CUT Progress After RESET-Tell us your ups/downs!



  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Not sure if anyone has noticed that little number 5 in my weight loss ticker but there it is!:blushing:

    Kinda skeered to jinx myself but am pretty darn psyched about it!:bigsmile:
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Not sure if anyone has noticed that little number 5 in my weight loss ticker but there it is!:blushing:

    Kinda skeered to jinx myself but am pretty darn psyched about it!:bigsmile:

  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Not sure if anyone has noticed that little number 5 in my weight loss ticker but there it is!:blushing:

    Kinda skeered to jinx myself but am pretty darn psyched about it!:bigsmile:

    AWESOME Rosy! Great job!
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    This is week 6 of my CUT. Nothing has changed...well my weight has gone up again but I don't care about that. I care about inches and how my clothes fit. My measurements have not changed and the jeans I put on yesterday are just as tight and uncomfortable as they were in April!!!!!

    I have tried the 15% CUT(for 12 weeks) -nothing.
    I then tried the Reset for 6 weeks.
    Now back to the 15% CUT and nothing.

    I eat well, hit my macros and do NROL4W.

    Frustrated and disgusted beyond belief!!! How is it possible to bust my butt for 5 months and everything appear the same?!?!

    Believe me, I know the frustration.. it sucks big time, especially when we do everything "they" say to and things still dont move..
    So you need to ask yourself and be honest, are you eating at the right activity level? Should you be higher or lower than what you think you are? Are you working out to the correct level?
    Are your macros looking pretty good regularily?
    Are you getting in your water and cutting back on sodium?
    Have you taken a week off from working out and had a complete rest week?
    Have you had a diet break recently? gone back up to TDEE for a week?

    I wish I could tell you more but Im in the same boat. Im optimistic in time things will happen. As someone said earlier, did you read bradthemedic's recent post about finaly seeing results?

    1-I use Scooby and am eating at moderate exercise 3-5 hours a week
    2-I have been doing NROL4W and worked my butt off (I am going to start trying to add in extra cardio 1-2x a week (HIIT for one of them)
    3-Macros look good regularly -just started watching carbs more closely, eat less on nonlift days
    4-water intake is great, I normally drink more than I log...I lose count, sodium is great most days
    5-yes on the rest weeks from workouts
    6-I am going to finish out this week at CUT and then do TDEE for a week

    I am going to be honest here...I am going to start eating at a 25% CUT after my TDEE week and see if that helps some. I just don't know what else to do at this point. (sidebar, my "weight" is more than fine but I have fat that needs to go)

    So here's a thought - you said it's not your weight that's an issue, but more your body composition that you're working to change? What about a bulk/cut cycle? I know that several ladies are going to do a bulk/cut cycle this fall. Kiki and Lucia would definitely have great information if you want more specifics. Perhaps allowing your body to pack on extra muscle will help to burn the fat when you get back to cut.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    I am my own worst enemy right now. I'll have quite a few good days in a row and feel like I'm on the verge of dropping on the scale and then I have a day or two where I end up near or over TDEE. So I'm basically stalling myself right now. It's very frustrating.

    It doesn't help that I've been tired A LOT lately. I make poor food choices when I'm tired, which in turn makes me more tired. Ugh. I'm due to have my thyroid rechecked soon, so I'm going to try to call the dr.'s office to get my lab done this week. I'm feeling like my levels could have adjusted to my latest medication increase. So that's where I'm at - just tired and blah!
  • Hpmann
    Hpmann Posts: 5 Member
    What's reset?
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I am my own worst enemy right now. I'll have quite a few good days in a row and feel like I'm on the verge of dropping on the scale and then I have a day or two where I end up near or over TDEE. So I'm basically stalling myself right now. It's very frustrating.

    It doesn't help that I've been tired A LOT lately. I make poor food choices when I'm tired, which in turn makes me more tired. Ugh. I'm due to have my thyroid rechecked soon, so I'm going to try to call the dr.'s office to get my lab done this week. I'm feeling like my levels could have adjusted to my latest medication increase. So that's where I'm at - just tired and blah!

    Awww Crystal:smooched: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Sorry you aren't feeling well. It really sounds like a trip to the doc is in order~ hang in there Sweetie and until you get it all straightened out, a little love just for you......

    :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    Sweatpantsreb...Being tired and blah makes making smart food choices, staying motivated and getting exercise in super tough! I am sorry to hear you are going through that. Hopefully you can figure out what is going on and get back on track and feeling better.

    Regarding your comment on the Bulk/Cut cycle. My plans had been to do a Bulk this winter bc I really do want to gain more muscle but the fact I have been trying to get some extra fat off for 6 MONTHSand gotten nowhere, it scares the you know what out of me at the thought of adding more fat....
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I wish I could tell you something more tlhorsley, but maybe a PM to Lucia or Kiki might be in order? Im not sure what else to tell you. I would hate to see you drop to a 25% cut though.. its very high and definitely sets you up to lower your metabolism again.
    But maybe PM them and see f they can give some insight?

    Rosie - congrats on the loss!! Nice to see you are having good success so far!!

    Crystal - Sorry its been a hard week. I know being tired takes a ton out of you. Having small children in the house is definitely overwhemling and they can drain you pretty quick. Heat and other things dont help either.
    Just remember to take some time for yourself. Carve out at least 30 mins a day for you. Whether that means you can go for a short run, or maybe a walk, or take a bath or read a magazine, take time for you to recharge. Being tired sucks, but remember, its not an excuse either. You CAN and WILL get past it. Promise yourself to look hard at your choices, know why you are making them, and figure out how to make better ones. Anytime you feel like slacking off, remind yourself of the journey on reset, how hard it was at times to go through it. Remind yourself why you want to get the weight off and how important it is. Remember it will take time, but will take even longer if we allow ourselves to stall out.

