May Progress



  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    mamamud: Thanks!!! I was sure i would not be able to up my weight on OHP and I did, although the last set I only did 4 reps. I really am loving stong lifts!!!!!
    Do you know how long before I should see results re: measurements?? I am afraid to get on the scale because I dont want to see that is has gone up, but I know that happens sometimes with lifting.....I started SL 2 weeks ago. Today measurements were the same, but I guess it takes longer??
  • schmetterling1
    schmetterling1 Posts: 130 Member
    Hello, very new to SL
    Just finished first B this morning, but I thought I would make myself accountable here.

    row: 40
    dead 40
    OHP 25
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Dawn, I wish I could but it's been something I've been struggling with, too. For me the measuring tape change happens before the scale. Right now, I'm just focusing on the stuff that can't be measured. How I feel, things I'm able to do that I couldn't before, stuff like that. Sometimes it's enough and sometimes it's frustrating. We are part of a group of women that it's working for, so I know it'll happen, I just have to give it time.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    Squat 95
    OHP. 60 2x5, 1x3, 1x4, 1x3
    deadlift got my warm up in then smashed the he!l out of my finger... so ticked right now.........:explode:

    Eta 2nd fail on ohp
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    squat 80 (feeling like failure is getting near)

    bench 60 (first fail: 5, 2, 3, 0, quit, tendonitis in my wrist flared up BAD)

    row 60 (all good)

    so, now I do 60 on the bench AGAIN next time, right? and if I fail a second time, then lower it?
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    I just want to encourage everyone to not be afraid to up the weight. Make sure you have your form right but if you don't fail on a set move up, even if you don't think you'll be able to do it. First of all you may surprise yourself and get it done but most of all we don't need to be afraid to fail. When we fail, we overload the muscle and our cns, that's when growth and strength gains occur (may be broscience, I don't have reasearch to back it up :wink:) I just think we need to get past the nerves and the idea that failure is a bad thing.

    Eta: I'm loving all the progress reports!!! AND all the new lifters!

    Do you think I should up the squat from 30-40 even though I really struggled, but finished, 30? No way to up it by only 5. I hurt my left thigh doing it last time, not sure why but it was much sorer than the right. Worried about injuring something if I add too much weight.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I just want to encourage everyone to not be afraid to up the weight. Make sure you have your form right but if you don't fail on a set move up, even if you don't think you'll be able to do it. First of all you may surprise yourself and get it done but most of all we don't need to be afraid to fail. When we fail, we overload the muscle and our cns, that's when growth and strength gains occur (may be broscience, I don't have reasearch to back it up :wink:) I just think we need to get past the nerves and the idea that failure is a bad thing.

    Eta: I'm loving all the progress reports!!! AND all the new lifters!

    Do you think I should up the squat from 30-40 even though I really struggled, but finished, 30? No way to up it by only 5. I hurt my left thigh doing it last time, not sure why but it was much sorer than the right. Worried about injuring something if I add too much weight.

    You might try the 40, or try to do a few more reps on the 30, either would be a progression.

    Are you right-handed?

    If you're right-hand-dominant, then your left side is weaker than your right and therefore working harder.

    Definitely work on flexibility. Have you seen some of the stretches?
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234

    You might try the 40, or try to do a few more reps on the 30, either would be a progression.

    Good tip. I think tomorrow I'll try extra reps on 30, see how it feels, and maybe move to 40 wednesday
    Are you right-handed?

    If you're right-hand-dominant, then your left side is weaker than your right and therefore working harder.
    That makes sense, thanks :)
    Definitely work on flexibility. Have you seen some of the stretches?

    Yeah. Using some of the ones posted earlier in this thread (page 2 I think). It definitely helped in my last session.

    Thanks again for the tips. This is all new, and a little intimidating so the help is invaluable!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    If I'm struggling at a certain weight, I just repeat it until I am not struggling, then up the weight by 5. It works pretty well to avoid injury.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    so, now I do 60 on the bench AGAIN next time, right? and if I fail a second time, then lower it?
    Hey Robin...I think the program suggests if you fail 3 times at a certain weight to then deload by ~10%. But I also like stormie's suggestion of just repeating until you get it. Both have merits...
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    If I'm struggling at a certain weight, I just repeat it until I am not struggling, then up the weight by 5. It works pretty well to avoid injury.


    My main issue is I can't up by 5, it's only 10 from here. When I say struggling, I was able to do it, but it was tough. I'd be willing to go up 5 but I think 10 might be a step too far right now.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Finished OP today after I failed last time!!!

    Squats 85
    Deads: 80
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    I have been wanting to start the program since the beginning of last week. I am going to actually start it tomorrow, I am so excited!! I can't wait to get strronger, I'm glad I found this group in case I have any questions! So my progress is starting tomorrow on the 12 week program.
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    so, now I do 60 on the bench AGAIN next time, right? and if I fail a second time, then lower it?
    Hey Robin...I think the program suggests if you fail 3 times at a certain weight to then deload by ~10%. But I also like stormie's suggestion of just repeating until you get it. Both have merits...

    I agree with Qarol. I've done both. If my form is off bad, though, I'll deload.
  • ammerlou
    ammerlou Posts: 18
    I started Strong Lifts at the start of march and I'm pretty excited about the results so far.
    tomorrow Im pushing past my May goals. We will see if I can make it!
    Squats: 135
    Bench: 75
    OH press: 55
    Deadlift: 160
    Also, will be starting rows tomorrow instead of Lat Pulldowns
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    so, now I do 60 on the bench AGAIN next time, right? and if I fail a second time, then lower it?
    Hey Robin...I think the program suggests if you fail 3 times at a certain weight to then deload by ~10%. But I also like stormie's suggestion of just repeating until you get it. Both have merits...

    I agree with Qarol. I've done both. If my form is off bad, though, I'll deload.

    Should have said if my form is off at all, I'll deload. I really shouldn't post when I'm tired...:grumble:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Bench yesterday was COMICAL at 75 lbs. I basically did 5x2. On each set, that 3rd lift could only go up halfway before my husband had to rack it for me.

    My question is (actually, it was his question)...should I do more at a lower weight to get more from my workout on those days where I fail so badly? I feel a bit silly just doing 5x2. I wonder if maybe I should have done 3 more reps on each set back at 70 lbs just to do more, ya know?

    What do you ladies think?
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I would go to 70 and do that until you can rock it, then up the weight.
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    Back in business! Finished my first 5K at 32:21 and ran to my little guy (4 year old son) at the finish line so that was sweet! Felt great to get back to SL, but after my terrible eating weekend and vino fest post 5K I took it a little easy today and felt pretty weak!

    Squats 105 felt pretty good!
    OHP 65 failed set 2, took down to 60 and did 5x5
    Deadlifts were a sloppy mess and I'm sure my back will tell me that in person tomorrow, but 135 with no fail

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Bench yesterday was COMICAL at 75 lbs. I basically did 5x2. On each set, that 3rd lift could only go up halfway before my husband had to rack it for me.

    My question is (actually, it was his question)...should I do more at a lower weight to get more from my workout on those days where I fail so badly? I feel a bit silly just doing 5x2. I wonder if maybe I should have done 3 more reps on each set back at 70 lbs just to do more, ya know?

    What do you ladies think?

    I haven't had one that bad, but I have had one where I basically did 5x3 or 4/4/3/3/2

    I just stayed at the same weight and the next time I was able to do 5x4, and the next time hit my 5x5.

    But if it was that bad, I might go back down to 70 and try 5x6 (to push a little harder) before going back to 75.