


  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    Welcome Tom, you will fit in just fine.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Hello all. I'm 43, fat virtually all of my life, and trying to do something about it. Again.

    When I was 40 I got up to 420 lbs. (I'm 6' 1"), then lost over 70, then put 50 back on, then lost some, gained some, rinse, repeat. I'm currently somewhere between 380 and 390 and, this being the first day of a new month, I decided to relax my privacy settings a bit, try to come out of my MFP-hermit shell, and find a group to join -- preferably a bunch of guys who could relate to my situation. That would be you.

    So, hi ... I'm Tom. I'm a middle-aged fat man. I aspire to be a middle-aged not-so-fat man, and maybe someday a still-clinging-to-middle-age slim man. (And eventually, an interesting old fart.)

    Carry on.

    Welcome Tom, Pull up a stool. You will fit fine
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    Hello all. I'm 43, fat virtually all of my life, and trying to do something about it. Again.

    When I was 40 I got up to 420 lbs. (I'm 6' 1"), then lost over 70, then put 50 back on, then lost some, gained some, rinse, repeat. I'm currently somewhere between 380 and 390 and, this being the first day of a new month, I decided to relax my privacy settings a bit, try to come out of my MFP-hermit shell, and find a group to join -- preferably a bunch of guys who could relate to my situation. That would be you.

    So, hi ... I'm Tom. I'm a middle-aged fat man. I aspire to be a middle-aged not-so-fat man, and maybe someday a still-clinging-to-middle-age slim man. (And eventually, an interesting old fart.)

    Carry on.

    welcome to the group Tom!
  • teejayjancik
    teejayjancik Posts: 46 Member
    Wow!! I have not checked this message board in awhile! I am floored that out group has grown in numbers. That is so cool! Welcome to all new members of the ROOMAFM! I look forward to seeing our group grown in numbers and shrink in size! Great to meet you brothers!
  • HansTied
    HansTied Posts: 81 Member
    Hello Tom,
    I am Richard. Welcome to our group. We Can Do This!
  • cryptique
    cryptique Posts: 28
    Thanks, everyone. I've been having my food issues lately, but I'm really going to try to start tracking EVERYTHING ... maybe knowing that others can see my food logs will help keep my undisciplined butt in line.
  • tazboy
    tazboy Posts: 79 Member
    New to this and this is what I need, other guys who knows what it's like to be a big guy in a size 32 world. In it to win it, let;s do this.

    CHEERS "raise tofu, dairy free, fat free, flax seed, omega 3, green grass, sludgy type drink"

    Seriously though, divorced, 2 kids and I hit rock bottom. Started drinking hard, eating everything and anything (baconators .. ya nuff said) and let myself go. Now I've picked my lazy, fat *kitten* up, quit drinking (1 year sober) and I'm looking to make the second half of my journey better, healthy, and most of all happier. I'm want to feel proud, confident in who I am as a man, and I want to look good doing it.


    "it's not how we start, it's how we finish"
    MKLAMAN Posts: 84 Member
    New to this and this is what I need, other guys who knows what it's like to be a big guy in a size 32 world. In it to win it, let;s do this.

    CHEERS "raise tofu, dairy free, fat free, flax seed, omega 3, green grass, sludgy type drink"

    Seriously though, divorced, 2 kids and I hit rock bottom. Started drinking hard, eating everything and anything (baconators .. ya nuff said) and let myself go. Now I've picked my lazy, fat *kitten* up, quit drinking (1 year sober) and I'm looking to make the second half of my journey better, healthy, and most of all happier. I'm want to feel proud, confident in who I am as a man, and I want to look good doing it.


    "it's not how we start, it's how we finish"

    Welcome to the group Tony. You'll fit right in here. This is a fun group!

  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    New to this and this is what I need, other guys who knows what it's like to be a big guy in a size 32 world. In it to win it, let;s do this.

    CHEERS "raise tofu, dairy free, fat free, flax seed, omega 3, green grass, sludgy type drink"

    Seriously though, divorced, 2 kids and I hit rock bottom. Started drinking hard, eating everything and anything (baconators .. ya nuff said) and let myself go. Now I've picked my lazy, fat *kitten* up, quit drinking (1 year sober) and I'm looking to make the second half of my journey better, healthy, and most of all happier. I'm want to feel proud, confident in who I am as a man, and I want to look good doing it.


    "it's not how we start, it's how we finish"

    Welcome Tony, great name
  • JimLeonardRN
    JimLeonardRN Posts: 296 Member
    Hi! I'm Jim, and i'm a middle aged fat man. Been a "BIG GUY" all my life. "Oh but your big boned, you carry it well" translated to in my mind "eat it all, its ok". That thought process worked great until I finally got on the scale and was pushing 380 lbs. I decided then that I'd had enough of the life i had been living. Plus I had a new wife that was smoking hot after having a gastric bypass and losing 150 lbs and a 4 yr old son that I wanted to see grow up. At the age of 44 I had a gastric bypass, I know a lot of folks will scream that its cheating. But, it's a tool. Used correctly it works. If not you just wasted yours and the surgeons time. So far I've lost 88 lbs. My goal is to weigh 200 lbs. Attempting to control that demon in my head that feeds into my eating, and to exercise more. Tired of making excuses....Gotta get my fat *ss slim....Friend me....Berate me as needed! But by all means dont let me fail in this!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    Hi! I'm Jim, and i'm a middle aged fat man. Been a "BIG GUY" all my life. "Oh but your big boned, you carry it well" translated to in my mind "eat it all, its ok". That thought process worked great until I finally got on the scale and was pushing 380 lbs. I decided then that I'd had enough of the life i had been living. Plus I had a new wife that was smoking hot after having a gastric bypass and losing 150 lbs and a 4 yr old son that I wanted to see grow up. At the age of 44 I had a gastric bypass, I know a lot of folks will scream that its cheating. But, it's a tool. Used correctly it works. If not you just wasted yours and the surgeons time. So far I've lost 88 lbs. My goal is to weigh 200 lbs. Attempting to control that demon in my head that feeds into my eating, and to exercise more. Tired of making excuses....Gotta get my fat *ss slim....Friend me....Berate me as needed! But by all means dont let me fail in this!

    Welcome Jim, you are among friends. Pull up a stool
  • scloyd
    scloyd Posts: 327 Member
    Welcome Jim.
  • BiggFanofLife
    BiggFanofLife Posts: 19 Member
    My name is John and I’m a Big Fat Guy.

    I am a compulsive and emotional overeater.
    I consider myself a food addict.

    For most of my life food was, what I thought, my dirty little secret.

    Food has been my best friend, my comforter. Food was always there for me. However, Just take one look at me and everyone knows… it's no secret.

    I’m 50 years old, I have 4 Children. And as of today I weigh 443 pounds.

    Right now if I don’t do something to address my obesity, many experts say I have a very good chance of not make it to 60. As of today that is 3,400 days. Not a long time huh?

    I thought it would just be easier to say, I'm 50, it's over… "This is Me" "I'm Fat!, "I'm Just a Fat Guy" "I like Me, I'm a good person" You have no right to judge me "If You don't like the way I look, than that's your problem" I don't need you, stay out of my life.

    Sure that would be easier, no doubt.

    But I can’t run from myself.

    Right now, I'm a slave to this disease. I'm out of control. I want to be in control.

    I'm not living life, I'm just watching, the gift, which is my life go right on by. They say, Life is like a roll of toilet paper….

    The closer you get to the end the faster it goes.

    I has some sheets left and I want to use them wisely.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    Welcome to the group John. You should fit in just fine.

  • zevduv
    zevduv Posts: 15 Member
    Add me, too. I am 47, my wife is one of the girls on MFP that complains about that 3 lbs of flesh. She has a perfect body and stays super fit. I consider myself very lucky but I need to get back to being fit myself because I see vacation pics of us and I look like a creeper who just paid a porn star to take a pic with him, (like Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke...except I don't look like Newman). This seems like a great group!!
  • ribye
    ribye Posts: 59 Member
    Love the concept and name of the group LOL I think I'm over qualified
  • BeingKevin
    BeingKevin Posts: 109 Member
    Hi all, I am new to the group. jdhosier led me this way, so blame him!

    I am 39, 450+ (not sure, no scale big enough for me) and looking to make changes that keeps me on this rock a little longer. I look forward to the journey I am about to begin.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Best of luck Fatman! If you stick with it, you will get results man. Baby steps, don't dive in the deep end, just start small on your journey to a healthier life.
  • BorgieMN
    BorgieMN Posts: 116 Member
    Well I was invited to join the group today. So I guess this is where I introduce myself. I'm Dave, 45, from MN.

    Rather than retell my story here check out my website of my weight loss journey. Hopefully you will find it inspiring!
    MKLAMAN Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome Dave! I believe you'll find that these are a great bunch of guys! Welcome to The Royal Order!