expecting to have achy muscles this morning when I got up, but no....no evidence that I worked hard last night :( I shall re-read bits of the book today to see if I was actually doing things right!

    Onwards and upwards!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Lifted and did combat today. Not bad for a day where my car told me it was 46 degrees (that's 115 F to you folks over the other side)
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Kim-sore doesn't really mean anything...you worked hard! Don't worry. Do you stretch? I always stretch afterwards now and that really prevents soreness for me. :)
    Dawn-sorry fro the flooding...you're doing great. 40 minute run after lifting? I'm a wimp!
    Jo-I'm in AZ and sounds like our summers are similar...hot,hot hot! Good job on the lifting and combat! Both in one night? That's a lot!

    I lifted today, felt good. Added more reps to squat today since I didn't want to up the weight...5x8 is a lot more than I'm used to, but I liked it! Did last pull downs for the first time in ages too. All good, enjoying it still. Not sure if I will change anything in January...may add a few more accessories or switch to a split again...as long as I'm still lifting heavy I'm ok with mixing it up a bit.

    Eating a lot! Calories are up at 2000 consistently now and my weight is fluctuating a bit, but the ice cream I overdid last night is likley why I'm up today. I'm behaving better today, and pushing the protein. :)

    Have a good humo day all!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    :wink: The jog wasn't too bad and I found doing some walking lunges at the end helps keep from having issues with my left hip, though it ached a little today during the leg extension and curl part of the workout.

    I don't get sore much either. It varies though. Same with sweating. I can be warm and sweat a lot or on other days, similar workout, I'll be cold or not sweat much at all. Can't tell when I might be okay to wear long sleeves or not cause never know.

    Went to gym before work since I have to be there until after midnight. More people but I didn't feel too bad about using the squat rack for 3 lifts because during that time the power cage was free and no one came over at all. Wasn't until I had moved to the machines that someone else used one of them and it was a woman doing squats. Now I am doing my online stuff then will head out to work.

    41 - Lower Hypertrophy

    front squat 3x10 @ 85 and 1x9 @ 105 - not bad, got the heavy set even, wrist ached some
    curtsy lunge 4x10 @ 75 - not too bad though falter a little
    good morning 4x12 @ 75 - felt them at the end doing pauses for reps 8-12
    leg curl 4x12 @ 70 - went back and forth between this and extension, might increase Sat
    leg extension 4x9 @ 80 - not bad
    seated calf 4x12 @ 115 - felt these but did fine

    Tis all for today.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Good morning all!

    I'm done lifting until after Christmas. Star Wars tonight, won't get home until about 1am, so no, I'm not hitting the gym tomorrow LOL

    I'm also contemplating deleting the MFP app. I really do need to cull my 'friends' list down to just you lot and the couple of local peeps I chat to frequently. I will have to make time to do that I think... I just couldn't be bothered logging exercise here any more and I've made the conscious decision to not count calories again. I've been doing a December challenge set by a dietitian friend of taking a photo of what I eat every day and 'tracking' it on the YouFood app. Visually this works better for me, and I can see the patterns, which is pretty cool. Apparently I eat an awful lot of vegetables and fruit lol

    I'm a bit sore and tired today - squat session followed by a day of cleaning and food prep ending in a dinner party makes for feeling old the next day lol

    Kim - sometimes I'm sore-ish, sometimes I'm not. I always make sure to warm up well and stretch a lot after. It doesn't really mean too much.

    I am totally looking forward to my break over Christmas and excited about starting again afresh in the gym after. I was flicking through my records the other day and the increase in strength over 12 months is pretty cool. Over the last 2+ years though, is just amazing. I'm keen to see how the next year goes :smile:
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Thanks for the input on being sore. I do stretch so that makes sense. I guess I am just after some instant acknowledgment of my efforts haha. Must be patient.

    Dnamouse, I understand the need to streamline friends etc. I had a cull when I started lifting and got rid of a lot of people I now realise were not here for the same reason as me. That's not to say they shouldn't be here, but we were not supporting each other in a positive way IMHO. You have to do what is right for you.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Beeps2011 wrote: »
    I got my lifting in, today, and I sat down to do a 3-week "calorie-plan" along with a 100-day scale-loss plan. My head is in a GOOD space, today, so I just took advantage of that.

