Trayvon and the media

Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
So now that more information is out about what happened between GZ and Trayvon i.e. the teenage witness who saw GZ lying on the ground moaning and the cops seeing that he had been punched in the face and contusions when he had his head slammed on the ground, plus the recent releasing of information on Trayvons facebook and recent school problems bringing to light that he might not have been as innocent as the pictures they spread all over the news of him made him appear. Does anyone here think that GZ was judged prematurely by the public without all the facts? Has anyone's mind changed a bit? I think this is going to be a very interesting and tough case to try...........if they get that far. Thoughts?


  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Yep - I think that the media and the guy's family jumped to conclusions and we don't have all the information. This seems to be along the lines of "my kid is always perfect and would/could NEVER do anything wrong." And with the whole race thing thrown in, it is easy to jump on the righteous bandwagon without the whole story.

    If you just listen to the guy's family and the media, how could you not. But the media just wants to sell papers. The family is hurting.

    *ducking for cover now*
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    The media has been totally irresponsible in this. They show a picture of him younger and smaller than he is, claim that he is a straight-A student (that had to attend summer school), claim he is never in trouble, and then daily, there are facts emerging that he isn't nearly such a straight laced kid. Was it a tragedy? Of course. A young life was lost. I wasn't there, but from what I have read and listened to in the news, it doesn't look like there is a case to prosecute the other guy.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    It's an election year. Jackson and Sharpton are fueling a race war that they think will benefit Obama. Of course a middle eastern woman was brutally murdered in California, with a message saying "go back yo your country" and no one gets all fired up of that blatant hate crime.

    The media is out of control. I've seen the current photo's o fthe two involved. Trayvon was a large young man, dressed like a gangster and had a reputation for being up to no good... Not the little sweet, innocent boy like the 5-year old photos of him the media has been posting. Now witnesses are coming forward saying that Trayvon was beating on Zimmerman right before the gunshot. If balistics and eveidence support that I will agree that this was a self-defense shot. Sad? yes for ALL parties.

    Now the New Black Panthers have put a $1million bounty on Zimmermans head and the man has gone into hiding for fear of his life. Really? Who do this groups think they are to take matters into their own hands? We have a justice system for a reason.

    My opinion( and I'm sure I'll be slaughtered for this one): Zimmerman, though doing a good thing by being a neighborhood watchmen, should have taken it so far. But if you wanna live like a thug, you will die like one.
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    No, I haven't changed my opinion. I believe there is clear evidence that Zimmerman started to pursue Trayvon. When does self defense change over? When you attack me, I start kicking your *kitten*, and then you're worried for your life and shoot me, that still leaves you as the aggressor. Furthermore, when does wearing a hoodie make you "dressed like a gangster?" And, what "reputation for being up to no good" other than a school allegation of [possibly] having had pot? Are we going to start executing teenagers who smoke pot? How can you possibly say this kid was "living like a thug", fbmandy? Honestly, paint this kid white and I don't think you'd be saying the same thing.

    The MAJOR MAJOR PROBLEM REMAINS THAT ZIMMERMAN WAS NOT EVEN TAKEN IN FOR QUESTIONING. People can get off on self-defense - WITH INVESTIGATION. You can't just shoot someone dead and be allowed to walk home by the police. Think about it: if you killed an intruder in your home, you'd still almost definitely be taken in for questioning! I'm extremely concerned that ALL potential evidence is now totally compromised by GZ being allowed to drift, etc. etc.

    Finally, the news story about the attack - which certainly MAY represent fact - actually only represents the story that GZ has shared. Trayvon doesn't have a side now, because he's dead. A smear campaign on the reputation of a child is a great frickin way to distract from the fact that his killer was allowed to go home with NO further questioning, that his body was drug tested and no urgent attempts were made by anyone to identify him and contact his family.

    This remains disgusting and a severe miscarriage of AT THE VERY LEAST basic procedure. We should all be worried. Unless we're white.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    Hasn't changed my mind at all. I immediately take the opposite of any position that Al Sharpton occupies. Have done so ever since Tawana. It keeps things simple.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    And, what "reputation for being up to no good" other than a school allegation of [possibly] having had pot? Are we going to start executing teenagers who smoke pot? How can you possibly say this kid was "living like a thug", fbmandy? Honestly, paint this kid white and I don't think you'd be saying the same thing.

