Season 2 - Episode 12 - "Better Angels" 03/11/12



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    All I gotta say is this group is now officially screwed. Shane was the only character with the balls to do what needed to be done, and his last move (killing the kid after the kid admitted he knew where the other group was and was a member) was right on again...
    Yes. I'm sorry but Rick is being a wussy. And that's not the word I really want to use. He needs to man up.

    Rick is a wimp, and he's getting on my last nerve with the "let's just save all the people" attitude.
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    I've been wondering for some time now how they didn't all get infected with all the blood splatter. They foreshadowed something like this with those officer guys the day Shane and Rick went after each other over the kid. Shane was right to kill that kid, much as it pains me to admit it, but stupid for lying about it the way he did. He can't lie worth crap, and no one believes him anymore anyway, after he shot Otis.

    I hate that Rick had to kill him, but what Shane said to Rick was kinda true, about Rick being a crappy father. I'm glad Carl shot the walker, though it was obvious it was his father he first aimed at, cause walker Shane hadn't risen when Carl first lifted the gun. I think Shane's quick rising was because of how corrupt his brain already was.

    Whoever said it was Carl's fault all those walkers we're in the woods is wrong, though. I mean, yeah, he drew their attention, and I'd like him to be beat for getting Dale killed last week, but they were already there, that close to the house. They'd been seeing more and more anyway; they even made the comment about the cattle being a flashing neon sign advertising free dinners for the walkers.

    As far as the next death... I'm thinking one of Hershel's girls, or him. Probably the one Glen likes. It's not much of an impact if someone you don't like dies, so why bother killing Carol or T-Dog when neither have really done anything of note so far anyway? Save them for sacrificial lambs next season. Kill off the chick who is liked by everyone, and would crush Hershel, the sister, AND Glen.

    In the end, though, I'm glad Shane is dead, and that Rick did it. It leaves all kinds of possibilities for angst with Rick, Lori, and Carl in the future. And, please, bring Otis to the farm as a walker! I really wish they'd made Shane face him as a walker before he was killed.

    I'm so ready for next week. I sure hope Darryl's brother doesn't show up with that gang...
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    Yes. I'm sorry but Rick is being a wussy. And that's not the word I really want to use. He needs to man up.

    Pretty sure he "manned-up" when he shoved that knife in his best friend's gut.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I'm not happy seeing Shane die for two reasons:

    1. All the other characters are so annoying, I may stop watching the show (except Darryl).
    2. Shane was hot. Nice eye candy gone... sad...
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Yes. I'm sorry but Rick is being a wussy. And that's not the word I really want to use. He needs to man up.

    Pretty sure he "manned-up" when he shoved that knife in his best friend's gut.

    Not really. He had to, or he'd die. He wussed out on the kid by not shooting him multiple times. He also wussed out on Dale in the last episode. Not to mention the other bazillion times Rick "just couldn't" do something then got all high-n-mighty on everyone else. Rick is annoying beyond belief.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member

    Lori finally came clean with Shane and pretty much admitted that he was never the bad guy and without him her and Carl both would be dead in ATL somewhere. What her and Shane had was real and she knew that. When Rick showed up, of course her guilt took over. At least she sorta cleared the air with that speech of hers.

    I still hate Rick's face. At least now Shane can come back as a walker. Too bad he didn't have a chance to eat Rick's face.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

    Lori finally came clean with Shane and pretty much admitted that he was never the bad guy and without him her and Carl both would be dead in ATL somewhere. What her and Shane had was real and she knew that. When Rick showed up, of course her guilt took over. At least she sorta cleared the air with that speech of hers.

    I still hate Rick's face. At least now Shane can come back as a walker. Too bad he didn't have a chance to eat Rick's face.

    @T-Dog: LOL I know right!

    @Lori: I have begun to dislike Lori much less now, though as soon as she gave that shpiel, I knew they were going to kill Shane in this episode or the next.

    @Rick: Yeah, Rick is such a friggin' boyscout. His face is annoying to me too. He tries to be all "manly" and take charge, but he sucks at it.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Yes. I'm sorry but Rick is being a wussy. And that's not the word I really want to use. He needs to man up.

    Pretty sure he "manned-up" when he shoved that knife in his best friend's gut.
    Not at all. He waited until Shane had a gun on him...again. He had no choice but to kill him. Thats not manning up. That's only a step up from rolling over and taking it.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Ladies while Rick is a weenie. I could wake up to that grimy face every day.:blushing:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Ladies while Rick is a weenie. I could wake up to that grimy face every day.:blushing:

    LOL I would wake up next to Darryl. If they kill him, there better be some replacement eye candy or I give up.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I wish Carl would've shot through Rick to hit Shane. I hate Rick with a passion and I hope he does something to get someone else killed. That way he'll see that he's not so great as a leader.

    What Andrea said to him "Quit leaving then" made so much sense. Rick is ALWAYS leaving the group to go play hero somewhere else. And in return something bad happens. He left to go back to the city to get the red neck off the roof and what happened? The camp was attacked. And why oh why does he keep giving guns and ammo away to strangers? I know that last part happened last season but still. It plays into his character.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    All this "she needs to die, he needs to die" is baffling to me. Who do we like? Darryl? So...we want him on his own? Hershel? Who gets to live? I know it's a TV show, but we're running low on humans here.
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    All I gotta say is this group is now officially screwed. Shane was the only character with the balls to do what needed to be done, and his last move (killing the kid after the kid admitted he knew where the other group was and was a member) was right on again...
    Yes. I'm sorry but Rick is being a wussy. And that's not the word I really want to use. He needs to man up.

    Rick is a wimp, and he's getting on my last nerve with the "let's just save all the people" attitude.

    Rick is struggling with morality issues and while I agree that he doesn't always make the smartest choice, I don't think he is a wimp because of it. And I do not agree at all that the group is screwed without Shane. He completely lost his mind and was too dangerous to anyone who didn't agree with him. Shane was not the only character with balls- did you notice last week when Daryl took Randall back to the shed? He looked like he was ready to take care of him right there. He had Randall trussed up, gagged and was sharpening his knife right as Dale started screaming. He also proved he's got balls when he put Dale out of his misery when no one else could. Daryl is a total bad *kitten* and could easily become Ricks right hand man. He can make the tough decisions, he clearly has the most common sense and he isn't trying to sleep with Lori behind Ricks back. Also- daryl is the only eye candy I need!!
  • WickedMouse
    WickedMouse Posts: 343 Member
    *kicks Rock*

    Shane was the one guy I really liked...... *pout pout*

    I can't even discuss the episode because... I am in mourning!!!
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I like how Rick kept screaming it was Shane's fault he was gutting him like a fish lol. Then he sat there and cried. They could have just tied Shane up in the barn until he agreed to be a good boy.
  • Poetic_
    Poetic_ Posts: 269 Member
    So yeah, my favorite character is dead...

    They better introduce some people next season. :frown:
  • josho655321
    josho655321 Posts: 110 Member
    OMG so many women talking about eye candy... can't wait to see Michonne. Goddess right there.

    Back to the episode. I wish they would explore the causes of the infection a little more, throw the story a bone. This whole, not being scratched or bitten thing is nothing new to the original story, but even in the comic they havent talked about it much.

    Also the next episode looks pretty intense. Looks to be a nail bitter.
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    Yes. I'm sorry but Rick is being a wussy. And that's not the word I really want to use. He needs to man up.

    Pretty sure he "manned-up" when he shoved that knife in his best friend's gut.

    Totally agree. Rick is not a wuss. You can list all the things he's done this season to see he is not. What is is really guilty of is making some really bad calls. All of the time.
  • joelabro
    joelabro Posts: 138 Member
    OMG so many women talking about eye candy... can't wait to see Michonne. Goddess right there.

    Back to the episode. I wish they would explore the causes of the infection a little more, throw the story a bone. This whole, not being scratched or bitten thing is nothing new to the original story, but even in the comic they havent talked about it much.

    Also the next episode looks pretty intense. Looks to be a nail bitter.

    OMG I know I could wake up to those dreadlocks every morning! ;)

    I think I am fine with how they are slowly releasing information about the zombies. Like in the comic, it really doesn't matter. It's not like there will be a story arc where they race for the cure and end up saving the world.

    Hope all the "not enough zombies" complainers will give it a break after next week.
  • Vodkha
    Vodkha Posts: 352 Member
    I read that on the next episode we find out what Jenner whispered in Ricks ear and that not every cast member will be making it to season 3, so it sounds like we will be losing someone else next.