Here we go!



  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Tuesday Check in -

    I did not get my exercises done! I weeded a little in the garden, and I must have touched something, or inhaled something! I had a quick allergy reaction - eyes itchy and puffy, throat itchy and I started weezing (sp?) Took some meds real quick, but didn't want to go outside again! I will see if I can make them up tomorrow...after the 100!!!

    I did manage to get 2 miles in on the treadmill.
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    I didn't get the arm workout in yesterday either. Life just got too hectic. I did get 2 miles in on the elliptical, though.
    One of our neighbors passed away from lymphoma and his visitation is tonight. When I get home from that, I have to bake a cake to donate to a local fundraiser for someone else in our neighborhood who has cancer. This is going to make it very hard to get today's workout in. Gonna have a bunch of catching up to do later this week!
  • LizFo
    LizFo Posts: 34 Member
    Mixing things up a bit this week. Did gym on Monday & ran a bit on the treadmill again. This morning I did 30 Day Shred & did much better than the last time I did it almost 6 months ago. More gardening (weeding) tomorrow at work -- at least it will be a little cooler.

    Cheryl - sorry to hear about your neighbors.

    Noelle - too bad you aren't singing at the Twins game tomorrow. My son is going to that one!
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Hello! :flowerforyou:

    Wednesday check in -

    The 100 done! This is the first time I have ever completed the whole thing! I do have to confess that I couldn't do the whole 10 min run... I ran/walked it.

    Did any one else get a chance to try it? If so, would you want this again as a challenge?

    Cheryl - I'm so sorry to hear about your neighbors! They're very lucky to have you for support!

    Liz-I'm thinking about starting the biggest loser jump start you like the shred?
  • sportiemom
    sportiemom Posts: 14
    From today until the end of the week will not be a good week as far as eating:frown: My family celebrated my birthday early today and as always, my mom made too much food! I ate so much and I didn't get a chance to exercise.:ohwell: Tomorrow, (my actual birthday), we are still celebrating and heading out to the beach early and staying through the evening for a bon-fire. I'm hoping I can get some walking in while I'm there.:tongue: Friday, is my mom's birthday and we are taking her out to Karina's Mexican Seafood Cuisine for dinner and possibly also take her out for lunch since my middle daughter can't make it to dinner with the rest of the family. I need to make better food choices. Saturday, after a soccer tournament, we are headed up to Woodland Hills for a family birthday party where there will be more and more and more food! I hope I can get through this week. I just need to get those exercised in early in the morning so that I'm not going to gain so much!! :wink: Wish me luck! :tongue:

    Good night!
  • ehilgenberg10
    ehilgenberg10 Posts: 87 Member
    I weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 170.0! It's not big, but it's been a long time coming to see that scale start to go back down. I'm going to try to cut my calories a little lower ( but not much, I won't be below 1200), and see if that gets the scale moving... because I've been stuck here for a month...or two...I don't know, it's been a while. So, obviously something needs to change. I'm actually going to cut down on working out so much and just stick to walking (I've started this approach the last few weeks) when I get lower in weight I'm going to add working out to tone up in, but right now I'm not so concerned with toning up as I am with losing. Blergh. So, I'm hoping that a little shake up as to what I eat will start the scale going down :/.
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I am not a morning exercise person but I went ahead and did Wenesday's 100 workout yesterday morning. It took me 37 minutes and burned 224 calories according to my HRM. That one is really a challenge!

    I had a nice NSV yesterday. I have never been able to wear Gloria Vanderbilt jeans because they are cut too narrow thru the butt and thighs to work with my body. I tried on a pair yesterday just as a lark, fully expecting not to be able to get them over my keister and low and behold if they did fit just fine!

    Beth, congrats on the weight loss! Every loss is big, I don't care if it is only one ounce. It's a good idea to mix things up sometimes to keep our bodies guessing. I will be anxious to hear how it works for you.

    Zorrina, Happy Birthday to you and all the others in your family who are celebrating!

    Happy Friday to all.
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    Howdy, all! The weather is finally less brutal here, so I'm happy to be back on my bike. I had a little setback in the form of a pulled butt muscle (that is a fun one to try to explain to people - haha!), but am feeling about 80% now.

    With one week left to go, I'm getting close to my 250-mile bike goal, and have maintained at 205 (which is good for me, since I often was dipping down and then shooting right back up). So, I'm going to keep with that and just aim to be 205 lbs on August 1. We'll see what I can set for August goals when we get there.

    Great to see all the NSVs and losses this month. Everyone seems to be going well. Keep going!

    July 2011 Goals
    SW: 211
    GW: 205
    CW: 205 (maintain...maintain...maintain...)
    BIKE: 240 of 250 miles done (Just one day of bike commuting to work next week, and I'll be at 250. So, I'll probably end up closer to 275 for the month, I suspect, if not a little more.
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I just got back from camping, and I havent' had a chance to put the weeks exercises together. Here is Monday's, and I will have the rest tomorrow, kay?

    3 set of 15:
    Butterfly Crunches
    Torso Twists
    Glute Kickbacks
    Mountain Climbers
    3 30-60 sec planks

    Camping was good - it's always fun to spend time with family and friends! BUT we came home to 100 degree weather, and the batteries had died in the thermostat in the inside was 87!!! So we fixed that, unloaded the trucks, and hey, it was down to! I think loading and unloading the camping gear counts as a workout...if not, then no dice today!!

    Enjoy your evening!
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Tuesday - create your own tabata workout

    Today you need to create your own tabata style workout. This system is the 20 second exercise followed by 10 second rest. Your work out should have 4 different exercises and go for 8 minutes. Each rotation of the 4 exercises should take 2 minutes. That means 4 complete rotations.
    20 sec exercise 1 - 10 sec rest
    20 sec exercise 2 - 10 sec rest
    20 sec exercise 3 - 10 sec rest
    20 sec exercise 4 - 10 sec rest
    Repeat this 4 times - tell your team what 4 exercises you picked and post in the format above. Remember it is 20 seconds of one exercise with 10 secondary read followed by a different exercise. YOU DO NOT REPEAT THE SAME EXERCISE 4 TIMES AND THEN MOVE TO THE NEXT.

    I will be adding a 2 mile run/walk to this!

    :noway: I'm sorry -another crazy day! I will post the rest of the week tomorrow!
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    :heart: Here's the rest of the week! :heart:

    WEDNESDAY: Whole body
    3 sets of 15 -
    (Modified) pushups
    Lying Tricep LIfts
    Lying Leg Curls
    Lying Single Leg Raises
    Lying Double Leg Raises
    Bicycle Crunches

    THURSDAY: Arms
    3 sets of 15
    Dumbbell squat with overhead press
    Alternating Dumbell Tricep extensions
    Dumbbell Chest press
    Dumbbell crunches
    Dumbbell chest flys
    (I will be adding a 2 mile run/walk to this)

    3 sets of 15-
    Bicycle crunches
    Scissor kicks
    Butterfly crunches
    3 30-60 sec planks

    Max out day!! See how many of these you can do before stopping!
    Jumping jacks
    Real push ups
    (I will be adding a 2.5 mile run/walk to this)

    Have a great week!
  • margo52
    margo52 Posts: 13
    Thank you i now am doin a little dog agility with the dogs abouit 2 times a week about 10 min :)
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    Hi all,

    I was just plain lazy yesterday and didn't do the challenge. No excuse just lazy. Tonight I did both the Monday and Tuesday challenge.
    For my Tabata routine I did:

    .Jumping Jacks
    Standing Side Crunches
    Fast Feet

    I absolutely hate burpees but I had the bright idea to push myself out of my comfort zone :tongue:
    Mission accomplished!
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member

    Monday was a wash...still recovering from the damping trip!

    Tuesday - we had the g'baby, so workout time was limited. I chose to run instead of my tabata. I will make it up before the end of the week! :flowerforyou:
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member

    My name is Jackie. I've always had weight issues. I even resorted to anorexia when I was in high school. :( I managed to stay around 135 for a long time. But I had my son almost 4 years ago and have been packing on pounds ever since. I've gone on diets, lost a bunch of weight, then as soon as I was off, I put it all back on. I leveled out around 163 for a long time. Then about a month and a half ago I realized I was up to 172. It was my wake up call. I've been doing well with food for the last few weeks, and have gotten back down to the original 163. :) Now I just need to tweak my eating habits a little more, (I've been making small less drastic changes), and find the motivation to exercise again. My goal is to get down to 125 by May of next year. Hopefully I can make changes that stick.
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member

    My name is Jackie. I've always had weight issues. I even resorted to anorexia when I was in high school. :( I managed to stay around 135 for a long time. But I had my son almost 4 years ago and have been packing on pounds ever since. I've gone on diets, lost a bunch of weight, then as soon as I was off, I put it all back on. I leveled out around 163 for a long time. Then about a month and a half ago I realized I was up to 172. It was my wake up call. I've been doing well with food for the last few weeks, and have gotten back down to the original 163. :) Now I just need to tweak my eating habits a little more, (I've been making small less drastic changes), and find the motivation to exercise again. My goal is to get down to 125 by May of next year. Hopefully I can make changes that stick.

    Hi Jackie! I know all about yoyo dieting. I have been doing it since my early teens. MFP is an excellent place to be to lose weight. Good luck.

    I did my cardio today but not the planned workout. I will be getting it later this week.
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    Just a few more days in July - whoo hoo! (Although it has gone by FAST!)

    I'm still biking, but I also signed up for a 5K and (gasp!) a 10K in early October. So, starting this Sunday, I'll begin the 10K running program. Wish me luck!

    July 2011 Goals
    SW: 211
    GW: 205
    CW: 204 (actually down a little more, but I'm still not going to log it on MFP until I can stay there for at least a week or two.)
    BIKE: 300+ of 250 miles done (I've been biking regularly, including an extra 20+ mile ride last night. So, I'm well over.)

    Now, I need to start thinking about August goals, both for weight and for exercise. Not sure how I'll balance the running with the biking (not to mention all the rest of that crap called job, home, life, school, etc.!), but I'm hopeful I can keep going and not burn out or crash this time. I'm hoping that I might be able to finally get and STAY below 200 by the time school starts at the end of August.
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member

    I did the exercises yesterday and today. I did something yesterday that pulled something in my left shoulder...could it have been the push ups? LOL! So, today I modified a couple of the exercises.

    I did not get my run in today, but I did take a nice long walk with the kiddies to the library and back!

    Jackie, good to hear from you! You can do this!

    Noelle, you are doing a great job!! I am signed up for a 10k in I have to step up the running!! What plan are you following?

    One week left in July!! I can't believe it went by so fast!
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member

    Noelle, you are doing a great job!! I am signed up for a 10k in I have to step up the running!! What plan are you following?

    Hal Higdon's 10K program. It just maps out a plan for you, and I like that (although I can't speak for the program since I haven't actually started yet!).
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member

    I did both Wednesday's and Thursday's workout yesterday but haven't managed to get anything in today. It was after 9 tonight when I got home and I am just too pooped. I have shortened my workouts all week in an effort to try and get caught up at work and I fully expect the scales to reflect that tomorrow morning.

    On a happier note, I amgoing to see the new Ice Age movie tomorrow with some of the family including my 4 year old grandson. I love the Ice Age movie. Guess I'm just a big kid at heart.

    Noelle, I am totally impressed with the 5K and the 10K is just plain awesome. Yay to your dedication and determination!