    For now, my "calorie-deficit" plan is to simply eat only half of my "plate". Because i have LOTS of functions out this month, that was a strategy that I have used, successfully in the past (2013 and 2014). So, time to just use it again!

    I don't need to re-invent the wheel....I just need to BE ON THE WHEEL.

    Sorry for "no posting" of late. Cut is going really, really well. I am within striking distance of the low-150s.....am down 8.4 lbs since November 9.

    I want to hold the 150 through the season, end 2015 within striking distance of the 140s. Then cut again in January to the mid-140s. Hold it there forevermore.

    I am still lifting three x per week, and can (finally!) see my muscles again.

    Cardio is killing me as I have zero stamina....only a little more calorie-deficit until I am through to the other side. I shall survive. Oh, and:

  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Dang beeps! You cut quickly! I'm less successful with it, and am going for maintenance right now, but would love to hit your goals eventually.

    DNA-good for you! Finding what works for you is key! Enjoy your break and Merry Christmas if we do t hear much from you :).

    Dawn-good job. I should add some front squats to my routine...not sure when though?

    Kim-good, stretching is a big deal to me, makes me able to function. When I skip I feel it! I'm not patient either!

    I'm feeling really good. Not skinny, but very solid. I can feel muscles everywhere! I love it! I've still got some insulation over top, but I'm definitely stronger and more muscled than I was this time last year. I'm quite content with that. I'm recognizing better functional fitness this year, running up the stairs, bending, lifting and schlepping things much more easily, a general energy and vibrancy that I don't want to take for granted. My back and neck feel good, my lifts are consistent and progressing, I'm very happy. I even look pretty good. Recent videos confirm I look thinner than my mind tells me I am. All encouraging! With so much media input on being model thin...I need to take some time to embrace and appreciate where I am, and be content with it. I am SO BLESSED!!

    Anyway, hope you're all doing well. We're going to see the new Star Wars movie tonight, in 3D at the iMax theater. Dh is excited, it'll be fun. :)
  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi All Sounds like things are moving along pretty well. I love the NSV.

    I am still trying to figure out my TDEE so my weight is fluxuating quite a bit. It's in a down trend again now which I can't help but feel happy about. It is really hard not to give that scale number too much importance. I am wondering if it is just that my body has adjusted to lifting and is shedding all the weight ( fluid?) that I gained the first month of NR. I would love to hear about what others noticed / think. I went up just over 5 pounds but now I am back to within a pound of when I started NR and I am thinking I might need to up my calories a tiny bit.

    Beeps good to hear that your cut has gone well and that you are happy with it.
    Jo I could use a bit of summer righ now. ( green eyed monster) I am on the west coast of Canada and it is winter here which means wind and rain.

    Did Stage 1 5a yesterday and it went well. I increased my pre workout breakfast and it seemed to help with my energy.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @Julieboolieaz Sounds like things are going well. I wouldn't know where to add front squats either. I tried them on occasion in the past and right now my current program has them scheduled in for lower hypertrophy day. My wrists aren't fans of it but I kind of like them, though won't be doing super heavy for a long time. Even the cross arm set up is a challenge making sure the balance is right and all. I'm trying to figure out where to add hip thrusts but they are so awkward I'm not sure where in the gym to do them either. hmmm

    @mmebouchon Depends on your goal probably. If you're looking to maintain or recomp a little you could play with the calories and add a little bit more then see how that goes. It's a juggle to find the right numbers at times that work for the individual, plus not everyone's weeks involve the exact same activity level. Or at least, mine doesn't even though some are quite similar.

    I'm on my rest days, so just have work. I barely leave photo department the whole shift just from all of the orders. Ran out of envelopes for greeting cards, fun times there, but we should have some boxes coming in today on freight. Also have canvas stuff so we can put together 5 of them that are waiting cause we ran out of the kits to make them (as did every store in the area). Had some good sales and many many orders, so that keeps me busy. The managers are always happy when I come in cause they help keep photo going when we don't have enough people to work it. At least I'm appreciated. :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Julie, I am doing diet-911 cut. I don't recommend....but I had FAT growth in 2015 that was disgusting to me.

    Good lifting, mmeb.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Mme-you're doing well!! Kutgw! And keep warm up there!
    Beeps-ah, makes sense. I hope to cut more next year, but am enjoying eating and life too much right now ;).
    Dawn-thanks, not sure if I'll add them then, maybe once in a while? but I'm finally starting to add more weight to my back squat. I may throw in a lighter set for form refresh. I do WHTs after my DLs. Yes, the set up is awkward, i take over a bench in the dumbbell section and set up the barbell there with the squat pad. My pt suggests doing them after dls since they're opposite movements. It's working well right now. I try not to worry about the occasional looks I get!

    I'm doing well, got my third lifting session this week in today! I've been doing really well staying consistent with this plan and it's paying off. I added weight to all my lifts again today! I'm happy! I nailed my form too, and felt great during it. I have been eating a lot more lately and hope to add some muscle while enjoying the holidays. Scale up 2 lbs but it'll come back down if I lay off the cookies more today! :blush: all is going well. First Christmas season I haven't felt rushed and stressed! Yay! (So far ;)).
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Julie - Nice work. I would do WHT near the dumbbell area but it's just the fixed barbells there as I'd have to take one from the bench press for the closest regular bar. Kind of wonder if just using the bench from one of the flat bench press spots would work but seems awkward there too (squat rack and pad, etc are in other area of the gym). Could use an aerobic step thing but that takes more set up. Not so bad at midnight but probably won't do them right now since it's far busier in the gym at 11 am.

    Went to gym before work but had to hurry as I barely had time after to get home, change then go to work as I went in early for a 10 hour shift. Long day. Lifting went decent but still struggling with some of the upper body. Need something that weighs like .5 of a lb, one of these days...

    42 - Upper Power
    bench press 3x4 @ 100 - decided not to try 105 at the moment, work up reps then do it again.
    db incline 3x8 @ 35 - barely but too lazy/rushed to go get the 32.5 from training area.
    bent row 3x5 @ 100 - eh, okay.
    lat pull 1x7 @ 80 and 2x10 @ 70 - used the far one and it has more resistance or something, cause the movement feels more challenging on that one compared to the other spots.
    overhead tricep with cable 3x10 @ 30 - struggled by the end but okay.
    overhead press 3x4 @ 75 - tried 80 but no go, so stuck with 75
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I hurt my sacroilliac (sp?) in my thursday lifting....friday rest day and then i did saturday cardio. I am taking sun/mon as rest days, too.....will return to lifting on tuesday.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I hope it heels quick for you Beeps. Have some good rest.

    Went to gym earlier today, though my feet are a bit sore from work. On day 5 of the midnight close shifts, which isn't too bad but I did a 10 hour shift yesterday with just a half hour lunch break, so my feet were a bit cranky about getting up to go do lower body work, but it went decently.

    43 - Lower Power

    squat 3x5 @ 170 - wasn't sure at first cause 165 had felt heavy last time but managed more reps even than expected since I can do 3-5 reps per set on these.
    deadlift 2x5 @ 185 1x3 @ 205 - worked on form some, going to take a while to figure out cues and keep shoulders from rounding too much, felt a little better though and might have bruised shins this time.
    sumo deadlift 2x5 @ 155 - struggled with grip as calluses ached
    leg curl 3x8 @ 80 - challenging and did out of order cause had to wait for leg press
    leg press 3x8 @ 230 - just did the easy math so upped it a little more than planned before, more challenging at this point.
    standing calf 3x10 @ 90 - eh, almost skipped but did them.

    Now to relax before going to work.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Nice lifting ladies!
    Beeps-sorry for the injury :( hope the rest helps!
    Dawn-so jealous of your bench! In a deficit too! I can't do that and I'm eating at TDEE! I did up it finally a bit, to 65, but still! 100? Maybe next year? Lol! Hope you get a nice rest soon...exhausting schedule! And I've seen others do WHTs on the smith since it's easier to set it up...I don't though. Can you grab the shorter bars used mostly for curls? I use those instead of the oly bars...less competition for those ;) and the 45lb plates are easier to get underneath!

    I'm doing well. I upped weights on Saturday on all of them! So excited! Eating more is really working for me, go figure ;). WHTs up to 135x8, leg press up to 375, squats up to 105 and form was good! Even my DLs were good, at 125, finally working back up. :smile: . My grip is slipping on the DLs at this point so I'll do switch grip from now on...but I feel a lot better. No soreness in my back at all! I stretch well and am careful with my form, but I'm really happy, taking a break and deloading while seeing the chiropractor has been good for me overall...but i hated the step backwards. Feeling good and pleased again with my lifting. I'll be going back to a deficit in January so we'll see how that goes, but so far so good! :)
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Beeps, sorry you're injured. I may join you on the sick and sore bench for a few days.

    Julie, glad that eating more is working for you - it took me a while to get my head around it too, but it certainly does seem to work. I may not be losing weight on the scales but I am definitely working harder and changing shape, so that's good enough for me. Before now, I would have exhausted myself and given up, and I am sure some of that can be attributed to the proper eating I find myself doing!

    I've hurt my back somehow - I lifted on Saturday without any problem, stretched properly etc so don't think it is that, but then I walked into town (about 25 mins) with the in-sole from my boot slipping, and ended up with a very large blister almost the full size of the pad of my heel, and I wonder whether trying to avoid putting pressure on that has resulted in me walking lop sided and putting pressure on my lower back instead?

    During the course of the day yesterday it niggled, and I went skiing last night for an hour thinking it might ease it, but it didn't, so took some anti inflammatories before bed last night. Perhaps I should have stayed in bed before work today and not gone to the gym, but as I have been really pleased with my "no excuses" approach, I still got up at 5.30 and went to the gym. I wasn't silly, though - skipped SL because there was no way I could lift heavy, but did 2A3 of NR. It was tough, but I went slightly lighter on weights so that I could check that my form wasn't compensating for a dodgy back, or vice versa and I think all was well.

    Did 15 mins intervals on the spin bike afterwards - that wasn't too bad, but then I couldn't face the walk back to the office (about 20 mins) which I would normally do, so I brought the car in :( and now I feel about 90.

    I've not scheduled another gym session in until Christmas eve after work, so have a couple of days to rest it. Just work to get through! I think I will be going to get some freeze gel before the morning is out! We're off for a week skiing in 3 weeks, so I don't want to risk it getting any worse. On the other hand, I don't want to miss out on my routine that I am loving so much, so need to reach that de-load compromise in some way I think!

    Happy Christmas week, everyone!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I am feeling better....just making sure I don't REALLY injure it! So, still resting....hope to go lifting tomorrow, cardio on Thursday, and that is it until post-xmas.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Today was a little different. Slept in, then got a phone call from work. So, grabbed my stuff for gym and stopped by work to help them with the customer cover books that are a pain and not many know how to make them. Ended up working around an hour or so, in my gym clothes, before leaving cause had to reprint things and the books/calendars take a long time to print. Lifted then some cardio before stopping by burger place to get food to take home. Stopped by work again, ended up working just over an hour on books and stuff to help again. Then went to the store before going home and finally ate my dinner (burger and fries).

    44 - Upper Hypertrophy

    incline bench 4x8 @ 70 - went for it though 65 felt a tad heavy in warm up and made it through
    db fly 4x9 @ 17.5 - not bad here, combined with 1 db row
    1 db row 4x8 @ 30 - heavy, 27.5 was in use when I started
    seat row 4x8 @ 80 - struggled, it's weird how certain ones the resistance feels greater
    lat raise 1x6 @ 15, 3x9 @ 12.5 - 15 was too heavy, not increasing much on these
    cable bicep curl 4x10 @ 50 - tad challenge but manage
    face pull 4x10 @ 30 - kind of like these so added it in
    tricep ext. 4x10 @ 70 - felt heavy but made it through the reps

    22 minutes jogging and walking for warm up and cool down

    I also hit the stop button on the treadmill twice on accident. Once while jogging and the other time right when I needed to slow down to walk for the cool down. Quite a nuisance having it stop but it's rainy and bit flooded out so running inside for now.