EM2WL YouTube Videos



  • amillionan1
    amillionan1 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for assisting. I am enjoying eating more
  • sanvanhaaften
    Thank you so much!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi guys,

    We have posted so many new vids hope you guys are subscribing so you catch each one as they are released. Kiki just did a whole series on bulking and I just did one tonight on the importance of RECOVERY WEEK http://youtu.be/xKIdjHFdyQY. Our channel is EatMore2WeighLess on youtube!

  • JennWeighZen
    JennWeighZen Posts: 32 Member
    Just wanted to thank y'all for making these videos! I'm new to this EM2WL thing, the videos really helped me understand what I need to do. Working on healing my metabolism right now. I'll admit, I've had to up my calories slowly, because it was a mental thing, having that "1200" calorie mark drilled into my head for so long, I worked up to 1500, then 1700 (my BMR) and now I've upped it to 1900... so we shall see.

    You are a great source of information and inspiration! Thanks again.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    bump for later :)
  • Mizzpeace
    Mizzpeace Posts: 12 Member
  • Bump to view videos later
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Thanks for posting GREAT INFO!!!!!!!!
  • coffee4me57
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    hi, you asked for feedback, and I feel I must reply. On #2 the "is EM for over overweight people" you are too vague. The first 5 minutes repeats the same comments, no new info, we KNOW "birthdays will tempt us, and you don't want us to suffer"..how does this help learn specifics? I hung in to the last and hearing personal story is great but it never really answered clearly. People who are 50-200 overweight can hardly move or have never exercised, since this method encourage lots of body 'build up' fuel burning due to upping movement so your body can consume more..HOW will they do this? Thanks!

    People who are handicapped, or older with a knee replacement, say, can do some exercise, so it seems they need a very tailored regimen when they begin to get anywhere.
    CAN an obese person EM2WL without ADDED exercise or daily gym program? if so HOW. If it takes longer..give us an idea…do you know anyone >250 to talk to?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    hi, you asked for feedback, and I feel I must reply. On #2 the "is EM for over overweight people" you are too vague. The first 5 minutes repeats the same comments, no new info, we KNOW "birthdays will tempt us, and you don't want us to suffer"..how does this help learn specifics? I hung in to the last and hearing personal story is great but it never really answered clearly. People who are 50-200 overweight can hardly move or have never exercised, since this method encourage lots of body 'build up' fuel burning due to upping movement so your body can consume more..HOW will they do this? Thanks!

    People who are handicapped, or older with a knee replacement, say, can do some exercise, so it seems they need a very tailored regimen when they begin to get anywhere.
    CAN an obese person EM2WL without ADDED exercise or daily gym program? if so HOW. If it takes longer..give us an idea…do you know anyone >250 to talk to?

    Sure - the basic premise is always to eat at a reasonable deficit for the amount to lose and amount and type of activity.

    Reasonable deficit, along with enough protein, and resistance training, are the 3 things that help retain muscle mass while in a diet.

    If not doing resistance training, then there should be even less deficit. This would apply too if only exercise was intense cardio often.

    So yes you can eat more than bare minimum to lose fat weight only.
    Actually, eating bare minimum is great way to lose muscle mass too - probably shouldn't risk that if not able to exercise more, though merely moving around uses a lot more muscle than you might think.

    The problem when the weight goes up is getting that decent estimate of what you actually burn daily, in order to eat less than that.

    Some BMR calculators will inflate calorie burn, and therefore TDEE when multiplied out, the more overweight you are.

    I've seen cases where 100 lbs overweight, the BMR was 200-400 higher calculated than tested RMR would show, and that meant estimated TDEE was 500-700 inflated higher than reality.

    Well, when you take a 15% deficit off a TDEE that is inflated by that much - you'll discover you are NOT actually eating in a deficit, but at maintenance, or worse, slight surplus.

    So getting a bodyfat % estimate, even rough by 5%, and using the Katch BMR, would be preferred as a starting place.

    The spreadsheet on my profile page can help with that, and estimate your TDEE, that you can then take 15% off from, or 20% if really over 80 lbs to lose.
    Stay on the Simple Setup and Progress tabs only, after looking over sample data in yellow cells, delete all the data in yellow cells and input your own for what you have.
    Input whatever activity you do have, and there's your TDEE to use.
  • Jennbecca33
    Jennbecca33 Posts: 321 Member
  • kirksaavedra
    kirksaavedra Posts: 10 Member
    Scooby calculator has my tdee at 2,714 and cut at 2307.Mfp has me at 1860.so,scooby is more accurate?Everyone is tellinge im nuts if I up my calories so,2307 sounds sooooo crazy .of i told them just how many they were they'd freak out .everyone who I have ms ruined it to ,thinks stay at or below 1200
  • kirksaavedra
    kirksaavedra Posts: 10 Member
    By the way,I am logged into my husbands old account.i am a female.
  • kirksaavedra
    kirksaavedra Posts: 10 Member
    I went to profile to change it ,but can't figure out how to change the name.So for now ita my husbands name.lol