Binge Eating Support Group - Daily Conversation 2012



  • mrsbrownsfan
    mrsbrownsfan Posts: 8 Member
    One of my concerns, if I'm not bingeing on food, I'm buying stuff on line or going shopping. That is NOT a good solution to not eating. I'm trying to talk to people when I want to eat. I'm hoping you all can be part of that solution.

    This is SO ME! I find myself binge spending and binge eating. I should also find people to talk to instead, but it's hard to say to someone, "I need to talk to you about something because if I don't I am totally going to binge eat."
  • rabetts
    rabetts Posts: 31
    Hi everyone! I hope you all are well. I haven't particularly been doing super as far as eating, but suppose it could be much worse. I'm having a lot of trouble with my sweets. I'm glad that this hasn't been a huge binge thing lately, but it consumes my food diary. My nutrition is suffering. I've tried eating sweets in moderation, it just makes me want more. Maybe the thing to do is eliminate...afraid that will lead to super binge. Any ideas? What helps you?
  • 5babs
    5babs Posts: 12
    HI all. I've been eating out almost every day. I lose my mind at restaurants. But that is where I socialize. I ask my friends to go for walks but they usually say they'd rather meet in a restaurant for a meal. I've tried eating a salad or pop corn before I go but I just end up shoving in a full meal anyhow. Anyone have any ideas? I have another dinner date tomorrow night?
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    hi gang, still around no binges in a couple of weeks. lots of company here which helps. Mollie thanks for offering both groups and glad to see this one also. busy summer.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Perhaps today's message is a Public Service Announcement - For those that do not already know, there is professional help available for people with BED. I did not know this for myself until 2010, although I have been seeing mental health professionals since I was age 9. It isn't a topic that was asked about, and since I didn't know I even had BED it surely wasn't something I brought up. The embarrassment of not being able to successfully lose weight wasn't a topic I'd jump right into. I didn't know this had anything to do with my mental health. It was uncomfortable enough to discuss it with my primary doctor.

    I now often wonder why none of the mental health professionals along the way asked about my eating patterns. If we talked about weight, we would also talk about dieting - but as I now know that doesn't work for me. Why didn't anyone recognize the signs of my ED? I understand that the acceptance and knowledge of EDs has evolved quite a bit in the last 2 decades - but I'm bitter that not one of them caught it. And I've seen at least 2 dozen different people over the years!

    Well, at least I know now - and can take the necessary steps to get better.

    Diane :heart:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Below is a good email article I received from WW with some good reminders and I feel some are very applicable to binging and others are not. I hope some of you find them helpful reminders! Have a good day!

    12 Ways to Stop Overeating
    Here are 12 tips to help you regain control of your eating habits.
    Article By: Megan Gressor

    You've done it by the book for a while. Watched your diet, made healthy choices, exercised every day. Then suddenly you're undoing all your hard work by saying, "I might as well give up. I'll never lose weight!"

    "All-or-nothing" thinking doesn't help. People who overeat often feel out of control and disgusted with themselves. It becomes a vicious cycle, leading to low self-esteem and even more eating.

    To regain control of your eating habits, ask yourself why you overeat. Is it your way of coping with stressful events? Has gorging on "forbidden" treats become a substitute for other pleasures lacking in your life? Do you use food to soothe, distract or reward yourself?

    Breaking It Down
    Once you've identified trigger factors, work out other ways to address them. Don't beat yourself up with every little lapse. Instead, focus on positive things you can do to replace or avoid overeating. Pay attention to how you feel when you eat certain foods; you'll start to notice patterns emerging (eating after a family argument, for example, or when you're bored, lonely or disappointed). Consider alternative ways to lift your mood when the urge threatens. Perhaps call a friend, go for a walk or see a movie.

    Breaking the Habit
    Here are some tips for winning the battle:

    1.Take it slow. Crash dieting is more likely to end in losing control than a slow, steady loss of a pound or two each week.

    2.Don't cheat yourself! Eat a sensible amount of food each day.

    3.Allow occasional treats. If you don't totally cut out "forbidden" foods (such as those donuts that you love), you're more likely to stay on track, because deprivation often leads to overeating. Opt for low-fat versions of favorite foods.

    4.Reward yourself for every win — how about a bath or a walk just to enjoy a sunset rather than a reward consisting of junk food.

    5.Plan ahead to stay in control. Facing a big test or other ordeal that you fear will send you straight to the cookie jar? Try to keep healthy snacks around to nibble on instead, and exercise to offset your munching — and calm you down, too!

    6.Share your feelings — sad, bad or otherwise — with family or friends.

    7.Seek support from others trying to lose weight — family, friends or online buddies. They're there to help, and want to see you succeed.

    8.Look to calming alternatives if stress is your trigger. Anything from deep breathing to yoga to arts and crafts could help. And don't forget: Exercise is a great tranquillizer. (It also reduces your appetite!)

    9.Count to ten. Is overeating your way of coping with anger? Consider other ways of dealing with negative emotions, such as learning assertiveness techniques.

    10.Find other ways to fill the void. If you typically overeat when you're looking for emotional nourishment; stop. Feed your spirit by caring for yourself as well as you can during times when you feel unloved, under-appreciated or unworthy. Be your own biggest fan and try to focus on your successes, not to the occasional lapse.

    11.Be patient and forgiving of yourself. Long-established complex habits won't change overnight.

    12.Avoid all-or-nothing thinking, such as "I've already blown my weight loss plan, I might as well finish off the box." Accept that you may go off the rails from time to time. So you've lost six pounds and regained three? It's important to congratulate yourself for the pounds that you lost. You're doing a great job!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    One of my concerns, if I'm not bingeing on food, I'm buying stuff on line or going shopping. That is NOT a good solution to not eating. I'm trying to talk to people when I want to eat. I'm hoping you all can be part of that solution.

    This is SO ME! I find myself binge spending and binge eating. I should also find people to talk to instead, but it's hard to say to someone, "I need to talk to you about something because if I don't I am totally going to binge eat."
    It really is not as hard as you think. Find a close friend you can do this with. They don't even have to understand why you are calling. I used to do it all the times when I was finding it difficult not to stop at fast foods places to binge. Now I can go to fast food and order healthy items and I don't binge on fast food anymore. Just do your best to put it out there and you will probably be pleasantly surprised the support that is in your circle. Not reaching out is a form of denial and I was in denial too long to my injury and I don't want to be there again. At least now I am not afraid to discuss the issue and to my surprise I even told my boss that I did not want any of the pizza because I find on or 2 pieces are not enough for me. Hope this helps.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Perhaps today's message is a Public Service Announcement - For those that do not already know, there is professional help available for people with BED. I did not know this for myself until 2010, although I have been seeing mental health professionals since I was age 9. It isn't a topic that was asked about, and since I didn't know I even had BED it surely wasn't something I brought up. The embarrassment of not being able to successfully lose weight wasn't a topic I'd jump right into. I didn't know this had anything to do with my mental health. It was uncomfortable enough to discuss it with my primary doctor.

    I now often wonder why none of the mental health professionals along the way asked about my eating patterns. If we talked about weight, we would also talk about dieting - but as I now know that doesn't work for me. Why didn't anyone recognize the signs of my ED? I understand that the acceptance and knowledge of EDs has evolved quite a bit in the last 2 decades - but I'm bitter that not one of them caught it. And I've seen at least 2 dozen different people over the years!

    Well, at least I know now - and can take the necessary steps to get better. :flowerforyou:

    Diane :heart:

    Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Hopefully you will let the resentment go. I feel there are many primary care doctors who are not even aware of binging as a disorder and the professional help that is out there. Many doctors still believe it is as black and white as to just stop eating so much. Which is what pisses me off because if it were that easy I would not be obese.

    Doctors did not give obesity the same alarms as they do to other eating disorders that cause people to die sooner than obesity does.

    Now I believe people now including doctors are looking seriously at it now because of the epidemic of obesity. When we were younger obesity was not at the levels it is at today. I know for me I was the only one in the class who was obese. Nowadays you have over 10 children in some classes who are obese.

    Thanks again for sharing all of you knowledge with group and I would like to add that there is a lot of good information on binge eating in the library. Wonderful books that are very helpful at defining binge eater.

    Happy hump day all and take it one day at a time!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Another good saying when it comes to beating, managing and recovering from Binge Eating Disorder:

    "Change is not a bolt of lightning that arrives with a zap. It is a bridge built brick by brick, every day, with sweat and humility and slips. It is hard work, and slow work, but it can be thrilling to watch it take shape." — Sarah Hepola
  • mrsbrownsfan
    mrsbrownsfan Posts: 8 Member
    I actually never saw my eating issues as an ED until I started seeing my therapist when my marriage blew up. She happens to be an ED specialist, so now we are working on (among other things) recovery from my ED. I think there is such a stigma attached to overeating and what is often the result overweight/obese body, and it is easy to believe that you eat this way because you are weak or lack control. It's not often that someone points out that your relationship with food might be an ED. I have not been in a place that I was really interested in recovery, as the thought of actually facing my feelings and feeling my emotions is not something that I have had success with in the past, but after my latest session with my therapist today, I am really going to give it a go. I know that the way food currently makes me feel is, as she put it, a state of "yuck," and I don't want to feel this way forever.

    If you use an iPhone (and I think also maybe if you use an Android-based smartphone), there is an app called Recovery Record that I found out about on some other message board that she also recommended to me today, and it gives you a way to keep track of your feelings and emotions surrounding your eating. I have just started exploring the way it works, but it might help some people to stay more mindful and conscious of their eating if you are like me and tend to "check out" emotionally when you are in the midst of a binge.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    If you use an iPhone (and I think also maybe if you use an Android-based smartphone), there is an app called Recovery Record that I found out about on some other message board that she also recommended to me today, and it gives you a way to keep track of your feelings and emotions surrounding your eating. I have just started exploring the way it works, but it might help some people to stay more mindful and conscious of their eating if you are like me and tend to "check out" emotionally when you are in the midst of a binge.
    Thanks so much! i am downloading it right now and will check it out tomorrow!!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    thanks for all the help. had some big problems today. richie
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    If you use an iPhone (and I think also maybe if you use an Android-based smartphone), there is an app called Recovery Record that I found out about on some other message board that she also recommended to me today, and it gives you a way to keep track of your feelings and emotions surrounding your eating. I have just started exploring the way it works, but it might help some people to stay more mindful and conscious of their eating if you are like me and tend to "check out" emotionally when you are in the midst of a binge.

    This app is wonderful!! Thanks again!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I am listening to Geneen Roth's book Bite by Bite in my car and it is very good so far. I have it for two weeks before I have to return it to the library so I will have a chance to listen to it 2 or more times for sure.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Check out this very interesting article:

    What are your thoughts and opinions on this matter. I totally agree with it and can attest to it personally on so many levels because as many of you know I am very consistent with my exercise but the bottom line is until I decrease my intake with food it is all in vain.

    Have a wonderful day and keep thinking positive thoughts!!! Hugs!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Mollie, will check it out. I have been so bad of late. Really need to get back to mindful eatting again. I have been super busy and super I get this I deserve to indulge..........even though it is gonna kill me. one day at a was a wonderful day..and I did better. hugs Richie
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    The August Binge Challenge Thread is really helping me with the one day at a time mentality.
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm back on the BED support boards...I haven't posted on either in a while and I'm sort of new to this one but I wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I've been having a hell of a time with binges lately. I'm so sick of it and just want to stop bingeing! I've proven unsuccessful on my own so I'm back here for support and hopefully to support others.

    I just found that recovery app this morning! I haven't used it yet. I also dug up some old daily meditation books I used to read when I was in 12 step programs. I also found a workbook I forgot about! So I hope to actually do some work and recover rather than wanting to be thin but be able to binge too. The binges have only gotten worse and I'm sick of feeling horrible about myself. I want to learn other ways to deal with feelings, fulfill my boredom and other reasons that cause me to overeat instead of using food!

    Thanks for still being here! Anyone wanting more friends and support, please add me!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm back on the BED support boards...I haven't posted on either in a while and I'm sort of new to this one but I wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I've been having a hell of a time with binges lately. I'm so sick of it and just want to stop bingeing! I've proven unsuccessful on my own so I'm back here for support and hopefully to support others.

    I just found that recovery app this morning! I haven't used it yet. I also dug up some old daily meditation books I used to read when I was in 12 step programs. I also found a workbook I forgot about! So I hope to actually do some work and recover rather than wanting to be thin but be able to binge too. The binges have only gotten worse and I'm sick of feeling horrible about myself. I want to learn other ways to deal with feelings, fulfill my boredom and other reasons that cause me to overeat instead of using food!

    Thanks for still being here! Anyone wanting more friends and support, please add me!

    We are here for you! Talking about alternative coping strategies is a conversation I am always up for - so I hope you dive into your old materials this weekend and share some of it with us.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm back on the BED support boards...I haven't posted on either in a while and I'm sort of new to this one but I wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I've been having a hell of a time with binges lately. I'm so sick of it and just want to stop bingeing! I've proven unsuccessful on my own so I'm back here for support and hopefully to support others.

    I just found that recovery app this morning! I haven't used it yet. I also dug up some old daily meditation books I used to read when I was in 12 step programs. I also found a workbook I forgot about! So I hope to actually do some work and recover rather than wanting to be thin but be able to binge too. The binges have only gotten worse and I'm sick of feeling horrible about myself. I want to learn other ways to deal with feelings, fulfill my boredom and other reasons that cause me to overeat instead of using food!

    Thanks for still being here! Anyone wanting more friends and support, please add me!
    Welcome back Geekgirl!! I love the recovery app for the positive messages they have. We can do this together.