Weekly check in Mar 19th - 26th.



  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Love - Wow that's major! If I want to walk, I have to use an old pair of running sneakers (that still have enough tread but aren't good enough to run in). I just came off 3 weeks of running rest (from overuse stuff) and was cursing all the runners I saw when I was walking.

    Nita - IMHO 6 days is too much. Can you start the training program a few weeks later than it starts?

    Jennie - Hi! And I like that you have a rest day built in, that's my biggest downfall. Will likely be taking 2 this weekend (shocking) as I'm out of town for a running coach certification class. I also completely killed my metabolism training for my first marathon. I'm not a typically hungry person, so my RMR (at 5'3ish, now 127ish) is 864. I've gained 5 pounds in the last 6 months, and am consciously trying to net at least 80% of my TDEE, I fall short on it a lot, but I am trying.

    AFM, got the ALL CLEAR on NO STRESS FRACTURE a little while ago! So this serves as yet another wake-up call that I need to train smart. I usually run 4 days a week, 5 if I have a shorter race (5K usually) that falls into that week. Just getting back into running after 3 forced weeks off and I'm trying to take it easy. Logging 20-25 miles/week and listening to my body. Last week was 13 because of some disasterous hip pain. I do core work 5X a week and strength 3X a week. Also try to fit barre and yoga classes in when I have time and cross-train on the bike.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    nita--i wanted to lay out my plan in its entirety and it was being viewed as "too much" for no reason other than --well, hell..i don't know why. ((sigh))

    jilly--yeah, it was tough. i just shut my eyes to it.

    jennie--i see. well you know your body so if you tried it and it didn't work then you should definitely try something else.
  • morningrunner
    morningrunner Posts: 112 Member
    Jennie - I'm having the same problem as you. I *should* be able to lose on 2000 and I'm not. The scale is trending upwards. I've been slowly upping since December and the scale is slowly moving up as well. I even have a BodyMedia Fit now to let me know what I'm actually burning. So far it's not really helping. Each time I initially up my calories, the scale will go down and I'll get all excited. But inevitably, I'll end up back where I started...or worse. I really feel like giving up right now. I feel like I'm on the verge of nervous breakdown.

    It would be one thing if I was a lazy person or was lacking motivation, but I'm not! I am working so hard for nothing. If someone could just tell me what to do that 100% work I would gladly do it. Sigh :(
  • morningrunner
    morningrunner Posts: 112 Member
    Love - WALKING on the trail is a huge accomplishment. I seriously understand how hard that is. I would be fighting the urge to break out into a run the whole time. Way to go!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    MR--maybe you could change something with WHAT you're eating or WHEN you're eating certain things. Timing your macros so that you are getting the most of your workout. Spike day. Low cal day. I'm not sure--just play with it. Sorry you're so discouraged.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    MR, wow, so I'm not alone! I have been feeling like such a weirdo. I mean, isn't 4 months long enough to have said you gave it an honest try? and yeah, here and there I have had losses, but I always end up back where I was, or higher. I wasted tons of money on a nutritionist who was adamant that I eat 2000+, period, and when I freaked out about gaining weight, she told me I had an eating disorder. Now, I'll admit to having some disordered eating habits and body image issues, but if a woman comes to you because she's frustrated and trying to lose 10 lbs that she's gained, and what you tell her to do makes her gain more, do you really expect her NOT to freak out and/or cry? /rant. So I ditched her. It became clear that my own research, and the support I get here, are just as good, if not better than her. Plus, she was pushy and treated me like a child. I'm no dummy!

    I hate hearing you have the same prob as me and the BMF isn't even helping... I thought maybe if I got that and figured out my true TDEE, then I'd be golden. How much do you have left to lose? And at what point were you when you last lost successfully? I honestly was eating like 1300-1400/day, working out like I do, with one splurge day (which I used to feel super-guilty about but now realize was helping me hit a weekly average that worked for me, so I embrace it).

    I don't want to hurt my body, and I'd LOVE to be able to lose and then maintain at more calories than I have in the past, but it's never worked.

    Love-I hope you didn't take my frustration to be towards you... I have just done so much research and believe that I really should be losing at 2000, but I'm not, and none of my clothes fit right... it's just so hard. And don't take others' opinions to heart. There are a LOT of us who work out daily. Seems like the overwhelming majority here on MFP advocates comparatively little cardio in favor or more weights. And I do love lifting, but I don't get a high from it like I do from running.
  • morningrunner
    morningrunner Posts: 112 Member
    Jennie - here's my history:
    2007 - 2009 - I lost 70 pounds. Started running and training for triathlons. Didn't really watch what I ate, and wasn't training too much, 1 swim per week, 1 cycle or spin per week, 3-4 runs per week (25 miles, tops). The weight dropped off like magic. I got down to 135# which is just about goal weight for me.

