

  • ericablu
    ericablu Posts: 12
    Thank you, Linda. And I'm happy to report that this morning - day 4 - I woke up with only a slight headache! Hooray! ;)
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Welcome, loli!! Glad you are feeling better. This is a great group. I love the support we give each other and just knowing other people who are going through the same thing is so great!

    I am doing great! Lost 2 pounds yesterday! Down to the lowest I've been since after having my son and I could not be happier! Before I had my son, I was about a size 10 (which was up like 4 sizes from what I used to be....married weight I call it :love: ) Then after I had him, I was a 14 and just though I was a gigantic monster. I shopped at Lane Bryant and just thought the world was over. Then came child number 2, jumped up to a 16.....child number 3 came less than a year after child 2 and I got up to a 16/18. Finally I decided enough was enough and just did it. Now here I am down smaller than I was after I had my son and a size 12!! My original goal weight was 150 pounds and I am exactly 4 pounds from that goal. When I started my weight loss journey I weighed in at almost 200 pounds. I am overly proud of myself. I never thought this time would come. It always seemed like an unreachable goal, but here I am already making plans to surpass this goal and reach my next! I still have my "fat days", but most days I feel pretty good about myself. My goal for the summer was originally 20 pounds, but I am going to try to lose 15. I'm not sure 20 pounds in 3 months is something I can do at this point. I am so close and the closer I get, the harder it gets.

    Anyway, hope everybody else is having a great day, too!
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    Just need to vent a little. I have been in a plateau for a bit now, and last few days Im lucky I didnt gain too much weight. couple pounds for how I have ate. Not trying to sabatoge myself but it seems like it.

    Didnt sleep well last night, sick stomach. Not sure if its the flu or just a bad belly today.

    Zumba is tonight and I cant wait, or want to go as long as my stomach holds out..

    I am SO wanting to get down below 200 and am SO close but seem to be just stuck... UGH...

    Keep up the great work all of you..
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Bailey, that is a FANTASTIC success story!! I know you are still on that road, but you have come so far and done so well! I know you will reach all your goals, old and new, because you are so determined! There will be potholes in the road (we all have them, lol!), but you just seem to jump back up and get back at it! You are an inspiration! Good job you!! :)

    Dayna, still with it and you will get there! With Atkins (or just low carbing), it seems like you go along not losing, then have a "woosh" and drop several pounds at once!

    Linda (I am also a Linda, did you know??), my foot is 100% better! I am walking again for exercise and even wearing sandles instead of my tennies!

    I measured myself yesterday and I had lost 4 inches overall in 1 week! That made me feel sooo good! Lbs and inches! It was a good week. Hopefully this week will be just as good. :)
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    Also want to share this. I posted it yesterday on another board and on my wall, but for those that aren't on my friends list, here it is:


    I made these the other day. They are oh-so-good! And each one is only 1 net carb. Also the recipe is easy to cut into 1/3, so I only made 6 to last me the week, so I wouldn't blow it and eat them all the first day. Here is the recipe:

    Perfect Party Cheesecakes

    3-8 ounce packages, cream cheese
    3/4 cup sweetener substitute for sugar
    1 tsp vanilla
    3 eggs
    Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
    Mix cream cheese until whipped slightly in appearance. Add sweetener and mix until well blended. Add vanilla. Add three eggs and beat just until blended. Pour into 18 metal cupcake liners (remove the paper and save for another day).
    Bake for 30 minutes or until the tops begin to lightly brown or crack. Remove from oven. Cool in refrigerator for 4 hours prior to serving. Can be made ahead and stored for up to a week, covered. These can be frozen as well!

    Makes: 18 mini cheesecakes

    Nutritional Information per cheesecake (sans toppings): Calories: 144, Carbohydrates: 1g, Fiber: 0g, Net Carbohydrates: 1g, Protein: 0g, Fat: 14g (remember to add carbs if you use Splenda. I used liquid splenda / no carbs)

    I put the link to her blog on top of the post, because she has great stuff!
  • Pamela777
    Pamela777 Posts: 66 Member
    Dis sounds great! Gonna make em and share with my daughter ( she looooves cheesecake) she's also dieting, but not low carb. These should fit her calories she counts though. Thanks again!:drinker:
  • vegansassy
    vegansassy Posts: 13 Member
    I just joined this group, nice to see so many low carbers. Only have a couple local friends who low carb, the rest just calorie count because they miss the carbs too much they say. So it's nice to find some people who know what this way of eating can do, and in different stages of low carb as well. I have been low carbing for over a year, and it still is hard...but not as hard as it was in the beginning. Just got done sitting for 3 days at a convention last weekend, so I think I have some water gain from not being able to drink as much water and consuming a bunch of salty stuff. Only a couple of pounds, thought it would be more( glad it wasn't more than 2 lbs)! Nevertheless good to find some eager low carbers!

  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    Welcome, loli!! Glad you are feeling better. This is a great group. I love the support we give each other and just knowing other people who are going through the same thing is so great!

    I am doing great! Lost 2 pounds yesterday! Down to the lowest I've been since after having my son and I could not be happier! Before I had my son, I was about a size 10 (which was up like 4 sizes from what I used to be....married weight I call it :love: ) Then after I had him, I was a 14 and just though I was a gigantic monster. I shopped at Lane Bryant and just thought the world was over. Then came child number 2, jumped up to a 16.....child number 3 came less than a year after child 2 and I got up to a 16/18. Finally I decided enough was enough and just did it. Now here I am down smaller than I was after I had my son and a size 12!! My original goal weight was 150 pounds and I am exactly 4 pounds from that goal. When I started my weight loss journey I weighed in at almost 200 pounds. I am overly proud of myself. I never thought this time would come. It always seemed like an unreachable goal, but here I am already making plans to surpass this goal and reach my next! I still have my "fat days", but most days I feel pretty good about myself. My goal for the summer was originally 20 pounds, but I am going to try to lose 15. I'm not sure 20 pounds in 3 months is something I can do at this point. I am so close and the closer I get, the harder it gets.

    Anyway, hope everybody else is having a great day, too!
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    Bailey, you are inspiring! I have no doubt you will acheive all your goals! Having trouble posting on my phone.... sorry, I think I messed that quote up!
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    WOW! I was away for a few hours and came back to so much to read! So exciting!! I love that this group is getting so full!

    Dis--AWESOME! I am going to try those this weekend. My son's 6th bday party is Saturday and I could have those instead of a piece of cake!! Can't wait to try them!

    Dayna-- it'll come off. I've heard of many people going a few weeks with no loss, then BAM! It comes off! Good luck, just keep doing what you know you have to do!

    Michelle-- Welcome! So glad to have you! This is a wonderful, supportive group, but they'll tell you the truth, whether it's what you wanna hear or not! That's what we all need sometimes though! Love this group!

    Mi3-- Thanks for the kind words!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Welcome to all the newbies.

    Everyone seems to be on a "roll" and that is a good thing. Thank you for the cheesecake recipe. Am looking for a loss come Monday.

    Have a great low carb day and take it one meal at a time and one day at a time.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi everybody! I am having another FANTASTIC day! Went for my yearly ob/gyn appt which is normally a dreadful appt, however, I got my starting weight from my chart and changed it on here so my ticker shows my total weight loss! My doctor was so suprised to see me. I had not been since losing 41 pounds and she said I look great. Always nice to hear. She also gave me some ideas on my plateau. However, I'm pretty sure it's my own fault for stalling. I've not worked out in awhile consistently and I cheat every darn weekend! This weekend I am not going to cheat. My son is having his bday party and my mom makes cakes for a living (they are to die for) BUT I am making that cheesecake recipe thanks to Dis! My mom and sister in law are low carbers also, so they'll be happy to have something de--lish to indulge in instead of cheating! Whoo hoo!

    Hope everyone else is having a great day, too! I brought my leftovers for lunch today. Gotta go grab my builed egg...still haven't had breakfast and it's after 10 am...my metabolism is going to slow down if I don't get some food in me asap! Have a great day all! :heart:
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Bailey, Wow... you lost a lot of weight and must look spectacular, for sure. Your Mother's cake sounds like it is "mouthwatering." You are doing the right thing by making yourself a lowcarb cake.

    You are definitely as we say "on a roll" and that is a good thing. Great job!

    Mi3threesons: How is it going for you and logging on with the phone now? Hope it is better today.

    Will check back later to chat with you all.
  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    Hi All,
    Earlier in the month, a lot of you were asking me about the supplement I have been taking called “Animal Cuts” by Universal Nutrition. I didn’t want to suggest it to anyone until I had used it for a whole cycle. Well, I am 5 days past my first cycle and I have decided not to continue using it. I had heard so many great things about the product, but for my body; there were too many negatives to outweigh the positive aspects of the product. Here’s my report I promised to so many of you….

    Negative points:
     18 capsules by noon everyday…..Arg! I have a hard time taking pills anyway, but you must take 9 capsules upon waking and 9 more 4-6 hours later. They are huge! The after taste is terrible, but I powered through and burped up the vitamin taste all day! My least favorite aspect of the program.
     You can’t get enough water. They must have a component that dehydrates your body so you want to drink more water. I drank between 8-12 glasses of water a day on top of drinking other things too. Still ended up in the ER last week needing an IV for fluids.
     Before I started the program I averaged a 10 pound loss each month. I did not cheat once (not even a little) exercised more than I ever have….. only lost 1.7 pounds for my entire AC cycle (4 weeks). After stopping the product, I immediately dropped 3.5 pounds. I asked our sports med. doctor who has been helping me on my journey (my son is a baseball superstar… why we have a SMDOC) and he said, since all metabolisms are different, we all react different to foreign substances in our bodies. I think low carb alone is better for me. No after taste! LOL!

    I have several friends that have had great success with the product. That’s why I bought it. Most of them are male, that could also be a factor also. It is also very inexpensive (in my opinion) only $60.00 for 2 cycles/months.

    Well, there is my report. I hope that answers the flood of questions I have received. By no means am I saying not to try it. Once again, I have had friends use it with great success, it just wasn’t effective for me.

    Make it a great day!
  • Broken420
    Broken420 Posts: 56 Member
    Good Thursday morning to all! I can't seem to get back in the groove..cheated BIGtime last night with Pizza Hut goodies. I just find it so impossible to sit with the rest of the family and not join in. Ok so some will say that they shouldn't have it either, but they are not dieting. I am the only overweight one and they are so good following MY diet normally that when they ask for pizza..I feel like they should have it. I just need to figure out how to stop me from eating it too!!! I keep looking at the big picture and it still looks pretty good. I am still close to my first goal weight--3lbs away. I am just 1lb away from losing 20lbs. I am wearing old(new) work pants that I bought when I couldn't fit them. So I should stop beating myself up already!! I hope everyone has a great day :smile:

    Side note to Lynne: Thanks so much for the feedback on Animal Cuts! Low-carb diets get a LOT of flack from nay-sayers because they say the weight loss is all water weight. It's true that your body doesn't retain the fluid when you cut out the carbs. Protein is a very powerful diuretic. I bet adding the diuretic included in the AC is what ended you up in the ER! So sorry that happened to you, but it is a lesson learned here by all our low-carbers and thank you so much for sharing.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Thanks for the update, Lynne!

    Coy, you're right, you will just get back on. Great attitude to have! If we have pizza, I order a salad and simply take the topping off. I did that Monday night when we had a big get together for my son's graduation. It was good, and the next day, I had lost 2 pounds!! Whoo hoo! Just have to have the will power to scrape it off.....it's hard, I know, but I felt so proud after I ate instead of guilty.

    I'm doing pretty good. Anyone else notice their stomach seems smaller when eating lots of eggs? My mom notices the same thing, and I've been having hard boiled eggs for breakfast...Just wondered if we're crazy :laugh:

    I have a full day at work, so I'll check in this evening. Not sure what's wrong with our internet at home, but last night it wasn't working. Hopefully my husband can fix it. I got a 45 minute walk in last night (my 3 year old wanted to go on a walk, so we went out with the intention of just going around the block, but I just kept going), then when we got home, I wanted to do my 30 day shred, but couldn't find it, so I did Bob Harper's boot camp. Had a lot of fun and feel great this morning!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Morning:

    Lynne: Glad that you are feeling better and did not exerience any major medical problems behind it. Thanks for updating us on the product.

    Coyo: You must stop sabataging your efforts (falling off the wagon). Next time you go for that pizza, just scrape the toppings on a saucer and give or throw out the crust. Yes, you have really done a great job at losing, but you don't want to rebound in the future. Look how far you have come. Ask yourself, why do I want that crust, before bite into it? LOL, lesson learned. You will lose that 1 lb because you can do it. We are going to help you get into the groove. :smile:

    Bailey, I haven't really notice the thing about eggs, but you probably got something there. Your son is so cute, he is exercising with you. Children are very smart and pay close attention to what we do. He probably sees or hears you exercising and he knows that walking is a great exercise. You are really hanging in there and that is great.

    Everyone else: Hope everyone is on track and looking at the big picture. Remember, we can't go forward if we keep looking back. Our goal is to get there and get there we will...with determination and motivation from each other.

    Will check back in later and chat .

  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    Ran out of "real coffee" this morning, tried instant for the first time..... YUCK! I love my coffee a little too much. Can anyone suggest a good instant coffee, or does it just stink in general? I will be stopping by the coffee house on the way to school, but the nearest one is 30 miles away. Between the smell of tons of baked goods for our school's fund raiser riding in the truck, kids that are sooo over end of year testing, and me not being caffeinated......someone could die in the Suburban this morning. I really hope we all make it to town today!

    Looking for a good instant coffee for emergencies (Yes, this is considered an emergency in this house) and to stash in my purse and desk.

    Make it a great Friday,

  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Lynne, I like the Starbucks instant coffee. Pretty good. Strong, but I like it strong . The stronger, the better! :drinker:
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Ok, weighed in at 153.4 this morning! 3 pounds away from my original goal, however, I've already made a new goal of 140 pounds, so I would love to lose 13 pounds this summer. I am not going to cheat this weekend!

    Well, I have a jam packed day at work, so got to get moving fast. Working through lunch, so I'll order a Jimmy John's un-wich (wrapped in lettuce instead of bread)....I'm thinking blt. Yummy! Jimmy John's is a lot like Subway. Not sure everyone has one. Their motto is "Subs so Fast You'll freak". LOL

    Have a great day!!