Run, Walk or Crawl 4/08/12 to 4/14/12



  • Tank184
    Tank184 Posts: 65
    Ok got my father out of the hospital and everything has settled down Im back at it!

    Sunday P90X Stretch
    Monday P90X Chest Shoulders, Triceps
    Tuesday 5.5 Miles running treadmill, P90X Plyometrics
    Wednesday 2.5 Miles running treadmill. P90X Yoga

    Total 8.0 Miles
  • thinktank32k
    I am so excited, I ran my first 5 mile run without stopping. I ran with a group last night and I think the extra motivation made me get out of my 3 mile comfort zone.

    4/8 3 mile run 1 mile walk
    4/9 zero zilch nada Did JM 30 DS at 11 something last night
    4/10 21.5 mile cycling
    4/11 5 mile run
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 433 Member
    Sunday - 2 miles - c25k
    monday - 2 miles - walking
    Wednesday - 4 miles - walking
    Thursday - 5 miles - walking

    Total so far - 13 miles
  • bstilland
    bstilland Posts: 122 Member
    tuesday = 1.5 mi (wertheim trails)
    thursday= 1.5 mi(wertheim trails)
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    Sunday - 0.93 miles walked
    Monday - 2.70 miles walked
    Tuesday - 2.14 miles walked
    Wednesday - 4.24 miles walked

    Total so far this week - 10.01 miles
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    Sunday - nothing!
    Monday - nothing again!
    Tuesday - nada!
    Wednesday -
    Thursday -
    Friday -
    Saturday -

    Well, now that the Cadbury mini-eggs are entirely gone, maybe I'll start moving again! Seriously, someone yell at me! I'm finding every excuse to do nothing. Today I'm only slightly motivated to get out there in the cold...Help! :)

  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    Sunday - nothing!
    Monday - nothing again!
    Tuesday - nada!
    Wednesday -
    Thursday -
    Friday -
    Saturday -

    Well, now that the Cadbury mini-eggs are entirely gone, maybe I'll start moving again! Seriously, someone yell at me! I'm finding every excuse to do nothing. Today I'm only slightly motivated to get out there in the cold...Help! :)

    :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    Out of commission and back with vengeance :bigsmile: :devil:

    Sunday - running very where and getting no where (all in my mind)
    Monday - Badminton
    Tuesday - Out of order (most parts were not working)
    Wednesday - Out of order (some parts were not working)
    Thursday - 8 km :bigsmile: :bigsmile: (oh my sweet first time ever)
  • Duckz1
    Duckz1 Posts: 145 Member
    4/8 0
    4/9 0
    4/10 3.4 miles jogging/walking
    4/11 3.6 miles trail run

    total 7.0 miles

    running my first official 5k on Saturday! I'd like to come in under 30 but I'll have to run faster than what I've been doing. lately I've been doing trail runs. I find trail running harder than pavement running and the 5k is on pavement so we'll see...
  • LauraHasABabyJack
    LauraHasABabyJack Posts: 629 Member
    Sunday- rest
    Monday- 3.75
    Tuesday- 2.25
    Wednesday- 2.25
    Thursday- 3.5
    Total- 11.75
  • Tank184
    Tank184 Posts: 65
    Sunday P90X Stretch
    Monday P90X Chest Shoulders, Triceps
    Tuesday 5.5 Miles running treadmill, P90X Plyometrics
    Wednesday 2.5 Miles running treadmill. P90X Yoga
    Thursday 2.25 miles treadmill. P90X Back and Biceps

    Total 10.25 Miles
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Sunday- rest
    Monday- 3.75
    Tuesday- 2.25
    Wednesday- 2.25
    Thursday- 3.5
    Total- 11.75

    Rock star, great week!!!!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Sunday P90X Stretch
    Monday P90X Chest Shoulders, Triceps
    Tuesday 5.5 Miles running treadmill, P90X Plyometrics
    Wednesday 2.5 Miles running treadmill. P90X Yoga
    Thursday 2.25 miles treadmill. P90X Back and Biceps

    Total 10.25 Miles

    Amazing as always!!!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Sunday: 6.13 m run
    Tuesday: 4.04 m run
    Thursday: 3.0 m run

    Total: 13.53 miles
  • stoty
    stoty Posts: 21 Member
    Sunday - nothing!
    Monday - nothing again!
    Tuesday - nada!
    Wednesday - 3 miles, walk...thanks to my fitness pals for yelling at me to get out there!
    Thursday - 3.1 miles, run...5K in under 30 minutes (28:51)!! Personal Best!
    Friday -
    Saturday -

    Total...6.1 miles and counting. I'm a little behind this week, but you guys are really motivating. Thanks for being here!
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Monday - 2.25 hike in the woods
    Tuesday - 3.1 miles running
    Thursday - 4 miles running

    Total so far 9.35 miles
  • Duckz1
    Duckz1 Posts: 145 Member
    4/8 0
    4/9 0
    4/10 3.4 miles jogging/walking
    4/11 3.6 miles trail run
    4/12 2.6 miles jog

    total 9.6 miles
  • thinktank32k
    Sunday - nothing!
    Monday - nothing again!
    Tuesday - nada!
    Wednesday - 3 miles, walk...thanks to my fitness pals for yelling at me to get out there!
    Thursday - 3.1 miles, run...5K in under 30 minutes (28:51)!! Personal Best!
    Friday -
    Saturday -

    Total...6.1 miles and counting. I'm a little behind this week, but you guys are really motivating. Thanks for being here!

    way to jump back in it
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    Out of commission and back with vengeance :bigsmile: :devil:

    Sunday - running very where and getting no where (all in my mind)
    Monday - Badminton
    Tuesday - Out of order (most parts were not working)
    Wednesday - Out of order (some parts were not working)
    Thursday - 8 km :bigsmile: :bigsmile: (oh my sweet first time ever)
    Friday - Suppose to swim but the pool was closed. So I did 30 DS L1 and Zumba for 15 minutes.
  • yportia
    yportia Posts: 864 Member
    Sunday - 0.93 miles walked
    Monday - 2.70 miles walked
    Tuesday - 2.14 miles walked
    Wednesday - 4.24 miles walked
    Thursday - 4.47 miles walked

    Total so far this week - 14.48 miles
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