Weekly check in Mar 19th - 26th.



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I am in maintenance--unfortunately for me that mean 1500-1600 calories a day without exercise :(
  • Dangerdat
    Dangerdat Posts: 31 Member
    What are you maintaining? You hurt yourself right?
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    no, didn't hurt myself. I've been maintaining. That's my goal.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I suck at eating, ughhh. That's all I wanted to say. Oh and I somehow think I'm trying to make up for the burns I won't have this weekend by burning more during the week. Like a week where I only burn 2500 calories will kill me. It would actually help my body a lot probably. So yeah, worked out a bit too much...didn't eat enough. Groan.

    Time to "sleep" and not be a grump tomorrow:huh:
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    Jill get Love to give you some tips!:wink: It's not something I have a trouble with, that's for sure!

    Danger- what kind of dance do you do? I'd even say that you should be well over 2000 cals net.
  • morningrunner
    morningrunner Posts: 112 Member
    Love - thanks for listening and offering input. Trying to digest a lot right now regarding eating and I'm not sure which way I'll end up going.

    I do, however, have a new plan of action for spring training. I'm going to get back into NROLFW and try to do that 3 x per week. I'm also going to focus on running shorter distances throughout the week and making my next goal race for the spring just a short triathlon. I feel better just having written that :)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Jilly bean--sounds like you need to make a pact with yourself. No working out unless you reach X calories by a certain time. It's rough to force yourself to do it...this is day 2 of complete rest. It's killing me--part of being a great athlete is fueling your body AND allowing for rest. Carry raw almonds or other nuts, trail mix, and natural food bars (Lara, gnu, clif).

    2nd day WALKING on the trail--((sigh)). I made it through yesterday.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    The good news is that I woke up at 2AM, had a small apple, a slice of cheese and some almonds. So about another 200 calories, 2018 gross, 1252 net. Phew.

    My new goal (as of a few weeks ago) is to get no more than an 85% deficit on my TDEE (or what my TDEE SHOULD be...if I hadn't screwed up my metabolism). Yesterday I decided to try and approach it from a net weekly perspective, so between 9657 and 11361 net calories a week. I don't know if it really makes sense or not, but it makes me not feel so utterly frustrated when my net is low. I'm going out to dinner tonight and out of town this weekend, so I'm sure I'll make up any deficits by indulging a bit. Until my BMF comes in I'm sort of guessing at the calories and probably won't really trust the BMF for complete accuracy once it arrives.

    Love, that's a good idea! I try to get up to 1000-1200 before I exercise but it sort of depends on how my work day goes and how many meetings I have, etc...I'd love to work out in the mornings, but it's dark here until 7:15, and the ONLY sleep I get seems to be from when my alarm goes off (~5:30) and 7, so I've been indulging in sleeping in to get some semblance of sleep. Of course, I'm interrupted by two hungry furballs in that timeframe :noway: Nice job on the not running, I know how hard it is. Any drop-in classes or something new (and low impact) you could try? I started taking barre classes, right now I can't even find a way to fit them in (nor should I) but they were a complete total body workout and helped a lot with my hamstring and glute strength...ouch!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Danger - 200 calories of peanut butter is well worth it. If you're getting natural, unprocessed peanut butter (should have 2-4 ingredeints) it's a source of good fats (which is why the calories are so high) and is overall nutritious. Peanut butter with an apple is a great treat, and it's not really a "treat". Indulge a bit, go on!

    Morningrunner - Sorry you're frustrated. How do you like NROLFW? I bought it ohhh 6 months ago and it's gathering dust. I don't belong to a gym (I have a tiny apartment gym) so I don't really have the proper equipment to do it as prescribed. I have kettlebells, dumbbells and resistance bands but I haven't really looked through it to see if I can make it work at home. I do free weights and some DVDs at home, mainly ChaLean Extreme and Turbo Fire.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Love - Sorry to hear you have to cut back. Your plan for maintenance sounds like my plan to lose... 2000 was just too much, and I didn't even lose at MFP's guidelines of 1350 net. I am sick of thinking about it all, and I am getting married in 4.5 months. I just want to cut back and lose for that... Is that too much to ask? lol. Because honestly, if history is any indication, my "sweet spot" is like 1300-1400 gross during the week, with a spike day on the weekend of 2000-2500. Lost 25lbs that way.

    So right now I am doing that for a few weeks to see if I can lose again. Once I see the 120s again, I may add on 100 cals, especially if I lose more than 1lb/week. I want to lose, but I don't want to stall again.

    That said, if my sweet spot really is somehow this low, I honestly don't feel too horribly about eating this way for the rest of my life. Maybe I just don't need that much food? I'd love to know what my true TDEE is.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    jennie--that seems SOOOO low. I know you're frustrated but with 1300-1400 gross you must be taking in like 500 calories NET. I understand the wedding thing--i've been there, done that. Isn't there something else you could try?

    jillybean--you mean you'll eat no less than 85% of your TDEE? so you'll have a 15% deficit? we don't have classes here, the only ones are 100s of dollars for a semester. sucks.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Jilly-I have furrballs that prevent sleep during the night as well. Really it's just the one big furball (his name is Bruno, Maine Coon kitty) because he feels he should be eating all night.

    I totally know what you mean about trying to make up for the upcoming lack of burn... I'm trying not to do that myself this week, more because of the food that I know is coming this weekend (his folks are coming for the weekend and they always take us out for meals). I had to rein myself in this morning, was planning a fasted a.m. run and decided that maybe my first week back to lower intakes might not be the best week to add yet another workout.... When did exercise become almost a compulsion for me? I remember a time when, if someone told me I worked out too much, I'd have said "oh, thank God. I can cut back.". I come from a long line of sedentary, overweight people. Sometimes I wonder if genetics are to blame for my apparent inability to lose at a caloric intake that 'science' says I should.

    I keep hearing that if I cut back on exercise, the weight may come off. But I've taken a couple of breaks (4 days a month or so ago, 2 days last week) and nothing. Sometimes I think about giving up one of my spinning classes, but I know my regulars would be so upset to lose me... and part of me still balks at the idea of doing less. But I don't want to cut back on running any further... as it is, I'm only doing 2-3 runs/week!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Love - I know that sounds low... Some days I do net around 500 or even less. I know that's 'bad' but if I feel ok... UGH. I have tried netting 1350 per MFP guidelines for 1lb/week, and didn't lose doing that. Then I tried just sticking with 2000 regardless of exercise, and that didn't work either. Then I tried 1700, eating back any exercise cals over 500, with 1600 on rest days. That didn't work (although I admit I only tried that for a week).

    I feel like I have tried so many things and I'm just tired of constantly thinking about it!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Love - Yep, 85% of my supposed TDEE. My actual TDEE is somewhere between 1036 and 1188 per January 2012 RMR testing. You think that's too low? Supposed TDEE is 1623 (used my BF% to calculate it), so my minimum net daily should be 1380 + all my exercise calories. And that's where I struggle. I usually net 1000-1200 (gross 1600-1800, sometimes I can get up to 2000), so the 1380 is sort of an easier number for me to shoot for than 1623. Diary is set to 1623, but I know if I see more than 250 left at the end of the day I'm in trouble. Trying to gradually bump it up so I don't overwhelm myself and binge on junk.

    Jennie - Ha ha. I have 2 Siamese, great bread (mine fetch, sit on command, etc) but they are loud. Savannah is 8 1/2 months old and Liam will be 4 next month. So they talk, A LOT. I love them, but sssssssh. And I'm with Love. By cutting back so drastically you're harming yourself in the long run. I know your regulars will miss you, but I think you need to drop a class. Either take that as a total rest day or lift and stretch for 30-45 minutes. Trust me. You're running a fall marathon, right? You DO NOT want to get to the point I got to. No one should train for a marathon on so little calories, you will kill your metabolism and your body slowly. I understand wanting to look great for your wedding, but it's one day. Just one day. Granted I'm not married, but I think people put too much focus on how they look at their wedding day. You have enough time to bump up your calories a bit (and you probably will gain) and then introduce a deficit. Frustrating, sure...healthy, absolutely! I'm consciously gaining right now and it blows. But if I keep eating how I was eating before, I will be in some serious trouble.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Oh and Jennie, you can get your RMR tested. It's not cheap (I got a Groupon-type deal) but it will probably help. You can them multiply by your activity level multiplier and figure it out from there. RMR testing number won't be 100% accurate but it's probably the most accurate number you will be able to get.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Love - I know that sounds low... Some days I do net around 500 or even less. I know that's 'bad' but if I feel ok... UGH. I have tried netting 1350 per MFP guidelines for 1lb/week, and didn't lose doing that. Then I tried just sticking with 2000 regardless of exercise, and that didn't work either. Then I tried 1700, eating back any exercise cals over 500, with 1600 on rest days. That didn't work (although I admit I only tried that for a week).

    I feel like I have tried so many things and I'm just tired of constantly thinking about it!

    well, you have to give it a try for a reasonable amount of time. switching plans frequently doesn't help hun. Stay off the scale and eat a NET of 1200 calories for a month--I guarantee you'll lose IF you do it. You have 4.5 months...you can lose at least 10 pounds in the last 3 months. Give it a try. This is about healing our bodies--not doing the same ol thing that got us here in the first place. You CAN do this!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Jennie - Ha ha. I have 2 Siamese, great bread (mine fetch, sit on command, etc) but they are loud. Savannah is 8 1/2 months old and Liam will be 4 next month. So they talk, A LOT. I love them, but sssssssh. And I'm with Love. By cutting back so drastically you're harming yourself in the long run. I know your regulars will miss you, but I think you need to drop a class. Either take that as a total rest day or lift and stretch for 30-45 minutes. Trust me. You're running a fall marathon, right? You DO NOT want to get to the point I got to. No one should train for a marathon on so little calories, you will kill your metabolism and your body slowly. I understand wanting to look great for your wedding, but it's one day. Just one day. Granted I'm not married, but I think people put too much focus on how they look at their wedding day. You have enough time to bump up your calories a bit (and you probably will gain) and then introduce a deficit. Frustrating, sure...healthy, absolutely! I'm consciously gaining right now and it blows. But if I keep eating how I was eating before, I will be in some serious trouble.

    I love Siamese! Had one growing up. He is an oddly quiet one! I know they are very talky so he's def an anomaly. They are beautiful, smart creatures, but that comes with the caveat of being NOISY. LOL.

    That's the thing, I already did bump up my calories and gained, lol. Did that from late November until now. Then I tried introducing a deficit of 200-300 cals and it did nothing. And it's not as if I am wasting away, at 134 lbs, 5'2", I'm pretty solid. I understand the science behind all this, and I get WHY I should be able to lose w/ more intake, but I'm simply not.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    OK! I just crunched some numbers. Let me know what you guys think.

    I have learned I do well with 1-2 spike days, so I like to work them into my plan. So I go by a weekly average rather than daily, which I know a lot of folks do.

    I burn about 3500 cals/week, max, according to my HRM. That works out to 575/day. In order to NET 1200, I'd need to eat 1775/day over 7 days.

    1775 x 7 = 12425 calories/week

    One spike day around 2500 leaves me with 9925. Another spike day at 1900 leaves me with 8025.

    Over the remaining 5 days, I would be at around 1600.

    So if I set my goal to 1600/day and plan for 2 spikes, do you think that's reasonable? Or should I avoid spike days and just try to hit the 1200 NET? I think I'd struggle with 1200 on a rest day. That's another concern.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    jennie--you know yourself pretty well. don't set youself up for failure. do the 2 spike days and 1600 on the other 5 days. that's reasonable!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    another thing - lest you guys think I just pulled these numbers out of my *kitten*, lol, bodyrecomposition.com advocates 10-12 x BW as a caloric amount for fat loss, and 14-16 x BW for maintenance. This assumes 60 mins of aerobic activity daily, which is pretty much where I am every week. For me, that would be 1340-1600 gross daily. So when I saw that, it made me feel like maybe I wasn't such a freak for being so low. haha