May Progress



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Maybe it was an off day and it won't be so bad next time. If you were good at 70 and you can't up it by smaller increments then do try again next time, you might find it goes a lot better!
    My overhead press was pretty bad, still at 45 and I thought it went even worse. I got about 4x4.
    Working out tuesday/thursday/saturday this week.
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I dunno, guys. I'm feeling discouraged in my training efforts. I suspect I'd be able to do more if a few factors were different (spotter/partner/coach, afternoon w.o. rather than pre-dawn) but this is when I can do it and I do love doing it. It just seems like I am having more bad or meh workouts than amazing workouts and that is discouraging, to say the least.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I dunno, guys. I'm feeling discouraged in my training efforts. I suspect I'd be able to do more if a few factors were different (spotter/partner/coach, afternoon w.o. rather than pre-dawn) but this is when I can do it and I do love doing it. It just seems like I am having more bad or meh workouts than amazing workouts and that is discouraging, to say the least.

    hmmm, take a few days off or do a deload week?

    Too many "meh" workouts in a row can indicate over-training, no?
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    I dunno, guys. I'm feeling discouraged in my training efforts. I suspect I'd be able to do more if a few factors were different (spotter/partner/coach, afternoon w.o. rather than pre-dawn) but this is when I can do it and I do love doing it. It just seems like I am having more bad or meh workouts than amazing workouts and that is discouraging, to say the least.

    hmmm, take a few days off or do a deload week?

    Too many "meh" workouts in a row can indicate over-training, no?

    I took two weeks off to focus on my run time and it helped. Yesterday kicked my butt and was a great, new challenge! I also do feel like very soon I'm going to start hitting a wall without a partner/spotter/trainer because there's only so far I can go with this on my own maybe?! IDK...I guess I'll know for sure soon! But, I do suggest staying with it since you enjoy it! Perhaps change it up a little...maybe go two days and throw in a day of circuits for a little while.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Squats 100
    OHP 65
    DL 130

    felt great! since I wasn't too tired and the crossfit wod wasn't too long , I stayed on and did

    3-3-3-3-3 Hang power snatch (45-65-80, fail)

    WOD was 7 mins (as many rounds possible)
    8 hang power snatch (65)
    16 wall balls (14)

    Then I did a supplemental
    snatch grip (wide grip) deadlift 5-5-5 (115-125-135)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Ahhhh I'm back from vacation and ready to go back to the gym - which won't be til Thursday. We'll see how much my weight blows up when I start lifting again. I'm going to pay attention this time.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Today I did :

    squats 100 lbs by the end I was really feeling it!
    Bench press 45
    rows (hate these) 70 or 75lbs I forget

    So I have officially been doing this for 2 weeks. How long should I expect to either gain/maintain weight? When should I lose?? I expected to not lose intially due to water retention, but how long does that last?? Not sure if I need to cut back on calories yet.....Measurements arent changing yet either, but I didnt expect that so soon....
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I went in for a tubal ligation yesterday and was told not to exercise for a week..I can barely walk right now, so bloated and sore and stitches feel like they're gonna pull out every time I get up...

    My question is: should I deload when I try to lift on Sunday? Or should I attempt my next-in-line workout?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I went in for a tubal ligation yesterday and was told not to exercise for a week..I can barely walk right now, so bloated and sore and stitches feel like they're gonna pull out every time I get up...

    My question is: should I deload when I try to lift on Sunday? Or should I attempt my next-in-line workout?

    deload - I understand with a TL you need 2-4 weeks recovery.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Squat - 95lb
    Bench - 65 lb
    Row - 55lb
    Press - 45lb
    Deadlift - 100lb

    Thought I'd do a 1/2 month progress:

    Squat - 120lb
    Bench - 80 lb
    Row - 70lb
    Press - 55lb
    Deadlift - 120lb

    I obviously need to add more to deadlifts. I might just go ahead and try plate tomorrow. I feel like I'm about to fail at squats, but I've felt like that for about a week now and haven't stalled yet! *crosses fingers*
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Robin - deload for sure -maybe even a big deload like 40%. You don't want to risk your recovery, the big weights will still be there when you are better.

    Dawn - I retained all that crap the WHOLE time until I took time off for vacation (it was like, near 2 full weeks with no lifting). I'd say stick it out for say, 6 -8 weeks, then take a week and a half off (maybe if you have a vacation planned this summer anyway?) and see what happens.

    Speaking of which, since I know we've all discussed it like crazy, I weighed in this morning at 164.8 which is my lowest weighin in a long time but NOT as low as my last super low weigh in at 162.6 - (my scale incremements in .2 lbs by the way so its very possible that I weighed 164.7 and 162.7 and it just rounded up once and down the other time).

    That includes 10 days of taking a break from logging (and I know I was eating maintenance or slightly over during that) and 10 days of vacation (more than half of which I totally pigged out during) so that little gain is probably nothing to do with the program and a lot to do with, you know, overeating. But the moral of the story is - my weight was holding about 165.6 to 177.8 while I was lifting so probably 2-4 lbs of water retention (depending on how much weight i gained on vacation, its so hard to know).
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    Went to the gym Monday and tried the squat with 40lbs. Got through it but hurt my wrists. Researched a bit and realised my grip has been completely wrong the whole time! Just watched Rippetoe's video about grip so hopefully can do it better today!

    OHP: stayed at 30lbs and struggled I actually found it harder than the last time at 30. I think my arms were a bit tired from squatting wrong! Got through the sets but I think my form was off. It was a real struggle to get the bar up for the last few. Gonna stick with 30 next times, see if I can do it better, and maybe add 1/2 reps per set if I can.

    Deadlift: 65lb. First time using the 'big girl bar' :D. This seemed fine so will move to 75 next week.

    Today, I'm gonna try to sort my squat (will warm up well, get the position sorted and maybe try 45lb, try bench at 40(could be a fail here going from 30 to 40!), and rows at 40 too. Fingers crossed!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Started Week 2 today...
    Squats: 95
    OHP: 50
    DL: 100

    I also put the bar lower (thanks Rae for sharing your videos!) and it makes a difference. The last 2 sets of my OHP, I struggled a bit with my last 2 reps, but I got them up. My left elbow doesn't extend as far as my right one (bad elbow injury when I was 12) so I think that had something to do with it.

    Great job everyone!!
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    Today bench was my challenge! My failure face was stellar! :smokin:

    Squats: 105 at 5x5 with 1x5 at 110 felt pretty good, getting tougher though!
    Bench: 65 failed first set 60 good at 5x5
    Rows: 85 at 5x5
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm deloading OHP. First time for deloading. I technically haven't failed 3x in a row, but twice now at 65 has been comical. I have no idea how I passed 60 lbs. Because I even tried dropping back to 60 lbs last night to finish the sets and couldn't even do that! Plus I think the heavier weight is messing with my form. Best go back to 55 and work on form.

    Deadlifts were SO MUCH FUN with the badass 45 lb plates. But I need to remember...I don't have to go down as low with those plates. *loud noise*

    Squats continue to be a struggle for me. I tried 55 lbs, but my form slipped a bit. Maybe I'll go back to 50 lbs.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Last night I added the little magnetic plates to everything.
    I noticed that it was exactly one month of stronglifts!
    Squat went from 65 lbs to 85 lbs
    Bench press went from 55 to 67.5
    Barbell Rows went from 45 to 55

    So, not terrible, but not the gains I was hoping for...
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I'm taking a complete deload week after 9 weeks of stronglifts. **** is getting hard and I was just sore constantly. It was needed.

    Also, I am considering switching to just 2 days a week for the summer, which means if I want to keep lifting with my friend I'd end up doing each work out 2 times in a row...
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm taking a complete deload week after 9 weeks of stronglifts. **** is getting hard and I was just sore constantly. It was needed.

    Also, I am considering switching to just 2 days a week for the summer, which means if I want to keep lifting with my friend I'd end up doing each work out 2 times in a row...

    I wonder why I never get the soreness some people do - Even when I am strugglign and failing like crazy I don't get sore, I just don't get any muscle power.

    I would think if the 2 days a week have a good sized gap between them you won't experience too many ill effects from doing the same workout twice (maybe not the BESt results? but whatever). But if you were doing like a Monday - wed schedule, I think that'd be tough.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    No, I'd be dropping Wed and just going Mon and Fri but I'm assuming my partner wouldn't want to do the same so he'd still be doing Wed so ...
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I'm taking a complete deload week after 9 weeks of stronglifts. **** is getting hard and I was just sore constantly. It was needed.

    Also, I am considering switching to just 2 days a week for the summer, which means if I want to keep lifting with my friend I'd end up doing each work out 2 times in a row...

    I wonder why I never get the soreness some people do - Even when I am strugglign and failing like crazy I don't get sore, I just don't get any muscle power.

    I would think if the 2 days a week have a good sized gap between them you won't experience too many ill effects from doing the same workout twice (maybe not the BESt results? but whatever). But if you were doing like a Monday - wed schedule, I think that'd be tough.

    I dont get soreness either. I was wondering why as well.....hmmmm