

  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Renee, almost 6 pounds?! That is fantastic!! Keep it up, girl!

    Nothing new to report here. Yesterday was day 1 back at the shakes and I did pretty good. Didn't do any workouts or walks yesterday...today I will. Got home last night, made dinner, took my son to get his tball shirt, came home and ate, baths and cleaned the kitchen, put kids to bed and crashed. Busy day! I plan on trying my new biggest loser workout video tonight. Have a great day, all!
  • blkericia
    blkericia Posts: 105 Member
    awesome job on your 6lbs,
    well for me the weekend got the best of me salt wise well i gained 6lbs so i am back to 201lbs, but i am cutting it out today,
    hope you all have a wonderful stress free week!
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Haven't checked in I think since Friday! :tongue: But am happy to say I lost another inch off my waist (total 4) and another .4 (total 16.4) pounds yeah me! I have to see my diabetes doc in June, so I should be able to report a sizeable loss in 3 months time- he should be pleased I know I am. Read a few blogs, sounds like everyone is doing ok - great! even setbacks are ok, Erica cause you know what you need to do . I hope you feel better Renee. Bailey congrats on pounds lost - knew you were a dteremined lady! didn't see Coy hope she is doing ok:wink:

    Ok off I go....Have a great afternoon!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Congratulations to all the losers!!! Way to go!

    Feel better Rene, I would not wish that on my worst enemy. Keep yourself hydrated too.

    Pam, your doctor is going to be elated with your progress, keep up the good work.

    Bailey: Trust me, you are definitely getting your exercise in with the children, so never think that you missed a workout.

    Blkerica: I have been where you have been, had to cut back on the salt dramatically. You can do it.

    Jb: Sorry you aren't willing to give up the foods that keep the weight on, but when you come around, we will still be here.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Just have to post this...saw this today and it's true on so many levels, including weight loss....

    "Persevere. Because nothing worthwhile is easy." President Barack Obama :happy:
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    I'm in a pretty bad mood today. I just need to stay away from the scale!! I am 2 pounds up :sad: . Not cool with me. Plus, I feel like I look like a moron today. My pants are really big, but I just went and bought a bunch a few months ago, so it's hard for me to go out and shop again. Good problem to have, I know, but my pants are really "bunchy" in the front and I just feel stupid. I am going back to eating lunch today. I was doing 2 Atkins shakes, but I've got a headache today on top of my grouchy-ness, so for the sake of the people I work with, I'm going to eat :) Planning on a chicken salad "sandwich" wrapped in romaine lettuce. May make some deviled eggs at noon too. I am also planning on putting a roast in the crockpot at noon for us to have for dinner. No carrots or potatoes in it like I used to do. I have some asparagus that I'll steam and maybe a salad. I'm going to go back to induction, which is a shame, because I just bought a bunch of berries to have with whipped cream. Oh well, my family can enjoy them. I will however, keep eating my choco-perfection, as it actually contains a ton of fiber and keeps me nice and full along with other benefits.

    Hope everyone else is having a good day!
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    Bailey I hope ur day goes better than it started - oh wait - u know u could have had to lie on the bed to struggle to get those pants on and couldn't breathe when u bent over in them ! :sad: Trying to make light of it.

    Thanks for the reminder about chicken salad n deviled eggs - I usually do fish, or tuna, and am getting bored. I really love chicken salad with a few grapes, pecans, and vidalia, and mayo (small amounts of course). Hmmm today is grocery shopping:bigsmile:

    Thanks for the encouragement Linda!:wink:
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Hi Ladies:

    Bailey: Don't be too hard on yourself, remember that muscle weighs more than fat and you have been working out. So give yourself (body) time to adjust to the new routine:flowerforyou: . If you have a sewing machine or knows someone who does, just take up the pants in the waist from the back seam for now. Have your berries with whip cream that is ok, just use portion control.

    So you are losing inches as Pamela said and that my dear, is a GOOD THING!!!

    Pam: You seem off to a great start and your salad sounds scrumptious. Stay out of the center aisles, just walk on the outer perimeter of the supermarket, those are all Atkins Friendly. :heart:

    All Others: How is your day going? Hope to hear from you.

    We can do this, and we will. Have a great day.:smile:
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    I agree with Linda, stay on the outer aisles!! I try my hardest to do that!! My kids of course, still have cereal and juice, so I do go into the center aisles for that stuff, but the outer aisles are an Atkins dieters best friend!! :love:

    I am in a better mood now. I am planning on my walk tonight and a good tanning session...that outta help my mood. It's been such a long week. I'm ready for Friday already. No cheating this weekend for me. I REPEAT: NO CHEATING for me!!

    I did forget to put my roast in the crockpot at noon, so that stinks, but I know I have some ground turkey in the fridge, so I'll figure something out with that.

    See ya'll tomorrow!
  • jenna0215
    jenna0215 Posts: 62
    Hi All,
    Boy can I relate Bailey. After a horrific weekend, my scale has creeped up as well. I'm doing great this week staying on track. But I am crabby!!!!! I keep biting people's head's off. Good thing for my family I'm going out of town the next two days :-) I was craving sugar last night like crazy.
    My workouts are still going well. I wore my heart rate monitor while I cleaned house today (which involved mopping all my wood floors and cleaning windows). I was shocked to see I burned 705 calories!!
    I hope everyone does great the next couple days! I'll check in on the weekend when I get back. I'm so looking forward to doing NOTHING the next two days :bigsmile:
  • TattooedMommy427
    TattooedMommy427 Posts: 279 Member
    I have not eaten well ALL WEEK!! On Saturday, I had taco bell AND pizza, Sunday I had Chilis for mothers day, monday and tuesday we had parties at work and I had ALL KINDS OF STUFF......I dont even want to get on the scale in fear of seeing the truth. Back on the wagon today....have done well all day, need to drink more water to flush my body out.
    Hope everyone is having a great week!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Alright ladies, time to "tighten things up around here." Falling off the track is one thing, but constantly derailing is "OUT."

    Let's do this....This remainder of this week, will be a NO CHEAT week for us. WE CAN DO THIS, and WE WILL.:smile:
  • Broken420
    Broken420 Posts: 56 Member
    I have been so bad lately. I haven't been eating hardly anything during the day and going crazy in the evenings. It must stop. I have to weigh in today and face the consequences of going off program. I will report this afternoon. On a brighter note, I woke up feeling more human than I have in just over a week now. Mucinex was what I needed all along to clear all that garbage out of my chest and to be able to breath normally again. Hopefully I'll remember that for next time! I hope everyone has a lovely day! :happy:
  • Broken420
    Broken420 Posts: 56 Member
    I had to pop back on to tell you that my weigh in was....down 0.6lbs!! Wow. I really don't know how that's possible. Look at my diaries and see how terrible I have been with not only the carbs, but overall choices. I'm not taking this loss to mean I can go hog wild though. I fully understand that this could have been a gaining week for sure! I have a goal for next week...20lbs lost is within sight and I CAN DO IT!!! :tongue:
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Happy to report my foot/ankle is 100% better! Yay! No pain, even when not using the insert. But I am not doing anything strenuous till at least next week. Don't want to push my luck!

    I lost my Mother's Day gain, and was down .4 lbs this morning! Yay! I have been good all week, mostly, lol! Did have the bottom muffin of a McDonald's Sausage McMuffin on Tuesday morning, but I made that be my carbs for the whole day.

    Tonight is another story. I am going to a Blue Bunny Ice Cream party! It is at my boss's house, so not going is not an option. It is going to be just sugar free and no sugar added ice cream, but still that stuff has 19-22 carbs per 1/2 cup. I told her I would just taste everything. That should keep my carbs in check. And I am not eating any other carbs all day to prepare for it, lol! Pray for me, lol!

    Hope everyone has an awesome day!
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    Coy, so glad ur doing good, mentioned i hadn't seen u on here in a while. glad ur feeling better and congrats on ur loss!:happy:
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Dis, glad you are 100%!

    Coy, glad you are better and back with us!

    Linda, You are right, a lot of us have done pretty poorly lately and we need to step it up. So here's to everyone getting back on the wagon and going at it full force, no cheats!! :drinker: (That's water in that cup, by the way...hehe)

    I am back down to my weight I was last week. Sad though, because I could be down another pound or two if I'd stuck to it. No worries though, I am back in the game and I'll have a good weekend and good rest of the week. I have Diet Barg's in the fridge and I'm not drinking them. I'm all oligifructose....no splenda, even! I am loving this natural sweetener and the chocolates. I had 3 yesterday and still went down. This stuff really works and I am so excited to have found it!

    I am not sure what's for dinner tonight. Didn't lay anything out for tonight...My husband is a fireman and works 24 hour shifts, then is off for 48 hours, so tonight he's at work and it's just me and the kids. I guess we'll do kielbasa sausage and sourkraut. That's the only thing that I have that doesn't have to be defrosted. I forgot to put the roast in the crock pot, so last night when I got home I sliced it up raw and grilled it along with zucchini and asparagus in foil packets with butter, sea salt and garlic powder. Oh my, soooo good! A few months ago, I would have said, "well, I forgot to put the roast in, so we'll go grab something" and ran to Wendy's or the like. I am super proud of myself for my "achievement".

    Feeling much better today as you can tell. Hope everyone else is feeling great, too! Have a great day and I'll check in later!:bigsmile:
  • tammyclinch
    tammyclinch Posts: 103 Member
    I am now 3 pounds on home scale.. for we will see when i got to reuglar weight in.. I love MIMs
  • tammyclinch
    tammyclinch Posts: 103 Member
    I need lc friends that i can view the dairy to get ideas
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Well, today is normally my weigh-in day, but since my special visitor (who makes me gain weight overnight) has decided to rear his ugly head, I'll not be weighing. Forgot my breakfast shake this morning, so I'm sitting here starving. The only thing I have here at work is a chocolate bar...may just eat it. It's the chocoperfection bar and is full of fiber, so I can sort of justify it, right?:blushing:

    Anyhow, not much to report today. No workout yesterday, maybe today?? I've not done a workout for about a week now. I was back into the swing of things for about a week, but lost interest yet again...we'll see what next week brings. I really need to start my walking back up. That is at least something to get me moving and not as horrible to try to get through as a workout dvd is.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!