Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I am considering straps Dawn - also not sure how it'll go. What type to get? Will it help or just be another 'thing' to get right..... hmmmmm
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Wow on the curtsy lunges, Dawn! BOOM!

    I better go lift....not excited about it, but will go do it and get it overwith.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Thoroughly enjoyed my last workout of the year today. My back is healing and I am going to work out some aims and directions for 2016.

    Happy new year everyone!!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Beeps-hmm. Changed my pic to me snorkeling in Maui back in June...wishing I was there :). Wonder why it doesn't show for you? I can't see most photos posted either :(.
    Dawn-great lifitng! And running! What great progress you've made this year!
    Jo-good plan! Hope 2016 goes fabulously!
    Kim-you've already come a long way! Enjoy planning for 2016!

    I did lower body yesterday and my back felt fine!! Yay! I did higher reps (15, which is a lot coming off SL!) and 3-4 sets and felt good. Did front squats, first time in a year, with just the bar! Felt odd at first, then I got the hang of it again. I think it's good to mix it up and really enjoyed my new routine :)

    This past year has had struggles (moved my mom to assisted living and still trying to sell her house while paying for a lot of it out of pocket, treated my back and neck and am making progress there...) and victories (amazing trip to Maui, good school year homeschooling, cocnistent at the gym). I am richly blessed and thankful for all God has done for me.

    Looking ahead I want to continue to cultivate my "attitude of gratitude" and counting my blessings. I want to keep lifting regularly. It is definitely beginning to feel like a normal part of my life, not some special limited effort, but a consistent lifestyle. Still working on my eating and balancing control and living life...I'm in a good place and hope to just keep going.

    I hope each of you has much for which to be thankful as we look ahead to 2016!!! I'm thankful for each of you, inspiring, challenging and encouraging each other as we all seek to navigate life's challenges and successes. Wishing you much joy and happiness in the New
    Year! Happy New Year!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member

  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hey! Happy New Years everyone!

    I am finally feeling well today. I have had a stomach bug/fever for about a week now, but I think it's gone. Even yesterday my tummy wasn't feeling great.

    I lifted 1x this week - Monday, and felt so awful the rest of the week, I didn't do much of anything. Unfortunately I had to go to work - there was only 2 of us in for the week as support staff - our firm has a use it or lose policy for vacations. So I will start fresh next week.

    Hope you all had a great holiday!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    I am considering straps Dawn - also not sure how it'll go. What type to get? Will it help or just be another 'thing' to get right..... hmmmmm

    I have versagripps.com They are great! Other than that I use UA unpadded gloves.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Regularly-scheduled cardio, today. ZOOM!

    And my Venus-group gave me my 2016 mantra: "success is not owned; it is leased. And rent is every day." BOOM!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    happy new year everyone!! I just had a quick read over the last few pages of posts and it seems everyone has been doing really well over the christmas period. I have not!! My back has been hurting so I stopped lifting the week before christmas. I was planning on going back to it tomorrow but my back is a little achy today so I will see how I feel in the morning.
    In positive news I weighed in this morning and over the last week and a half of non-stop eating I managed to only put on 0.6lbs! I'm not sure how that happened but I am not complaining! :smile: I also got Strong for xmas so I am really looking forward to starting to read that. Unfortunately I don't have much time for reading because I am back to work on Monday for a very stressful and busy month that will require lots of working outside of normal work hours :disappointed:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Thanks Sue - the versa gripps look great - I will look for these here in Oz. Hope you are better now - what a horrid time of year to be sick :(

    Dou - bummer! Hope your back feels better soon. Seems like your body is making the most of the rest though - isn't it odd how sometimes reducing activity/ eating more helps us reach goals and other times puts us back a few steps?? Hope you get time to read the book soon.

    I had a reasonable bench session yesterday - this is the workout I least like and most struggle with. I know it is completely dependent on how soon I do it after combat as if they are close together, my bench will be crap as my upper body is fatigued. That said, not willing to sacrifice combat or my other workouts so it just has to be that way. I am combatting today, so after my bench session should work. Of course, now my upper body is tired from lifting..... so the class is going to be hard work. Especially the track with all the lower half push ups :/
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Go Jo! Hope your arms survive!
    Dou-great job maintaining! I've been working out and gained 4 lbs!
    Sue-glad you're feeling better!
    Beeps-good quote, I like it!

    Not much new here. Still eating too much, but reigning it in...kind of. I really should throw away the leftover goodies...I hate to waste good food. I am slowly making headway. But will be done with the leftovers tomorrow :).

  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Yum yum leftovers. I got all the treats out of my house on NYE but finished off my leftover Christmas dinner (homemade mushroom "meatballs") tonight and they were delicious. And of course I had them all to myself :wink:

    I did a final lighter lift today and it went really well. My back is a bit sore but it is from cleaning our deep soaker bathtub yesterday, not today's weights. Tomorrow I will run, and try out my new running shoes, and then I restart Strong on Monday. Today the gym wasn't too busy, and I was surprised, but more so to find that I was the only woman in the free weights area. Just me and about a half dozen men aged 16-65. Where are all the ladies?!? :(
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    The versa grips do seem interesting. Might check them out some time. I only have the straps because they were free since I won them on the forums at bodybuilding.com, hence trying them out. Not bad just a little big but I might not be the target audience, since some have much bigger hands/wrists than me. Oh well.

    Not the best day overall. I slept in, didn't do errands, had coffee (okay latte thing from drive-thru place so more calories but also more protein than my usual coffee) and not much to eat beyond some sugar snap peas until after 7:30pm. Ended up with burger king for dinner, which wasn't too bad except they messed up the plain part of the chicken burger so had to wipe stuff off the burger and bun. Went to the gym after work, stopping by other store to drop off supplies to them on the way. Since my food consumption wasn't the best I didn't quite know how upper power would go (less than 1200 calories before 11 pm, yeah...) but it went okay. Need to work on some goals, including prep protein foods. This whole trying to cut back more on dairy is challenging me cause all I want right now is cheese, yogurt, chocolate and anything that has dairy. Le sigh. Oh the dairy day will be good but it's a hassle sometimes getting in the protein when haven't shopped much or cooked. I have Monday off from work though so can buy things.

    Upper Power
    bench 3x3 @ 105 - 95 felt heavy but went for it still. Fine but last rep on last set, left arm struggled.
    db incline bench 2x10 and 1x8 @ 35 - started off fine but was struggle by end. Getting the dumbbells up into position at this point feels hefty so not sure how it will go if increase much right now.
    bent row 3x3 @ 110 - okay.
    lat pull 3x10 @ 80 - feels heavy but managed, need to try increasing one of these days. I don't move up much on these overall.
    OHP 3x3 @ 80 - wasn't sure I'd get it cause 75 is heavy but was able to push through
    overhead tric with cable 3x8 @ 40 - increased and it was challenging.

    Then did 20 minute jog on treadmill with warmup and cool down. Didn't do the stretching moves at the end so hip ached a little in car but not bad since didn't have running shoes plus didn't run for too long. Might try and do a long run tuesday but I work that day so we'll see as that will be a long, late night at the gym. Today was long but that tends to happen when I combine lifting and cardio.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    That's a hefty upper body session Dawn - well done. Why are you reducing dairy? Sorry if I missed that explanation in a previous post.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hello ladies,
    Today is day one of Strong. I really like the philosophy of this new book. Every day is a new personal best. I've been out of the gym for a few months to deal with some very difficult life events. Now I'm ready to get back. Funny how everything settling down at home coincides with the new year when I started the first time four years ago. I'm setting my clock back to zero. Today is a new day. (I'll let you know how the first workout goes) I set myself back to zero. Literally starting from scratch. I apologize, but I'm not going back to read ten pages of posts. Let's with:
    Hi, I'm Sam. I'm new here.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    My first workout for Strong was fairly easy.
    Plank 1 min (tough)
    bird dog (different but able to hold for each rep)
    Goblet squat 20lbs (great for repairing my form)
    3 point row 15lbs (again, watching form)
    step up 5 risers 15 dbs (might add a riser next time)
    push ups (6 on the floor, switched to using the bench for 12 and remainder)

    I was a little disappointed by the push ups, but then the body I have now is different from the body I had before.

    I feel good and energized for the day. BONUS!! Actually got some stuf doe around he house and i general feeling good. We'll see how I feel tomorrow. LOL
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    samntha - Nice work.

    We had snow, then rain and cold (so icy roads). No workout for me after work cause not worth the drive way out there because wanted to make it home. We'll see about tomorrow, depending on the weather. Might try to get a day pass in a local place if can leave apartment, though at least I have tomorrow off from work.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm feeling sorry for myself as next week's ski holiday has been postponed and I have to come into work instead!!

    So, I shall make myself feel better by sharing my Nsv....

    5 years ago, on boxing day 2010, I was between 9 stone and 9.5 stone post divorce. I bought a dress....and never wore it because it was too tight too short blah blah blah....I tried it on a couple of times but it went back in the cupboard unworn.

    On new years Eve we were going out and I thought I'd try on the dress expecting to give it away as if it didn't fit at 9 stone, it certainly wouldn't fit at 11.5stones....

    And,.you've guessed it, I may be heavier but I am so much leaner.... I must have been skinny fat in 2010 because it fit me beautifully and u wore i. I even saw a video someone took on the night and thought damn I look alright!!

    So...never trust what the scales show!!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    December was a complete bust for me - baby was sick, then I was sick, then hubs was sick. Managed a few workouts sproadically, so started strong again this lunchtime.

    Plank 45sec, 35sec (yeah my core sucks)
    Bird dog 4 x15sec

    Barbell Squats (I may go back to goblet as they suggest, but the rack was free so I thought why not) 2 x 12 @ 40kg
    DB 3 point row 2 x 12 @ 10kg - these were straining my low back, I don't know why, I need to check my setup
    Step-up 2 x 12 on 12" box, no added weights because step-ups kill me
    Push up 12, 10 onto a bench

    Intervals 3 x 60 on, 120 off. Genuinely felt like I was going to die, was supposed to be attempting 5 rounds, ha!

    Overall, not too bad, I am shattered now, but I liked the setup.

    Only thing is there is no post-workout stretching specified, only pre - I am wondering if I should add this in? Anyone know anything about this?

    Hope everyone had a happy christmas/holiday and are looking forward to the year ahead!
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    jo_marnes wrote: »
    That's a hefty upper body session Dawn - well done. Why are you reducing dairy? Sorry if I missed that explanation in a previous post.
    Dawn-What she said...id miss dairy! You're so strong! Your consistency is definitely paying off! WTG! Stay safe if it's icy!
    Sam-welcome! Nice to meet you! ;):) do-overs are a good thing! Sorry for the upheaval! Hope things are better now. Glad you're lifting!
    Pudding-there are always ladies lifting at my gym. Which is encouraging! Glad you got to lift!
    Kim-love it!! What a wonderful reminder that the scale is not the most important measurement! So happy for you!
    Stephie-glad you're back at it. I am so sore if I don't stretch lower body...upper has less impact for me. So I'd add it.

    I lifted today, and got in 3 sessions last week. Feeling good. Some days you just feel stronger, and that sadly wasn't today, but I did fine. I look more muscular, and even with the scale up, I look ok. I feel a bit bulkier though, so im gonna start dropping cals a bit. I've been maintaining while lifting 3x/week around 2150 cals, except for those holiday celebrations...ill drop to 1850 this week and see how that goes.

    Take care ladies and keep lifting :)