Progress !



  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Hiya :) Thanks so much for the encouragement yesterday. I really appreciate it. I used your suggestions to get out and get moving and I did W2, D2, so only one more run of Week 2 for me! It was an outdoor run this time, and the hills and terrain definitely make for a different experience.

    I'm so thankful for each of you. You keep me going. :):flowerforyou:

    Same here - you guys have kept me excited about running :)
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    did W2 D3 today and to be honest i struggled a bit, this could be because of a few things, it was windy, my shoes are now dead (RIP shoes) i ended up with a numb right foot by the last run !! or because i had eaten less than an hour before even though it was only light, I was being stalked by a massive black rain cloud out on my route !!

    now with the excuses out of the way !!!
    I finished it i didn't give up and i am going to repeat W2 for one more day and start week 3 Monday with a different pair of trainers till i can afford my running shoes !! hopefully there will be no pain in my shins or numb foot again.

    now off for a cold bath to help the muscles recover
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    did W2 D3 today and to be honest i struggled a bit, this could be because of a few things, it was windy, my shoes are now dead (RIP shoes) i ended up with a numb right foot by the last run !! or because i had eaten less than an hour before even though it was only light, I was being stalked by a massive black rain cloud out on my route !!

    now with the excuses out of the way !!!
    I finished it i didn't give up and i am going to repeat W2 for one more day and start week 3 Monday with a different pair of trainers till i can afford my running shoes !! hopefully there will be no pain in my shins or numb foot again.

    now off for a cold bath to help the muscles recover

    You sound like a total road warrior! :) It's inspiring to me, thanks for sharing your tale. Hope the bath helped the muscles and your next run is better.

    I'm sitting here, all laced up and ready to go. I'm exhausted and sunburned from a day at the beach (not enough sunblock). It's very tempting to sit it out for today and yet, I'm sort of craving the run. Weird!
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member

    You sound like a total road warrior! :) It's inspiring to me, thanks for sharing your tale. Hope the bath helped the muscles and your next run is better.

    I'm sitting here, all laced up and ready to go. I'm exhausted and sunburned from a day at the beach (not enough sunblock). It's very tempting to sit it out for today and yet, I'm sort of craving the run. Weird!

    my right foot has been a bit sensitive today so have been resting it as much as possible, did a little toning today and had another cold bath and the foot feels ok for tomorrow, so will take it easy !! I need to earn some alcohol calories for tomorrow night !!
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    ! I need to earn some alcohol calories for tomorrow night !!

    Hahaha love this
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Wow page 2!

    I can't decide whether to do W5D1 today, and go for a long walk tomorrow, or go for a long walk today and W5D1 tomorrow, hmmmmmm. I planned to walk today but I definitely can't run on Tuesday (family dinner night) so if I go today then I can do d2 on Monday and d3 on Wednesday...... Hmmmmmmmmmm we'll see how I feel when I put on my exercise clothes :)

    Back to study for me! Hope you guys are having/have a great day!
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Finished week 2 today, i really need to get some new running shoes, both my feet went numb today, but different trainers so rest now till Monday and hopefully Tuesday I can buy some new running shoes as it's payday !!!

    Only my low calorie wine tonight as plans have been cancelled as my sister has ended up in the hospital, she has excruciating pain in her back and they don't know if it's a burst cyst as she has PCOS or if it's related to her Chrohn's disease so she is doped up on morphine at the moment.:ohwell:

    hope you all have a great weekend !!:happy:
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 187 Member
    Finished week 2 today, i really need to get some new running shoes, both my feet went numb today, but different trainers so rest now till Monday and hopefully Tuesday I can buy some new running shoes as it's payday !!!

    Only my low calorie wine tonight as plans have been cancelled as my sister has ended up in the hospital, she has excruciating pain in her back and they don't know if it's a burst cyst as she has PCOS or if it's related to her Chrohn's disease so she is doped up on morphine at the moment.:ohwell:

    hope you all have a great weekend !!:happy:

    Sorry to hear about your sister. Hope she starts feeling better soon!!!!!
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 187 Member
    Just finished week3. I can't wait to go to the runners store to be evaluated for what kind of shoes I need. I am tired of icing for an hour and still being in pain. I won't give up tho!
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Wow page 2!

    I can't decide whether to do W5D1 today, and go for a long walk tomorrow, or go for a long walk today and W5D1 tomorrow, hmmmmmm. I planned to walk today but I definitely can't run on Tuesday (family dinner night) so if I go today then I can do d2 on Monday and d3 on Wednesday...... Hmmmmmmmmmm we'll see how I feel when I put on my exercise clothes :)

    Back to study for me! Hope you guys are having/have a great day!

