Advanced BodyRockers



  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Week 3 Day 5

    Couplet 1:
    1. Towel Plank Drag & Push-Up: 9/11/11
    2. Bicep Curl & Low Jacks – 2x10lbs dumbbells: 26/27/26

    Couplet 2:
    1. Stand Crunch & Jump – 15lbs kettlebell: 9/10/10
    2. Wide Grip Pull – Up & Bicep Curl – pull-ups off step stools & 2x10lbs dumbbells for curls: 5/6/6.5

    Couplet 3:
    1. 10 X Mountain Climbers + Clean & Press & Squat & Press – 20lbs kettlebell: 5/4.5/4.5
    2. 3 Point Plank Jump & Surfer Jump Turn: 6/7/7

    1) Low Squat & Side Lift – 20lbs kettlebell: 15
    2) 1 Leg Push Up – Alternate between Left & Right Leg – Using the Stability Ball: 12
    3) 1 Leg Lunge  & Knee up with Side Row – Left Side – 15lbs kettlebell: 17
    4) Stability Ball Push Ups & Knee Tuck: 8.5
    5) 1 Leg Lunge  & Knee up with Side Row – Right Side – 15 lbs kettlebell: 17

    Did 10 min of past poses
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Made up a 100 rep routine, didnt use a timer or anything like, i done:

    10 manly push-ups
    10 girly push-ups
    40 pike mat jumps
    10 toe touches ( the ones where your back is on the floor and you lift one leg at a time then sit up a little and reach for your toes)
    20 crunches (really felt them - first time in ages that ive felt anything from crunches)
    10 lunge and oblique twists

    really enjoyed it, didn't take very long at all. Think i may make myself a challenge - at least 100 reps a day, that way if i dont do a routine i wont feel lazy or like a slob :)
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Great job Jade.

    I finally did Monday (5/22) workout. It's a killer, probably also because I upped my weights for most of the exercises.

    Couplet 1:
    1. Switch Lunge with Oblique Chop – 15lbs kettlebell: 15/15/13
    2. Alternating Sandbag Swing – 20lbs kettlebell: 26/25/25

    Couplet 2:
    1. Sandbag Deadlift & 1/2 Burpee – 20lbs kettlebell: 9/9/9
    2. Weighted squat jumps – 15lbs kettlebell: 18/20/21

    Couplet 3:
    1. Clean and Press & Squat & Press – 20lbs kettlebell: 5/5/5
    2. Elevated Under Knee Push-Up: 8/8/8

    Couplet 4:
    1. 10 x Plank Shoulder Touch  & 10 x Toe Touch – off step stool: 2/2.5/2.5
    2. Goblet Squat & Press – 15lbs kettlebell: 9/10/10

    Couplet 5:
    1. Tuck Elevated Arm Abs – no weights: 13/17/16
    2. Upright Row & 1/2 Burpee – 20lbs kettlebell: 11/9/10

    Legs: 21:08
    Chest& Back - 10 reps, 20lbs except for single leg deadlifts and around the world (15lbs)
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    I've been making my own routines up with at least 100 reps - done 200 last night :D

    Find this easier than following the challenge because the workouts are posted so inconsistently its unbelievable really.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Great job qtiekiki
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am finally back to bodyrock workout.

    May 30 Push It! Advanced

    1) Hug Knee Star Jump, 3 Point Jump & Push-Up – used 2x3lbs dumbbells: 6/6.6/6.3
    2) Hanging Circle Abs: 14/13/14
    3) Pull Up & Knee Lift: 5/6/6 (first 3 of each round were unassisted)
    4) Step Up & Press – (Left & Right Leg Alternate) – used 20lbs kettlebell: 8/11/12

    Abs bonus
    1) Wall Walk & Push Up: 4
    2) Wall Plank Hold & Knee Tuck – (Left & Right Knee Alternate): 8
    3) Wall Walk & Push Up: 3.5 (knee push ups because my arms were jello by then)
  • myrtille
    myrtille Posts: 37
    Latest workouts

    May 30 Push it! combo of intermediate / advanced (depending on equipment etc)

    1. Hug Knee Star Jump, 3 point Jump and PU (using 2 500ml waterbottles so 1lbs each :p ): 8/8.5/6
    2. Circle abs with Sandbag: 13/11/10 (really hard for me, hurts my back easily so have to bend my legs sometimes to keep it from arching)
    3. Reverse elevated PU (tried doing it holding on to table and feet on bed but wasnt very successful, had bad grip :/): 10/14/14
    4. Step up and press with 20 lbs SB: 10/10/10

    didnt count ab bonus

    1 June "Rock me out Mash Workout"

    1. Push up and press and squat jump with Sandbag: 5.5/4
    2. Jump wood chop w/ SB: 5.5 / 5.5
    3. Crawl walking PU (I counted one round was one walk forward, 5 PU, walk back): 2/2
    4. Burpee Leg lift w/ SB: 5.5 / 5.5
    5. Crab shack: 70/60
    6. Side lunge w/ SB: 7/6.5

    Also did the sculpt but never count the reps for that :)
  • myrtille
    myrtille Posts: 37
    Hey bodyrockers!! hope you're all doing well!

    "where have you been workout"

    1. 2 Squat Jumps, 1 tuck jump, 2 pushups: 5.5 / 5 /5
    2. 3 one legged monkey pushups, 3 one leg squats (alternating legs): 3/3/3
    3. 10 Open me up Mountain climbers, 10 toe touch abs (with 6kg Sandbag): 1.5/1.5/1.5
    4. 2 push ups and inwards knees, commando roll out: 5.5 / 5 / 6
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    OK, so I was on a workout hiatus for like 5 days... and PLEASE don't let me do that again. I felt so weak.

    I did Bodyrock Where Have You Been workout from 6/5 (so fitting. LOL)
    1) 2xSquat Jump, Tuck Jump, Press - 6/7/7
    2) 3xDonkey Press,... 3xSingle Leg Hop (Alternating Legs) - 4/5/6
    3) 10xOpen Me Up Mountain Climbers, 10xToe Touch Abs (Using 8lbs medicine ball) - 1.5/1.75/1.75
    4) Commando Roll Out Push Ups - 5/6/7

    5x5 40lbs Squats
    5x5 40lbs Deadlifts
    3x8 20lbs Shoulder Presses
    2x8 Hanging Knee Raises
    10 Hanging Oblique Lifts (alternating side)
    4 Pull ups
  • myrtille
    myrtille Posts: 37
    Awesome scores!
    And loving the weighted routine as well... !! Great job
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I was seriously huffing and puffing after the workout. No more taking long time off.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    I've been having time off too, not even for a good reason - just cba! WIll do 12 mins tonight even if it kills me!
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    I'm finding this easy to stick with! I think becasue the routines are short and different all the time!

    I have to be super organised though and write down the routines and know how to do them & have any equipment ready.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    I'm finding this easy to stick with! I think becasue the routines are short and different all the time!

    I have to be super organised though and write down the routines and know how to do them & have any equipment ready.

    That's the same with me, i write down each move in the order i'm doing them in so in the rest seconds i can look at it and get into the next position :)
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Done 12 mins of bodyrock/30 day shred exercises and i nearly died! Need to get back at it every day. I WILL get in my birthday dress, I WILL look good and I WILL have a massive grin on my face when people walk into my party and comment on how i look.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    ‎I did the Lean Lust workout today. Isn't it actually an old workout?
    1) Kettlebell Swing (20lbs) - 26/25
    2) 10xCrab Shack & 10xMountain Climbers - 4/4
    3) Kettlebell lift side lunge (20lbs) - 10/11
    4) Monkey push ups - 15/16
    5) Plank jump kettlebell pull (20lbs) - 8/9
    6) Elevated Spiderman push ups - 6/6

    Weight stuffs.
    2x10 hanging knee lifts
    2 pull ups
    5x5 45lbs barbell deadlifts
    5x5 30lbs dumbbells shoulder presses
    5x5 40lbs dumbbells squat (this felt really easy. I want to use the barbell, but can't lift it over my head since we don't have a rack yet)
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Yeah i think it is. I just set my interval timer for 50/10 for 12 rounds now and then do 12 diff bodyrock moves - basically make my own routines up as i go along. Quite like that Lisa has been posting real time workouts whilst shes in Spain!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Great job Jade.

    Did the Wide Awake Workout today
    1) Prisoner jump knee to elbow - 27/26/28
    2) 10 Mountain Climbers Clean Press Squat Press (20lbs kettlebell) - 4/4.5/4.5
    3) Squat Front Raise (2x5lbs dumbbells) - 18/20/20
    4) Under Toe Touch with half burpee - 10/11/10

    Weight training
    5x5 45lbs barbell bent over rows
    1x5 45lbs barbell bench presses
    3 pull ups (2 in a row, then 1)
    3x8 hanging knee lifts

    Really need a rack or Anthony to help with spotting for the bench press and to start using barbell for squat. Surprised that I can row 45lbs. Lifting with barbell feels really different than dumbbells.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Gonna do the latest real time workout later on - excited to be doing it with lisa!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Yesterday, I did the Bodyrock Suck Off Fat workout from Jun 15.
    1. Plank and leg jumps (inclined) - 50/51/45
    2. 10 high knees and 10 forward kicks - 4.5/5.5/4.5
    3. Push up burpee forward back jumps - 5/5.5/5.5
    4. Woodchop roll and jump - 10/8/8

    5x5 45lbs barbell deadlifts
    5x5 40lbs dumbbell squats
    4x4 30lbs dumbbell shoulder presses
    2 pulls up in a row - YAY
    8 hanging knee raises

    10 min yoga stretch/cool down