Check In



  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    i hope that i understood todays exercise correctly and all we had to do was the HIIT cardio. i did it for an hour instead of 39 minutes. Seriously feels like my lower body is going to fall off.

    I also took my before pictures today. So ready to see the end result! Should we post our before pictures on a thread?! motivation!

    Yep I think it's just cardio today - seems a lot more reasonable than the cardio AND video workout we had to do on Monday haha perhaps that was just to shock our systems back into exercising haha.

    Megan - yes that first video is tough!! Under the sea is a bit easier though :) I'm sure you'll be able to catch up easy. Today is just cardio so you could do cardio + under the sea and be back on track!
    They do post their workouts on their blog as well before they send the email so you could check there if you aren't getting the emails?
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    Checking in!

    I did the 3 sets of the Bikini Strap workout.... man that pushup-row-press combo was killer. geez!

    Also, since yesterday I did ~20 minutes at 4.0 to keep moving but not stress my legs, I added 20 minutes of interval running today so it adds up right. My right hip flexor is still really tight so I didn't want to push it and not be able to do any tomorrow.

    I'm also at 9 cups of water so I should be well over their requirements 80 onz by the end of the day.

    Hope you're all keeping strong! :flowerforyou:

  • looplooploop
    I did 3 sets of the Bikini Strap workout too! And since I've fallen a little behind I did the Under the Sea workout right after. Nice and sweaty!

    I agree that the pushup-row-press combo was pretty rough! Didn't help that my weights don't have big enough ends on them, so it really hurt my knuckles. I ended up doing most of them without weights because it was so uncomfortable.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi guys - I just got my first email yesterday - the Bikini Strap workout - so I did it today. Struggled a bit with the tricep pushups, but those should get easier, right?

    I think I'm just going to pick up from here rather than try to catch up from the beginning. SEems good enough to me! :) Also went for a 55 minute walk outdoors and might go for a swim later on.

    PS - thanks for the Blog link - I checked it out and these girls are fun. :) Motivating. I hope to stay on track next week :)
  • looplooploop
    It's been pretty quiet today.. how's everyone doing?

    I got my sweat on for 40 minutes+ today. Did C25k for about 30 mins, then did two TIU videos (an ab one, and a stretching one). Managed to drink the amount of water I was supposed to, and I tried the TIU Protein Pancake ( today too. It was pretty tasty and very filling!
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    Friday I was able to get in my 40 minutes, I had a quick walk then did the Under the Sea 4x, because I lacked creativity and didn't want to go to the gym to run.

    ^^Welcome, smiles4miles

    ^ Megan_jc, I had pancakes for breakfast yesterday too. Although they were regular (no additional protein), but I added only a smidgen of real maple syrup and 1/2 a banana so it's "healthier" (well, healthier than it could be)

    What's the recipe for the TIU pancakes?
  • looplooploop
    The recipe is here:

    I used hemp hearts instead of flax but it was still good! I mashed up the other half of the banana with 1 tbsp of peanut butter for the topping.. yum!
  • Alleyna7
    Alleyna7 Posts: 212
    Hey everyone!!

    Hope you're saturday is awesome! I find the weekend so difficult! but I managed to get up and do this

    I wish I would choose running, but it's cold and wet....and I just prefer doing bodyweights haha
  • looplooploop
    Hey everyone!!

    Hope you're saturday is awesome! I find the weekend so difficult! but I managed to get up and do this

    I wish I would choose running, but it's cold and wet....and I just prefer doing bodyweights haha

    You're a machine! Zuzana is a little more intense than where I'm at right now haha

    Today I did the TIU Valentines Day workout (phew!) and Karena's stretch video. I also took my dog for an hour long walk since I'm without a car today and had to do a few errands. Might do a Jillian Michael's video later this afternoon.

    Tonight I have an end-of-the-year school BBQ but I've already prepped myself some healthy turkey burgers and a veggie platter. Only going to drink Vodka+water+lime (60 cals each).

