how much weight have you gained



  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Pepper - congratulations! And thank you for checking in and making my day :) I'm 26 weeks and up 24 pounds!

    By the way - at my shower this last weekend, we played a game where people asked my husband and I questions and we both secretly answered. People asked things like "how many times did Emily pee during the night last night?" or "what has been her strongest craving?" One woman asked "how much weight has Emily gained?" I was MORTIFIED! My sweet husband put "little to none" on his little wipeboard and I put the real answer. I was embarrassed, though.

    Wow, why would anyone ask that? :tongue: They'd have gotten a fake smack from me!

    Who knows - it was one of my mom's friends who asked. I just tried to conceal my embarrassment because I really didn't know what to do!!! Glad I'm not the only one who thought that was a bit inappropriate...

    That is really rude! I can't believe they asked you that.

    I think people of a certain age don't realize how insulting certain questions/comments about pregnancy weight gain can be. A few months after my son was born, when I was actively losing weight, my in-laws visited, and my MIL kept telling me about how awesome my then-pregnant SIL (not her daughter but her son's wife) looked and how she hadn't had to wear any maternity clothes. (I can tell you for a fact that it was a lie, but for some reason my MIL either believed it or wanted me to.) I found it super insulting to brag about that, as if it were some merit badge, to someone who gained a lot during pregnancy and was actively working her butt off to lose the weight.

    She probably has no idea how badly she hurt my feelings, and she'd probably be too clueless to think an apology was warranted, if I ever asked for one.

    :noway: I'm sorry you had to deal with that. It's a shame that people feel the need to make jabs like that especially when many of them have been there before and know that pregnancy can make you insecure about your figure anyway. Not cool at all.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Pepper - congratulations! And thank you for checking in and making my day :) I'm 26 weeks and up 24 pounds!

    By the way - at my shower this last weekend, we played a game where people asked my husband and I questions and we both secretly answered. People asked things like "how many times did Emily pee during the night last night?" or "what has been her strongest craving?" One woman asked "how much weight has Emily gained?" I was MORTIFIED! My sweet husband put "little to none" on his little wipeboard and I put the real answer. I was embarrassed, though.

    Wow, why would anyone ask that? :tongue: They'd have gotten a fake smack from me!

    Who knows - it was one of my mom's friends who asked. I just tried to conceal my embarrassment because I really didn't know what to do!!! Glad I'm not the only one who thought that was a bit inappropriate...

    That is really rude! I can't believe they asked you that.

    I think people of a certain age don't realize how insulting certain questions/comments about pregnancy weight gain can be. A few months after my son was born, when I was actively losing weight, my in-laws visited, and my MIL kept telling me about how awesome my then-pregnant SIL (not her daughter but her son's wife) looked and how she hadn't had to wear any maternity clothes. (I can tell you for a fact that it was a lie, but for some reason my MIL either believed it or wanted me to.) I found it super insulting to brag about that, as if it were some merit badge, to someone who gained a lot during pregnancy and was actively working her butt off to lose the weight.

    She probably has no idea how badly she hurt my feelings, and she'd probably be too clueless to think an apology was warranted, if I ever asked for one.

    :noway: I'm sorry you had to deal with that. It's a shame that people feel the need to make jabs like that especially when many of them have been there before and know that pregnancy can make you insecure about your figure anyway. Not cool at all.

    Par for the course with my MIL. She's kind of a kook, and after 8 years, you'd think nothing would shock me anymore. She just lacks that filter between brain and mouth sometimes. Needless to say, she and I are not exactly close. Thanks for your sympathy, though!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Officially up 48.6lbs @ 36 weeks, only gained 0.6lb from last week though, hopefully it continues at this pace.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Up 29.5 pounds at 36 weeks 3 days... Hoping not to gain too much more these last few weeks!
  • SydandPaigesMom
    SydandPaigesMom Posts: 86 Member
    Hi everyone. Just joined this group, been a member of MFP for awhile :)

    I haven't gained anything so far and I'm 13 weeks 1 day. I started my MFP journey around 225lbs, lost 60 lbs by the end of April 2012, then after a trip to Disneyworld and a summer spent working 2 jobs, eating bbq and drinking copious amounts of fruity wine I weighed in at 180 lbs. I stepped on the scale yesterday at 179.4. I did feel quite nauseous my first trimester, but never had morning sickness.
    My dr's office didn't seem too concerned at my appt last week although at first when she weighed me it showed me 5 lbs less than at my 8 week check up. She re-weighed me and the correct weight came up.

    Anyone else in the same boat? Should there be a point where I get concerned? Everything looked good on my 8 week ultrasound and we heard the heartbeat at my last appointment. Also I started doing Turbo Fire again after a hiatus because I felt to ill and my nipples hurt too bad to have a sports bra on :)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi everyone. Just joined this group, been a member of MFP for awhile :)

    I haven't gained anything so far and I'm 13 weeks 1 day. I started my MFP journey around 225lbs, lost 60 lbs by the end of April 2012, then after a trip to Disneyworld and a summer spent working 2 jobs, eating bbq and drinking copious amounts of fruity wine I weighed in at 180 lbs. I stepped on the scale yesterday at 179.4. I did feel quite nauseous my first trimester, but never had morning sickness.
    My dr's office didn't seem too concerned at my appt last week although at first when she weighed me it showed me 5 lbs less than at my 8 week check up. She re-weighed me and the correct weight came up.

