Fifty Shades of Grey



  • mrsringor2011
    mrsringor2011 Posts: 40 Member
    How about reading this is you didnt care for fsog
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    i have not read them yet,but i am going to soon!
  • Faery61
    I admit to reading all three books because I just needed to see how this woman wound things up in her blatant rip off of the Twilight series. As I was reading it, I felt this sense of deja vu and now I know why. I read a very detailed comparison on Amazon where a reader really spelled out the similarities and I was amazed that the author was able to get away with just changing the names, taking out the vampire/werewolf parts, and adding in some truly bad BDSM. To each his own, but if you are going to write about an alternate lifestyle, at least research it and get at least some of it right! Also, the fact that she constantly used the same phrases over and over and over drove me mad. I felt like she was cutting and pasting all over the place. If I had to read ONE more time about how Christian "smirked" down at Anastasia, I was going to wipe the smirk off his face myself...

    Afterwards, I felt very pleased with myself that I only borrowed these from the library and didn't waste my money on them. :tongue: