how much weight have you gained



  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    It just KEEPS a little scared! I've been tracking, trying to keep up some kind of exercise, staying within calories...STILL packing on around 2lbs a week. I'm almost at 27 weeks and there is no WAY that I'm keeping it under 40lbs at this rate. :sad:

    It is getting really frustrating...I know I'm not carrying a 20lb baby in me
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    oh's ok.....:smile: I'm right with you. Despite a lack of appetite and swimming more than ever.....AND walking 3 km a day with my dog I too am wondering where this weight is coming from if I'm also not carrying a 20 lb baby! I actually lost a pound last week and had maintained that weight for three weeks prior then hopped on the scale this morning and had gained three! That puts me at +37 at 34 w 3 days. At 20 weeks I was up 20 lbs or so and my doctor said "great, on track, let's keep it under 30". ummm sure......maybe it's all in my ginourmous boobs. That's what I'll tell myself.

    My husband also doesn't really understand. He has been very positive about my changing body even when I'm moping around or whining about what appears to be the first stretch mark :grumble: He even comments that I'm not feeding his baby enough and that I should've eaten more at the last meal.

    Maybe we're being to hard on ourselves. Keep active and keep tracking and hope it's all boobs
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Thanks M! I know that I'm doing pretty well and that the scale is not the end-all but...I also know that my doctor's scale will show me 2lbs more (has since the beginning) and they're going to start giving me looks.

    Just means I'll have to put out more effort after the lil' kiddo is out to get the weight off!
  • EricaG86
    EricaG86 Posts: 28
    im 22 weeks and i'vegained 28lbs already..Pre pregnancy, I watched what I ate and I worked out hard. I still eat healthy, but I do give into certain things i wouldnt pre-preg. This is my first pregnancy and I'm going to eat what I want with moderation. But right after I have baby, I'm getting back into shape. My OB said everythings normal, I guess everyones different when it comes to wieght gain during pregnancy.
  • sistasledge101
    I am at 8 weeks. I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks, and had lost 7lbs total due to exercising and not knowing I was pregnant. I have gained 2lbs but not because I knew I was pregnant. I am hoping to gain no more than 20lbs because I was already overweight.
    I'll wait to see what doctor says on Friday.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I'm at 18 weeks and 11 pounds...even though I started at a normal weight, my doctor doesn't want me to gain more than 20 pounds because I have problems with herniated discs and he thinks the extra weight will be extremely painful to carry around. So...I have 22 more weeks, and am only supposed to gain 9 more pounds?!? That seems so hard, bordering on impossible to me. Ah least the weight gain has significantly slowed down since I joined MFP (I gained like 9 of my 11 pounds in the first 9 weeks!). Reading posts by you ladies inspires me. So thank you!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Im 15 weeks and gained 9lbs! So far its sticking to 1lb a week gain. I'm getting scared cause most of my weight last pregnancy piled on after 23weeks! keeping my fingers crossed
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I am 8 weeks pregnant now and I have gained about 3lb so far. Though I'm sure that is more because of my holiday last week than the pregnancy, I would have gained that anyway :)

    Even though I haven't reallt gained much, I feel frumpy and bloated. I have so much fluid retention, its yuck!
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    Another update from me!
    Strangely enough, I lost 1 pound since last week.
    Today I'm 12 weeks pregnant. I weighed myself yesterday morning and was up 8 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight... a bit more normal. I was freaking out a bit when I was up 10-13 pounds at 8 weeks pregnant!
  • amicklin
    amicklin Posts: 452
    I would NOT stress at all honey!

    I gained weight almost entirely 'backwards' from what I was supposed to. I just delivered my son on June 20th. I got pregnant at 135lbs and delivered at 177lbs. I put on the most weight in my first trimester, less the second and then about 9lbs in the third trimester.

    When I delivered I was at 177lbs. After i had gone home from the hospital I was at 167lbs and within a week and a half I was down 27lbs from my delivery weight. So, I have 15lbs leftover. In the grand scheme of things, 15lbs is not a big deal to lose.

