

  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
  • 2012newbie
    2012newbie Posts: 88 Member
    Just checking in, it's been a week or so, I've been very busy with work and life. My youngest graduated college and then I had a sick day yesterday. Have stayed pretty much on track with my carbs, calories and exercise. I'm holding steady at 70 lbs lost since January 2, and had my followup appt with my dr for my labwork this past week. My triglycerides, cholesterol and my A1C have all come down drastically, as I knew they would on my lower carb lifestyle. In the past this worked for my ex and my kids so I knew it would work for me too, a huge wake up call in January but I have no intention of losing momentum. My weightloss has slowed but I'm still on track so not stressing about it one bit. Just to give you an idea IF you are diabetic and struggling, my a1c on jan 2 was 12.2 (yes that was shocking to me, too), and now it's 6.2 which is awesome. Have made my dr. into a believer. Everyone stay safe and healthy. Or get healthy!
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    Just checking in, it's been a week or so, I've been very busy with work and life. My youngest graduated college and then I had a sick day yesterday. Have stayed pretty much on track with my carbs, calories and exercise. I'm holding steady at 70 lbs lost since January 2, and had my followup appt with my dr for my labwork this past week. My triglycerides, cholesterol and my A1C have all come down drastically, as I knew they would on my lower carb lifestyle. In the past this worked for my ex and my kids so I knew it would work for me too, a huge wake up call in January but I have no intention of losing momentum. My weightloss has slowed but I'm still on track so not stressing about it one bit. Just to give you an idea IF you are diabetic and struggling, my a1c on jan 2 was 12.2 (yes that was shocking to me, too), and now it's 6.2 which is awesome. Have made my dr. into a believer. Everyone stay safe and healthy. Or get healthy!
    That is amazing..... you are proof that it works!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Hello All!

    Thanks for the recipe for the greek yogurt, Bailey.

    2012Newbie: That is fantastic! Wow... see you live and you learn everyday and your results have opened your doctor's eyes.
    Great job on your weightloss too. Hang in there the scale will start moving again.:wink:
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    I found a recipe for the greek frozen yogurt. Heres the site. I'm gonna try it today.....


    Tried the recipe today. Used Splenda to replace the honey and threw in a couple raspberries and strawberries. I used my electric ice cream maker and tripled the batch. So yummy!

    Thanks Bailey!
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Great idea on the splenda! I was wondering how I should substitute it! I'm going to throw some together on my lunch hour and try it when I get home tonight! We have an episode of True Blood to watch tonight (my guilty plessure) and I love to eat while watching tv, so this will be a great thing to eat while watching :smile:

    I found a recipe for the greek frozen yogurt. Heres the site. I'm gonna try it today.....


    Tried the recipe today. Used Splenda to replace the honey and threw in a couple raspberries and strawberries. I used my electric ice cream maker and tripled the batch. So yummy!

    Thanks Bailey!
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend! I took a cardio class on Saturday morning, and another this morning before work. It was great! We did a little bit of everything and my arms, legs and abs are very achy today! Taht's a wonderful thing! Took yesterday off to heal my hurting muscles and hope to do something everyday this week and take Sunday off again. I feel like I'm back to being 100%motivated! Finally!! We go to Texas (to my aunt's house) on vacation the 3rd week in July, so I want to look good in a swimsuit by then! She has a pool, so at least it won't be in public :laugh:

    Well, I have a busy week and will be gone from work on Wednesday, so I better get crackin! Have a wonderful day all!
  • clare_smiles
    clare_smiles Posts: 98 Member
    Great to hear from you all: Bailey, Lynne, Linda, Newbie, pamela, I need to remember to check in here too- besides my wall!

    I am shocked but I think I have nearly lost 10 lbs last week! I'm sure a lot of it was "water weight" from really jumping off the wagon when I was on Vacation. Tomorrow I'll weigh in. (I weighed myself Sunday but I didn't record it) Strangely, I feel like I'm wanting to divert from this sucess.

    How do you all stay motivated? I tend to self-sabatoge myself and I need to get out of that habit. (I've struggled with my weight for 20 years!) I know it would motivate me if I really lost 2lbs a week. That should help me enough. I never seem to get to that point though. Maybe just a lot of positive self talk?

    Hope you have a great Monday!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Clare that is fantastic!!! Treat yourself to something other than food when you lose, like a manicure and pedicure, or a new blouse, hairdresser, new makeup etc.

    You deserve it and stop talking to yourself negatively or get on the boards to take your mind off of sabatoging yourself:flowerforyou:

    Bailey: Send me some of your energy :happy: You are doing great. I can't wait for my hip to heal so that I can really get back into exercise too.
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    Great to hear from you all: Bailey, Lynne, Linda, Newbie, pamela, I need to remember to check in here too- besides my wall!

    I am shocked but I think I have nearly lost 10 lbs last week! I'm sure a lot of it was "water weight" from really jumping off the wagon when I was on Vacation. Tomorrow I'll weigh in. (I weighed myself Sunday but I didn't record it) Strangely, I feel like I'm wanting to divert from this sucess.

    How do you all stay motivated? I tend to self-sabatoge myself and I need to get out of that habit. (I've struggled with my weight for 20 years!) I know it would motivate me if I really lost 2lbs a week. That should help me enough. I never seem to get to that point though. Maybe just a lot of positive self talk?

    Hope you have a great Monday!

    I do that too! I have no idea why. Every time I lose about 10-15 lbs I get comfortable (or something?) and mess myself up. I did it last week...Finally got into the 160's (haven't been there in 8 years!) then felt like I was owed a "reward of bad carbs". Self-sabotage for sure. We will get passed that behavior!!
  • clare_smiles
    clare_smiles Posts: 98 Member

    I do that too! I have no idea why. Every time I lose about 10-15 lbs I get comfortable (or something?) and mess myself up. I did it last week...Finally got into the 160's (haven't been there in 8 years!) then felt like I was owed a "reward of bad carbs". Self-sabotage for sure. We will get passed that behavior!!

    Glad I'm not alone on on that sabatoge. I think the more practice and reminding myself to make good choices will help- or to "reward" myself differently, would be much better. Thanks Linda for the encouragement.

    I weighed in today and was 8.8 down (not 10, because I didn't make good choices last night) but I'm learning! And, very thankful for this loss!

    Hope you had a great Tuesday everyone!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Afternoon All:

    Well I am happy to report the scale finally moved. Am estatic, now it doesn't feel like I am doing all this for "NAUGHT.":bigsmile:

    Hope everyone else is doing fine with their diet. Have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi all! It's been awhile since I've "checked in" in here. Still doing the same. Haven't gotten to the gym in a few days, but doing pretty good food wise. Leaving for Texas on Thursday after work! Soooo ready for a vacation! We will be staying with my aunt, who is a fellow low-carber! That'll make things easier!!

    Hope you are all doing well!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Hi Bailey:

    Have a great time, you deserve a vacation. I know you will do good while away from home and with your Aunt being a low carber, it will be much easier to stay focused. Will see you when you get back. Enjoy!

    Claire: How is it going? No more sabatoging for you. Stay positive and don't be so hard on yourself.

    Mi3sons: How is it coming along? I know you can do it.

    Pamela: How is everything going with you as I have not heard from you in awhile. Hope all is well.
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    Hi All,

    Doing great on the "strict" Atkin's approach. Have lost the 6lbs since Friday (that I gained over my 5-day Forth of July party fun) so I am back to the 41 pound loss that shows on my ticker. TOM is just around the corner, so I'm not expecting a lot... just want to keep where I am until after. I'll hit the city on Thursday to go grocery shopping, I defiantly need to stock up on stuff for me!

    Have an awesome vacation Bailey! I love Texas... all that Tex-Mex food rocks! Lots of low carb choices.

    Good job on your continued loss Linda!

    Have a great evening guys,
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Afternoon All:

    Mi3Sons: Just stay focused, when you stay true to the game, it can't fail. Have a great weekend and know I am over here cheering for you. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

    Bailey: Hoping you are having a great time with your family and friends. You deserve it.

    Clare: Hope you are staying positive and celebrate with anything other than food. You can do it.

    To Everyone Else: How are you doing? Please log on and let us know if you are need of motivation/support. We are all here for you.
  • clare_smiles
    clare_smiles Posts: 98 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I miss checking in with you! My fault! did stray a bit over the weekend but back on track yesterday (tuesday some- but I need to continue to remind myself that there are just some foods I overindulge in, even if they are low-carb.) I need reign myself in! This time was heavy whipping cream. I make my own whipped cream, but can't stop eating it (and I make portion by portion). Well no more buying that! :noway:

    On a much better note, I made chicken breasts and Finally made Cauliflower rice! It was pretty good- and a variety to get in some vegetables. I saute' it with chopped onion and coconut oil. and I'll be sprinkling some cheese on it later. The texture is different, so if you haven't tried it, it's good.

    I also tried Kale Chips- that did not work for me (don't like the taste...but glad to finally try it!)

    Linda, thanks for the shout out and support!

    Bailey, have a wonderful trip and congrats again on your loss!

    Mi3Sons, Fantastic LOSS!!! we can do this!

    Coy,?, how are you?

    Anyone else, please check in with us so we can support you! I would love to be your friend too!

    Have a great low carb day!!!
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    Hey! Just checking in - still alive n kicking lol! Lost 23.6 thus far. Had a couple of weeks of messing around, n am back in the game. not much else 2 say - sorry. ya'll keep on the good fight!:drinker:
  • clare_smiles
    clare_smiles Posts: 98 Member
    Pamela, Great job on the loss! Thanks for checking in with us!

    How was everyone's weekend?

    I had a few indulgences, but stayed on track otherwise and exercised so I didn't fall off the wagon! YAY. I love Low Carb!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Wow!!! Everyone seems to be on a "POSITIVE" roll and that is a good thing. WE CAN DO IT!!!! Let's go lose some weight.

    WIGTROSE/LYNNE: You are both really knocking down the pounds, good for you. :flowerforyou:

    Pam: Welcome back, 23 lbs is fantastic, that is nothing to sneeze at. Know that you can do it. We are here to help.:drinker: