

  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member

    Water- 14 cups
    Under calorie goal today - yes
    Workout Challenge- yes and got 2 miles in for Thursday plus 1.5 more
    Walking Challenge: 3.5 but only 1.5 counts for the overall challenge
    Burned 402 calories and I've lost track of my total.......will have to go back through last week's thread.
    Minutes: 100

    Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. I have used melatonin before, and it helped. I didn't get any today. I'm out of money for awhile....bills come first. I got lots of fresh air and sunshine today and am set for a hot bath with homemade bath salts.

    I'm glad you have internet access, Dorie!
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 399 Member
    double crunches:50. 150/300
    Exercise Challenge: Yes - did Saturdays
    Water- 10 cups
    Under calorie goal today - No!
    Walking Challenge: 4
    Burned 494 calories: 9249/32500
    Minutes 63: 1360/1950

    Exercise Challenge - did yesterday
    Water 8 cups
    Under calorie goal: Yes - 383!
    Walking Challenge 5
    Burned 702 calories: 9951/32500
    Minutes 63: 1423/1950

    So as you know I am away this weekend and I took my exercise clothes cause I figured I would do some of the exercise challenges in the room but I didn't take sneakers cause it was supposed to rain so I didnt think I would walk. Well, the hotel has a nice fitness center so I asked around my friends to see if anyone brought sneakers and one of them had a pair that was just about my size. So I put them on after dinner and went down to the fitness center and I jogged 5 miles on the treadmill!! Without stopping -- the farthest I ever ran before was 3 miles about 30 minutes but I did 63 minutes- FIVE miles!! I know it isn't fast but I was so proud of myself for being able to do it at all! So I burned 702 calories! YAY!

    Okay, now I am going to bed -- have to get up and bowl tomorrow!
    Have a great night all!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Sunday, everyone!

    CONGRATULATIONS, Dorie, on running 5 MILES! That is awesome:flowerforyou:

    I am finishing off my Double crunches for the week, so: 210/210

    Got my walking in, water in, challenge exercises in, but have been struggling the past few days...actually since my time out of town last weekend... with staying under calories because I am having wine with my DH in the evenings, and that isn't working for me! I end up eating more than I plan so I have to get back to NO WINE for a while so I can get back on track. My scale is telling me that for sure, SO...just have to DO IT!

    So simple...but some days, SO hard!:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Kackie
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    I am so glad this week is over. I cant wait to start a new week. I have been going through some pretty heavy personal issues that is causing alot of ups and downs for me. But I am sticking with the "trying" part of it. I am really hoping to focus more this coming week AND hopefully get this NEW 3 day back pain gone. Urghhh!!

    Saturday Day 7

    Water- 12 cups
    Under calorie goal today - No
    Workout Challenge- Terrible!
    Walking Challenge: 16 total for week
    Burned 662 calories: 1319/31225
    Minutes: 40 Min = 235/1950