

  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Dis-- GREAT job! And if that works for you, keep at it! I think we all find what works and if we stick to it, we will succeed!
    For me, posting everyday and being honest in my post is what keeps me at it. And honestly, I was cheating over and over and people kept telling me, "it's ok" and "we all have our bad days". That is very true, but when Linda got on here and told me to step it up and stop cheating, I did! So Linda, thank you!!!!! And good luck with your June challenge, Dis!!

    Linda-- My energy just all the sudden came back! I went through months of no workouts and then I just decided it was time to step it up and finish losing the last of this weight. Thanks for the nice words:smile:

    I did not work out this morning. Pretty upset with myself, but I was just zonked! I will do it tonight and hopefully if it stops raining I will run after I get off work before I pick up the kids at daycare. If it keeps raining, no worries, I'll just do the video and call it a day. It's great running weather, though! Mid 50's!! Much better than the 90 degree weather I ran in last week! Illinois weather is crazy!! From 90 to 50 in 2 days!!

    Well, have a great day everyone!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Hi Bailey:

    I had to re-tweak my food intake and WALLA....it's working. I try not to get more than 15g of sugar in a day and keep my carbs anywhere round 15-35g daily. If I am really hungry, I will do the higher end. I had me a slice of wasa fiber cracker and 2T of Guacamole on it and it was sooooo good. Filling too. Scale is going in the right direction for me. Can't wait until Monday to see what it really shows me.

    Bailey, I think your body could use a rest today. You have done such a great job in the last few weeks with the exercising and then the running around with the children...you really don't know how much more you put in, in the "exercise" department.

    Tomorrow is another day!:wink:
    Quote of the Day:

    Dieting is something most of us do religiously: We eat what we want and pray we don’t gain weight.
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Everyday that I stay on track, I am just that much closer to my goal.

    Quote of the Day:

    It’s not the minutes spent at the table that put on weight, it’s the seconds.
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Everyday that I stay on track, I am just that much closer to my goal. "HOW YOU DOING?":happy:
    Quote of the Day:

    toughest part of a diet isn’t watching what you eat. It’s watching what other people eat.
  • 2012newbie
    2012newbie Posts: 88 Member
    Coy, pizza would be hard for me to resist if I had to watch others eat it and n ot partake. You should try the recipe I shared a while back for pizza crust, it really works well, for personal pan pizza about 9'' use about an 8 or 9" nonstick skillet, mix up 1 cup of mozz cheese and 1/4 cup of bobs red mill LC bake mix, a little oregano or basil, spread it on the nonstick skillet and then as it cooks on med high heat, just even up the edges into a smooth circle shape, then flip it after a few minutes when it's all held together, cook a few minutes on the other side then remove to a rack to cool. preheat the oven to 400 if I remember right, top the pizza as you wish, I use pesto, a little more mozz, parm, and usually olives or that pre cooked hot sausage. Bake about 15-25 minutes til browned on top. I put it on foil to bake it, again let it cool a few minutes on the rack and again, the crust firms up and it's really delish. It works better than any other pizza crust recipe I've ever tried and I've been lowcarbing a lot of years. It sounds quite complicated, but it really goes together fast! Try it, you'll be a believer I have been able to enjoy pizza guilt free now thanks to the fact that this tastes so good.
  • 2012newbie
    2012newbie Posts: 88 Member
    I am hanging in there, doing my thing. I had a good long walk yesterday but forgot to wear my fitbit, Friday was pretty out of it after a medical procedure and most of the morning yesterday. On my weekends I usually do omelets for breakfast because during the week I allow myself a breakfast "sandwich" with lowcarb bread, cream cheese and 30 calorie lean thin sliced ham, and spring mix. It just satisfies me and it goes together real quick when my mornings are kind of rushed. I am still maintaining about 35-70 net carbs a day but on the weekends I'm closer to 20 net carbs. I do eat alot of green veggies, I feel and when people say how can you eat nothing but meat and fat, I get kinda tired of explaining myself to them so I've started telling them to check out the atkins website and they'll see all the veggies that are allowed on this way of eating, and they'll realize I'm not missing out on veggies! I am tired of hearing all the negativity, while I'm losing weight and they aren't..I guess the proof is in the pudding well you know what I mean. I'm holding at 65 lbs lost now, I am still on track, and I'm still in ketosis also which seems strange. When I was younger I could only get in ketosis on less than 20 grams a day, but now I seem to achieve that without having to restrict myself so much. I get my next batch of labwork next week and I can't wait to get the results. I'm psyched LOL
  • 2012newbie
    2012newbie Posts: 88 Member
    Good job Dis! salt is always my biggest problem.
  • tammyclinch
    tammyclinch Posts: 103 Member
    I need help .. i do good then mess up:sad:
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    :flowerforyou: Hi Tammy:

    How can I support you? OK, so now just dust yourself off and at the very next meal you will make it low carb. And if you get that "urge" to mess up again, ask yourself "why do you want it? We have to play like we are the nutritionist and our inner self is the client.

