

  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi everyone, Just a quick check in before I get to work. Had 2 sick babies this week, so I was gone yesterday and am now way behind. Anyway, the scale went down a little over a pound on Monday, so I was happy about that. I did my run I had mapped out yesterday and did a little over 2 miles in 25 minutes. I'd say about 2 and a quarter miles? Not sure exactly how long it was. Anyway, I have been haivng a little too much carbs lately. Last night I had 2 pcs of 5 net carb bread with nutella. That was my pre-low carb, indulngence when I was calorie counting. OMG, it was divine! Back to it, though. I guess if that was a cheat, that would be the way to do it, right? At least I didn't indulge in crap!

    Well, gotta get to work! Great job everyone! Hope you are all doing well!

    Linda- Good luck on getting rid of that .6!! You can do it! WATER, WATER, WATER!!!!!
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    Hello all
    I kinda feel out of place and never know what to say. I never got into the tweet, or facebook thing.......so If I'm doing it wrong just let me know.
    For those crazy hot days I like to keep Protein ice cream in the freezer, this one is my fav
    Strawberry Cheesecake Protein Ice Cream

    1/2 cup mashed Strawberries
    2 Tablespoons Whipped Cream Cheese
    1 Tablespoon Sugar Free Torani Syrup (I used SF Vanilla)
    1 cup Vanilla almond milk
    2 scoops Vanilla Protein Powder
    1/4 cup chopped Strawberries

    Mash strawberries, SF Syrup and cream cheese together. Mix together milk, protein, & strawberry cream cheese mixture. I used this gadget to mix it up. It makes it airy and lump free. Pour into ice cream maker. Follow your machine's instructions for freezing. 5 minutes before done add chopped strawberries. I put it in the freezer to set for an hour. Top with an optional squirt of Land o'Lakes Sugar Free Whipped Cream.

    If you haven't tried Protein Ice Cream yet... do it now! I promise you will very, very happy you did.

    Basically you can just throw your favorite protein shake recipe in an ice cream maker and viola in 20 minutes or so you have an AWESOME UNBELIEVABLY YUMMY weight loss surgery friendly summer treat!

    This sounds awesome thanks for posting!! Is it just one serving? Trying to figure out the carb count...
    I normally split it by four, my friends split it my two.........I would at least split in by 2

  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Morning All!

    All I can say right now is "stay cool and drink plenty of fluids." It is in the high 90's in the Big Apple and I am trying to stay off the computer as to not use as much electricity while in this heat wave.

    I want you all to have a great weekend and please stay hydrated if you are experiencing this type of weather also.:smile:
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    I'd love to be in the 90's Linda. It's 105 here! I went to put my dog out at 7:30 this morning and just had him go out, pee and come right back in! Too hot for the poor thing out there!

    As for my week. Not sure I even want to talk about it :( I have been oh so bad the last 3 days. Busy at work, sick kids at home and lotsa fast food and pizza. And no, I didn't take the topping off, I ate the crust. And no, I didn't order salads (everytime, I did a few....), I had the burger and fries. Sigh.... :sad: back to it tonight! I am off to pound the pavement tonight. Hopefully it cools down a bit. Going to the store tonight, too. Gotta stock my house with Atkins-friendly foods...... although, I have really been missing my Kashi cereal and oatmeal lately. Thinking of adding some carbs back into my mornings only?? Not sure... hmmm.... decisions, decisions... I have always felt carbs are the devil, but man, breakfast is getting so hard and I am so very sick of meat and eggs I could puke!
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    I'd love to be in the 90's Linda. It's 105 here! I went to put my dog out at 7:30 this morning and just had him go out, pee and come right back in! Too hot for the poor thing out there!

    As for my week. Not sure I even want to talk about it :( I have been oh so bad the last 3 days. Busy at work, sick kids at home and lotsa fast food and pizza. And no, I didn't take the topping off, I ate the crust. And no, I didn't order salads (everytime, I did a few....), I had the burger and fries. Sigh.... :sad: back to it tonight! I am off to pound the pavement tonight. Hopefully it cools down a bit. Going to the store tonight, too. Gotta stock my house with Atkins-friendly foods...... although, I have really been missing my Kashi cereal and oatmeal lately. Thinking of adding some carbs back into my mornings only?? Not sure... hmmm.... decisions, decisions... I have always felt carbs are the devil, but man, breakfast is getting so hard and I am so very sick of meat and eggs I could puke!

    I hear you! I've added steel cut oatmeal in the morning, we'll see what happens......................
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Bailey: 105 degrees, that is really hot, wow! I feel for you girlfriend. I know that when the children are sick, it stresses you out and because you are an avid exerciser, we will give you a pass on this. :wink: The oatmeal is very healthy as long as it is a portion size. The fiber in it, helps you out, and it keeps you satisfied. Two or three times a week is good, especially on those days when you are not really satisfied at least those are good carbs.

    Every once in awhile I will have a small greek yogurt. If I am too strict with myself, I will set myself up for failure for sure. Anyway, try to keep cool and stay out of the sun and save your running for when the sun is going down. Have a great weekend all and will chat with you all on Monday.:flowerforyou:
  • pebsnbam
    pebsnbam Posts: 2 Member
    Back on track & focused , determined to not let all this stress in my life weigh me down !!! just made breakfast omlet with pepers & a little lefted over steak ,coffee with sugar free creammer ,fueled up & ready for my walk ,hope everyone has a nice productive day :)
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Back to hitting the pavement today! As of yesterday, I have had a puking child everyday except 1 for 7 days straight! So over it! I was puked on 4 times within a few hours yesterday, and since my husband was at work, and all she wanted was to be held, I wiped it off and held her. Finally got her asleep long enough to take a shower. My other daughter had mac n cheese for dinner, guess what I had?? You guessed it! Mac n cheese. Too hard to bake my tilapia I had laid out with a sick child. Ugh... Today will be better! Back to running and back to eating healthy! I'm sitting here having my greek yogurt and atkins shake for breakfast along with my water and coffee. Lunch will be a salad, dinner tilapia and brocolli and snacks will be almonds. Yep, got my entire day planned out. If I plan it, I'll be more likely to DO it. Have a wonderful day everyone!!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Morning!

    pebsnbam: Welcome back and glad that you are back on track. Just take it one meal at a time and one day at a time. I find that if you plan your meal for the day, you are apt to stick with it. Anyway, as I said glad that you are back and know that you can do anything you set your mind to. Never give up!

    Bailey: I am glad that the children are feeling better and that your life is getting back to normal. It is not easy with one sick child but three, wow.... I am also glad that you are back on track and stay hydrated as the weather now is "brutal."

    To Everyone else: How are you doing? Haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope you are sticking with it and losing the weight once and for all. Have a great day!
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    I am officially back on track! had a great eating day yesterday and I ran 4 miles! Whoo hoo!! My legs are pretty sore today, but man, it was WORTH it!! Going to do it again today!

    Hope everyone else is doing well. Have a swell day everyone!! :bigsmile:
  • clare_smiles
    clare_smiles Posts: 98 Member
    Hi Friends, as some of you know, I've been away on a cruise. I got back on track yesterday and very determined. I was up 7 lbs from my vacation and checked this morning and was down 4.5 lbs (!) I only had 10 net carbs yesterday which was a drastic difference than last week! I'm not "recording" my weight, because it may change and I'll be sad, but just wanted to share how crazy the scale can be! I'm going to try to stay very low carb to get this gain off- then back to a more livable eating plan for me!

    Hope all is well with everyone!

    Thanks for the strawberry protein recipe. Looks very good!!!

    BTW, Please friend me if we are not yet friends! (or I might friend you) :)
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Hello All:

    Bailey, that is great...4 miles wow! You are really on a roll now. The weight is going to fall off you especially in inches. Good for you!

    Clare: Glad that you were able to drop those 4.5 pounds. No I would not weigh either until weigh-in day as the scale is very finicky for sure. Am happy to hear that you enjoyed yourself. Now back to the hard work...of losing the weight :happy:

    Peb: How are you doing today?

    I myself, overate in carb yesterday. Had a taste for yogurt and watermelon. Had them, dusted myself off and am back on track.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Linda, Great for you! No biggie, just get back on that horse :laugh:

    On my lunch hour I mapped out a new 4mile run for tonight. Heat index is over 100....really hoping it's cooler by the time I hit the pavement!

    Clare, You did outstanding for going on a cruise....all that free food....my oh my, i'd have gained a horse!
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Wow, I just thought I needed to check in with everyone, been forgetting lately and I'm the last one who has posted in 3 days! Where is everyone?? Hope you are all alright and staying on the low carb train :happy:

    Just did my first spin class today. It wasn't as bad as everyone made me think it was going to be. I thought I'd want to run for the hills screaming! I loved it though! Going to go back on Monday. We joined the YMCA and I am going to take full advantage of the classes! My alarm went off at 4:45 am, but you have to register for this class and that MADE me get my butt outta that comfy bed! Plus, it was 110 degrees here yesterday. Too hot by the end of the day to workout. Supposed to be worse today. Its absolutely MISERABLE here :ohwell:

    Ok, well, I hope everyone is doing well. Remember, one step at a time. The more steps, the farther you get. In a year you will wish you had started TODAY. Don't give up the fight. You can do it, we ALL can!! :wink:
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    Hi Everyone,

    I’ve been around….just let the holiday week get the best of me. So much family and many friends at the ranch for the past several weeks, has been hard to keep strong during the last 5 days. But I’m back strong and ready to resume the fight! I have kept my carbs decent, but need to jumpstart my plan with the Induction phase again. No guests for a few weeks, so I’m have no excuses not to get this done!

    Getting ready to attend a wedding with my hubby in August and would love to be 2 more sizes down, only 14 more pounds to go for my summer goal.

    So jealous of all of you going to the gym and taking classes!!!! I live way too far out in the boonies to do that. Today, I did sign up for spinning classes at the gym by my school in September. I used to love it, not sure why I stopped!

    Quick question…. I saw a woman eating a pint of sugar free Greek frozen yogurt (I think Ben and Jerry’s) at the airport yesterday. When I went back to ask her where she purchased it, she was gone! I went 40 miles into town today to find this product and couldn’t!!!!! Arg! Has anyone seen it? If so, where?

    I hope everyone is enjoying the summer, it has defiantly been a hot and smoky (wildfires galore!) around here.

    Make it a great day!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Morning!

    Lynn, you can go to the following site to find out where the nearest shop is.

  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    Good Morning!

    Lynn, you can go to the following site to find out where the nearest shop is.


    Can't find the "sugar free" .
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Lynne--Sugar free greek frozen yogurt??!! Ummmm....YUMMMM!!!! Never heard of that! I'll have to do some google research! Glad you found a spin class! I am signed up to take one on Monday and Thursday. Friday, maybe. My husbands work schedule is carzy, so it'll be hard to go often. He works 24 hour shifts and is an hour away, so even on the days he is coming home, he won't be home in time for me to leave, so theere will be 2 days in a row I cannot go :( Sad face...

    I took a cardio abs class today! I am loving my YMCA classes! The class today was a mix of cardio kickboxing, step class, weights and just plain ol running! So fun! We did laps and I loved it!

    Not weighing myself until next Friday. Hoping to have a drop by then. I have 1550 calories left after lunch today, no way can I eat those. I do believe in eating them back, but only if you WANT to and feel the NEED to. If I'm not hungry, I don't eat.

    Ok, well, I normally do not get on here on the weekends, but got our laptop back, so that makes it easier.

    Have a great, low carb weekend everyone!!

  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    I found a recipe for the greek frozen yogurt. Heres the site. I'm gonna try it today.....

  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    I found a recipe for the greek frozen yogurt. Heres the site. I'm gonna try it today.....


    I'm trying this tonight! Thanks Bailey!