

  • AmeliaJ92
    AmeliaJ92 Posts: 586 Member
    29 miles. Going to ramp it up and try for 9 miles a week from now on.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Just need to point out that Bag End to Rivendell in the Hobbit was 397 Miles. In L.O.T.R it was 458 because they where running from the Black Riders.

    I started with L.O.T.R. mileage but thought I was doing the Hobbit Journey. Anyway. I have 11 miles so far.
  • AmeliaJ92
    AmeliaJ92 Posts: 586 Member
    7 more miles brings me to 9 this week, and 36 total.
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    Quick post because I have not posted mileage in here for 2 weeks. (Yikes!) From 3/25 through 4/6 did 12.15 miles running, bringing my total up to 243.43 miles. :drinker: I need to update my ticker and shield info, but can't do it right now. This week is bust because I don't feel well and haven't been forcing myself to run. Got to nip that in the bud.
  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    I've added in 2.2 miles today, bringing my total up to 245.63 miles. I have 9 shields at the Eowyn Challenge site - getting close to my 10th shield! :drinker: Somehow, I'm off by .06 miles on that site, so I've got to remember to take that off of my next update over there.

    In the book I am in the midst of the 1st day from Weathertop where Frodo was injured the night before. Poor Frodo - a wound that will bother him the rest of his life.

  • Lam75
    Lam75 Posts: 72
    Back from holiday and made it to The Marish. 56.5 miles in, almost in the 300s to go.
  • northernlights771
    northernlights771 Posts: 7 Member
    On my first day I managed 2.2 miles which brings me to the end of the lane. Yes, that's how much I sit all day (at least during the week). I really need to walk around more... Let's see whether I will make it into Tookland today :)
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    I think 2.2 miles is GREAT! The Hobbits didn't get there overnight and neither will we. Take your time and enjoy the journey.
  • northernlights771
    northernlights771 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Jaessa, thanks for the encouragement. I guess it's not so bad considering I chose a job where I sit in front of the computer. Won't be able to change that part of my day, unless they give us laptops and make us walk around in big circles... :) Not counting Saturday & Sunday I've now almost reached Stock Road. I should have counted the weekend just to see the difference.
  • scarlettvetter
    Hi all, it's been a while since I've posted, but I'm up to 123.7 miles now!
  • AmeliaJ92
    AmeliaJ92 Posts: 586 Member
    40 miles in.
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    Today is my first day, I'm only counting 'real' walks, not all the walking I just did at Wal-Mart, is that what you guys are doing?

    This morning- 1.5 miles
    Left Bag End and am headed south on the lane, following the hedgerows.

    Off I go to see if I can get to the plank bridge before it gets dark!
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    I only count miles I walk above and beyond my "everyday" walking, but it's completely up to the individual. If someone wants to wear a pedometer and count all their miles, I say "Way to go". Maybe that motivates them to walk a little more. It's a long journey and we all get there in our own way. Keep up the good work!
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks, Jaessa, that makes sense. I was being a little 'rules obsessed' 'Am I doing this right?!' ;)

    I LOVE your profile picture, are you a real hobbit!!!!? I only get to play one on LotRO. I thought it might be fun to post where I get to using my favorite hobbit, Byrdie.

    Here she is leaving Bag End after consulting a few maps in the study. She has her bag packed and is carrying her trusty fry pan.


    Mile 3- Cross The Water on a plank bridge


    Now on to the Green Hill country and beyond.
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks for the kind words. I'm not a REAL hobbit, but would like to be! I love growing green things. I can also identify with being an Entwife, as they like things to grow where they put them and I'm alittle OCD about things growing where they shouldn't. I love the pictures you posted. I would think it would be so cool to live in a hobbit hole. I checked into it once and figured it would cost about a million bucks to build. As I don't have anywhere near that kind of money, I'll have to stay put. Is Byrdie a name you picked for your character in LotRO? Jaessa is my hobbit name. I have been doing Eowyn's Challenge for over four years!!! It's a good thing the people of Middle Earth were not depending on me! I am about one hundred miles from Mount Doom. I've had some back and hip problems for the last year, so have really slowed down. Hopefully things are on the mend and I can continue the journey. Keep walking!
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    Almost to Mordor, Jaessa? Wonderful! Yes, Byrdie is my hobbit's name in LotRO. I've been playing her for years, but not so much lately. I fell in love with a hobbit hole shed/playhouse/chicken coop I found online, and really want it! IT's only a few thousand, lol. BUT, this impresses me beyond words... This house thrills me!

    I too like growing green things, and my little vegetable garden this year is off to a good start.

    Right after starting this challenge, I had a recurrent health problem rear its ugly head, it makes me so mad! Oh well. I will resume as soon as I can. Hopefully we will both resume walking soon. Actually, I may try for a slow mile this afternoon. I think I just talked myself in to it.

    Miles to go before I sleep.
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    5- Cross The Great Road from the Brandywine Bridge. Enter Tookland.
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    7.5 Look back at lights of Hobbiton from first slopes of the Green Hill Country

    When I leave my front door and head to the mail box, I am walking down a gravel road to the paved road, about a quarter of a mile. So two trips there and back again is one mile through Shire-like countryside. Of course I am listening to The Hobbit soundtrack. It's lovely.Today I had company on both my morning and afternoon walks. Not all welcome company either.

    First round my son walked with me. Second round I came around a curve and startled three turkeys. It was funny to hear them gobble and complain that I disturbed them. This afternoon's walk was more sinister. I was walking back on my first lap and I saw a dark line stretched across the road . A black snake. I was so brave, I kept walking, he kept slinking and I walked right past him as he gave me room. The only way I could manage this was to walk by without looking at him, but this put me walking down a road with my back to a snake, so I had to look back over my shoulder. That snake had turned around and had been heading back toward me! I squeaked. I really squeaked, but just kept on walking. Yes, walking a little quicker.

    But now I needed to make another round to complete the mile. No sign of the snake on my way to the mailbox, but coming back, there he is again. Sneaking!

    I named the snake Sméagol. The turkeys? Oh, they're gobble-ins of course.
  • Jaessa
    Jaessa Posts: 122 Member
    You are too funny! I love the way you look at things! Remember that Hobbits are much braver than they look and I think you proved that on your quest!
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    Mile 9- Hobbiton hidden as slopes rise and fall.

    No sign of Sméagol, but I know he's out there somewhere.

    (Jaessa, I admit I am a goof. When I got back yesterday and told my story to the kids, my 20 year old said that he hadn't thought it possible, but my nerd factor had just increased. He has NO idea what I am truly capable of- and I will delight in showing him. Mwa ha ha!!!)