    Keep your chin up. You are doing amazing. I hope a change in meds might be all you need to get through it

    AFM -I got my fitbit and I am currently playing around with it. Its pretty neat so far. Im definitely curious to see what the next few days show in terms of information. And of course I have to get it on a week where the activity level has to take a bit of a relax because of my big run this weekend. Things got shifted around and I am a bit off schedule. But trying to keep going. I definitely want to move more while wearing it.. its like a personal motivator!:)

    Scale wise, so far things are dropping a bit. I had a 1.4 gain yesterday for some reason, I attributed it to the weekend and sodium, and luck have it, today it dropped 1.6 pounds. So finally after a week the number is lower than it was. I am still not down to my lowest recorded number after cut began, but its getting closer. Another few days and I will feel secure in saying things are going down again and staying down:)
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Raynn - So glad to hear you are seeing some movement on the scale. That's awesome!!! And thank you for the encouragement so much. I do think I'm a bit overwhelmed between running my daycare, running after my two little ones, starting homeschooling with my oldest, hubby being a full-time nursing student, blah, blah, blah. But I can get through this!

    Despite my inconsistencies, I have had some recent victories. Two NSVs in the past week, so for being tired and blah and having some bad days I can't complain. I just know that I can do better once I'm more consistent. And honestly, as excited as I am that I'm so close to my half marathon and as much as I've enjoyed the races I've done this year I'm definitely feeling very close to being ready to set running on the back burner and change things up. I think lifting is going to be a refreshing change for me once I get there. My half is 9/23 and then I'm going to have at least one week, if not two weeks, off completely. Then I will hit NROLFW!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Definitely sounds like you are on your last few burners:) I hope once your Half is done, things will settle down a bit more for you and you can concentrate on other things.
    I have my 10k this weekend, and while I know I am walk/running it, I am going to be glad when its over. Running has definitely taken a backseat the past few months so I could do NROL and I am thankful for it.. Plus with winter coming up, I am not a cold weather runner!:)
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Seems the body is finally letting go of some water... dropped 1.4 pounds today:) I am getting closer to where I was before reset!! Then Hopefully nothing can stop me after that!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Seems the body is finally letting go of some water... dropped 1.4 pounds today:) I am getting closer to where I was before reset!! Then Hopefully nothing can stop me after that!

    Yaaay~ good to hear Raynn!!:flowerforyou:

    And speaking of "water"~ recently you advised someone to make sure they were drinking their water. It got me thinking about my own water intake~ I used to be so diligent about it and sure enough in recent months I have really "let go" of it.

    In the past week I've gotten back on track with it and really feel the difference in my "overall body aches"~ even less now than when I first went to Cut!:bigsmile:

    So a "better late than never" THANK YOU for reminding us of the little things that mean a LOT!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    So excited for your news today Raynn! That's pretty awesome!
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Seems the body is finally letting go of some water... dropped 1.4 pounds today:) I am getting closer to where I was before reset!! Then Hopefully nothing can stop me after that!

    Yaaay~ good to hear Raynn!!:flowerforyou:

    And speaking of "water"~ recently you advised someone to make sure they were drinking their water. It got me thinking about my own water intake~ I used to be so diligent about it and sure enough in recent months I have really "let go" of it.

    In the past week I've gotten back on track with it and really feel the difference in my "overall body aches"~ even less now than when I first went to Cut!:bigsmile:

    So a "better late than never" THANK YOU for reminding us of the little things that mean a LOT!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Its amazing how much we ned the water, isnt it? Its so simple and can help with so many things. I try my hardest to get in aty least 8 cups a day, but usually end up with more. I can definitely tell on days when I dont get in enough:)
    So, you are welcome:)
    So excited for your news today Raynn! That's pretty awesome!

    Aww thanks C:) It was nice to finally see a lower number. Now lets hope it doesnt shoot back up on me!!:)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Raynn that is GREEEEAT! Always following your progress and cheering you on!!!!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Raynn that is GREEEEAT! Always following your progress and cheering you on!!!!

    How are you doing???
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Raynn that is GREEEEAT! Always following your progress and cheering you on!!!!

    How are you doing???

    Hey, hello from me too Gray!!!:heart:
    Nice to see you doll. As I recall your ticker number was a little lower the last time I ran into you~ I think someone is on the losing track, aren't you??:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Raynn that is GREEEEAT! Always following your progress and cheering you on!!!!

    Aw thanks!! I havent seen you post recently, are you still hanging in there? Are there some losses happening for you?? Update please!!!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I bailed. LOL! After over 7 weeks of non-stop gaining I was just too miserable...especially being an instructor and being in front of full classes in spandex. Even when i went back down a few to what I was eating I didn't lose a thing for weeks and weeks. I had to really switch up what I was eating and go back to 1500 for awhile before I started losing again. The lowest I've gone YET is 7 of the 11 I gained. I'm still pulling for everyone though, and for people to find their own success! I'm never hungry and eat if I am. My clothes fit again and my tone is back. Even eating 1500 cals I can still do 20 pushups/ teach multiple classes/sleep well etc. So those weren't personal gains for me eating more. I only gained weight and depression. You are a champ hanging in there, girl!!!! So glad you're seeing movement!!