Week 1 Chat Thread



  • chefanie85
    I ended yesterday around 125oz :) yay!!!

    Today might not be so easy. I forgot to fill my water bottle last night and was running late this morning. So I don't have any water with me today. City water here is just nasty, so I am not drinking it. lol I'll probably grab a few bottles at lunch so I can try and catch up for the day.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I know everyone is excited and I don't mean to rain on the parade, but while drinking water is great, drinking large amounts with a regular work out regiment can be dangerous, especially when people use the sites recommended salt intake to heart.

    Now I am not just saying this, I do speak from experience not personal but to an acquaintance. While I was in basic training another recruit died from water intoxication. After that we started getting Gatorade right after workouts and marches.

    So please everyone, adjust your diets to help rebalance your electrolytes, especially if you are sweating heavily during workouts.

    I got my 15 glasses again! so 120 ounces. Not including coffee, tea, etc. LOL. I really feel like I'm floating most days.

    I wanted to address the above (quoted) post. While too much water is possible, it takes HOURS of heavy sweating before you need to worry about it, unless you have a medical condition that makes it happen quicker. According to all the personal trainers I have worked with or learned from, unless you are a professional athlete, training for a marathon or doing 3-4 hour workout sessions, water is far better than a sports drink. If you are concerned, drop a pinch of salt into your water bottle. Basic training is 6-12 hours of heavy work a day, and hence there is a danger. Most of us don't work out that hard or that long. So keep drinking your water!

    Personal experience - I have yet to need to supplement my sodium and potassium intake due to workouts. I have gone up to 3 hours of working out a day, drinking 3-5 liters of water, with NO ill side effects.
    If you are experiencing weakness, dizziness or fainting, please get medical attention. The amount of water I am suggesting shouldn't be an issue, I've known hundreds of people who do it safely. But only YOU know what you can and can't do.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    Day 2 = 20 oz, another bad day.
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    Day 2 - got 94 oz in.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Alecta - I really hope you start having an easier time of it soon!

    I'm to 64 ounces already! Keep sipping!
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Yesterday I hit 56oz again. Not sure if that's my "limit" or what. I'm gonna try extra hard today to get to 64!
  • leigh_chapman
    leigh_chapman Posts: 34 Member
    I stopped measuring Monday and Tuesday when I got to 64oz, so I don't know my overage. Not there yet today, but I've discovered that I likely get more than I thought on an average day.....which is a good thing. I usually drink 40 before I leave the gym in the morning and another 20 whenever I get to where I'm going. Add in a 1/2 pitcher of weak decaf tea over breakfast, lunch and dinner and I'm good to go! Thanks for making me pay attention.

    My diet is fairly low sodium, as long as I don't go out to eat. I've never felt like it was an issue except the heat of summer, if I'm working outside or am out in the heat of the day, sweating profusely. In that situation, I can get side cramps pretty easily and need to add in a few sips of a sports drink to balance things out. A whole bottle of Gatorade would have me swollen up like a slug the next day.
  • chefanie85
    Finally, I have water!!!! Woo Hoo!!!! I bought a 12 pack when I went to grab lunch today. So glad I have some now!
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    How's everyone doing today?

    I'm at 1.9 liters now, and doubting that I'll make it to the 2.5 I'm supposed to have. I'm all sluggish and feel like I might come down with something, water isn't sitting so well with me today.
  • Kath444
    Kath444 Posts: 77 Member
    Already got my 72 ounces in for the day.
  • tpot74
    tpot74 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm finally done with about 72 ozs consumed :-)
  • nakaiki
    nakaiki Posts: 180 Member
    80 oz today; home sick today, but I managed to get my workout in.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Great work everyone! Keep sipping if you're getting sick, it will help! Even if you have to add flavoring to it to get it down!

    I hit ~14 glasses today. So, 112 ounces about? I just need 98, so I do good all the time! LOL.

    Keep going everyone! Get your 64 +! Glad everyone has been doing their best!
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 336 Member
    Done with 64oz of water today.:smile:
  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
    made my water goal and more today... funny just paying attention is making it easier to accomplish. and refilling my 2 water bottles on the wat back from each pee trip is working too!
  • RedToyotaTruck
    92 ounces of water and 3 cups coffee an no soda. This is better than I have done in a long time.
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    Day 3 - 84 oz water down, 24 oz fresh (homemade) veggie/fruit juice
  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    Done with all the water for today as well
  • chefanie85
    I only made it to 40oz today. I got a late start and don't feel like being up all night. lol

    I'll do better tomorrow.
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I finally got 60oz today!!! yay!

    I cheated a lil, 8oz were of metamucil and water, but I was close
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