    ALOT of my weight, more so than what would have been expected was fluid weight. I just simply had a lot more than the 'standard' pregnant' woman. It sounds likely that may be going on with you.

    Just drinks LOTS of water, stay active, eat well AND STOP EATING AT A DEFICIT. The health of your little one is the most important thing in your world right now. Trust me, all will be just fine!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    weekly update: Up 23.5lbs @ 24 weeks! Gained 2lbs from last week, hopefully it evens out soon!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Fixed my calories by using a more accurate tool (although now I've lost the bookmark and can't find it again) so I've evened back out again. MFP calories were giving me a 2lb a week gain!

    I'm now at 27 weeks with a 24 lb gain...I will probably end up at a total 35 lb gain which is ok. My mom gained 36 lbs with me so I figure I'm on par with her. Way less stressed than I was earlier in the week. Have my GD test tomorrow...
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    At my OB appt last Friday (11w 4d) their scale showed I was actually down 1.5 lbs from my previous appt 2 wks prior. I told them per my scale at home I was the same, and that with their scale I wasn't wearing the same clothes as the last time (previous was heavier material) and it wasn't after lunch with all that food in my stomach haha. I don't know where I stand now since I don't have access to a scale for another 1.5 wks since we're on vacation, but I'm tracking what I eat and what activities I can count for exercise so as to try and keep the weight gain minimal since I'm still in my first tri and hoping to maintain for this vacation. Guess I'll find out @ 14wks when I get back how successful I was lol.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Fixed my calories by using a more accurate tool (although now I've lost the bookmark and can't find it again) so I've evened back out again. MFP calories were giving me a 2lb a week gain!

    I'm now at 27 weeks with a 24 lb gain...I will probably end up at a total 35 lb gain which is ok. My mom gained 36 lbs with me so I figure I'm on par with her. Way less stressed than I was earlier in the week. Have my GD test tomorrow...

    How much are you eating now? I think we were similar pre-pregnancy weights and about the same now, since I've gained about the same at 24 weeks.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Fixed my calories by using a more accurate tool (although now I've lost the bookmark and can't find it again) so I've evened back out again. MFP calories were giving me a 2lb a week gain!

    I'm now at 27 weeks with a 24 lb gain...I will probably end up at a total 35 lb gain which is ok. My mom gained 36 lbs with me so I figure I'm on par with her. Way less stressed than I was earlier in the week. Have my GD test tomorrow...

    How much are you eating now? I think we were similar pre-pregnancy weights and about the same now, since I've gained about the same at 24 weeks.

    I'm 5'9" and was pre-preganancy 155-ish - now am up to 178-ish. I'm trying to keep it around 2000 a day (sometimes less sometimes more but evening out to that every week). I haven't been doing much working out at all and my metabolism must slow to a CRAWL when I'm sedentary. I've been experimenting but making sure that I'm never really hungry and I'm keeping all my vitamins, etc. going to hit all my macros. I'm being very careful about it :)
  • wicklc
    wicklc Posts: 70 Member
    20 weeks and up 22 pounds...exercise almost every day and eat lots of fruits! however I'm type 1 diabetic and deal with a lot of low blood sugar due to my pregnancy so I eat a ton of carbs to try and keep that under control and unfortunately despite my exercising the pounds keep packing on :(
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    26w3d and up 25lbs on my scale this morning.... However I gained 4lbs between Monday and today, and I'm pretty sure some of it is due to a lack of "output"... Hopefully a lb or two will go away once things start moving again! Doctor didn't comment on my weight today, so that was a relief!
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    26 weeks- up 20 lbs. gained 3 1/2 within the last week :grumble:
  • JillSandm
    JillSandm Posts: 52 Member
    Only 8 weeks today, but I've lost 5.5 pounds so far. My tummy's unhappy all day, except from 3-8pm daily. I try to eat a little here and there during the day, but 90% of my calories are coming in that 3-8pm timeframe. With previous pregnancies I gained 30 pounds each time, but ate however I wanted and didn't know the meaning of the word "exercise." Hoping to keep this one to 20 pounds (from my start weight).
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    39 weeks and +33 lbs :)