    Ok, let's move forward, the mess-up is behind you now. Don't ruin your weekend worrying over it. REGROUP and no more chasiting yourself. YOU are Unique and can do anything you put your mind too.

    2012Newbie: Great job in sticking with it. Fantastic ... the weight loss you have accomplished so far, is very rewarding as it lets us know that the food plan works...we just have to work it. What's more even astonishing is that even with the amount of carbs you take in, that you are still in ketosis. I need your type of metabolism. :smile: So you already have an idea what your "critical carb level" is. That's great! Thanks for the recipe too.:drinker:

    Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?
  • Broken420
    Broken420 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack! LOL Sorry to be MIA for so long. I had a bit of self doubt get the best of me, but thanks to a few kind words of support I am back with renewed energy. I have planned the next weeks worth of meals for me..and for the rest of the family. I will be doing double duty for a while, but as I can add carbs safely without blowing everything our meals will be more similar. I love you guys!! Keep up the fight!

  • Lynne120
    Lynne120 Posts: 74
    Well, those who know me know that I have an obsessive personality. When I was 22, I married the perfect man and moved to the country. I learned everything I could to be the best wanna-be ranch wife the ever was. When my first son was born and diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome and Autism, I threw myself in to that and went as far as completing my Doctorate in Special Ed. I have thrown myself into my other two son’s activities and education just as strong. Well, I’ve decided it’s my turn to be obsessed over me (even writing that brings a lot of guilt!).

    So I’m jumping in with both feet. Here’s the plan:
    I WILL exercise 5-6 days a week.
    I WILL stay under my daily carb and calorie goal. (Induction until I lose the first 50lbs)
    I WILL drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    I WILL get 6-7 hours sleep each night (this will be the hardest for me!!!!)

    I have to become a “chronic logger” of exercise and food choices, so if you see me on here tooooo much, Sorry! I think it is just the way I have to roll until it’s more than a habit. I want to get to where I don’t even have to think about it. I’m almost half way there. Still so far to go! Thanks for letting me declare my plan …out loud…..publicly. Now I have to do it!

    Oh yeah…. Tomorrow will be Day 14 of our little summer challenge to get 20 of our pounds off. How are Y’all doing so far??

    Lynne :flowerforyou:
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi everyone! I'm back from the weekend and proud to say I didn't cheat! I did have some breaded fish sticks, but if that's what I "cheat" with, I'm ok with that. I don't consider it a cheat though.

    I did take Saturday off from running and doing my Jillian videos, however, I cleaned all day and since we live in a three-level house, I did get a pretty good workout in! Did my Ripped in 30 this morning and will do 30 Day Shred after work. I've decided to run every other day, as I am prone to shin splints. Don't want to over-do it and have to stop again. If I wouldn't have had to stop the first time, I'd be well below my goal weight.

    Welp, got a busy day! Everyone have a good one!
  • dis5150
    dis5150 Posts: 157 Member
    Good morning all! Hope everyone had a great weekend! I was mostly good all weekend, lol! We took my mom to a chinese buffet for her birthday and I was very good, except I ate one cream cheese wonton! I couldn't resist just having one! They are sooo good. Not too many carbs either. Those wontons are the reason we go to that particular buffet, lol! But I lost .6 lbs over the weekend, so it must not have been too bad of a cheat! I have upped my carbs to around 30-35 a day and am still losing, a little at a time. As long as I keep losing, I will stay at that carb level. I like having more variety and am more likely to stay with the plan!

    Bailey, good job! And I think it's a good idea to run every other day! If I hadn't overdone it when my daughter was visiting me, I would have completed my C25K by now! I am just walking for now. :)

    We are thinking of moving to NC next summer. My brother in law is a Captain in the Army and that is where they are going next. He is the chaplain for Special Forces. Any thoughts, anyone, about NC?? I live in Arkansas right now. I am wondering if the humidity is the same and if y'all have chiggers there, too?? Clare, don't you live there? My oldest stepdaughter is a teacher in Fayetteville and my youngest stepdaughter goes to law school in Chapel Hill. My son lives in California and my daughter lives in Colorado, and we have lived near them all their lives. I think it's time to let my husband live near his daughters! Plus my sister will be there! She lives 6 hours from me now and I hardly see her. My mom lives with us and would go too and I know she would love to be near my sister also.

