What should be done to these kids?



  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I don't think there's anything wrong with these kids other than they're mean and get off on making a 68 year woman cry.

    So, you're okay with this?

    In my world, I would have turned that bus around, taken it back to school and discharged every single one of the kids involved into the control of a school official. The parents would have been notified that these kids would not be riding the bus again for 2 weeks and the next time it happened they would be banned for the school year.

    Let the parents get involved. I'll bet that if Mommy and Daddy are inconvenienced by taking the next two weeks to chauffeer their kids, they might make it a priority to get involved in their children's behavior.

    I would come down hard on my own children if they acted like that. But, I know they wouldn't. That's not the way they were raised. As a matter of fact, I would be very surprised and disappointed if they didn't come to the aid of the person being bullied. I can almost guarantee that one of my girls would have been coming to the aid of the person being bullied. I don't like bullies and my daughters don't either.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    So, you're okay with this?
    I think she means that they're not necessarily mentally retarded, as was suggested. They're just mean kids.
    Let the parents get involved. I'll bet that if Mommy and Daddy are inconvenienced by taking the next two weeks to chauffeer their kids, they might make it a priority to get involved in their children's behavior.
    What do you do when the parents have no form of transportation because they're just as much a thug as their kids? (that's the reply I got when I asked why that little boy was allowed back on the school bus) [/quote]
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Is this the same video where they were teasing the woman about her weight and said she was so ugly that her kids should kill themselves...apparently not knowing that her son killed himself 10 years ago?

    My initial response is to suggest that their limbs be surgically removed, slowly, one at a time without anesthesia.

    Perhaps a more rational response would be to force them to clean bed pans in a hospice facility under close supervision for a few months. It doesn't really directly relate to their offense, but it might hit some tiny spark of empathy or sympathy for other people in them.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    What do you do when the parents have no form of transportation because they're just as much a thug as their kids? (that's the reply I got when I asked why that little boy was allowed back on the school bus)

    Let the parents walk them to school. Let them call a taxi. Let them impose on a friend or family member. I don't really care. Make it difficult for them.

    I've always found that if you hake it harder to to the wrong thing, people start doing the right thing.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Where the EFF was the bus driver?! I would have slammed on my brakes and pulled over and refused to take the little sh!ts home until they shut their mouths and apologized. Then I would have stopped at each kid's house and informed the parents what happened and threatened to not allow them on the bus again. I wouldn't even care how long it took to get each kid home.

    That is exactly what I said when I saw it.......
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    If my children ever behaved like that, they would never go outside again.

    The problem most times, is that parents do not discipline the children. My children would be scared to act that way to start with. Furthermore, they would not WANT to act that way.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Reasons to make sure kids know that Lord of the Flies is not a handbook.

    EDIT: I read part of an article (on CNN maybe?) where the woman said that the kids are normal kids one on one, but when you get them together the trouble starts. That's what prompted the Lord of the Flies reference, in case it seemed completely random :)
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Let the parents walk them to school. Let them call a taxi. Let them impose on a friend or family member. I don't really care. Make it difficult for them.
    I've always found that if you hake it harder to to the wrong thing, people start doing the right thing.

    I totally agree with you. That's what I told the school. And if the kids don't show up at school, the parents can speak to a judge. Perhaps if the parents' freedom is at stake, they'll make their children behave better. Maybe???
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    What do you do when the parents have no form of transportation because they're just as much a thug as their kids? (that's the reply I got when I asked why that little boy was allowed back on the school bus)

    In this instance, I'm pretty sure that isn't the case.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Yep. That's the fun of riding a public school bus. That's where most of my bullying took place. Hair pulled out, things stolen from me, hit, drawn on, and at one point, stabbed with a pencil. And like Brett mentioned...the two times I stood up for myself and said something, I was given referrals. Thanks a lot, school administration. If I ever do have children, I will not let them ride a school bus. I'll do as Road Dog suggested, and walk them to school, if I absolutely had to.

    These "kids" (see: garbage) are so uncivilized, and so inhumane, that they're an absolute disgrace to good, decent people everywhere. The only legal punishment I can think of that even comes close to fitting is to put them into an anti-bully boot camp. Does something like that even exist? It should. I would pay to see every single one of these *kitten* forced to work physical labor to better our society, while insults are hurled at them from insanely scary people, telling them to hurry up and work. Basic, minimal food requirements--no soda, sweets...you're given water to drink and whatever food you need to survive. Basically like a juvenile prison, while being watched by the public, since hey, they have no issue video-taping others for the public to see.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I will say that there may be a tiny, tiny medical reason for this. I'm not suggesting that kids shouldn't be held accountable for their actions, but the brain of a child doesn't really develop until we're in our 20s (often). Concepts of critical thinking skills, compassion, empathy, are skills that need to be taught because the centers of the brain that those concept live in aren't fully developed yet.

    So obviously they should still be held accountable for being rude, and this is an extreme example, but another lesson we should probably take away from this is that parents shouldn't just assume their kids will figure out how to be decent human beings when they're in a group of kids and everyone else is being terrible.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Yep. That's the fun of riding a public school bus. That's where most of my bullying took place. Hair pulled out, things stolen from me, hit, drawn on, and at one point, stabbed with a pencil. And like Brett mentioned...the two times I stood up for myself and said something, I was given referrals. Thanks a lot, school administration. If I ever do have children, I will not let them ride a school bus. I'll do as Road Dog suggested, and walk them to school, if I absolutely had to.

    These "kids" (see: garbage) are so uncivilized, and so inhumane, that they're an absolute disgrace to good, decent people everywhere. The only legal punishment I can think of that even comes close to fitting is to put them into an anti-bully boot camp. Does something like that even exist? It should. I would pay to see every single one of these *kitten* forced to work physical labor to better our society, while insults are hurled at them from insanely scary people, telling them to hurry up and work. Basic, minimal food requirements--no soda, sweets...you're given water to drink and whatever food you need to survive. Basically like a juvenile prison, while being watched by the public, since hey, they have no issue video-taping others for the public to see.

    I knew I liked Kimmy.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    I will say that there may be a tiny, tiny medical reason for this. I'm not suggesting that kids shouldn't be held accountable for their actions, but the brain of a child doesn't really develop until we're in our 20s (often). Concepts of critical thinking skills, compassion, empathy, are skills that need to be taught because the centers of the brain that those concept live in aren't fully developed yet.

    So obviously they should still be held accountable for being rude, and this is an extreme example, but another lesson we should probably take away from this is that parents shouldn't just assume their kids will figure out how to be decent human beings when they're in a group of kids and everyone else is being terrible.

    I'll agree that yes, there are kids out there with true, legitimate "anger issues" (for lack of a better term), kids who may just be "going through something," like in the case Adrian presented with the bully that later became his friend. But honestly, just working with kids, having grown up around kids (public school...what a joy)...I'd say that's not the norm. I've seen some truly genuine, honest, loving, sensible, kind-hearted kids...and then I've seen the monsters like in this video. Of course they're lashing out because obviously they have some insecurities of their own, and they probably honestly thought they'd never get caught, or that if they did, it wouldn't be anything like what it's turned in to. That's all speculation on my part, of course, and I'll admit I don't know who these kids are. All I know is that I see some students on a non-handicapped bus, making fun of an elderly woman, hurling insults at her, and in a few cases, physically touching her. I'll admit, I didn't watch the entire video...I probably didn't even watch 1/4th of it, because it was really making me upset.

    Herd mentality is scary. Get one bad apple into a group of normally good kids, and **** can hit the fan at blinding speeds. I have a hard time believing that disciplined, sensible, well-mannered kids with involved parents/guardians/good influences would even act a smidgen of how those kids behaved, however. :frown:
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Yep. That's the fun of riding a public school bus. That's where most of my bullying took place. Hair pulled out, things stolen from me, hit, drawn on, and at one point, stabbed with a pencil. And like Brett mentioned...the two times I stood up for myself and said something, I was given referrals. Thanks a lot, school administration. If I ever do have children, I will not let them ride a school bus. I'll do as Road Dog suggested, and walk them to school, if I absolutely had to.

    These "kids" (see: garbage) are so uncivilized, and so inhumane, that they're an absolute disgrace to good, decent people everywhere. The only legal punishment I can think of that even comes close to fitting is to put them into an anti-bully boot camp. Does something like that even exist? It should. I would pay to see every single one of these *kitten* forced to work physical labor to better our society, while insults are hurled at them from insanely scary people, telling them to hurry up and work. Basic, minimal food requirements--no soda, sweets...you're given water to drink and whatever food you need to survive. Basically like a juvenile prison, while being watched by the public, since hey, they have no issue video-taping others for the public to see.

    I knew I liked Kimmy.


    I'm sure at one point, I could have benefited from the very boot camp I suggested (though not for bullying...more for being a rebel with absolutely no cause whatsoever :laugh: ). Kids are given waaaaay too much free time these days. I have to admit, stories like this scare the hell out of me, and make me re-think about the profession I want to enter into. :ohwell:
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    So, you're okay with this?
    I think she means that they're not necessarily mentally retarded, as was suggested. They're just mean kids.

    That's exactly what I meant - sorry for the confusion. Anyone that is "ok" with what happened needs to have their head examined.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I heard about this on the news this morning before I left for work. I was so disgusted and appalled.

    If this were my child, they'd be digging holes...then filling them back up. Scrubbing toilets, trash cans, cleaning my neighbor's yard.....oh hell no!

    I do not play around when it comes to crap like that. Oh hell no! I've told this story a couple of times to some other MFP friends, but I'll tell it again.

    My son was getting lippy with me one day (this was a few years ago, before ROTC) - and so I gave him some chores to do. Because that's how I roll. You get lippy or in trouble, I find *kitten* for you to do. He kept lipping off, kept lipping off, by the end of the day I had sent him over to my neighbor's house to mow his lawn. I had literally RAN out of stuff for him to do.

    Yea, that was the LAST time he got lippy with me. I don't mind joking around, and such, but that time period we went through a phase where he didn't want to listen to me. Yea, that did not fly in my home.

    I do like the suggestion for a bootcamp for bullies. I would gladly find some holes for them to dig...and fill back up again. LOL
  • elmarko123
    elmarko123 Posts: 89
    I would come down hard on my own children if they acted like that. But, I know they wouldn't. That's not the way they were raised. As a matter of fact, I would be very surprised and disappointed if they didn't come to the aid of the person being bullied. I can almost guarantee that one of my girls would have been coming to the aid of the person being bullied. I don't like bullies and my daughters don't either.
    That's the point.

    You are a good parent if they would never do that.

    Not all parents are good, some children are spoiled, some are beaten, abused, live in a violent house-hold.

    They act that way because they don't know any better.
  • It broke my heart to see this - and I thought the same thing - where was the bus driver. There is no way she/he couldn't hear what was going on. I believe the bus would have been pulled over the the law called. There is absolutely no excuse for that behavior, I think they should be banned from riding the bus the next school year.

    From what yahoo new reported the identity of one of the kids got out and he and his family have received death threats and threats of other acts of violence. That is carrying it to far, hopefully no one will carry out those threats, but the young idiot may find out what it is like to be on the other end of the stick.

    I pulled my kids from the school buses and reworked my scheduled so that I could take them to school because of this kind of garbage that happens on the buses.

    and another thing - this woman was on the bus to help protect kids and this is how they treat her - disgusting
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I also find it incredibly sad that the lady didn't get up or say anything to them. She just sat their and endured their crap.
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    I also find it incredibly sad that the lady didn't get up or say anything to them. She just sat their and endured their crap.

    What was she going to say? Stop? That would have just egged them on more I think. We're taught (at least when I was a kid) to ignore them and they'll go away which clearly didn't happen here. This poor woman was in a no win situation imo