5 things I'm grateful for Today are ........



  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    1. My relapse the night before last.my first in awhile and alll I am learning from it-the good and the bad the ugly:noway:
    2. MFP:blushing:
    3. My supportive family:love:
    4. Life:happy:
    5. My hobbies :bigsmile:
  • julesoa
    julesoa Posts: 68 Member
    1 That the leak in my bathroom is making the ceiling fall down, the electrics need sorting and redecorating AND that although I freaked out and cried and lost the plot a bit - I have made amends straight away to the person I took it out on, and I can realise that a little tiny leak dripping away bit by bit can cause a whole LOT of damage
    2 going to see a film tonight and laughing out loud
    3 Meeting my friend today who has just finished chemo for breast cancer and about to start radiotherapy - we talked all afetrnoon and laughed and she is doing so well
    4 That God and OA restore me to sanity on a daily basis
    5 For new clothes and feeling better in my body
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    1. Half way through renovations to the house, and seeing light at the end of the tunnel.
    2. Taking a day off following a busy week of clients last week.
    3. Looking after myself and going to my chiropractor appt this morning.
    4. My youngest son, doing so well at school and happy in his life.
    5. My two oldest sons also experiencing a happy period in their lives.