    Well, it's Monday and time to get to work! Everyone have a fantastic day! It will be a great week for us all!!
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Good Morning All!

    Dis: I think that is great that you are getting to be with other family members. You are right about variety when you up your carb intake. But as long as you are still losing...you are in a "win-win" situation.

    Bailey: Yes, do take it easy with running as those shin splints are painful. Even if you have to slow down and do a speed walk, just take care of yourself. Between your workouts, and the housework and running behind the children -- you are definitely getting a workout and I bet when you lay down to go to sleep, you sleep like a log.

    Mi3threesons: It's okay to be obsessive but don't put to much pressure on yourself. If you do 3-4 days of exercise you are ahead of the game. I would suggest to give yourself 30 days while you are getting use to exercise before you go to 5 days a week. Count the work that you do around the ranch right now as day 5, so you don't burn yourself out. As for the 20 lbs, go for it!!!

    Well I almost blew it yesterday. I reached for food, when I should have been reaching for my water. I have to constantly remind myself now to drink an 8 oz glass of water if I think I am hungry. By me not paying attention to my body, I reached for a piece of sparerib increasing my caloric intake (good thing I was not at my max). So I got to be aware of myself when I go into the kitchen. As for the exercise department. I try to do my Kettlebell as walking right now is not an option for me.

    Everyone seems to to be on a roll and Bailey you are going to look up within the next 2 weeks and be at goal. Great job everyone.

    Cay4yo: Glad that you are back and never give up.
    Quote of the Day:

    Dieting is something most of us do religiously: We eat what we want and pray we don’t gain weight.
  • Lindac672411
    Lindac672411 Posts: 108
    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing? Seems no one log on since I have yesterday.

    Am doing great today, am on track and staying encouraged. Will check back in later.


    Identify what you want and go for it.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Hi all! Late check in for me today. I have logged in for 150k days now and have met my goal as of this morning! I stepped on the scale and it read exactly 150.0!! So proud of myself. I am going to make 140 my new goal and hopefully I will be happy there.

    Hope everyone else is having a great day. I am going to go home to ribs grilling! Yum...so happy my husband knows how to cook!!:tongue:

    Talk to ya'll tomorrow!
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Hey everybody, I'm new to this group, so a little about me: :happy:

    My name is Ali, I'm 29, and I'm in Jacksonville, FL. I've got two pups, & one incredible husband. :love:

    SW: 383
    CW: 345
    GW (for now): 180

    What I track: cals, protein, and carbs (baby steps - working my way up to sodium, lol)
    Cal Goal: 1900 (set to sedentary - desk job - 2 lbs/week)
    Protein Goal: 143
    Carb Goal: 190

    I usually meet or am slightly under all three. However............ today, I decided to start striving for 125 carbs or less. I have PCOS, so low-carb works for me I know, but I didn't want TOO drastic of a change to start off with. Plus, I pre-cook all my dinners for the week on Sundays, so that's already logged. I caved this morning for breakfast :grumble: (see my diary), but yesterday is a typical weekday breakfast for me, which I will get back to tomorrow. :wink:

    However, today I've eaten everything through my afternoon snack and it's totaled 80 carbs. Yesterday, and Thurs & Friday of last week, I'd had anywhere from 119-147 by this time of day.

    I'm shaky today (mostly in my hands). Could this be from my body trying to adjust to the lower carbs?

    Thanks for the input,
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I have logged in for 150k days now and have met my goal as of this morning!

    That's fantastic! GREAT JOB!
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    I tried a new recipe the other day and it was awesome!

    Since its almost summer time and BBQ season is in full swing for me, I missed potato salad.. I found where you make it as you would normally except replace the boiled potatoes with steamed cauliflower.. If I hadnt known what it was I would not have known. I gave it to a few people and they didnt think twice about it, said it was actually better than most they had had.. SO you can still enjoy potato salad this summer if you make one substitution... Or one for me..

    I want to try to use the cauliflower in a pasta salad of some sorts but havent yet to see if I can get the same results, but not sure if I should make the cauliflower into noodle size before or after I steam it.. Let me know if any of you have tried it if you have good results..
  • pecantan53
    pecantan53 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all! Late check in for me today. I have logged in for 150k days now and have met my goal as of this morning! I stepped on the scale and it read exactly 150.0!! So proud of myself. I am going to make 140 my new goal and hopefully I will be happy there.

    Hope everyone else is having a great day. I am going to go home to ribs grilling! Yum...so happy my husband knows how to cook!!:tongue:

    Talk to ya'll tomorrow!

    That's really awesome news! I'll be sooo glad when I meet my goal! Thanks for the motivation!