CUT Progress After RESET-Tell us your ups/downs!



  • AngelDog1
    Hello everyone! I am feeling frustrated too. But I've been sabotaging myself. I realized this weekend that when I figured out my calorie allotment (both TDEE and Cut) that I was using the activity multiplier for the amount of exercise I get a week AND then I was also eating back my exercise calories each day (uggghhh**face palm***:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: ). I am also going to adjust when I'm planning on my rest week. I am so freaking hungry the week before my cycle, so I decided that that is when I will just eat my TDEE. Then I will go back to cut. Well here's to learning and moving forward. :drinker: Hope you all have wonderful progress this week!:flowerforyou:
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Hello everyone! I am feeling frustrated too. But I've been sabotaging myself. I realized this weekend that when I figured out my calorie allotment (both TDEE and Cut) that I was using the activity multiplier for the amount of exercise I get a week AND then I was also eating back my exercise calories each day (uggghhh**face palm***:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: ). I am also going to adjust when I'm planning on my rest week. I am so freaking hungry the week before my cycle, so I decided that that is when I will just eat my TDEE. Then I will go back to cut. Well here's to learning and moving forward. :drinker: Hope you all have wonderful progress this week!:flowerforyou:

    That is a great idea! I get the same way during PMS. I had learned at one time that you actually burn about 300 more calories a day during PMS which has a part in making you more hungry, so if that is true, upping during that time will probably be helpful and still keep you at a cut. If it's not true, then worse case scenario it is your TDEE week like you said. I may do this too if next month is anything like this last one.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    @HealthyEllie...So glad to see not only didi you enjoy your run, but you saw some positive changes! That can help so much! :love:

    @Rach...glad to have another on the cut side :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    @Raynn...Great job on your 10k! Always nice to come in under your goal!

    @Angel, sorry to hear you had a mix up there, but glad you got it figured out. I am doing the same thing with my rest/TDEE week. I thought this week was suppose to be my TDEE week but I was a week ahead :grumble: oh well, I can wait one more. For some reason I have been hungrier the week after TOM so I planned it for after so hopefully that will help me stay on track better.

    A few days ago I was ready to throw in the work out towel. I feel a little better now, but still wishing this fat would start melting off. I tried to put on some shorts over the weekend and it was a no go so I really don't want to even think about putting on jeans...I wish I knew what the right answer was to get this fat off me. Its been 3 years trying to lose this 20-some pounds (I am using "pounds" loosely, I just want the fat gone I don't care what I actually weigh and my goal is to lose the least amt of scale weight) and I am so fed up!

    I completely believe in EM2WL, its just knowing what numbers to use is whats so confusing. Last week I lowered to a 15% cut but I am eating more in between 15-10%. I cook 3 times a day plus snacks so I taste test and I try to add quick cals for my day for that but then I am so hungry I eat over anyway. This way I feel I have more wiggle room for my screw ups. When I first started EM2WL I jumped in at 15% and it seemed to work for me then I learned about the reset and did that. Sometimes I wonder if I should've just stuck with 15% then if things weren't moving then do a week or so of TDEE. Oh well, I am here now so just trying to find the right balance to get things in motion!
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    TOM has hit, so the scale has risen again.. Bah!
    Im hoping to get back to the gym tomorrow for the last of my three Stage 4 workouts, and then take my rest week. I will probably take my first diet break at the same time, which will coincide with our friends wedding next week, making it a bit easier on me:)

    Im still a bit frustrated things arent moving fast.. in fact slower than a snail.. I knew this was a mental game, but I was not expecting it to be so hard at cut...
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Raynn - GREAT job on your run. That's awesome. I'm very proud of you!

    TripleJ - I think that it's hard to get the right numbers. I mean, the online calculators are estimates. So I think it can take a bit to find the way to do cut. I have mine set at 10% so that if I don't make it all the way to that number I'm usually still in 15% deficit territory. But all this trial and error is hard!

    I'm really struggling with energy right now. I'm going to be doing some labs. Thyroid for sure as I'm hypo and due for a new lab. But I think we're also checking vitamin D, B12, and iron levels. I've just been tired tired tired. I haven't made it out for morning runs. I just can't seem to get out of bed any earlier. I really don't want to go back to morning coffee as I've gone from having a pot of coffee to no coffee in the last year. It is nice to be able to function without needing several cups of coffee first. I'm hoping that the labs point us in the right direction. I can't can't can't return to hypo hell. That's the state I was in when I put on 40 pounds in 3 1/2 months last year. I can't go back to that. I'm scared of returning to that. That being said, my weight is not going up. It's been pretty stable this week. Since I'm struggling to get out the door I've been allowing myself to eat a bit less (accounting for light activity that I'm currently doing vs. moderate that I had been doing). If I can start getting out for my runs soon I'll definitely go back up.

    Anyways, blah blah blah...that's me right now!

    I know many of us are experiencing humps in the process, but we're all hanging in here too and I think that's important. I'm proud of all of us!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Raynn-is it possible your numbers are wrong? What about dropping 150 cals off to see how that goes?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Raynn-is it possible your numbers are wrong? What about dropping 150 cals off to see how that goes?

    Possible, although how things are showing on my fitbit this past week, it appears my TDEE is about where it should be. I am going to play out the rest of my week, and I am taking a rest week next week with a diet break. After that I will reevaluate with a possible 100-150 cal further cut
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    BUT those are based on estimates...have your had your BMR tested? Could be off. Another thought is are you strict with weighing and measuring everything. I know when I start to eyeball things I end up not losing because eyeballing a couple different things ends with me being off by a few hundred cals. Just some ideas...
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Lol, I wouldnt even know the first place to go to, to get my BMR tested..
    But measuring is something to work on for sure.. Im pretty sure my estimates are good, but you are right, I should go back and remeasure everything and tighten up on that again
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    :heart: :heart: to everyone struggling:heart::heart:

    I am having some "moments" of second guessing myself too, girls: not about what's going on NOW, because Cut is going great, but about everything I've done so far.

    My BRAIN KNOWS that I am doing the right thing for my body and that if I want to STOP beating myself up about my weight issues, I have to go through this.

    BUT, there's this OTHER GIRL inside me that's saying "Are you freakin' nuts? You DELIBERATELY gained 24 pounds?? And you seriously thought you'd lose it in 10 minutes~ cause guess what, it's STILL here!!"

    So THAT girl is the one who has been going shopping with me to "panic-buy" BIGGER CLOTHING for an upcoming trip. THAT girl is sitting on my shoulder as I have to, yet again, wander into the PLUS SIZE section of the store.

    Not that I'm not happy with the selections I've made~ plus size clothes are not "your mother's" clothes anymore~ but still....

    I have my moments.......
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    totally understand Rosie. I second guess this decision on a regular basis. deep down I know its right, but on the surface somedays, It pains me to not have the scale go down.. I set out a goal back in Jan when I started running that by the time of my GFs wedding next week, I *should* have been down about 30 pounds... 9 months, 30 pounds.. it was a pretty low goal.. and here I am, a week from her wedding, and I have lost maybe 5 pounds, and that was right in the beginning. That makes me feel like a huge failure some days.

    But of course I never counted on having to completely change my thinking. reset my metabolism and understand why my body wasnt letting go of anything.... Ive learned a lot over the past 6 months or so, but it still doesnt help negate the fact that I am still not smaller.. maybe a bit smarter, but not smaller:)..

    I try really hard to silence the voices I have in my head that are laughing at me saying "Idiot... did you really think eating double the amount of food you were given on WW is really going to help you lose weight?" I feel the (in my head) pity glances my friends give me when they see how frustrated I am at nothing changing.

    This week probably isnt a good week for me since its TOM and the scale of course doesnt look good, so already I feel like nothing is going right, so the self doubt and pity party always seems to hit at this time.. But its like the never ending cycle, right?.. things change a little that we feel good about this, and then something out of our control hits us and we "punish" ourselves in thinking we are doing it wrong, all over again.

    Maybe we all need to throw the scale away for a month.. :)
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I got my BMR tested at my naturopaths office, she has a machine that she hooks you up to and then it spits out a reading. I just googled to find local places that offer this service.
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    @ Rosie and Raynn.....:cry::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    yup, that's me today. TOM needs to be shot, the scale needs to be set under a post pounder for demolition, and water retention can just go screw itself.

    That's all I have to say today.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    ((hugs)) to all of you going through TOM. Rosie - I understand what you're saying about having two minds about this. It is such a struggle. I think it's harder at cut than it was at reset in some respects. Once I started cut I got into that "losing weight" frame of mind again and it is tempting to want to slash calories when things aren't going right.

    I have an order called into the lab to get bloodwork done, but realistically I don't think I'll be able to get it done until Saturday, so it'll be next week before I know if there's any weirdness going on with my body or if it's just me being lazy.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    @ Rosie and Raynn.....:cry::cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    yup, that's me today. TOM needs to be shot, the scale needs to be set under a post pounder for demolition, and water retention can just go screw itself.

    That's all I have to say today.

    Fully agree.. I hate TOM
  • s00sh
    s00sh Posts: 91

    Fully agree.. I hate TOM

    As someone who stopped having a period for over a year because (apparently) I wasn't eating enough, I have to say I'm actually happy to see mine back since I started EM2WL. I'm sure I'll get over being excited to get it soon enough ;)
  • rr85114
    rr85114 Posts: 104 Member
    This is a little hilarious! How are we all synced up?! ;)

    I also would like TOM to get the hell away from me. This ain't even the worst of the bloat yet. Kill me.
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I am almost a week ahead of all of you, but I feel your pain, I was there last week and I had a terrible, terrible week. Just go with it and do what you can. Oh, and stay off the stupid scale.
    I am like most of you in that I second guess myself all. the. time. I know in my heart I am doing the right thing, but I still have that little voice in my head telling me to leave some more calories on the table, or add in another cardio session to burn some more calories. I know I can't sustain that way of living though. This, what I am doing now, I can sustain. And be happy. So I just continue to trust in the process like all of you and keep plugging away.
    I really am not sure how I continue to feel so positive about all of this when I have gained so much, but I just know there are changes happening that I may not see on the scale or even in the mirror or with a tape measure.
    So on a good note, the scale has come down about 5 pounds for me this week, mostly water due to TOM leaving and coming off of a terrible week of eating last week, but hey, the scale is moving down, I will take it and run with it. Only about 15-20 more to go to get back to where I started, rofl (have to laugh or else I will cry), hehe. Although, I was thinking about this today and I really think about 10 more will have me "feeling" and possibly "looking" the same as I did 20 ago. I think that is a good sign, and I have to just take that scale with a grain of salt now that my focus is the lifting and less heavy cardio.
    Oh, and 6th day of really good logging for me today. Trying hard to hit my macros (or come close) and stick to my 15% cut.
    So all is good on my end.
    Sorry so many of you are feeling miserable. Try to do something good for you today. Hugs to you all.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Hey all!! I'm in the middle of my 2nd week of cut. I lost 3 lbs the day after I cut and the scale has been bouncing between 2 lbs since then. I feel lighter, which is great. Lost some of my stomach, which makes me REALLY happy. Overall pretty good. Trying not to expect too much since i'm only on my 2nd week. Patience is a virtue. But like others, yes the slashing calories has entered my mind many times. But not an option here. Just gonna keep doin what i'm doin. :happy: