

  • Lindawoj1
    Lindawoj1 Posts: 26
    Just read all these posts. You people are awesome. I think this will really help me make better choices. I'd like to ask an exercise question. Due to the fact that I'm pretty lazy to begin with.......I take care of my 2 year old grandson 4 or 5 days a week. Now I may not get out and exercise but I do play and chase the little guy around all day. How do I go about calculating that and getting credit for calories burned?
    I just feel bad I never have any exercise to add to my diary.
  • Just joined yesterday and just found this group. I am 55 from Australia and desperate to lose some weight and need to friend other similar people. Have no time to add details but will be back tonight (Aussie time) to post a proper post. Have a good day all you Mad Hatters!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Huge welcome to all the new members.. get ready to laugh off a few calories!

    .. will be back to post a few comments in a few; but decided after I saw was over my calories for the day to go for another walk.. wasn't like this mornings; kinda of a 1/2 and 1/2 lol.. but I knew I'd be planted on the couch otherwise so dragged (and yep.. it was a DRAG tonite lol) myself out.. but have to grab a shower first, then another freaken bottle of water :sad:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Back.. and no worries.. I’m all cleaned up LOL!

    One thing I’d like to clear up.. in case anyone mistakenly believes I’m some kinda of puter wizard by posting all the time:

    I’m only able to do so now because I’m still on vacation!!

    And ...I cheat on the individual replies – I open a word document when I sit down to read everyone’s post, and just type my replies as I go through them (except for when I’m laughing too hard to type, or spewing mouthfuls of water on my keyboard cause something set me off laughing):bigsmile:

    But.. after tomorrow when I’m back to work..? I can’t access the internet at all there, not even on breaks, and my cellphone is 10 yrs old and just a phone – no internet. (ok.. ok.. I can HEAR all the gasps in the room; I’m not against technology.. I just know I’m gonna have to borrow a teenager to program a new one so I’m stalling as long as I can!)

    So while I do work shifts, and because the 7 dwarves of menopause seem to wanna play whenever I hope to try for some sleep.. I’m awake a lot (aren’t we all?? LOL) and home at weird times ..

    I’ll try my best to keep up the replies, but even if I can’t, know that like everyone else I’ll be reading every single one, and appreciating everything the hatters have to offer… most especially the support and encouragement for each other; and knowing that we’re here to lift each other up;…and lend a hand if we stumble, (and with all the time zones in the group.. someone’s probably available 24/7!) Or commiserate when life sucks and we just want to curl up in a ball and cry our eyes out – (which as we know.. is mighty cathartic on occasion LOL.. )

    And as for starting a new topic page every morning.. I WILL try.. but I start a month of dayshift on Saturday… and I HATE days.. actually I hate midnights more now...cause I can't sleep during the day..... hmmm.. really.. it appears I should retire LOL..
    anyway I have to get up at 4:00am for days..and I can barely get out the door on time .. so…. I’ll absolutely give it my best shot, but any MMH who’d like to start a new day anytime…??? Please feel free!! just throw a post on the previous one if you do, to let us know its up and running? I get lost easily..

    Alright.. chugging down on another water.. I think I feel my teeth starting to float! But catching up on the posts is NOT a good time to drink….cause my keyboard has had one unexpected wash already this week HA!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Snoozie we have more and more in common. My cell phone is at least 12 years old and like you said its just a phone nothing fancy. It will text but nothing more. Top this off with its a prepay that I pay $162 for 2 years !!!! I go days, weeks, and sometimes months without ever turning it on. I have it only for calling my husband should I break down on these 100 degree days in hopes that he can rescue me before I melt.........hmmmmm thinking about that now I wonder, naaaaaaaaaaa. :laugh:

    I am on summer break also since I teach and once school starts back up my online time will be cut down also b/c first there is no time during school hours and second school blockers.
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I heard my body SCREAMING at me - " YOU MEAN WE ARE DOING THIS E V E R Y D A Y !! :noway: " My calfs and ankles were protesting too, I'm guessing it's because of all the weight they have to carry, but they will get used to it and be greatful when I get lighter. :tongue:

    Flipflop.......LMAO......between you and Snooozsie I am going to have to add a case of Depends to my list of old age products!!
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    Ladies, many of you may already be in dreamland...... I pray that your dreams are sweet and enjoyable.

    Well, my IPOM for the day... after only 4 hours sleep last night and an insanely busy day at work, I still came home and did my work out!!! :bigsmile: I did my 30 mins of 5 - 5.5 mph run and, the walking 3 mph I do, is generally on an ascending upgrade on my treadmill.. Its a killer Hill Work out, because it takes you to the 15% grade, but I LOVE the calorie burn! :love: Yes, I had a double portion of my eggplant dinner, but you know what, IT WAS DELICIOUS and I enjoyed every single bite! :drinker:

    I love coming here everyday. Ladies its so freeing to know that none of us will judge each other. We are strong, beautiful women learning together how to love ourselves and loose some fat in the process... Thank you ladies!

    Sweet dreams...
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Fell asleep in my chair a little earlier before I could do some replies.. and at some point, apparently moved to bed – cause I woke up there! But it’s almost 1:am here.. so guess the rotten little menopause dwarves are doing the happy dance yet again…. Little do they know I have all of you to keep me company for a change.. HA! Excuse any typos pls.. Im sitting in the dark (cause light bulbs give off EXTRA heat LOL!)

    1slim: HUGE IPOU for passing those CCC’s!! and maybe the little calorie burning boost of laughter will help you break thru that standstill.. those are SO frustrating so extra kudos for choosing yogurt instead!! Well done and will keep fingers crossed!!

    Hiya pitbull and welcome to a fellow canuck! And don’t listen to those who tell you you’re too old for anything.. the way I figure it, one of the blessings of making it this far is that I care way less about what other people think of me, and more about what I think of me! Has to be some benefit, eh?? LOL

    1960Lisa: No worries at all about posting… the important thing is that you know you can enjoy the reads and share whenever you get a chance, guilt free!! And hopefully burn a calorie or two with a chuckle or a laugh doing so!! Glad to hear you like the daily idea too… I ‘ve already realized I missed a few posts here and there on the original topic, so a daily page will help us all keep up to date I think…


    Lindawol1: So glad to have you on board…. And kudos on looking to make better choices!! That’s what we’re all aiming for so you’re in the right place! As far as the exercise logging.. I’m not all that familiar with the options in here as I haven’t moved past walking yet lol.. but.. maybe clipping a pedometer on in the morning and then logging your steps for the day?? I know there’s a conversion table somewhere that will show how many steps equal a mile… then you could enter walking, brisk pace or walking leisurely pace (depending on how fast the the little guy has you moving!!) for the distance instead of the time spent.. ? just a thought…

    Michelle – thanks for joining…look forward to hearing a little about you… but you’re in the right place for friends and support to start your journey… we’re all at different stages here, some beginners and some who have already made awesome progress, so come on in and play!

    TA: yay!! Good to know I’m not the only one!! I CAN text on it.. but in truth the only thing I usually send is CALL ME INSTEAD! And I have no doubt hubby would come to your rescue – if he knows what’s good for him hee hee!

    Time2: I’ve got a coupon somewhere for them… mwaaa haha

    And LESLEY: so glad now I was awake at this hour so I could read your recent post..
    Omg I cannot believe after the crappy day you had, you still managed to get your workout in…. and with a 15% incline.. speaking of screaming calves!! IPOU IPOU!! You must feel pretty awesome about yourself tonight….. WELL DONE! I M gonna have to remember what you did my first day back at work when I know im gonna want to come home and nap…. I may put a note on my wall calendar.. remember Lesley!! Yay you!!

    And I love what you said in your post Lesley: “I love coming here everyday. Ladies its so freeing to know that none of us will judge each other. We are strong, beautiful women learning together how to love ourselves and loose some fat in the process...”

    IT IS, WE ARE AND WE CAN LOSE THIS WEIGHT ONCE AND FOR ALL!! You are so right! Woo hoo!!

    Well, I’m going to try to sneak back to bed and get a few more zzz’s.. but


    Catch ya over on Friday’s page!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member

    Well, my IPOM for the day... after only 4 hours sleep last night and an insanely busy day at work, I still came home and did my work out!!! I love coming here everyday. Ladies its so freeing to know that none of us will judge each other. We are strong, beautiful women learning together how to love ourselves and loose some fat in the process... Thank you ladies! <Sweet dreams... Lesley

    :bigsmile: YOU ROCK!!!!! WELL DONE!! :bigsmile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member

    Catch ya over on Friday’s page!