What should be done to these kids?



  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I dont agree with this who,le donation thing,there is plenty of really needy causes in the world. Are we going to take up donations for everyone thats had something mean said to them or just the ones that make it on youtube?

    If she had asked for donations, I'd be really turned off by it. But she didn't. It was done for her, by strangers, because they felt so awful for her and wanted to do something kind.

    I'm ok with the donations.

    I agree--life is random. Whether she "deserves" it or not is inconsequential. I say enjoy every penny.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Meh. I don't care that she takes the vacation. I care that she's not pressing charges.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    When I was in school (class of 2004), the only bus that had a monitor was the handicapped bus, so that the driver could remain in the driver's seat at all times, and an assistant could help children in wheelchairs, on crutches, or who in general need assistance to get off of the bus when it was their stop. A couple years after I was done with school, I remember my friends still in school talking about bus monitors...so I'm guessing it's a relatively new thing? At least here, it is.

    I'm not sure what kind of authority they have, to be honest. I did an internship last summer, and the kids I worked rode the bus in from another county to participate in the summer program I was interning for...their bus monitor became my lunch buddy. He was maybe 30 years old, and he stayed in classes and at lunch and during recess with the kids at all times. Those were some of the worst kids I ever had to work with in any situation...but they did listen to him, the few times he did have to step in and say something. However, he was 30 years old, if that, and looked much more intimidating than an elderly woman. The teachers, interns that were higher up than me, and at one point the director of the program made it quite clear to them on the first day, however, that riding the bus was a privilege, and not a right in any way, and if there were any complaints against them from the monitor or driver, then they would not be riding the bus home, and would not be allowed to attend the program anymore. I do remember a few of them being kicked out of all activities, and they weren't allowed to ride home--their parent or guardian or whoever had to pick them up...which they probably weren't pleased about, since it was over a half hour away from the county they were taking the bus to.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Some kids told me yesterday I'm ugly,I will be setting up a fund through bank of America.
    Here's something that bugs me she is an adult,she is also a bus moniter. I would not be ok with an adult who's job it is to keep kids in line on a bus not being able to stand up for herself,how would she protect a child on the bus from being attacked?
    They would not have that job if the person did not have the power to revoke bus privligaes,or detention.They would not pay someone to fill a seat.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    Some kids told me yesterday I'm ugly,I will be setting up a fund through bank of America.
    Here's something that bugs me she is an adult,she is also a bus moniter. I would not be ok with an adult who's job it is to keep kids in line on a bus not being able to stand up for herself,how would she protect a child on the bus from being attacked?
    They would not have that job if the person did not have the power to revoke bus privligaes,or detention.They would not pay someone to fill a seat.

    I think that if she were witnessing a child go through that (or even a portion of that) kind of bullying, she would do something about it. I would hope so. I think the fact that it was happening to her embarrassed her and she didn't want to make a big scene over just herself, draw more attention to herself, or have the bus driver have to stop over her. At least, that's my guess.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    This is why I don't want kids.

    If I did have a kid who did something like this, I would do something like making them wear a sandwich board on a busy street corner for an hour displaying that he or she is a punk *kitten*. Then, I'd ground that little **** for life.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    This is why I don't want kids.
    If I did have a kid who did something like this, I would do something like making them wear a sandwich board on a busy street corner for an hour displaying that he or she is a punk *kitten*. Then, I'd ground that little **** for life.
    Yeah, probably best you don't have kids. The whole "grounding for life" thing doesn't work!
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    Hmmm...that is an idea. Rent a bus, get some neighborhood kids, make a video.........make profits!!
    Which leads us back to Lucky's question of who was doing the video recording. Anyone know?

    Pretty sure it was another student that was participating in the antics.

    I don't get why middle school aged kids have a bus monitor.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Hmmm...that is an idea. Rent a bus, get some neighborhood kids, make a video.........make profits!!
    Which leads us back to Lucky's question of who was doing the video recording. Anyone know?

    Pretty sure it was another student that was participating in the antics.

    I don't get why middle school aged kids have a bus monitor.

    When they really need a SWAT team.........:bigsmile:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    This is why I don't want kids.
    If I did have a kid who did something like this, I would do something like making them wear a sandwich board on a busy street corner for an hour displaying that he or she is a punk *kitten*. Then, I'd ground that little **** for life.
    Yeah, probably best you don't have kids. The whole "grounding for life" thing doesn't work!

    Mrs Azdak has trouble making it last a week........:frown:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Some kids told me yesterday I'm ugly,I will be setting up a fund through bank of America.
    Here's something that bugs me she is an adult,she is also a bus moniter. I would not be ok with an adult who's job it is to keep kids in line on a bus not being able to stand up for herself,how would she protect a child on the bus from being attacked?
    They would not have that job if the person did not have the power to revoke bus privligaes,or detention.They would not pay someone to fill a seat.

    I think that if she were witnessing a child go through that (or even a portion of that) kind of bullying, she would do something about it. I would hope so. I think the fact that it was happening to her embarrassed her and she didn't want to make a big scene over just herself, draw more attention to herself, or have the bus driver have to stop over her. At least, that's my guess.

    She was interviewed, I watched part of it. She said she still had to watch the other kids and she just tried to not listen to them, which she was successful with at least part of the time. The video clip is 10 minutes long. I assume it went on longer than that. She didn't do a very good job at getting them to stop bullying her, but I agree that it is likely different when it's being done to you than when it's being done to someone else.

    I have no idea what a bus monitor is or what their powers are. Maybe they don't have any. Sometimes just having a presence will deter any hooligans from acting out. The only thing I really have to say on that issue is that maybe she shouldn't be a bus monitor. I guess the $440K will do her good in that area.

    The donations came from random individuals. It's their money, they can send it wherever they like. If you want to try and scam the system - have fun.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Some kids told me yesterday I'm ugly,I will be setting up a fund through bank of America.
    Here's something that bugs me she is an adult,she is also a bus moniter. I would not be ok with an adult who's job it is to keep kids in line on a bus not being able to stand up for herself,how would she protect a child on the bus from being attacked?
    They would not have that job if the person did not have the power to revoke bus privligaes,or detention.They would not pay someone to fill a seat.

    I think that if she were witnessing a child go through that (or even a portion of that) kind of bullying, she would do something about it. I would hope so. I think the fact that it was happening to her embarrassed her and she didn't want to make a big scene over just herself, draw more attention to herself, or have the bus driver have to stop over her. At least, that's my guess.

    She was interviewed, I watched part of it. She said she still had to watch the other kids and she just tried to not listen to them, which she was successful with at least part of the time. The video clip is 10 minutes long. I assume it went on longer than that. She didn't do a very good job at getting them to stop bullying her, but I agree that it is likely different when it's being done to you than when it's being done to someone else.

    I have no idea what a bus monitor is or what their powers are. Maybe they don't have any. Sometimes just having a presence will deter any hooligans from acting out. The only thing I really have to say on that issue is that maybe she shouldn't be a bus monitor. I guess the $440K will do her good in that area.

    The donations came from random individuals. It's their money, they can send it wherever they like. If you want to try and scam the system - have fun.

    My wife grew up with bus monitors and she told me she lived in fear of the bus monitor on her bus. She had the power to write demerits which could lead to detention and she was quick to tell the kids to sit down, be quite, stop chewing gum, etc. This woman was not in the correct line of work or the position is powerless. Does that excuse the behavior of the children? Not at all, but if she cannot stand up for herself or at least threaten official retribution, then either she is in the wrong job or the job is incorrectly set up.

    As far as donations, I do not blame her for accepting them but I wish those people donating would direct that spirit to a homeless shelter or something like that.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    As far as donations, I do not blame her for accepting them but I wish those people donating would direct that spirit to a homeless shelter or something like that.

    Just curious why?

    I have my own favorite charities, for example, I'd give to SPCA or the Humane Society long before I'd give to a homeless shelter (sorry - humans aren't helplessly dependent like animals are) but I still see no problem whatsoever with people donating money for this lady.

    Shouldn't people be free to give as they see fit?
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Mrs Azdak has trouble making it last a week........:frown:
    Especially when mom is the one inconvenienced by the groudning. Ground a teenager from their car and you have to drive them everywhere again! Ha!
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    As far as donations, I do not blame her for accepting them but I wish those people donating would direct that spirit to a homeless shelter or something like that.

    Just curious why?

    I have my own favorite charities, for example, I'd give to SPCA or the Humane Society long before I'd give to a homeless shelter (sorry - humans aren't helplessly dependent like animals are) but I still see no problem whatsoever with people donating money for this lady.

    Shouldn't people be free to give as they see fit?

    People are free to give to who they would like. I never implied anything different. I merely mentioned that I would have liked their money to go to a charity, my choice being homeless shelters, rather than to this woman.

    I chose a homeless shelter because while animals are more helplessly dependent on humans, I have see a fair amount of helpless humans who can't get a hot meal. But that is not on the topic of this thread.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Some kids told me yesterday I'm ugly,I will be setting up a fund through bank of America.
    Here's something that bugs me she is an adult,she is also a bus moniter. I would not be ok with an adult who's job it is to keep kids in line on a bus not being able to stand up for herself,how would she protect a child on the bus from being attacked?
    They would not have that job if the person did not have the power to revoke bus privligaes,or detention.They would not pay someone to fill a seat.

    I think that if she were witnessing a child go through that (or even a portion of that) kind of bullying, she would do something about it. I would hope so. I think the fact that it was happening to her embarrassed her and she didn't want to make a big scene over just herself, draw more attention to herself, or have the bus driver have to stop over her. At least, that's my guess.

    She was interviewed, I watched part of it. She said she still had to watch the other kids and she just tried to not listen to them, which she was successful with at least part of the time. The video clip is 10 minutes long. I assume it went on longer than that. She didn't do a very good job at getting them to stop bullying her, but I agree that it is likely different when it's being done to you than when it's being done to someone else.

    I have no idea what a bus monitor is or what their powers are. Maybe they don't have any. Sometimes just having a presence will deter any hooligans from acting out. The only thing I really have to say on that issue is that maybe she shouldn't be a bus monitor. I guess the $440K will do her good in that area.

    The donations came from random individuals. It's their money, they can send it wherever they like. If you want to try and scam the system - have fun.

    My wife grew up with bus monitors and she told me she lived in fear of the bus monitor on her bus. She had the power to write demerits which could lead to detention and she was quick to tell the kids to sit down, be quite, stop chewing gum, etc. This woman was not in the correct line of work or the position is powerless. Does that excuse the behavior of the children? Not at all, but if she cannot stand up for herself or at least threaten official retribution, then either she is in the wrong job or the job is incorrectly set up.

    No, it doesn't excuse the behavior of the children. I was talking about why she might not have stood up for herself. I don't think anyone is excusing the children.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Some kids told me yesterday I'm ugly,I will be setting up a fund through bank of America.
    Here's something that bugs me she is an adult,she is also a bus moniter. I would not be ok with an adult who's job it is to keep kids in line on a bus not being able to stand up for herself,how would she protect a child on the bus from being attacked?
    They would not have that job if the person did not have the power to revoke bus privligaes,or detention.They would not pay someone to fill a seat.

    I think that if she were witnessing a child go through that (or even a portion of that) kind of bullying, she would do something about it. I would hope so. I think the fact that it was happening to her embarrassed her and she didn't want to make a big scene over just herself, draw more attention to herself, or have the bus driver have to stop over her. At least, that's my guess.

    She was interviewed, I watched part of it. She said she still had to watch the other kids and she just tried to not listen to them, which she was successful with at least part of the time. The video clip is 10 minutes long. I assume it went on longer than that. She didn't do a very good job at getting them to stop bullying her, but I agree that it is likely different when it's being done to you than when it's being done to someone else.

    I have no idea what a bus monitor is or what their powers are. Maybe they don't have any. Sometimes just having a presence will deter any hooligans from acting out. The only thing I really have to say on that issue is that maybe she shouldn't be a bus monitor. I guess the $440K will do her good in that area.

    The donations came from random individuals. It's their money, they can send it wherever they like. If you want to try and scam the system - have fun.

    My wife grew up with bus monitors and she told me she lived in fear of the bus monitor on her bus. She had the power to write demerits which could lead to detention and she was quick to tell the kids to sit down, be quite, stop chewing gum, etc. This woman was not in the correct line of work or the position is powerless. Does that excuse the behavior of the children? Not at all, but if she cannot stand up for herself or at least threaten official retribution, then either she is in the wrong job or the job is incorrectly set up.

    No, it doesn't excuse the behavior of the children. I was talking about why she might not have stood up for herself. I don't think anyone is excusing the children.

    I wasn't saying that you were excusing the children, I was just saying that she was not properly equipped or prepared to do her job. (at least from the 10 min snapshot into her life).
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I haven't watched the video. I can't, it sounds horrendous. But let's not assume that these little monsters have bad parents. Sometimes kids are *kitten*. Put them into a mob mentality and it gets worse. My brother was a problem child at school and I can still remember my dad crying the whole ride home one day because he'd just had to beg to not have my brother expelled. (private school) He threw punches at my father when he was 16, he was a complete and utter ratbag. And I never got in trouble. I had teachers who refused to believe we were related (not just behaviour reasons, I'm very fair and he's quite dark) I can remember my head of year complaining about him in English class because he was mucking up again. I walked out of the room and apparently her response was 'Why is Lozza upset?' (and yes my mother raised holly hell about that one, teachers should know better than to complain about other students) Punish the students, but without anymore information let's not assume they are bad parents.

    They should have in school suspensions/expelled (depending on prior records) Banned from riding the school bus. Banned from any extra curricular activities for the rest of the school year and/or the next year as well. (not sure exactly when the American school year ends, I have a funny feeling that it's very soon, hence next year as well) She should be getting written apologies and if she feels willing to accept it, apologies to her face in front of the entire school. Parents punishment as they decide.

    No matter what these boys identities should not be public. They are already receiving death threats. These boys do NOT need to be publically named and shamed. As horrific as their actions are, I am not in favour of ruining people's lives because they were *kitten* at 12 and 13. They're known in their community and that to me is punishment enough in regards to the public shaming. There's no need for the rest of the world to know.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    The only thing that shocks me about this story, is how shocked people are by it.

    This is mild bullying, IMO.
    This happens every day, and I also find it weird that people think it's worse happening to a woman in a position of (albeit minor) power, than it happening to a little defenseless kid.

    The kids are *kitten* holes, but the woman should know that, she works with kids!
    I learned that some kids are evil little ****s (and I mean evil in the literal sense, no hyperbole) when I was about 5. She should know it by now.

    The education system favours bullies. It goes unpunished, victims are essentially told to man the **** up, and there's been many a time I have had to apologize to the bullies for answering back - not even physically retaliating.

    If I had a youtube video for every time I'd been reduced to tears by the evil little ****s at school, judging by this lady, I'd be a millionaire.

    Also, wonder why your kids are fat America? You give them a freakin bus to school, learn to walk places like the rest of the world. Seriously. I wanna go on holiday to Disney land florida this year with my BF, but neither of us drive, and apparently in Florida you can't get around without a car. What's with that? My school was easily 30-40 minutes away, and I either had to walk or my parents had to pay for me to get the normal public bus. Never did me any harm.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    As a teacher, I TOTALLY give all the props to that lady for keeping it together and keeping her cool during that whole ordeal. It is a very sad reality that students act this way because 1) they don't have any consequences anymore and 2) as soon as parents mention the word "lawsuit", principals get soft and let sh*tbag kids like this get away with such atrocious behavior. I can't believe these kids actually think it's funny to do this to someone... it's entertaining for them... To me, that begs several questions: 1) what in the F*** is/isn't going on at home?! and 2) Just how dehumanized have our children become? More and more, kids lack sensitivity to others around them... Yet they lose their *kitten* when something like this happens to them?? Our kids are screwed!