    Hope everyone else is having a healthy weekend!
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    Saturday was a bit of a rest day. While I was up and about (cleaning, cooking, errands, and a bit of walking around) I didn't do any additional exercise, and my legs really needed that.

    Today I'll squeeze in some planned exercise.
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm excited to get started with week number two. I took today as my rest day and i think my body is thanking me :) Today i weighed in at 144.4, so i am down 1.6 pounds from last week. I did not lose any inches. My goal for tomorrow is to wake up and do a Booty Call. I did my first ever on Saturday morning and i liked getting moving first thing.
    Everyone have a great week
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Did anyone do a workout today? I did a Booty Call (Cto5K workout) and Under the sea. Had to follow the printable version bc the video kept re-starting. These gals keep me laughing. :laugh:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    PS - thanks for the welcome Karen! :)
  • WiegandS
    WiegandS Posts: 99 Member
    The last email I got was under the sea and the sand castle workout. I haven't gotten any since.. which sucks. I'm still working out, but I would love to be able to follow along with their workouts.
  • looplooploop
    I haven't been getting the emails either, I've just been checking their blog.

    I took a rest day yesterday but today I did C25k, the bikini strap workout x 3 sets, and one set of the 8 toning moves video. Legs are sore!

    We should do weekly weigh-ins/measurements for all 8 weeks.. maybe I'll start one! :)
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Hi everyone. Checking in :)
    Sorry I've been a bit absent, been busy girl studying/working/visiting Nana but am now on study leave so can get back into it with full force :) No workout today cos it's my wonderful boyfriends birthday so had plans with him, so tomorrow is my official comeback :) Cant wait to get back to it. The TIU girls are awesome!
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Just been reading the TIU blog and they've put up a bunch of 'must do's for the rest of the 8 weeks:
    1. Check in every day
    2. Drink half your weight (in lbs) in water (ounces)
    3. Eat "Lean, Clean and Green" - no heavy white starches, large portions of cheese or fried foods
    4. Yes you can have some cocktails ;)
    5. "Booty Call" 4 times per week (Booty Call is a 30 minute early morning workout - anything you like)
    6. Read through challenges carefully - they need to become your new habits

    So, if we plan to check in every day here then we can let each other know how we are going in relation to our personal goals as well as the goals set above and each day by the tone it up crew :)

    Additional information to note:
    Avoid processed/packaged carbs such as crackers, chips, white bread, sugary cereal, white pasta and candy
    Instead eat kumara (sweet potato), quinoa, brown rice, wholemeal wraps, oatmeal, wholegrain cereals
    Eat TUI approved desserts such as dark chocolate
    Don't eat food with chemicals in them, such as artificial sweeteners, eat as close to nature as possible
  • alexsmith01
    alexsmith01 Posts: 350 Member
    Options is the link to the April calendar - tried to post it but it was too big :)
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 499 Member
    Thanks for the updates!!

    Sunday I did one of their older workouts - the sand castle. It wasn't so bad. I took a rest yesterday. I didn't get their Motivation Monday email until last night, and didn't see it until this morning.

    Today should be a new workout so I'll do that one when its posted. I've been pretty good with water and eating fresh food (except for icecream which I mean I can pronounce the. ngredients but I don't think they'd find so hot). I think ill try for a booty call tomorrow morning, and see how.that goes.

    Ps I love that they love kale. I always have it around, and until they said it never thought to make a salad with it. A little low fat feta, some red grapes, and a balsamic dressing. Yum!
  • looplooploop
    Did the Sandcastle workout today instead of the new Livestrong one. I do have a medicine ball, but it's only 5 lbs and I do not have the space to be throwing a ball up in the air and smashing it down on my new floors haha! I liked the Sandcastle one.. the fronts of my thighs sure feel it!

    I'm hoping to get up nice and early and do a Jillian Michaels video for my booty call tomorrow!