Progress !



  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    I am hoping to be back to running in june as i am awaiting a court payout from a lawsuit then woohoo!! new shoes & running !!
    might start back at week 4 if not then 3 we'll see how it goes but i am determined to finish this ladies !!
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Awesome can't wait for you guys to join us again!!
    I think after C25K we should try keep this group going for a while, because I would like to carry on running after C25K!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Yay - nice to hear from you, Dawn and Char! Hope you can join us again soon. :) I like running with you! Heading over to check out the inspiration board next. :)

    I did Week 5 Day 2 today - it was an unexpected swtich up since I didn't look at it ahead of time. Monday was a mix of running 3 and 5 minute intervals, today was 8 minute intervals. I'm honestly having a lot of fun doing this on the treadmill, playing with speeds and challenging myself. Feels great! :)

    And yeah, I'll stick around with this group as long as the rest of you do, even after Cto5k is done - the group accountability is really motivating.

    Not sure if I'm signign up for a race yet or not, but something tells me .... just do it! :bigsmile:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Check in: did W5 D3 today - was 20 minutes straight - no walk break. I was nervous to try the whole thing at 6.0 so worked my way up - did 5 mins at 5.0, 5 mins at 5.5 and the final 10 at 6.0

    :) proud of myself for digging in and doing it. Will have to see what week 6 holds :)
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Wow awesome congrats on the 20 minutes! I'm a bit nervous about that!
    I just did the most stuuuupid thing - just came home from my parents house (they live a 5-6 hour drive away) and I just realised I left my running shoes up there! And my GHD's! So annoyed, no idea how I'm going to get it all back. Crappppp I'm just getting so good at running!!! I don't want to break the routine!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Uh oh alex! Time to splurge on a new pair? You may spend as much if not more in gas if you went for a drive to get them! (Or not?)

    I have not begun Week 6 yet. I did HIIT intervals yesterday (courtesy of tone it up) for a 30 minute workout. I'm feeling a little sore today. I think this will be a rest day for me and I'll start W6D1 tomorrow.
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Uh oh alex! Time to splurge on a new pair? You may spend as much if not more in gas if you went for a drive to get them! (Or not?)

    I have not begun Week 6 yet. I did HIIT intervals yesterday (courtesy of tone it up) for a 30 minute workout. I'm feeling a little sore today. I think this will be a rest day for me and I'll start W6D1 tomorrow.

    I considered getting a new pair! I'm working in a tiny wee town this week that has only one shoe shop and is way too expensive for not very good shoes so I'm just not running this week, but one of my friends sisters is driving to Christchurch from Nelson on the weekend so she's going to pick them up for me, yay! She's not coming down til Sunday so I'll go for a run Sunday night, I'll restart week 4, I'd already done day 1 and 2 but will restart it again to make sure I'm ready for week 5!
  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 187 Member
    Hey guys! Its awesome a few of you are still running!!!! One day I will get back to it. I still have pain if I or anyone touches my shins. And investing $100 in new gym shoes isnt an option right now. Baseball and soccer season eats up all my money. I still do zumba and have tried Turbo kick. Good luck on your runs :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey guys! Its awesome a few of you are still running!!!! One day I will get back to it. I still have pain if I or anyone touches my shins. And investing $100 in new gym shoes isnt an option right now. Baseball and soccer season eats up all my money. I still do zumba and have tried Turbo kick. Good luck on your runs :)

    Hi ! Nice to see you and thanks for the note of encouragement. Baseball and soccer sounds fun - is that for your kids? Zumba is great exercise, as is Turbo Kick. Personally, I'm a fan of anything that keeps us moving and happy!

    I did week 6, day 1 yesterday and then went kayaking in the ocean - first time ever. It was fun! Gearing up for more runs this week. :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Uh oh alex! Time to splurge on a new pair? You may spend as much if not more in gas if you went for a drive to get them! (Or not?)

    I have not begun Week 6 yet. I did HIIT intervals yesterday (courtesy of tone it up) for a 30 minute workout. I'm feeling a little sore today. I think this will be a rest day for me and I'll start W6D1 tomorrow.

    I considered getting a new pair! I'm working in a tiny wee town this week that has only one shoe shop and is way too expensive for not very good shoes so I'm just not running this week, but one of my friends sisters is driving to Christchurch from Nelson on the weekend so she's going to pick them up for me, yay! She's not coming down til Sunday so I'll go for a run Sunday night, I'll restart week 4, I'd already done day 1 and 2 but will restart it again to make sure I'm ready for week 5!

    Did you get your shoes yet??? If you happen to like Michael Jackson music - there's a great podcast for week 4 that is geared to MJ tunes. Let me know if you like the link. :)
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Nope no shoes yet! They are at home now, but I am working out of town for the week so will get them back on the weekend :)

    I've got a skipping rope with me so I can at least do a little exercise this week :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    My motivation is failing a little lately - I still plan to do it but I seem to have forgotten about posting the inspirations on Mondays and about posting here in the thread.

    Maybe it's because we lost so many of our group? ?

    I don't know, but I'll try to do better to keep the enthusiasm alive. I'm scheduled to do Week 6 D2 today - which is two stretches of 10 minute running. I know I can do this. :)

    Hope you all are well. Happy Wednesday! (or Thursday, wherever you are!)
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Crap I forgot to post on Saturday too - I didn't even realise!
    Perhaps we could recruit more people to do it - There is just 3 of us at the moment is that right? then we will have fresh inspiration.
    Wow good luck on W6D2, that's going to be awesome!
    I'll be restarting week 4 on Saturday when I finally get my shoes back! Yay!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Crap I forgot to post on Saturday too - I didn't even realise!
    Perhaps we could recruit more people to do it - There is just 3 of us at the moment is that right? then we will have fresh inspiration.
    Wow good luck on W6D2, that's going to be awesome!
    I'll be restarting week 4 on Saturday when I finally get my shoes back! Yay!

    I like this idea - how should we recruit? POst to our friends ? I'm really feeling sluggish lately but I am determined that it will pass. I was sick one day last week, hungover the next day (both incidents are rare for me) and I think it's just taking me a while to get my mojo back. Maybe that's what happens when you get old? :laugh:

    anyway, I'm supposed to do a 22 minute run today. After i couldn't hack 10 minutes yesterday, I was a little discouraged. Until I looked back and realized I did 20 last week without a walk break. Just need to get my head in the game! :)
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    hello ladies i have a new pair of specially fitted running shoes to suit my funky feet so i am back on the wagon as of monday i am hoping to kick off where i left off as i have kept up my cardio at the gym

    excited to post on monday xx
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    i did it got back on it at week 4 and was fine will move onto week 5 next week !!! no pain and the shoes were worth the money !!!
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Awesome! Welcome back! I'm going for a run tonight, and I'll be doing w4d1 so we will be matching haha
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    Awesome! Welcome back! I'm going for a run tonight, and I'll be doing w4d1 so we will be matching haha

    super i signed up for my first 5k so i have something to aim for !
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Awesome! Welcome back! I'm going for a run tonight, and I'll be doing w4d1 so we will be matching haha

    super i signed up for my first 5k so i have something to aim for !

    Ideal! My flatmates are doing a 10k soon and I thought that was a bit long for me, but on the lookout for a good 5k to do
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Yay Char!!!! :) I'm so happy that you're back. Our little group was feeling sad and pitiful. (No offense Alex! :wink: )

    Looking forward to hearing how you guys do with races.

    I did the final run of week 6 today. It was a 25 minute run without walking - happy to report that I DID IT!!!!! :drinker: This feels like a big deal because my confidence was shaken on the second run of the week - when I didn't complete 10 minutes of running without walking.

    This really is a mental game, isn't it? I had to humble myself and lower the speed to get through it, but I refuse to feel bad about that. I'll keep pushing myself and I have faith that it will get better. How's that for some positive self talk? :wink: