

  • singitella
    singitella Posts: 40
    I know how you feel, Bailey. I haven't done a real workout in a while. I need to just pick up some dumbbells and get moving! After I do that, pushing play is much easier. Good luck!

    Linda, thanks for the pep talk. You're right- we can do this!

    I'm glad everyone seems to be doing better. Happy Friday! :flowerforyou:
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    Bailey, that is me, exactly. I have no motivation. I have my room set up to do DVD's on my laptop, got my yoga mat there, etc. But I just can't seem to make myself go change clothes and do it! I was so good for a short period time. Now I am like - eh. So much easier to sit on my butt and watch NCIS, lol! But I am going to try to do better!

    I was fairly good at the Blue Bunny Ice Cream Party last night. I ended up eating just over 1/4 cup of no sugar added ice cream and about 1/3 of a novelty bar. But I was down .2 lbs this morning! Who knows where I might have been without the ice cream splurge?? But it's a loss and I will take it!

    I made some coconut flour flatbread last night and brought it to work for lunch today. I toasted it (just to warm it up) in our toaster oven, then put chicken breast and pepper jack cheese on it, with a little mayo. I can't decide if I really like it or not, lol. It was nice to pick up a sandwich and eat it, but I ended up taking the top piece off after I was halfway done, and just eating the rest open-faced. It was kinda salty? And dry. I think if I made it again I would leave out the salt.

    Tonight I have Bible study at my aunt and uncle's house and they are serving Philly Cheesesteak sandwiches! Uggg! I LOVE them! But I am going to just eat it without the bread, sigh. :)

    Well, TGIF! and it is payday Friday, too! So ready for the weekend! I hope y'all have an awesome weekend and stay ON the wagon! We can do this!!! :)
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Ugh, I just had Arby's for lunch. I wanted those damned curly fries soooo badly!! I didn't get them though. I was good. Got a roast beef max sandwich, took the bun off and a side salad with ranch dressing. It was pretty good and now I'm proud of myself.
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    Ugh, I just had Arby's for lunch. I wanted those damned curly fries soooo badly!! I didn't get them though. I was good. Got a roast beef max sandwich, took the bun off and a side salad with ranch dressing. It was pretty good and now I'm proud of myself.

    That is awesome! Great willpower! I love their curly fries, too! I can't even walk in the door - if I smelled them I would get them, lol! Good for you!
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    Tammy feel free to check my diary, it's open. I'm doing about 50-70 carbs. Am losing weight, so pretty happy and feel full, so probably won't go much higher. :happy:
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Tammy, Great job on your loss.

    If you look at the section: Atkins Rules & Regulations, you will find out what you can and cannot eat. I would start at 25g NET CARBS, that way you don't feel deprived. You can't go by any one's carb intake but your own. You have to find your "critical carb" level for your body. Everybody is different and what works for them might not work for you. I would suggest you stay at 25 Net Carbs for 14 days then move it up to 30g for 2 week to see how you are losing. If you are dropping fast, move it up another 5g, as fast weightloss is only "temporary."

    Everyone seems to be on a "postive" road, and that is GREAT!!! Congratulations to all the losers. WE CAN DO THIS
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    Yep Linda ur right - what works for me may not work 4 someone else. I am so pleased I could up my carbs and feel so satisfied, and yet still b losing. So far in almost 50 days, I have lost 4 inches in my waist. It may b slower because of my higher carb, but it's something I can stick with 4 the long haul - which is what it's about.

    TTYL :glasses:
  • blkericia
    blkericia Posts: 105 Member
    hello friends hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
    well this morning got on the scale 208lbs::embarassed: well it is what it is i think 12lbs due to pour eating and TOM being here,
    but today is a new week for change and the time is now, well hope you all have a wonderful stress free week!
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    Here's a recipe idea I did tonight. I wanted to make chicken fingers- to get in some protein as an easy snack. Not my original idea, but I dipped the chicken breast in egg and then a mixtue of ground flax seed and parmesan cheese with oregano and basil. The parmesan has no carbs and flax seeds have no net carbs! Then baked in oven at 400 degrees about 30 mins.

    I hope everyone is having a great week!

    That sounds really delicious! I think I need to invest in some ground flax seed.....
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    Hello everyone

    Sorry I've been AWOL for a while, but it's nice to see a few new faces in here :flowerforyou:

    Things have been crazy busy at work, and I haven't really had time to chat, but I will try harder I promise.

    I haven't lost all of 0.2lbs over the last 3 weeks, have just been gaining and losing the same 1-2lbs, which is a little frustrating. My will-power has been on holiday and although I've generally been following the plan, we've had a lot of cookies etc in the office and I've been finding it hard to say no! I've recently re-introduced greek yoghurt and berries, and wonder if this is triggering my sweet cravings :huh:

    But tomorrow is the start of a new week, and I intend to give it my best shot!
  • clare_smiles
    clare_smiles Posts: 98 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    I've been on vacation this past week and have missed checking in with you all. I think I'm going to try to do the 25 net for a few days. I've never gone that low, but I feel I need to get "strict" with myself. I did eat carbs over vacation but made some good choices. And, the scale started creeping up before I left for vacation.

    Linda, that's for the starting out advice!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    Erica - I'm hoping u have a fab week! It's only 5 days so hang in there even if it's just meal to meal. I have those days 2!:wink:
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi everyone! I have decided to make a "summer resolution" to lose 20 pounds. That would put me well below my goal :happy: I really think I can do it and really, really WANT to do it!! We will see.... These last few pounds are a lot harder coming off. May be partly because I sabbotage myself every weekend and haven't been the greatest at working out...Gotta back into it! Ok, well, everyone have a wonderful day! I am working all day and then my sons having his preschool graduation. I'll be a sobbing mess :sad: Most likely will not have a workout today, but I did walk to work and will walk home for lunch, then back for the rest of the day, then home again. That's about 30 minutes of walking all together...
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Morning All:

    Bailey: Like you, it seems harder to move the scale lately. But am giving it my all.

    Claire: Welcome back!

    Wigtrose: Welcome back! Recipe sounds scrumptious.

    Pamela: How is it going? You seem to be on a roll and that is a good thing!

    Blkerica: How are you coming along?

    Dis5150: How is the foot coming along? Hope it is healing.

    Singitella: How is it going for you so far?

    Coy4yo: Hoping this week is better for you.

    LRenee: Hope you are feeling better.

    To: Jazzypratt, BJW1196, Jenna0215, Mithreesons, Sarahgrace Dana154, Tammi, BJW1196, JB2011 and Tatoomommy....would love to hear from you. How is it going?
  • clare_smiles
    clare_smiles Posts: 98 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Could someone explain the Keto stage- and checking your urine with some sort of strip? I looked for it on the basics but didn't see it. Or, tell me where to look online. Do you all check for the "fat-burning" stage? ( - is that the "keto" stage? )


    BTW, I actually made the chicken again with the flax and parm and it was better to cook it at 350 degrees - about 30 mins.
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108

    Regarding being in ketosis. You don't have to turn the ketostick really dark. 40% is good enough. Once you reach that stage and you don't overeat in carbs, it will stay in that fatburning mode. A lot of people like to let it go to 60% which the Atkins center feels is unsafe as most people don't drink the recommended 8 -10 glasses of water (not counting tea and coffee). After you have done Atkins for 3 consecutive days and stay within the carb intake limit, you will see your ketostick turn. If you haven't already purchased it (Ketostiks), the best brand out there is "BAYER" which you can purchase on Amazon.

    Usually, the best time to check your urine is at night. You only have to do it once per day. If it doesn't turn you might have eaten too many carbs, or hidden sugar is in your system. Just correct the carb situation and it will turn back the stick usually within 48 hours. Hopes that helps.

    Thanks for the recipe too, sounds delicious!
  • clare_smiles
    clare_smiles Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks so much, that's very helpful information for me!
    Have a great day!
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member

    Can't believe I am able to post again, it's nice to have the time. Yes Linda I'm doing well. Since Mother's Day I have lost another 2 - so total is 18 GONE! Have a goal of 21 gone by the 14th of June (when I see doc):wink:

    Hope everyone is having a great start to this week!
  • ericablu
    ericablu Posts: 12
    Hello everyone, new here. I'm on my third day of low carb. I've tried a lot of tactics to lose weight and nothing has worked so far - this is the first time I've attempted to limit carbs. I'm reading "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes...Anyway, I'm keeping to around 20 carbs and it's not been difficult, though I am I guess going through the "keto flu" at the moment. The first day I was fine, the second day I was very cranky, and had a period of dizziness and was pretty fatigued. Today I woke up feeling so awful I had to call in sick to work - was feeling nauseous, weak and headache-y. I was in bed until 2:00, but I'm feeling better now, thankfully. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow - hate missing work because I'm sick from detoxing from sugar! Interestingly, though, I've not been craving any carbs so that has been nice.
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Welcome Lolita:

    Yes, it does sound like you have the "carb flu" but know that within the next 12 hours you should be just fine.

    Cutting the carbs out of your diet is one the best things you could have done for your body. Man-made carbs and starcy carbs in moderation is fine but you have to use portion control with them.

    If you are in a situation and you have an alternative, where there are carb friendly foods i.e., salad instead of a white potato, or eating extra veggies instead of eating bread, then you are on the right path to losing the weight as well as getting yourself healthy. You will be surprised at your lab results once you go on the low carb way of eating. But remember it is not all about the scale, you might lose more inches than pounds, and that's even better.

    Again, welcome to the group and I am sure the other ladies in the group would love to chat with you too. Have a great day, and feel better.:flowerforyou:

    Pam: Great job! That is fantastic....keep up the good work and glad you could log on today.