    This remains disgusting and a severe miscarriage of AT THE VERY LEAST basic procedure. We should all be worried. Unless we're white.

    If the kid were white, posted pics of himself on facebook with saggy pants and double handed flipping off a camera and had been in trouble on more than one occasion I WOULD as a matter of fact say the exact same thing. In fact I didn't make one reference to his skin color but the way he portrayed himself.

    And no one invovled in this situation was white....
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Editing skilsl suck today.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    No, I haven't changed my opinion. I believe there is clear evidence that Zimmerman started to pursue Trayvon. When does self defense change over? When you attack me, I start kicking your *kitten*, and then you're worried for your life and shoot me, that still leaves you as the aggressor.
    Exactly. All questions of race aside... which is difficult to do, I know... no private citizen should have delusions of Batman and try to be the neighborhood vigilante. Zimmerman saw what he thought was a "suspicious person" (and again, we won't get into his obvious stereotyping here) and called 911, and they said to stay away & leave him alone. That should have been the end of it. But Zimmerman followed the kid and confronted him, Zimmerman was an adult while Trayvon was a minor, Zimmerman was armed while Trayvon was not. In my book, that all makes Zimmerman the one who was seriously out of line here. My brother's a cop and he says the same thing. Alerting the cops to a potential problem is good. Trying to BE a cop when you're not trained or authorized to do so is a good way to get someone killed. Which is exactly what happened here.
    The MAJOR MAJOR PROBLEM REMAINS THAT ZIMMERMAN WAS NOT EVEN TAKEN IN FOR QUESTIONING. People can get off on self-defense - WITH INVESTIGATION. You can't just shoot someone dead and be allowed to walk home by the police. Think about it: if you killed an intruder in your home, you'd still almost definitely be taken in for questioning! I'm extremely concerned that ALL potential evidence is now totally compromised by GZ being allowed to drift, etc. etc.
    Yes. Here's where their police department has some 'splaining to do. Even the "Stand Your Ground" law only allows for self-defense. If Zimmerman had seen Trayvon actually committing a crime, that would be another story. But even so, no matter what your explanation, if one person is dead then the person who killed him needs to be brought in & questioned & investigated. Always.

    Those are my problems with the whole thing.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I hate the fact that everyone's now digging into Trayvon's past now. Doesn't matter whether he was an angel or a devil, whether he got into trouble or not, whether he wore "gangster" clothes or not. Doesn't change the fact that he was an unarmed kid, gunned down by a vigilante, simply for walking through his neighborhood.

    Saw a great poster on Facebook. It had a picture of three attractive women in short miniskirts with the caption "just asking to be raped" and a picture of three men in hoodies with the caption "obviously up to no good." Just speaks to the point that what people wear should not affect whether or not they receive justice & fair treatment.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I originally thought this case was pretty clear cut and Trayvon was the victim. Not so sure now. Zimmerman may be a racist and a *kitten*, but if Trayvon attacked first, he got shot in self defense.

    Just like OJ and Michael Jackson, this whole thing will divide according to race.

    Trayvon's parents are sure a class act, though.

    "In the wake of the outcry over his killing, "Trayvon Martin" merchandise has been selling through the roof: T-shirts, buttons, pins, CDs, DVDs, and more. Now Trayvon's mother, Sybrina Martin, has filed papers to trademark two phrases based on her sons name: "I Am Trayvon" and "Justice for Trayvon."
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    Well, TheRoadDog, the problem is less did Zimmerman actually act in self defense in the end (that is, after having begun pursuing a COMPLETELY INNOCENT minor while muttering fed-up-with-hoodlums, possibly racist stuff into his phone), and more IT'S NOT FOR THE PUBLIC TO JURY, or even the police, in 5 minutes, based upon his own report. It is for our legal system to sort out! And the chance for that happening properly is slipping further and further away.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I hate the fact that everyone's now digging into Trayvon's past now. Doesn't matter whether he was an angel or a devil, whether he got into trouble or not, whether he wore "gangster" clothes or not. Doesn't change the fact that he was an unarmed kid, gunned down by a vigilante, simply for walking through his neighborhood.

    Saw a great poster on Facebook. It had a picture of three attractive women in short miniskirts with the caption "just asking to be raped" and a picture of three men in hoodies with the caption "obviously up to no good." Just speaks to the point that what people wear should not affect whether or not they receive justice & fair treatment.

    I too agree that it is very wrong to judge people by their clothing. I have to deal with it often and I hate it. My bf has lots of piercings and tattoos and he is constantly judged. I think the point you are missing is that not just clothing but how you protray yourself through actions and how you carry yourself are important factors in character, skipping school, tagging lockers, having stole property and being suspended from school show bad character.. If my BF, being covered in tattoos, wasn't polite, have good manners, hold doors and carry himself with respect, I would label him as a bad character as well..
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    He was questioned for like 5 hours, and released when the police decided it was time to let him go.
    Let's be factual, guys.

    What I know so far:
    I don't have all the facts. Not by a long shot.

    I dislike the way the media is handling this.

    I was disgusted by the President's comment about "if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon" I feel like that was unnecessary at best, and opportunistic at worst. It made me cringe and shake my head.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    "In the wake of the outcry over his killing, "Trayvon Martin" merchandise has been selling through the roof: T-shirts, buttons, pins, CDs, DVDs, and more. Now Trayvon's mother, Sybrina Martin, has filed papers to trademark two phrases based on her sons name: "I Am Trayvon" and "Justice for Trayvon."

    That's gross. Ugh. :sick:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Well, TheRoadDog, the problem is less did Zimmerman actually act in self defense in the end (that is, after having begun pursuing a COMPLETELY INNOCENT minor while muttering fed-up-with-hoodlums, possibly racist stuff into his phone), and more IT'S NOT FOR THE PUBLIC TO JURY, or even the police, in 5 minutes, based upon his own report. It is for our legal system to sort out! And the chance for that happening properly is slipping further and further away.

    I agree with you. But do you really think he's innocent until proven guilty? The tone of your text appears as if you believe Zimmerman was in the wrong and that Trayvon was a complete innocent. I think it's much less clear cut. No matter how it turns out, a large portion of the public will be outraged and another portion will believe justice has been served.
    First, I don't know why I even weighed in. As tragic as it may seem, neither one was without some culpability, and, second, I don't really give a *kitten*.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    As tragic as it may seem, neither one was without some culpability, and, second, I don't really give a *kitten*.

    No! No! This cannot be so! This must be black and white (no pun intended...ok maybe a little pun intended)! I DEMAND a clear good guy and bad guy in this instance and would prefer that the person with the gun be the bad guy. Thank you!
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    Yes I think the case has been mishandled by both the media and police. I don't think Trayvon is as perfect as originally portrayed in the media. That being said, it's now Zimmerman was acting in self-defense after Trayvon attacked him.'s the thing. Zimmerman wouldn't have had to do crap if he had stayed in his stinkin' car and followed the advice of the 911 operator. He CHOSE to get out of his car. He CHOSE to approach the person he thought was suspicious. He CHOSE to confront Trayvon. His CHOICES led him into a confrontation with a person who was minding their own business and ultimately led to Trayvon ending up dead. Regardless of the Stand Your Ground law and all the other stuff that has come out, Zimmerman made a concious decision to get out of his car with a loaded gun and approach a person walking through the neighborhood. He knew the cops were on the way. Why didn't he just wait for them instead of becoming a vigilante neighborhood watchman? That decision by Zimmerman led to everything else that happened, regardless of who hit who first.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Zimmerman did not act in self defense and simply has to be lying.

    His account would be that while he walked to his car the boy he had been following but for some reason lost sight of, attacked him. Though he outweighed the boy by 100lbs and had never spoken to him the boy, armed with skittles and a soda and a mere hundred yards from the home that was his final destination, suddenly decided to for the first time in his life engage in assault.

    Zimmerman had a gun in a holster in plain view. Generally not the kind of person you'd pick a fight with. Especially unarmed.

    I'm also disgusted by the idea put forth that "Oh you mean he was once found with a baggie that contained marijuana residue? Oh well we had it all wrong, clearly he deserved to be gun down in the streets." Nobody ever said he was perfect. Just that, you know, he probably didn't deserve to be murdered in cold blood for walking.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    suddenly decided to for the first time in his life engage in assault.

    I am only stating this to be factual, it shouldn't make a difference to peoples opinions on this but there was something on his facebook about him boasting about swinging on a bus driver

    so I don't think he was totally non violent, doesn't make a difference in the facts though
  • luvJOJO
    luvJOJO Posts: 1,881 Member
    I think the media havnig a field day with this...period, both sides