    Getting a bit ahead of myself - I was supposed to do w4d1 not w5 this weekend haha. Sadly didn't end up going on either of the walk or the run! Not good enough really, I put off study and then don't go for my run because I need to study. Argh. Can't wait til my exams are over!

    Char - how's your sister doing?

    Dawn - I've been meaning to go get fitted too! I'm not in pain but I'm getting these weird lumps on the backs of my feet where I used to get blisters, I never noticed it but my boyfriend always points it out, and they're always dry and pink. My current shoes I picked up really cheap and are not very good quality haha.
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    My sister had surgery today 5 and a half hours and they removed 8 cysts from her ovaries, she was very lucky that she didn't lose her ovary as the biggest cyst was 10cm, she's doing ok now i spent all day at the hospital today and she should be coming home tomorrow (Monday) and that's her birthday too :happy:
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    My sister had surgery today 5 and a half hours and they removed 8 cysts from her ovaries, she was very lucky that she didn't lose her ovary as the biggest cyst was 10cm, she's doing ok now i spent all day at the hospital today and she should be coming home tomorrow (Monday) and that's her birthday too :happy:

    Woooow that's amazing! So glad she gets to be home for her birthday and that she didn't lose an ovary! that must be awful, 10cm! Give her lots of hugs :)

    I nearly flagged my run today, I'm working out of town at the moment but travelling each way every day. It's a 2 hour drive, so we leave at 6.30am and get home at 6.30pm. I thought I would have time to run before it got dark but it was dark when I got home tonight so had dinner and decided not to run. But Ive changed my mind, I'm going to study and let my dinner settle then go out where there are streetlights. I can't let my progress get away from me cos I'm scared of a little boogeyman ;)
    I'll let you guys know how I go. How's everyone else going? Sticking to schedule?
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Did week 3 day 1 today, i was quite scared actually running for 3 mins was ok no numb feet today but i desperately need to get new running shoes like yesterday !!! my knee is aching a bit not so am going to ice it in a sec

    just thought i'd share with you the lovely view i had this morning on my run !!


    Have a great day everyone !! you all keep me motivated to do this !!
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Beautiful running spot! You guys keep me motivated too :) I went out for my run last night even though it was dark and scary (next time I'm taking my boyfriend) but it was really easy, seemed way easier than week 3 was! So perhaps running at night is good for me :)
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 187 Member
    I did week 4 Day 1 today. It wasnt too bad. It seems day 2 of each week is my easiest so looking forward to Wednesdays run.
    Have a great week everyone!
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    I did week 4 Day 1 today. It wasnt too bad. It seems day 2 of each week is my easiest so looking forward to Wednesdays run.
    Have a great week everyone!

    Ha we are matching! I will be doing W4D2 on either Wednesday or Thursday. I actually found W4D1 easier than W3 haha not sure why. It may have been because I was terrified of being mugged or kidnapped running at night. I'm a scaredy-cat
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    HI! Looks like you guys are doing great! I took an extra day off but was back at it today. Did W3D1 today.

    Char, I'm on your heels!!! :) BTW, that looked like a lovely run spot! So glad to hear you sister is going to be okay.

    Alex and ammamma (did I spell that right?) ;) way to go!!!
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 187 Member
    HI! Looks like you guys are doing great! I took an extra day off but was back at it today. Did W3D1 today.

    Char, I'm on your heels!!! :) BTW, that looked like a lovely run spot! So glad to hear you sister is going to be okay.

    Alex and ammamma (did I spell that right?) ;) way to go!!!

    *amammaa is just my funny way of saying a mom of 4 :) call me Dawn .
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 187 Member
    I did week 4 Day 1 today. It wasnt too bad. It seems day 2 of each week is my easiest so looking forward to Wednesdays run.
    Have a great week everyone!

    Ha we are matching! I will be doing W4D2 on either Wednesday or Thursday. I actually found W4D1 easier than W3 haha not sure why. It may have been because I was terrified of being mugged or kidnapped running at night. I'm a scaredy-cat

    Well that would move me right along as well. :wink: Am I the only treadmill runner????
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    HI Dawn (sorry, I didn't remember names from our first thread!) :blushing: Thanks for making it easier. :)

    Nope, you're not the only treadmill runner, I've been using mine too. Mine is broken though - I can't set it to an incline, so it's all at 0 incline. I enjoy being able to control the speed.

    I've been getting outdoors for a run about once a week so far. I live in a super hilly area so it kind of compensates for the treadmill. My pace is slower but it takes more effort to get it done. So either way, I've got a great workout.

    Man, I'm beat today! Did my run this morning and an abs dvd, then went for a swim in the ocean. The water was STRONG and I'm so wiped out. What a great day though. :bigsmile: