

  • Broken420
    Broken420 Posts: 56 Member
    fat2fitradio.com lol freudian slip anyone? :embarassed:
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    The boys are gone! Never been without all of them before, house is so quiet… it’s creepy! They are driving cattle north and won’t be home until Tuesday night. One of our dogs is pregnant and we still have chicks too young be left behind, so I stayed back. Goal is to clean the house and get one of the ranch houses cleaned up for a new cowboy joining us on Wednesday. Also have to do tons of food prep for the month. I may be dieting but my men need a minimum of 4,000 calories a day just so they don’t lose weight. Not my problem!!! I would be as big as a house. They all work so hard! I need to stay away from all temptations! Baking is going to be t he worst. My weakness! Wish me luck, and have a successful Monday everyone!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Morning!

    Coyo: Instead of having a complete day of cheating, why don't you make it one meal during that one day? You can have what you want and still be able to stay on track. And make that cheat a 'portion size" only. Just my thought!:smile:

    Mi3threesons: Wow! You definitely have a job there! I will keep my fingers crossed for you:smile:

    Me, I gained water weight 2.1 lbs (ate pork rinds yesterday), :sad: hopefully it will pass. Going to drink tons of water to get rid of the salt today. Have a great day and will check back later.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi everyone!! Sounds like everyone is doing well. I have not weighed myself for awhile, and will not weigh until this Friday. I signed up for my first 5k on June 23!!!! Can't wait, but a little nervous, as I have not run (bc of shin splints) for a week. We'll see how I do. Even if I walk some, not big deal. My goal is to complete it! Have a great day everyone!
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    I never really liked Jillian Michaels on Biggest Loser. But, I bought her 30 day shred anyway, having heard so many people on Myfit talk about it. I kinda liked her personality more when reviewing the tape while eating my cod and brussel sprouts at lunch. Now that I actually did the first session, I'm back to not liking her. lol! She is what I need though, a drill sergeant, who smiles occasionally. Great workout, I don't really sweat, well I do now. let's see if I can do this for 30 days. I tried Richard Simmons, but he goes so friggin fast, I'm afraid I will not do the exercises in proper form and get hurt - everything hurts already. Proper form is so important and Jillian does stress that and goes at a pace I can keep up with. Didn't realize how easy it was sitting on the couch eating Doritos.

    Anyway, getting bloodwork done tommorrow, will be interesting to see what it says. I will let you know the differences since I started Atkins til now.

    Have a great week everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • 2012newbie
    2012newbie Posts: 88 Member
    Just checking in today, still holding steady, but I've just spent the last hour and a half taking in all my jeans and pants so i DON'T have to buy new ones right now. I'm not quitting, I'm in it for the long hall. I'm kinda depressed about all the loose skin on my upper arms, thighs and fanny.
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Morning!

    2012newbie: That is great news. And I love your enthusiam -- I'm not quitting. Good for you, keep up the good work.
    As for the loose skin on the arms, maybe some exercises targeted for those areas might help firm them up. So cheer up, you've gonna see some great changes as you travel on your road to weightloss.:flowerforyou:

    Pamela: I like you am not a Jillian Michael fan, especially in her exercise video. But if you have cable tv, there are free exercise channels on them. Good luck on the blood work, I know they should come back with fantastic results.:happy:

    Bailey: You will do fine on the 5K run. Whether you walk or run, just showing up is a feat within itself. Hopefully, your shin will be better by that time.:happy:

    As for me:cry: no weight loss infact, the scale is showing 199.9 (a 2 lb weight gain). Hopefully it will be down to 196 by next Tuesday. Can't cry over spilled milk::indifferent: , but I will not be eating pork rinds for awhile.:grumble:
  • clare_smiles
    clare_smiles Posts: 98 Member
    Just wanted to check in with everyone and say hello. I feel like I'm just losing and gaining the same 2 lbs. No major movement of my weight loss for a month. But, It's my own self-sabatoge- as long as I can get past this and continue to exercise, I think eventually I'll move past my up and down.

    Hope everyone is doing well! one ounce or one pound at a time! We can do this!
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi everyone! I have not checked in for a while so I thought I would just say hello! I too had a water weight gain Linda, slowly losing it! It is so irritating! It's nice to see the scale going down, but it shouldn't have gone up in the first place! Keep drinking the water - that's what I'm doing. Maybe by tomorrow I will be back where I started!

    Well, super busy here at work so I better get at it! By the end of July things will have calmed back down again. Everyone have a great day!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Morning!

    Glad to know that everyone is doing ok. I know what it means to keep losing the same 2 lbs you thought you lost.:huh: But we can not give in to the scale we just have to keep focused on our goal and we will eventually lose the weight.

    Dis: Yes, drinking the water in which I have slacked on 2 glasses less per day, might be what's wrong. But am going to get my 10 glasses of water back in starting today.

    Everyone, have a great day and keep at it, no matter what!:smooched:
    Quote of the Day:

    Life is a succession of moments, seconds and minutes. To live each one is to succeed.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi everyone! I was MIA yesterday. Having some medical issues with my son. He is all the sudden having OCD-type tendencies. Very worrisome and just emotionally and physically exhausting! After a few melt-downs yesterday and feeling physically sick I am a little better today, as I know it's in God's hands and He is the only one who knows the outcome. Just have to trust, but it's a hard thing to do sometimes. Hopefully we will get a call from the doctor today with a plan of action.

    On a good note, I lost a little over a pound! Weigh in day isn't til Friday, but I couldn't resist. Needed something positive and it def raised my spirits!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I am going to try to have a better one today!
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi everyone! My spirits are a bit raised today. Got a good nights sleep and am feeling refreshed and ready to conquor this day! I made some wonderful french onion burgers last night! Just lean ground beef with worshershire sauce, dry onion soup packette, salt and pepper mixed, grill the patties. Then I sauteed sliced mushrooms, onions and green bells chopped in butter and topped it on the burger (no bun of course) and they were freakin awesome!! My kids all even liked them! We ate outside and had a great time! My husband works 24 hrs on, 48 off, so on his nights he's at work, we often eat outside so I have less of a mess to clean up :smile:

    Alright, well, gotta get to work. I am working on getting my son into a few specialists today. We live in quite a small town, so we have to drive a few hours, but it's well worth it!!

    Have a wonderful day, all!!
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi eveyrone! Hope ur having a great week thus far.:happy:

    I have my blood work results and like promised I will share them with u all. I really hope they encourage someone, especially if skeptical that an Atkins diet is healthy ( it is!)

    Old Cholesterol (bad) New Cholesterol (bad)
    226 (total 306) 105 (total 177)

    Old Cholesterol (good) New Cholesterol (good)
    46 53

    Old triglycerides New triglycerides
    171 96

    FYI I do take 20mg of Crestor also.

    Old HA1C (sugar) New HA1C
    9.5 7.2

    Well, there u have it! Doctor wanted to know what diet I was on, told her, and commended me on 20 pounds lost(didn't hit my 21 goal, oh well). So, here I go to my next goal of weighing 190 (10) pound loss ahead of me. Oh, and yeah kidneys r functioning fine with the high protein I eat.

  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Hi Everyone:

    Pam: That is great! Keep hanging in there and you will be at your next goal before you know it.

    Bailey: That sounds scrumptious!! Hope everything works out for you and your son and hope it is not as bad as you think. Children get bored with school as your son is mostly likely needs more of a challenge as far as learning goes. If in doubt, get a second opinion.


    When you discover it's your choice and your attitude, things start to happen!
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hello all! Last check in for me before the weekend starts. Had a cheat day yesterday. Took my son out to eat and to get ice cream. I did not wake up sick, but don't feel the greatest today. I am not beating myself up over it, though. Back on it today and the next, and the next....

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend! One more week til my 5k. Gotta get on it! Taking a run tonight :smile:

    "See" ya'll on Monday!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Afternoon All!

    Bailey: Sounds like things went ok for you yesterday. You had to "de-stress" some kind of way. But the good news is that you are back on plan.

    As for me, I was able to drop 1.5 lbs. (guess it is water weight) so now I am 198.4. :bigsmile:


    When you expect success, your mind focuses on success.
  • savedchild8
    savedchild8 Posts: 148 Member
    New here, but I pray we will be able to inspire one another while on this journey!
    Congratulations on ALL the pounds lost!!

    WE GOT THIS!!!

    Remember...a healthy lifestyle is better than ANY FAD DIET!!

    "Any experience can be transformed into something of value. Everything depends on the way you look at things. You cannot have the success without the failures.

    Lots of love.....:flowerforyou:
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member

    Haven't checked in for a while, so thought I'd let uyou know I'm still alive :happy:

    Like Clare I'm gaining and losing the same 2 pounds over and over again.......it is SO frustrating :frown:

    I know we shouldn't need to calorie count, but I've dropped my goal to 1610 calories to see if that will kick-start me again. I also changed my exercise round a little this week so that I was doing little and often rather than just a couple of big workouts. I'm hoping this will keep my metabolism revved up.

    Oh, and I made it back into ketosis this morning :happy:

    Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend :flowerforyou:
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    Just a quick hello! Congrats Linda on ur loss!
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi everybody! I've been so bad this weekend. I really had not been cheating that much, but man, this weekend I just let loose. Back to it today. Went for a 2 mile run at our high school track yesterday evening. It was a lot easier on my shins. I am going back on my lunch hour today and hopefully tomorrow morning. My girls have been waking up multiple times at night and it's just soooooo hard to get up when you've been up so much. Just could not get up when that 5am alarm went off :yawn:

    Anyway, just checking in after the weekend. Hope everyone else had a good weekend, too! We took the 2 older kids fishing yesterday and had to walk a long way to and from the lake. My son got sick on the way back to the car, so my husband stayed with him and I took my stuff to the van and walked back to get my husbands stuff so he could carry him back, so that was some good exercise. It was HOT!! Got some good sun and a workout!

    Have a great week everybody!