    2009 - My weight stalled at 135# so then I started to actually watch what I ate...which led me to decrease what I ate. And then I started training for a full marathon. This is when the wheels really fell off. As soon as my marathon was over I gained 10# in 3 months. I was stuck there for about a year and then I started MFP. Now I'm 150#. Sucks!

    I'm going to hang in there with my BMF for another couple weeks but if I'm still not seeing positive results I'm bumping WAAAY the hell back down. At this point, I can't even fit into my summer wardrobe. I'm utterly and completely depressed about this.

    I also had the exact same experience with a nutritionist!
  • Dangerdat
    Dangerdat Posts: 31 Member
    I'm a victim of over training and overeating. My daily calorie intake used to be about 3000 to 4000 a day but my competitive dance training (and oriental metabolism) would manage fine. Then I retired from dance and gained 25 lbs in about six months, maybe less because I ate the same but stopped exercising!

    Reading your posts I feel in the same boat as now that I'm back to training, I push thru injuries that I know I shouldnt . I have also cut my calories to 1850 which means my old diet of skittles and mountain dew had to change.

    Let's see, I do hot yoga in the morning, strength train for an hour during my lunch, then after work I do 60 to 75 minutes of cardio bursts, plyometrics, inversions, etc. Lastly, I then do two hours of dance training. Argh, typing it makes it seem crazy.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I'm a victim of over training and overeating. My daily calorie intake used to be about 3000 to 4000 a day but my competitive dance training (and oriental metabolism) would manage fine. Then I retired from dance and gained 25 lbs in about six months, maybe less because I ate the same but stopped exercising!

    Reading your posts I feel in the same boat as now that I'm back to training, I push thru injuries that I know I shouldnt . I have also cut my calories to 1850 which means my old diet of skittles and mountain dew had to change.

    Let's see, I do hot yoga in the morning, strength train for an hour during my lunch, then after work I do 60 to 75 minutes of cardio bursts, plyometrics, inversions, etc. Lastly, I then do two hours of dance training. Argh, typing it makes it seem crazy.

    is that workout routine EVERY day?
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Jennie---no i didn't. no worries. I understand the general frustration at the situation.

    MR--I can see how that would be VERY VERY discouraging.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Jennie - here's my history:
    2007 - 2009 - I lost 70 pounds. Started running and training for triathlons. Didn't really watch what I ate, and wasn't training too much, 1 swim per week, 1 cycle or spin per week, 3-4 runs per week (25 miles, tops). The weight dropped off like magic. I got down to 135# which is just about goal weight for me.

    2009 - My weight stalled at 135# so then I started to actually watch what I ate...which led me to decrease what I ate. And then I started training for a full marathon. This is when the wheels really fell off. As soon as my marathon was over I gained 10# in 3 months. I was stuck there for about a year and then I started MFP. Now I'm 150#. Sucks!

    I'm going to hang in there with my BMF for another couple weeks but if I'm still not seeing positive results I'm bumping WAAAY the hell back down. At this point, I can't even fit into my summer wardrobe. I'm utterly and completely depressed about this.

    I also had the exact same experience with a nutritionist!

    Wow, how frustrating for you... I totally get it. I mean, I know I'm 'only' 10 lbs away from my Happy Weight, but at 5'2", 10lbs is very noticeable. And I should be able to lose it. I'm tracking, weighing my food, logging it all, being more honest than I ever have been about what I'm actually eating (when I did WW i didn't count everything, but I still managed to lose 25lbs.). It's maddening to know your stuff and still not see results. Especially w/ a tool like BMF. I really hope it starts to work for you!!! Try to keep your chin up. We've got to figure this out eventually.

    That's crazy you had the same experience w/ the nutritionist. I wouldn't say the entire experience was a waste, but pretty darn close.

    I am nervous because I am planning on starting training for a full marathon in June. The actual race is on Sept 30th. I am not sure my knees are up for it, or that I'm going to want to even do it by a month from the race, lol. My current longest run is 16 miles. I really don't plan on increasing my running mileage anywhere else but on the long run, though, so I hope my body won't be too angry with me. I have run one other full marathon back when I was 20 (11 years ago, now) and it was a horrible experience, but I didn't train well for it. Didn't get enough runs over 17 in. Anyway, hoping I can at least lose some weight before June so that if I maintain while I train for it, I don't get too bent out of shape over it.

    I also get married in August so I have a lot going on this year!
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Thanks, Love. Glad I didn't come across that way!

    Danger - wow... I thought *I* did a lot! You def have me beat. I'm beginning to see why we're all here.... lol
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Jennie - I ran my first full last year while running 4 days a week and my maximum weekly mileage (at its' highest) was 45 miles/week. I don't advocate (and will not advocate as a certified running coach) running high mileage as a general rule, it most does not certainly work for everyone. Effective mileage is far more important than high mileage, change the variables of your workouts (pace, elevation, etc) and you will become a well-rounded (and stronger) runner. The key is to find a plan that works for you, listen to your body (HUGE KEY) and back down when you need to. I was also working with a Physical Therapist 3x a week for most of that time (but I was, and still am, a dumbass).

    Danger - Is that your daily routine? And are we talking 1850 net or 1850 gross? 1850 gross sounds like dangerous undereating territory if that's your daily routine.

    118 is my happy weight. I hit it in December 2010 while only running 2 days a week and doing more strength training. There's a lot to be said for less cardio, but I'm a cardio *kitten* so I've tried to increase my strength training and not drop my cardio. I've been exhausted lately (I don't sleep at all) and I think I need to cut back with exercising. I have dropped my mileage, I just need more time in my day or to find a way to sleep.
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    Wow, Danger, I second Jill's question- is that 1850 net or gross? Cos 1850 gross surely wouldn't be enough to fuel all of that. Is that really what you do on a daily basis? Or just a hard day? I think you definitely need to be here!

    I feel like a broken machine. I want it fixed now. Sigh...........

    We're all so in the same boat here aren't we? I started MFP at the start of 2011, having put on 1-2 kgs. Now, a year and 3 months later, it's a total of about 5 kgs in total that I've put on. Total opposite of what I've been working so hard to do! I tried the 1200 thing, I just felt awful. I tried a 12 wk plan, it was way too restrictive and didn't work anyway. And I've worked my way back up to what I think is probably a healthy net for me which SHOULD have me losing, at about 1500 net. I couldn't figure out how I never got anywhere. Like could you miss that sweet spot somehow? Cos surely I would have tried it!

    But I do fully trust now, now that I'm going to really focus on building a strong aerobic base up, and teach my body to use fat as fuel instead of only carbs, that I will actually start to lose. My body doesn't know how to actually use the fuel I give it at the moment, it can only use carbs. But we're sorting that!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I have to cut back on cals quite significantly and THAT sucks.
  • Dangerdat
    Dangerdat Posts: 31 Member
    If I'm to be honest, I actually was eating less then 1400 which was probably a really dumb move. I have learned, seriously! I just had stupid fat I couldn't get rid of and I felt bulky. Damn dancer body image!

    and my workout routine is mon to fri, typically sats and suns I'm teaching dance or yoga.

    Side note: net is how much I took in after taking into account burned calories, right?
  • Dangerdat
    Dangerdat Posts: 31 Member
    Oh btw, for all of you who run and run, I envy you!

    Dropping weight is significantly harder when your body is used to the craziness you throw at it. I've learned to let my body image slide as of late, I mean I finally can see my abs after two years seeing them shouldn't mean anything because I always had the strength. Does that make sense to anyone?
  • NitaCB
    NitaCB Posts: 532 Member
    If I'm to be honest, I actually was eating less then 1400 which was probably a really dumb move. I have learned, seriously! I just had stupid fat I couldn't get rid of and I felt bulky. Damn dancer body image!

    and my workout routine is mon to fri, typically sats and suns I'm teaching dance or yoga.

    Side note: net is how much I took in after taking into account burned calories, right?

    Yea, not the best move. But you don't need me to tell you that. Yes net is taking into account the burned calories.

    I know all about the dancer body image. I did ballet from when I was 5, and then I did a contemporary dance degree. I never fit the dancer look for ballet. I was fine for contemporary, but I don't think you ever get over the feeling that you're being judged by your size for what you do. Still have it now.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Well, honesty is key in trying to deal with overcoming. As a male, you more than likely need 1850 net. Just my .02. I'm just as guilty as you, I'm working on it. A damaged metabolism takes a lot to overcome though, so try to do your best!

    I throw this calculator out a lot because I think it's far more reasonable than MFP: http://www.cordianet.com/calculator.htm
    ...The numbers worked well for me when I was being smart.

    Sorry Love. Can you cut them slowly, how drastic is drastic? Shoot for maintenance instead?

    And yes Nita. Same boat, different type :drinker: I was doing really well until I moved to the damn South and decided to train for a marathon. Heat makes me not want to eat anything other than fresh fruit and veggies. And yeah, you have tried lots of stuff. It's tough to be patient, but that's really the only way out, right? I haven't really tried much besides eating more...think there's a magic metabolism pill on the market? He he
  • Dangerdat
    Dangerdat Posts: 31 Member
    You gals are awesome. I was doing 1400 NET calories for a month, dropped about 8-10 lbs (165 to 155) and the results were incredible. I could do dance moves that I hadn't been able to do since I was 25! I'm 30 now.

    However, because of the dramatic weight loss, I lost fat and muscle and became anemic. I wasn't taking in any iron at all because my source of iron before used to be peanut butter but OMG 2 TBSP PEANUT BUTTER = 200 CALORIES ARGH!!! I was super tired all the time, fighting colds and flus all the time, a classic sign of overtraining.