    Anyone else in the same boat? Should there be a point where I get concerned? Everything looked good on my 8 week ultrasound and we heard the heartbeat at my last appointment. Also I started doing Turbo Fire again after a hiatus because I felt to ill and my nipples hurt too bad to have a sports bra on :)

    I would think if your doctor isn't concerned and baby is doing fine then there is not a concern. Baby is so little at this point, I'm sure you will start gaining slowly soon and as your naueseous subsides.
  • mainesm
    mainesm Posts: 107 Member
    26 weeks and up 30lbs!!! EHHHHHHHH Been having some serious body/weight issues lately. DH is doing his best to make me feel good and let me know that he loves me =) We've also been talking about my plan after baby to lose what I've gained plus!
  • Skatha89
    Skatha89 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 34 weeks and have gained 34lbs ironically. But I was also still holding onto 30lbs from my son. BUT at this time with my son I was up 50lbs, so I'm proud of myself. It's so hard to see the scale at such a high number but I remind myself, a good chunk will come off after delivery! It's also hard cuz I keep getting asked if I was due LAST month :/
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Up 43 lbs at 31 weeks and unfortunately i have to cut out my workouts do to some blood in my urine. i am only allowed to do walking and very very light aeorbics ( which i would guess leaves me with not many choices)
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I'm right there with you skatha!! I'm 33 weeks and up 33 lbs........trying to keep it under a 40 lb gain!!! So sad considering my goal was 15-25 lol

    Jamie, sorry girl!! whats causing blood in your urine??
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member

    Jamie, sorry girl!! whats causing blood in your urine??

    They arent sure yet. They are testing my urine for infections ( bladder and kidney) even though i have not had symptoms. She checked my cervix and said it looked ok. She did tell me to cool it on working out, i guess the baby is super low in my uterus and the bouncing around from exercising could cause the uterus to hit the bladder alot causing it to bleed. I was also told no sex for a month ;(
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    28 weeks annnd I put a lb over the weekend. LOL. I was constantly starving so I ate 24/7.

    SO that puts me at 22lbs at 28 weeks.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Up 43 lbs at 31 weeks and unfortunately i have to cut out my workouts do to some blood in my urine. i am only allowed to do walking and very very light aeorbics ( which i would guess leaves me with not many choices)

    Sorry to hear that. Hopefully they figure out the problem. it sucks you have to take it easy, but remember it's for a healthy baby, and you'll be back to working out again in no time :)
  • Skatha89
    Skatha89 Posts: 49 Member

    Jamie, sorry girl!! whats causing blood in your urine??

    They arent sure yet. They are testing my urine for infections ( bladder and kidney) even though i have not had symptoms. She checked my cervix and said it looked ok. She did tell me to cool it on working out, i guess the baby is super low in my uterus and the bouncing around from exercising could cause the uterus to hit the bladder alot causing it to bleed. I was also told no sex for a month ;(

    I've been battling a constant UTI this whole pregnancy, it sucks. I hope they figure out what the cause is soon!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member

    Jamie, sorry girl!! whats causing blood in your urine??

    They arent sure yet. They are testing my urine for infections ( bladder and kidney) even though i have not had symptoms. She checked my cervix and said it looked ok. She did tell me to cool it on working out, i guess the baby is super low in my uterus and the bouncing around from exercising could cause the uterus to hit the bladder alot causing it to bleed. I was also told no sex for a month ;(

    Oh that's rough! I hope they get it figured out asap!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member

    Jamie, sorry girl!! whats causing blood in your urine??

    They arent sure yet. They are testing my urine for infections ( bladder and kidney) even though i have not had symptoms. She checked my cervix and said it looked ok. She did tell me to cool it on working out, i guess the baby is super low in my uterus and the bouncing around from exercising could cause the uterus to hit the bladder alot causing it to bleed. I was also told no sex for a month ;(

    I hope they can figure it out. If it's an infection, then I'm sure it's treatable. Thoughts with you!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    started my 3rd trimester this week and I'm up 25lbs. I gained 12 total in the first trimester and 13 in the second (10 of those pounds being in August!). goal = under 40lbs, but I guess we'll see what happens!
  • wicklc
    wicklc Posts: 70 Member
    Up to 43 pounds at 33 weeks- no weight gain the last 2 weeks...hopefully I can keep it at this! My goal was to not go over 35 pounds but now if I can keep it under 50 I'll be a happy camper.
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    I'm 11 weeks and lost 5.5 pounds so far.
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    At 8 weeks pregnant I was +6lbs
    at 10 weeks pregnant I was +11lbs
    at 11 weeks pregnant I was +10 lbs
    At 12 weeks +8lbs
    At 13 weeks +10lbs
    At 14 weeks + 12 lbs
    At 15 weeks + 9lbs
    At 16 weeks + 10.5 lbs
    At 17 weeks + 12.5 lbs
    At the never-ending 18 weeks + 16lbs
    19 weeks + 14.5 lbs
    20 weeks + 20 lbs
    21 weeks + 17 lbs
    22 weeks + 18.5 lbs
    23 weeks + 17 lbs
    24 weeks + 18 lbs
    25 weeks + 17.5 lbs

    I've pretty much maintained my weight for the past month. Pregnancy weight is definitely an individual thing. I thought I was supposed to gain lots in the second trimester?! So far, it seems as though I gained more in my first!