how much weight have you gained



  • lovekohl
    lovekohl Posts: 111 Member
    I gained a little over 50 lbs total. My doctor never seemed bothered by it.
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    I would NOT stress at all honey!

    I gained weight almost entirely 'backwards' from what I was supposed to. I just delivered my son on June 20th. I got pregnant at 135lbs and delivered at 177lbs. I put on the most weight in my first trimester, less the second and then about 9lbs in the third trimester.

    When I delivered I was at 177lbs. After i had gone home from the hospital I was at 167lbs and within a week and a half I was down 27lbs from my delivery weight. So, I have 15lbs leftover. In the grand scheme of things, 15lbs is not a big deal to lose.

    ALOT of my weight, more so than what would have been expected was fluid weight. I just simply had a lot more than the 'standard' pregnant' woman. It sounds likely that may be going on with you.

    Just drinks LOTS of water, stay active, eat well AND STOP EATING AT A DEFICIT. The health of your little one is the most important thing in your world right now. Trust me, all will be just fine!

    Huge congratulations on your beautiful boy :-) you sound almost identical to me! I put on 14 pounds in first trimester, but in the last 6 weeks I have only gained 2 pounds; I'm now starting to grow into my bump and feel that the fluid is reducing. I put on a total of 45 pounds with my first, but like you lost a lot of it fairly quickly. So I'm not too worried this time around, especially now that my weight has slowed though. And your right 15 pounds is not that much in the grand scheme of things :-) good luck with losing it and enjoy your new role as a mummy :-)
  • vonalj
    vonalj Posts: 124 Member
    23wks and up 10lbs! Goal is 25 max. I'm overweight to begin with. :p
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Update - 16 weeks and 17 pounds. Trying not to flip out about it - I'm doing the best I can, continuing to work out, and my body is going to do what it wants. I can't help but get really bummed (jealous?) when I hear of others who have gained so little at this point - but we aren't all the same, and comparing doesn't do any good :) Or at least, that's what I keep telling myself, haha!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Update - 16 weeks and 17 pounds. Trying not to flip out about it - I'm doing the best I can, continuing to work out, and my body is going to do what it wants. I can't help but get really bummed (jealous?) when I hear of others who have gained so little at this point - but we aren't all the same, and comparing doesn't do any good :) Or at least, that's what I keep telling myself, haha!

    You are 100% right. I keep gaining a pound a week and still workout at a high intensity and eat below maintenance.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Update: 29lbs@26weeks! I've had a bad few days, so I'm hoping some is water weight. I'm really hoping this evens out soon or I'm going to end up gaining 60lbs! I had a 4lb gained this week!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    13 weeks and up 16 lbs already. My family said I look more like 6 months pregnant, not 4. :(
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    13 weeks and up 16 lbs already. My family said I look more like 6 months pregnant, not 4. :(

    Ouch! that's something you just don't say to a pregnant lady! I know you're doing great, but I understand how you feel! We will just have to work really hard after our babies are born :)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    13 weeks and up 16 lbs already. My family said I look more like 6 months pregnant, not 4. :(

    Ouch! that's something you just don't say to a pregnant lady! I know you're doing great, but I understand how you feel! We will just have to work really hard after our babies are born :)

    It's very frustrating. I'm trying to not worry so much about the number on the scale, but my tummy just keeps getting huger and huger. Looking forward to this baby coming so I can get back to working out more. Having a lot of trouble with my activity level lately. I just can't seem to do much of anything.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Sigh. I am up 15 pounds at 20 weeks. Not so terrible (as it seems like I would be on track to gain the recommended 25-35), but I have a herniated disc, and my doctor told me he thought I should try to gain no more than 20 pounds through the whole pregnancy. Ha! I seriously don't know how I am going to manage that one. With 20 weeks left, it just doesn't seem realistic that I am going to gain only 5 more pounds...

    I have been eating over my recommended calories each day though. I know I need to reign myself in some more. But it's damn hard! I need to get really serious about it though...
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Sigh. I am up 15 pounds at 20 weeks. Not so terrible (as it seems like I would be on track to gain the recommended 25-35), but I have a herniated disc, and my doctor told me he thought I should try to gain no more than 20 pounds through the whole pregnancy. Ha! I seriously don't know how I am going to manage that one. With 20 weeks left, it just doesn't seem realistic that I am going to gain only 5 more pounds...

    I have been eating over my recommended calories each day though. I know I need to reign myself in some more. But it's damn hard! I need to get really serious about it though...

    honesty is awesome, though!! I haven't been logging much, but obviously I'm going over calories if I continue to gain so quickly. You are a step ahead of me and have admitted that you need to get serious - now I guess I need to admit that too :)

    But I'm sorry to hear about your herniated disc - that must be really painful
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Sigh. I am up 15 pounds at 20 weeks. Not so terrible (as it seems like I would be on track to gain the recommended 25-35), but I have a herniated disc, and my doctor told me he thought I should try to gain no more than 20 pounds through the whole pregnancy. Ha! I seriously don't know how I am going to manage that one. With 20 weeks left, it just doesn't seem realistic that I am going to gain only 5 more pounds...

    I have been eating over my recommended calories each day though. I know I need to reign myself in some more. But it's damn hard! I need to get really serious about it though...

    honesty is awesome, though!! I haven't been logging much, but obviously I'm going over calories if I continue to gain so quickly. You are a step ahead of me and have admitted that you need to get serious - now I guess I need to admit that too :)

    But I'm sorry to hear about your herniated disc - that must be really painful

    I dont know if you are going over calories just because you are gaining so quickly. You can check out my diary, and i log everything! . I am under calories 99% of the time ( some times as much as 1000 calories and am gaining at the same pace as you) I am beginning to just think that our bodies will just do what they need to do no matter what we do with food intake or exercise.
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    My youngest daughter was only 3 months old when I found out I was PG and I had not lost all the baby weight from before. PLUS, I was overweight to begin with.

    From my 1st OB Appt at 6wks3day up to my 20wk appt I had gained a total 7lbs. Between my 20wk and 25wk appt I gained another 8lbs. Doc was concerned with my weight gain since it was more than 1lb a week and so much more than the previous appts where the numbers were slowly going up. This was also the morning I took my 1hr Glucose test and later found out I failed. Then I failed the 3 hr test a couple days later and was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes.

    I immediately changed my diet after I failed the 1 hour test to follow the GD diet, cut out soda & fruit juices, watched portions, started counting carbs and eating "good" carbs: whole grains, sweets from fresh fruits, etc., gave up fast food, blah, blah, blah. I just had my 29wk appt yesterday and lost 5lbs from my last appt.

    So from my 1st OB appt to my 29wk appt - I've gained a total of 10lbs. In the last 11wks I hope to gain another 10lbs or so.

    My last PG I gained 37lbs total and around the same with my 1st PG.
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm now at 14 weeks and I ate A LOT over the past 4 days. I'm up 13 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. That is up 3 pounds in 1 week..OMG! Hopefully some of this is water weight.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    17wks2days gained 9.9lbs... lol... okay fine 10lbs :) Not a shocker. I actually had higher #s earlier in the week, but a few days of clean eating and watching sodium really helped bring it down 2lbs.

    oh and I dunno if the additional nausea helped or not, I was kinda high on carbs. Oh well.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    14 weeks 3 days and I've gained about 16lbs already. I had morning sickness but food was the only thing that made me feel better, no joke! lol
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    My counselor brought up an interesting point...are those who were actively losing weight prior to pregnancy more likely to gain quickly/more weight during pregnancy? Not sure if there really is an answer, but it seems as though many of us here are struggling to keep the weight gain under control, despite the fact we are calorie counting crazies :) Thoughts?
  • JillSandm
    JillSandm Posts: 52 Member
    Gained my first pound this week - bummer! I'm just 10 weeks, was planning to making it to 13 before seeing any gain. Haven't been logging my eating, but have been staying with my same eating habits, for the most part. When I sat down to figure out how I gained that pound (since I'm still working out 40 minutes 5 days per week), I realized it's the pasta. Pasta has been my "comfort food" this pregnancy so far - when nothing else sounds good, pasta does. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to have to give up my pasta (tonight is leftover night, and it's all pasta-based)! Waaahh!

    Decided to start logging again, just to make sure I'm staying under my 1500 net calories (okayed by doc). Can I just say how annoying it is to start logging again after taking a couple weeks off!

    Quick question - How do you ladies measure your weight gain? From your weight the day you peed on a stick, or from your lowest once becoming pregnant? I only ask because I've lost a little weight since my positive preg test, but don't know if I should say I'm up one pound now, or down seven (instead of eight).
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    My counselor brought up an interesting point...are those who were actively losing weight prior to pregnancy more likely to gain quickly/more weight during pregnancy? Not sure if there really is an answer, but it seems as though many of us here are struggling to keep the weight gain under control, despite the fact we are calorie counting crazies :) Thoughts?

    Agreed! I think someone else said the same thing earlier in the thread, but I'm too tired to scroll back through 8 pages to find it! :ohwell: :laugh:
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    28 weeks and up 21 pounds. I am going to try my best to maintain this weight for the next 2 weeks. It;s going to be hard though bc Sunday there is an ice cream social at church. I <3 ice cream. And I can never seem to swing any exercise on Sundays for some reason unless I skip a nap. And I am not skipping my nap ;)