Weekly check in Mar 19th - 26th.

NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
Hi guys! This may sound like a silly idea to you, but I actually think it's a good one. Jill and I thought this would be a good idea to set up like a support group to help us get out of this state and 'reclaim' our bodies back to be operating as they should be. I thought it'd be a good idea to have a weekly thread going where we can share our goals for the week, what we're doing well and what we're struggling with.

My goals are to listen to my body, do all runs this week at a low intensity except the City 2 Surf on Sunday. Eat sufficiently to fuel my body.


  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I am giving up running altogether this week. I ran 11 miles today--I won't run again until next monday (soonest). I am struggling already!!
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    Really? Wow. I respect you. I couldn't. Well not unless I had to. I'd been meaning to ask you what your average mileage for a week was.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Nita--I don't tally up my mileage but since I've been done with NR since Thursday and on spring break it's been ~10 a day or so.
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    And how many days a week? Maybe you avoid tallying it up as a subconscious knowledge that it might be a bit much... And I just went to convert that, 16km is heaps as an average!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    every day since thursday.
  • morningrunner
    morningrunner Posts: 112 Member
    I just raced a half on Saturday and I had decided a few weeks ago that afterwards I would be taking a full week off of exercise instead of jumping along to training for a full marathon and another half marathon. At first I thought I would be freaking out, but since the scale ALWAYS goes down when I take a day (or two) off, I'm actually kind of excited to see what happens when I take multiple days off in a row. My calorie goal for this rest week is 1700-1800.

    I *might* do a couple light bike rides...but that's it!

    ETA: Unfortunately, running is going to take a backseat to losing weight this spring. They don't seem to go hand-in-hand these days :(
  • morningrunner
    morningrunner Posts: 112 Member
    @ Love & Nita - I also wanted to add: I'm still not quite sure that I fit the qualifications for this group. I'm not running anywhere near the mileage you guys are and I only spin and lift a couple times a week. But the symptoms I have that might fall in line with aerobic deficiency are:
    missed periods
    gaining weight & body fat even though eating at a deficit
    hypoglycemia when running
    injuries (this has gotten better since I've increased my calories)
    poor sleeping (like Love, I'm up at random all night long)

    Anyway...we'll see how I feel after this rest week.
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    MR- sounds like you fit it pretty well. Spin is high intensity the whole way pretty much. And you sometimes do two of those in a day right?
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    MR--there are no "Requirements" to the group--I think we can support one another regardless of the volume of our training. Overtraining is completely individual based.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I'm here, I'm here :-D

    Sorry Nita, I was running!

    Hi everyone, I'm Jill or JillyBean, JB...whatever :flowerforyou:
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    first day of walking. I did it. Granted it's 9:26 am and the day isn't done. But I had my shoes on, laced up, outside, on a trail--and i DIDN'T RUN! Wow, success!
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    That's totally a success! I have to admit that I have a little bit of mild shin splints. I shouldn't have put in a 6th day of running last week, even if it was at an easy pace it's too much too soon. I could feel them lurking slightly yesterday and then when I did the beep test, followed by a 12 min walk test as fast as you can ... It was actually the walk that just made your whole lower leg burn! Talking of sleeping issues- its 3.40 am here. Can't sleep.
    I'm wondering if I should even be doing this team training now that I'm due to start on Mon. It'd be for 10 wks for my local half on June 3. But I don't know if I'll be able to keep myself from just pushing too hard still. It's 3 group sessions a week. The longer one on Sat I'd really have to be disciplined to slow down on. I wonder if I'd be better just spending the next 10 wks training smart- so barely any speedwork and most at an easy intensity, to try and build up a good aerobic base. I could even aim for the Wellington half 3 wks after that one instead. Effectively giving me 13 wks of base building.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Hi, all! Nita directed me to this group to see if I fit the description. Sure do! So now we have a JillyBean and a JennieBean, lol!! Jennie is fine. :)

    Here's my typical week:

    Sunday: Lift and spin
    Monday: Spin
    Tuesday: rest
    Wednesday: a.m. 60-min fasting run (I'm adding these in this week, did this last spring too), p.m. lift and spin
    Thursday: Hill repeat run
    Friday: Run 5-6 miles and lift
    Saturday: Long run

    This doesn't seem unreasonable to me as I'm doing it, but writing it down... That's a lot, I guess. But I teach spinning and I love to run and lift, so... There are only so many days in the week!

    For the record, since November I worked on increasing my cals up from around 1400 to 2000+ at the insistence of a nutritionist, to try to restart my metabo which she said had stalled. I am trying to lose the 10lbs I gained this year since my mom died. Even w/ this level of activity, 2000 cals caused me to gain or maintain. And I tried for months! So I am back to reducing intake until I see the scale move again. I think I may just need less than others.

    Thanks for making this group!! :)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Nita--sounds like joining a team won't allow you to reach your goal of reclaiming your body and really healing yourself. do what is best for you!!

    jennie--hmmm..with that kind of workout routine your metab is definitely blunted if you're gaining on 2000 calories. what are your current stats? I would NOT encourage you to reduce your calories though--you'll never restore your metabolism if you don't wait it out.
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    Hi Jennie, welcome!

    That does sound like a pretty intense workload. Funny how we can't necessarily recognize it ourselves. The thing is that most of what your doing is probably working either just under your anaerobic threshold or in it. Too much of that and the wheels start to fall off. Why don't you see where you could pull it back a little? At least in intensity?
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    Yea Jennie what I also meant to say is that I'm willing to put money on it being the state that your body is in from the exercise that is causing you to not lose (and gain) from what should be a healthy caloric level for your body and it's needs.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    nita-I feel attacked on our other thread--honestly I feel like retreating and leaving MFP altogether. ((sigh)).

    I don't understand how 3 days of lifting and 1 long run is too much.
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    No don't feel attacked! They're not meaning it like that. It's just that some of the advice is coming from people who may only exercise 3-4 times a week, instead of daily, like we do. (or more!)
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    I just realized that I would probably have just said it like you did now- 3 days of lifting and one long run- and have just put the yoga and walking in there anyway! Walking is so not taxing.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    My stats are 5'2", 31 years, 134 lbs.

    I did wait it out, though... I mean, I have been eating 2000+ since December, it's not like I just tried it for a week, gained, and gave up, you know? I am seriously uncomfortable where I am right now.... I want to believe that eating more will help but never in my life, either at this activity level or below, have I been able to lose weight at anything over 1600 cals/day. I do have spike days once a week or so, though, where I eat maybe 2500.

    I'm sorry you feel attacked elsewhere. I have felt that way a few times here. Everyone has an opinion!