I will not weigh myself for 4 weeks...



  • droidrunner
    droidrunner Posts: 28 Member
    I committed to not getting on the scale after Friday. I took the batteries out of the scale. Unfortunately, I put them in my jewerly box, which is in the same closet. That made it easy for me to put them back in this morning. Urgh. I will take them out again when I get home and put them in my gym bag, which i don't keep in the bedroom.
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    i just lowered my calories.. hoping to start losing. thinking about trashing mine too for a few weeks. and a daily scale person. we'll see if i can
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    I also put both of my scales in the trunk of my car last week. I freaked out after showing a 4 lb. gain that I knew was water weight from weightlifting, even though I could fit into the jeans I haven't been able to wear since Christmas.

    It has been amazing to not let the scale dictate how I feel.

    That is a great idea! I am totally going to do this....because the thought of me pulling my scale out of my trunk and weighing myself in a parking lot cracks me up...can you imagine the "crazy lady" looks I would get?
  • bsinno
    bsinno Posts: 358 Member
    day 5 of no scale and i am really feeling it today. i would have totally jumped on it this morning if it wasnt miles away and as i planned out my food for the day and laughing/panicking over having to add MORE and MORE i really wanted to see what was going on so far "all up in here"

    its a disease!!
  • frenchie2727
    frenchie2727 Posts: 46 Member
    I failed the first day today, but I am seriously hiding it when I get home...I was super hungry when I got home yesterday and ate about 600 cals over goal (600 over a 1500 goal, but may be raising that soon) so I knew my weight would be up. I just got too tempted and got on this morning before I got in the shower. Sure enough, up 2 lbs! I'm smart enough to realize that I couldn't have gained 2 lbs. of fat in 24 hours so it didn't bother me too much but the scale is just making me angry every day!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    yup! im in. havent weighed in since friday so that makes it 4 days so far!
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    Well, I've made it eating close to TDEE AND not weighing for 13 days and I'm about to lose my mind from fear. I know that today (day 1 of TOM) is always my lightest day of the month and June 30 (ovulation) is historically my heaviest. :sad:

    I will admit I've enjoyed the freedom from having my daily mood set by a piece of machinery. :love: :love: