Binge Eating Support Group - Daily Conversation 2012

IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
How are you all doing? You all are very quiet. Instead of making a thread monthly for conversation I am going to make it yearly.

It is my hope you use this thread to get to know each other better and have a safe place to motivate & support one another daily. This group will be what you all make of it. So let's talk, support, share challenges, successes, and most of all share replases. We can all learn from one another. So please share, share, share. This group is what you make it so lets make it a place for all of us to get support.

One day at a time.:flowerforyou:


  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Emotions can be exhausting. It is no wonder we would rather be in another state of mind than feel them.

    Every person has developed their own unique coping skills, whether they be healthy or unhealthy. My favorite coping skill? The binge. It needs no introduction to its damage. We all know perfectly well how unhealthy it is. It is hard to remember that though at the time of an altered state of mind. There is an additional feeling that will accompany the binge, well actually lots of feelings of course, but I'm currently referring to the disgusting bloated feeling. I say to myself at those times, "My body is really mad at me." and with good reason it is. I want to treat my body better than that.

    I want to continue to learn how to have a healthy relationship with food and to learn alternate coping mechanisms that are not going to harm my body.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Well written! We will do it for sure! Hope you have a good week!! Do you think I should post the same thread on the other BED group? I really hate there are 2 groups.:ohwell:
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi Mollie, I hope your week goes really well too. I'm looking forward to playing catch up tomorrow on day off. I hate that there are 2 groups too, hopefully we can continue to redirect people here.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    The other group is 10 times larger. Both have about the same as far as support and activity. I think the other one is more active and the crowd is younger too which is fine :) It would take too much work to combine the too :)
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Whatever you decide would be best is good for me. Maybe we would have more interaction on the other group. I'll find the thread wherever it ends up. :smile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Please bump on the 2ND conversation thread too. See link before in case you did not realize there are now 2 conversation threads. Binge support is hopefully going to be plentiful. If not at least we tried :)

    Please note I have posted a monthly conversation thread for us: See link below and please share because we are not alone in this struggle with binge eating:
  • mrsbrownsfan
    mrsbrownsfan Posts: 8 Member

    I am planning to join in the conversation, but I am on my way out the door to work right now. I am also part of the other group, but I have not posted there much.

    I look forward to getting to know you!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Welcome!! Please share. You will find you are not alone.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I really dread being around the house tomorrow. Perfect set up for a binge. I plan to stay busy but I am very worried about it but going to take it one hour at a time.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I really dread being around the house tomorrow. Perfect set up for a binge. I plan to stay busy but I am very worried about it but going to take it one hour at a time.

    I hope you are able to stay busy! Great plan!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I really dread being around the house tomorrow. Perfect set up for a binge. I plan to stay busy but I am very worried about it but going to take it one hour at a time.

    I hope you are able to stay busy! Great plan!
    Thanks! but I did binge yesterday but I can say it was not as bad as it could have been. I binged on stuff I had in the house and I do not bring in any really fatty items and the heat kept me from going out for what I really had an urge to have. Thankfully today I am back on track and the urge to have the fast food is gone too :)
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Not having it in the house makes a world of difference, doesn't it? I know it does for me.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    It absolutely does make a difference! Because you have to think hard even without the heat on going outside to buy stuff. That is why I keep my place a safe zone. I rather binge on the good stuff than the bad stuff :) One of these days I am going to binge on fruit and veggies. I still will not do it. :laugh: Sometimes I can with cherries and strawberries but other than that I find other stuff.
  • 5babs
    5babs Posts: 12
    Hi, I'm new and I picked this group because it is smaller. I feel safer in a smaller group and it also seems like it will be more possible to get to know people here, if that means any thing to you.

    Mollie, one thing that helps me avoid a binge is to make a detailed plan for the whole day. It is okay if I don't follow it but it helps me to know what I'm supposed to be doing. It keeps me from freaking out and going for food.

    Thanks for being out there. I like knowing you all are there.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Welcome Babs!!! and Thanks!! As far as the group goes that is how this group was supposed to be but then there was no one posting anything for months at a time. So Diane found the other group which is huge bur for the size of the group there is really not a lot of inter action their either.

    I started a daily check in challenge on the other thread and it has taken off some. We have been doing it for about almost 2 months now. It helps us be accountable. I like the daily check in. My ultimate goal is to have a month with no more than 3 binge days. This month my goal is less than 9.

    Yes planning does help me for sure. Again welcome and glad you found us! :flowerforyou:
  • 5babs
    5babs Posts: 12
    I've been doing pretty good binge wise lately. Yesterday was a bit crazy. I knew I was going to a party and tried to plan things to eat that would be okay. And they were pretty okay but the way I was eating them was crazy. When no one was looking, I would shove 6 pieces of celery in my mouth at once. Binging on raw vegetables. How pathetic. Today was much, much better. Yippee.

    One of my concerns, if I'm not bingeing on food, I'm buying stuff on line or going shopping. That is NOT a good solution to not eating. I'm trying to talk to people when I want to eat. I'm hoping you all can be part of that solution.

    My goal for this month: 6 binges. 1 gone.
  • 5babs
    5babs Posts: 12
    So far no binge today. But I've gone out to water all my plants by watering can instead of hose so that it would suck up more time and energy. I've also sent 4 email "letters" to try to connect and not feel so lonely. It is only 7:20 here and I'm thinking about going to bed so that I don't eat. I'm not sure if that is the answer or not. Any thoughts?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    That usually works for me babs!
  • kailauli
    kailauli Posts: 19
    I have not read any posts in this new thread yet... I just can't. I have been on a massive binging spree for the past 2 weeks or so, have stopped logging, and in all honesty, gained 11 solid pounds. Yes, I overate THAT much in the past 2 weeks. Stuffed myself to the breaking point everyday.... I don't know what set me off. Don't know what happened. I'm back here because when I read what you all are going through and log down my thoughts, it seems to make it easier.

    I binged today. And the day before, and the day before. I am on trying to get admitted to a clinic with a 45 day program.

    Clothes are feeling tight, morale is really low.... I have been cancelling my modeling gigs simply because I've gained too much weight. I could cry sometimes.....
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    “If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” ~Jack Dixon