Trayvon and the media



  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member

    Actually they're on video stating that by next week they're looking forward to having $1 million and they're already getting donations from athletes and entertainers.

    The only "evidence" for the "$1 Million" from "atheletes and entertainers" is, of course, the video of the doofus from the NBPP.
    Which brings me back to my previous point about people parroting propaganda and right-wing talking points.

    From CNN, dated 3/26/12:
    The separatist New Black Panther Party, described as a hate group by a civil rights organization, is standing by its $10,000 bounty offer for the capture of the man who shot Trayvon Martin, despite vehement opposition from, among others, Martin's family.
    The group -- which is distinct from the better known Black Panther Party, founded in the late 1960s -- is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group and a "virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization."

    Martin family attorney Daryl Parks echoed comments by others associated with the family, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson, condemning the apparent bounty offer. "We don't condone those people whatsoever," Parks said.

    Speaking earlier Monday to city officials in a packed Sanford Civic Center, Trayvon's father, Tracy Martin, said his family wanted to work through the legal system and spur changes in Sanford's police department and Florida law.
    "We're not asking for an eye for an eye," Tracy Martin said. "We're asking for justice, justice, justice."

    So, again, why are you and others even bringing this up at all? Any moron can make a video and post it on youtube. These guys are not part of anything. They are a fringe group of self-promoters -- it's like me saying Fred Phelps represents all christians.
    They know that because they look like scary negroes and wear black uniforms, they can get media attention that will rile up the simpletons and that will get them attention and even some support from other simpletons.

    It's a smokescreen, a red herring, you name it. You should be smart enough to see through this crap.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Whew! An exciting day you all had!

    I was working, :grumble: so I missed the chance to weigh in.

    1 question I haven't seen raised.......Even if Trayvon was beating the **** out of him, and Zimmerman felt like he had to defend himself, why didn't he shoot him in the knee? Why didn't he fire a warning shot before the attack even started? He really thought lethal force was necessary?

    I tend to agree with Brett on this one.

    That's where it gets complicated. Was Tayvon on top of him when the shot went off? Was it point blank or 15 feet away? He shot once, not multiple times from what I know, so maybe it was a panicked shot. Or maybe Tayvon had already gotten off of him and had broken off the attack and the dude shot him in a rage. There are so many ways this could have gone down and the picture is so incomplete, it's hard for me to take a stance on it.
    No idea where he was shot but "shooting someone in the knee" isn't as easy as it looks on TV. Throw in someone who doesn't use a gun every day, adreneline, possibly fear, etc and frankly, it's almost amazing he hit him with a single shot at all.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    The "witness" reports are selective leaks from police reports - the same police whose botched investigation lead to this whole mess in the first place. Think they don't have a vested interest in trashing Martin's reputation?

    Again I think this is one of my biggest issues with the case. My cousin used to be a police officer before he joined the FBI and really the messed this case up beyond believe. If Zimmerman has injures they should have been documented on film and noted in the police report. He should have gone to the station for questioning at the very least. The polices in this situation are to bame for alot of the misdirection in this case.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    If I was walking down the street minding my own business, and some big dude comes up in a civilian car and no badge, and he's strapped, I'm thinking "Mugger", and I'm probably fighting or running. He probably would'a shot me too.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    It's an election year. Jackson and Sharpton are fueling a race war that they think will benefit Obama. Of course a middle eastern woman was brutally murdered in California, with a message saying "go back yo your country" and no one gets all fired up of that blatant hate crime.

    The media is out of control. I've seen the current photo's o fthe two involved. Trayvon was a large young man, dressed like a gangster and had a reputation for being up to no good... Not the little sweet, innocent boy like the 5-year old photos of him the media has been posting. Now witnesses are coming forward saying that Trayvon was beating on Zimmerman right before the gunshot. If balistics and eveidence support that I will agree that this was a self-defense shot. Sad? yes for ALL parties.

    Now the New Black Panthers have put a $1million bounty on Zimmermans head and the man has gone into hiding for fear of his life. Really? Who do this groups think they are to take matters into their own hands? We have a justice system for a reason.

    My opinion( and I'm sure I'll be slaughtered for this one): Zimmerman, though doing a good thing by being a neighborhood watchmen, should have taken it so far. But if you wanna live like a thug, you will die like one.

    You mean this photo?


    Because this photo--which I believe is the one that was shown on Fox "News"-- is a fake.

    Oh, and the "New Black Panthers" "bounty" was $10,000, but, yeah $1 million sounds much more threatening. (Ignoring the point completely that the NBP is a fringe group that is not taken seriously by anyone except Fox "News". Nonetheless, if it makes you happy, I will gladly state that they, even though they are meaningless idiots, their actions should be condemned in no uncertain terms).

    The "witness" reports are selective leaks from police reports - the same police whose botched investigation lead to this whole mess in the first place. Think they don't have a vested interest in trashing Martin's reputation?

    I don't see how you can claim the media is "out of control" when you are parroting the false and misleading information spread on right-wing propaganda sites. How are you any better?

    All my information came from a local news station. I don't have cable so I only get news from them on the web or my phone app. I did see AFTER I posted, that the photo was a different kid by the same name. Everything else I said I stand by. The media has pushed an opinion on people. Until we know the details, the results of the investigation, no one has the right to form a lynch mob or decide to take justice into their own hands.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    No, I haven't changed my opinion. I believe there is clear evidence that Zimmerman started to pursue Trayvon. When does self defense change over? When you attack me, I start kicking your *kitten*, and then you're worried for your life and shoot me, that still leaves you as the aggressor.
    Exactly. All questions of race aside... which is difficult to do, I know... no private citizen should have delusions of Batman and try to be the neighborhood vigilante. Zimmerman saw what he thought was a "suspicious person" (and again, we won't get into his obvious stereotyping here) and called 911, and they said to stay away & leave him alone. That should have been the end of it. But Zimmerman followed the kid and confronted him, Zimmerman was an adult while Trayvon was a minor, Zimmerman was armed while Trayvon was not. In my book, that all makes Zimmerman the one who was seriously out of line here. My brother's a cop and he says the same thing. Alerting the cops to a potential problem is good. Trying to BE a cop when you're not trained or authorized to do so is a good way to get someone killed. Which is exactly what happened here.
    The MAJOR MAJOR PROBLEM REMAINS THAT ZIMMERMAN WAS NOT EVEN TAKEN IN FOR QUESTIONING. People can get off on self-defense - WITH INVESTIGATION. You can't just shoot someone dead and be allowed to walk home by the police. Think about it: if you killed an intruder in your home, you'd still almost definitely be taken in for questioning! I'm extremely concerned that ALL potential evidence is now totally compromised by GZ being allowed to drift, etc. etc.
    Yes. Here's where their police department has some 'splaining to do. Even the "Stand Your Ground" law only allows for self-defense. If Zimmerman had seen Trayvon actually committing a crime, that would be another story. But even so, no matter what your explanation, if one person is dead then the person who killed him needs to be brought in & questioned & investigated. Always.

    Those are my problems with the whole thing.

    This is my stance on this as well.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Until we know the details, the results of the investigation, no one has the right to form a lynch mob or decide to take justice into their own hands.

    Too bad George Zimmerman doesn't agree with you.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    I think if a man was following me around, I would probably either run or build up the courage to confront him as well. I think that's probably what happened, and Zimmerman was in fact "attacked" BUT which is self defense here? Zimmerman was TOLD NOT to pursue the boy on the 911 tape. So, in my opinion he was just stirring up trouble by not listening to the 911 dispatcher. So if Trayvon did attack him...I don't blame him because that's scary having someone following you around at night. Period. I'd be scared. Flight or Fight kicks in. Either way I feel Zimmerman was in the wrong.

    Of course, I don't know all the facts, but as of right now until I hear something else...this is my opinion.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    If I was walking down the street minding my own business, and some big dude comes up in a civilian car and no badge, and he's strapped, I'm thinking "Mugger", and I'm probably fighting or running. He probably would'a shot me too.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Like I said, we don't know the details, but I have some sense that people are just picking sides based on who they like or relate too. Zimmerman is not a "big dude" compared to the 6'4" teenager. And yes he was told he didn't need to follow Martin. But he did, and it's not illegal. What is illegal is beating the **** out of someone. We don't know what was said. We don't know who threw the first punch. We do know that everyone has the right to walk down a public street, both Zimmerman and Martin.

    We do know that everyone has the right to free speech and we don know that it is within a persons right to talk to anyone at anytime on public property. We also know that assault is illegal. I find it hard to believe that everyone here who is supporting Martin thinks that an adult has no right to walk up to another person in their neighborhood and ask a what they were up to without getting bodyslammed. Really? Even if Zimmerman has low character, even if he verbally harassed Martin....Martin had a phone as well. HE could have called the cops! Sad thing is, no matter what the circumstances are, I do not think Martin deserved to be shot. But no american deserves to get the tar kicked out of them either. I try to put myself in both of these guys shoes and I actually feel bad for both of them. NO ONE KNOWS what happend! There are so many X-factors do this that I could go on for several more paragraphs theorizing on what happened, puttin my self in either one of their shoes.

    Everyone has the right to defend themselves. If Zimmeram attacked Martin, then Zimmerman is a murderer since Martin was fighting in self defense. If Martin lost his temper with this guy and was beating the tar out of him, then Zimmerman used self defense. End of story. It's a scary world out there folks, so the lesson is, if you don't want to see crap like this happen, we need to let our young people know this is the kind of stupidity, the loss of life, that can happen as a result of physical violence.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    SIDE NOTE: Just in case anyone was concerned there is no bad blood between Delta and I.

    He private messaged me, apologized for the whole thing and said I was of course right. About everything.


    He threatened me! Just Kidding as it turns out we both agree arguing on the internet is like milking a bull. No one enjoys it except maybe the bull
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    fyi - Martin was shot with a Kel Tec PF-9 (semiautomatic 9mm) in the chest:

  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Since I had been talking about this I realized that the only part of the audio tape I had heard was on CNN where they just looped the word thought to be "coon" over and over again. It was pretty garbled and at first I thought they were jumping to conclusions. But then I found this clip on The Young Turks.‘fcking-cns’-trayvon-martin-911-call-uncensored/

    Played in whole, it sounds like he called that kid a F'n Coon. Even that being said, it's not illegal. But if you want the whole audio, I found it on here.

    Besides the heartbreaking sound of the 911 callers, which is horrible. Take the time to listen to the third clip. It's the best audio and only audio I know of that captures part of the attack. Some one is screaming "Help, help me, someone help me." It's the key to the whole thing. The voice sounds like that of a teenager, but then again, Zimmerman doesn't have a very deep voice. The audio is pretty shocking. Make your own decisions, but if that is Martin screaming for help, then Zimmeran murdered him.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I heard an interesting piece of information last night while listening to GZ's Lawyer being interviewed. Several times every one has mentioned that George outweighed this kids by 100lbs. That is not accurate.

    That information was taken from an old arrest where George weighed over 250 lbs. George is actually 5'8" and weighs 170. So I think its possible he may have used MFP...OK that last part was speculation and a joke.

    SlimDawg 6'4 a reach on his right hook that would Knock George senseless vs GZ 5'8 170 lbs
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    fyi - Martin was shot with a Kel Tec PF-9 (semiautomatic 9mm) in the chest:


    9mm poor choice...Expensive ammo and no stopping power. George should have oped for a .44 or more preferably a .45 ACP
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    fyi - Martin was shot with a Kel Tec PF-9 (semiautomatic 9mm) in the chest:


    9mm poor choice...Expensive ammo and no stopping power. George should have oped for a .44 or more preferably a .45 ACP

    It seemed to have plenty of stopping power in this case.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member

    Actually they're on video stating that by next week they're looking forward to having $1 million and they're already getting donations from athletes and entertainers.

    The only "evidence" for the "$1 Million" from "atheletes and entertainers" is, of course, the video of the doofus from the NBPP.
    Which brings me back to my previous point about people parroting propaganda and right-wing talking points.

    From CNN, dated 3/26/12:
    The separatist New Black Panther Party, described as a hate group by a civil rights organization, is standing by its $10,000 bounty offer for the capture of the man who shot Trayvon Martin, despite vehement opposition from, among others, Martin's family.
    The group -- which is distinct from the better known Black Panther Party, founded in the late 1960s -- is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group and a "virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization."

    Martin family attorney Daryl Parks echoed comments by others associated with the family, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson, condemning the apparent bounty offer. "We don't condone those people whatsoever," Parks said.

    Speaking earlier Monday to city officials in a packed Sanford Civic Center, Trayvon's father, Tracy Martin, said his family wanted to work through the legal system and spur changes in Sanford's police department and Florida law.
    "We're not asking for an eye for an eye," Tracy Martin said. "We're asking for justice, justice, justice."

    So, again, why are you and others even bringing this up at all? Any moron can make a video and post it on youtube. These guys are not part of anything. They are a fringe group of self-promoters -- it's like me saying Fred Phelps represents all christians.
    They know that because they look like scary negroes and wear black uniforms, they can get media attention that will rile up the simpletons and that will get them attention and even some support from other simpletons.

    It's a smokescreen, a red herring, you name it. You should be smart enough to see through this crap.

    My point was that, as some one else said, that the NBPP was offering $1 million and that is fact as shown in the video. As for the group being a small fringe group, I don't think anyone should underestimate what a small fringe group can do. There are plenty of other crazies out there who would jump on the band wagon and take Zimmerman out without him ever being tried in a court. After all $1 million is a lot of money to plenty of people.

    I'm not taking any sides because, altough I'm a right wing conservative Christian who watches right wing media and not ashamed of it, I also know that both sides can be biased. I do my own research before taking sides.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    Whew! An exciting day you all had!

    I was working, :grumble: so I missed the chance to weigh in.

    1 question I haven't seen raised.......Even if Trayvon was beating the **** out of him, and Zimmerman felt like he had to defend himself, why didn't he shoot him in the knee? Why didn't he fire a warning shot before the attack even started? He really thought lethal force was necessary?

    I tend to agree with Brett on this one.

    A warning shot? Maybe. The whole shooting someone in a body part is something out of TV. Unless yer a SEAL or Carlos Hathcock, if you shoot at someone you shoot for center mass or you generally miss. It's what I was taught in every fireams class I ever took.

    As far as Trayvon shooting himself? If there was a struggle for the gun, it's not as improbable as some people might think. I haven't followed the case closely enough to know if the forensic reports on the gun have been made public but they would pretty much clear up any possibility of that.
  • shewanna
    shewanna Posts: 32 Member
    Um I see this is the wrong group for me so I will politely exit...because this ain't debate..its hate
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    So....I just found this video. It's not great quality but I have to agree that it doesn't appear that Zimmerman suffered the injuries he claimed. I also read an article earlier today that stated 3 witnesses have said it was Trayvon yelling for help. I was at work when I read it. I'll see if I can find it again. I'm pretty sure it was an article on CNN though.'s the video.