


  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Individual mandate was struck down.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Saw this on one of my student's facebook pages this morning:

    The Ultimate Hypocrisy:
    Demanding that the government stay out of your bedroom and your womb while simutaneously demanding they pay for your birth control and abortions.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I'm so confused. One news station is reporting it was struckdown, one news station says upheld...
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Individual mandate was struck down.

    No, it was upheld--just that it's a tax, not a penalty. SCOTUS sorta called BS on the semantic attempt to get support from republicans, but it was upheld.

    Some news orgs jumped the gun and called it wrong. Good thing I was watching MSNBC.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I'm trying to sort out the SCOTUS now! I'm also confused.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    It goes to show the nature of politics that I would be happy seeing the SCOTUS uphold a law that I felt lukewarm about when it was passed (I'm a single-payer guy).
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Great, the feds can force us to do anything they choose now as long as they attach a tax to it. Might as well throw the Constitution in the fire, it obviously means nothing.

    Thomas Jefferson is rolling over right now
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    They pretty much upheld the entire thing but limited the medicaid expansion.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Good thing I was watching MSNBC.

    Ah yes, the liberal version of Fox news. :tongue:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I'm trying to sort out the SCOTUS now! I'm also confused.

    Banner on CNN: Correction: The Supreme Court backs all parts of President Obama’s signature health care law.

    I think some people had their stories pre-written and got itchy trigger fingers.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Good thing I was watching MSNBC.

    Ah yes, the liberal version of Fox news. :tongue:

    You are 100% wrong, but that's a topic for another thread. And, in this case, they exercised restraint and were absolutely correct the first time.

    Sorry, forgot my :tongue:

    And also my :bigsmile:
  • Turtlehurdle
    Turtlehurdle Posts: 412
    This is a good move for Romney.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Random disorganized thoughts from a layman. Blow this full of holes, I don't care.

    Here's reality folks - every human being in the united states already has medical coverage for life threatening medical issues. Here's how:

    If you are a homeless unemployed troubled etc.etc.,,, and you're chilling out at Walmart soaking up some free A/C, and you have a massive coronary and hit the linoleum - they will call the squad. (Whether you can afford to pay for treatment or not. They have to, it's the law).

    The squad will come and get you, put you in the back of a half million dollar truck and do everything in their power to keep you alive. (Whether you can afford to pay for treatment or not. They have to, it's the law).

    These folks will haul you to the nearest hospital, where they will do whatever is needed to keep you alive, possibly including open heart surgery that costs more in 4 hours than you earned in the whole 42 years you worked before your world exploded and you wound up on the streets. (Whether you can afford to pay for treatment or not. They have to, it's the law).

    Folks with their breastbones wired together can't sleep in bus terminals, they'll get infected and die. You'll be kept for some reasonable period of convalescence. (Whether you can afford to pay for treatment or not. They have to, it's the law).

    SO - a month after your heart attack, you get released from the hospital in the Salvation Army clothes you were wearing on the big day, and you wander off to continue waiting out the clock. You have a $280,000 hospital bill in your pocket. You can't pay it - you know it and the hospital knows it. They'll keep it on the books for a while, make sure you lose the last few points you might have had on your credit rating,,, and then they'll write it off and shift the costs over to other folks, insured customers, and gov't programs. They have to, that's reality. This is why a Tylenol costs $63 at the hospital.

    We the fortunate and insured - along with the taxpayers - are paying for everybody else. We're already paying it. We have to, it's the law. The alternative is fairly unthinkable to most people. "Thank you for dialing 911. May I have your insurance policy number or a major credit card please?".

    So the real question is, how do we pay for all this in a more intelligent manner? The sad fact is that all the poor schmuck needed was $20 a month worth of Plavix. $300 a year in preventative care would have saved us all that $280K. We can't make sure everybody has a very basic preventative care plan (and nobody's calling for free boob jobs for bag ladies people, we're talking about basic care) so instead we wait 'til little problems are life threatening and then we let the Doctors doctor.

    This is a huge part of why our care is so expensive - and why we pay more money for worse care than the rest of the civilized world. Another issue is each Doctor needing a staff of 6 to wrestle with all the claim forms and paperwork needed to wrangle payment from a plethora of different insurance companies, state programs and federal programs - none of which use the same system.

    And enough about tort reform, that's a non-issue dreamed up by Doctors who don't want to be held responsible for their mistakes. In 2004, the CBO calculated malpractice costs amounted to “less than 2 percent of overall health care spending. Thus, even a reduction of 25 percent to 30 percent in malpractice costs would lower health care costs by only about 0.4 percent to 0.5 percent, and the likely effect on health insurance premiums would be comparably small.”


    Obamacare sucks. It was an attempt to get some folks some insurance, but it's a clunky nightmare that nobody likes. It's also a huge giveaway to private insurers, which is why they supported it. The right hates it now (they loved it when Mittens did it in Mass, and when it was the Heritage Foundation's response to HillaryCare back in 1994) and the left may settle for Obamacare but they (we?) really want Canadacare but they don't want to move to Canada to get it. It's a turkey that nobody really likes, but I believe it is better than the nothing we had before. And yes, my family and I pay dearly for good insurance and have for years.

    Basically our choices are 3: we need to either find an intelligent way to get everybody a basic package of coverage - ORRRR - we need to start letting uninsured people die on the hospital steps - ORRRR - we can continue on our current path of covering everybody by the most expensive, painful and stupid method imagineable until the med monster completely destroys our economy, our society, and mom's apple pie.

    So what's the right answer?
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    This is a good move for Romney.

    It is in two ways. Ignorant Republicans will think he will want to reverse this and secondly, Romney supports socialized medicine. Its a win-win for him.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    This is a good move for Romney.

    I agree, but it's bad for us all.

    The feds can force us to do anything they deem now as long as they *kitten* a tax. I want everyone who was for this abomination to let that sink in.
  • Turtlehurdle
    Turtlehurdle Posts: 412
    This is a good move for Romney.

    It is in two ways. Ignorant Republicans will think he will want to reverse this and secondly, Romney supports socialized medicine. Its a win-win for him.


    Also I am pretty sure he will use it as a base for his campaign! I foresee a lot of "ONLY BY ELECTING ME WILL YOU BE ABLE TO GET RID OF OBAMACARE"!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    The scariest part is, there are so many people who are considered "poor" that make too much to qualify for medicaid (such as myself) yet don't make enough to pay for insurance. So now they get to chose to have money to eat or pay their 'government required insurance bill'. If the choose to eat, the IRS will take what they need to cover their healthcare tax.

    I'm glad I only pay $30 a month for my basic medical. Are they going to require that I get dental and vision now?
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Hold on Mandy,,, clarify this please. You say:
    The scariest part is, there are so many people who are considered "poor" that make too much to qualify for medicaid (such as myself) yet don't make enough to pay for insurance.
    And then you say:
    I'm glad I only pay $30 a month for my basic medical. Are they going to require that I get dental and vision now?

    Do you have insurance or don't you? And if you have basic medical for $30 a month, who is your carrier. I got to get on that one.
  • Turtlehurdle
    Turtlehurdle Posts: 412
    Hold on Mandy,,, clarify this please. You say:
    The scariest part is, there are so many people who are considered "poor" that make too much to qualify for medicaid (such as myself) yet don't make enough to pay for insurance.
    And then you say:
    I'm glad I only pay $30 a month for my basic medical. Are they going to require that I get dental and vision now?

    Do you have insurance or don't you? And if you have basic medical for $30 a month, who is your carrier. I got to get on that one.
    Who is your carrier, I agree! I get insurance through work and Tricare (military) but pay 197.00 for tricare.