Any ladies here over 6ft?



  • Awesome! So many tall ladies! :)

    I'm 6'1 and currently at 185.. looking to shrink back down to my college basketball/volleyball days and get to 165 again. Started at 204, so well on my way!

    Feel free to add me!
  • ved8301
    ved8301 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 6'2" and 228. Started at 235 about a month ago! I wear a size 10 shoe and think I just got back into a size 16 pant with the 7 lb loss (I was in between 16 and 18). I'm looking to get back down to 170 ultimately (comfortable size 12) but will settle for anything under 200 as looking back on old pictures, I still looked thin/normal at that weight. I was always thin until I gradually started gaining weight over the last five years when my lifestyle change (desk job!)

    Good luck everyone and stand proud (and tall!)
  • Hiya :) 6"1 here, and a size UK8 shoe. I want to loose 14.3LBS good luck everyone x
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    6'2" size 11 shoe. I was 215lbs before becoming pregnant and have gained about 67lbs with one week left. I am hoping to get back to my pre pregnancy weight soon though. I was 195 but was unable to maintain that for very long. My body seemed to be happy at 215
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    Hey ladies! I am 6'0" and my cw is 192 with a gw of 175-180 and hw was 240. I wear a size 12-14 jean currently and am hoping to get to a 10. Shoe size is a 12. Yuck. I HATE my big feet. But I recenlty bought a couple pairs of new shoes that have pink. YAY! Up until recently I bought mens shoes but Shoe Carnival had some size 12. So pink is BIG! Nice to meet some more tall women. Feel free to add me!! :flowerforyou:
  • Cressida04
    Cressida04 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 6'1 and weigh 224 with a size 12 shoe. I'm working to get to 175lbs. I'm the shortest girl in my family with the tallest one of the bunch punching in at 6'6. We are constantly keeping our eyes open for shoes and long pants...

    If you're looking for shoes try Nordstrom or Nordstrom Rack- I've seen them carry up to a 14 in women's shoes and they generally have athletic shoes as well as dressier options. Here's another option for tall women's clothes:
  • I'm 6' (not quite over but on) and weigh 192, 213 at my highest, and will be 170 at my lowest, I wear size 10 shoe and 10-12 clothes.

    I'm looking for motivational friends, so add me!! :)
  • that_tall_girl
    that_tall_girl Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 6'1" here, 28 years old, and I wear a size 14 shoe. Last week I weighed in at my highest weight ever, 356 lbs. My goal is to get down to 170-175.

    I hate shoes.
  • Hi all!

    I am 6ft, so not quite as tall as some of you but it's great to see so many other people who are in the 'tall bracket'. I think weight loss can be a whole different ball game for us mentally; we always feel bigger and wider and more cumbersome no matter what we lose. In my opinion, feeling good about myself through exercise is more useful than the weight I lose for this.

    I am currently 89Kg (5 lost); my 'normal' weight is about 80kg, I gained weight after 2 bouts of pneumonia and lots of steroids!! I tried to just overlook it but realised how unhappy I was.

    So, I want to get back to 80Kg. I wear a UK 7/8 which is pretty small for my height; though I have a really high instep which makes shoe buying a nightmare!!

    Would love to buddy up with anyone who shares the tall factor; I really do think that we have a beter understanding of one another than someone who is much shorter - not just mentally as I mentioned above, but in terms of body composition - that and the fact that clothes never fit!!

    Feel free to add me, I'm always looking to share my support and get some new MFP support for myself.
  • I'm 6'1 weight 234lbs..want to be 195lbs..shoe size 9.5-10 :)
  • I'm 6'1" and 159 lbs. Trying to get to around 145--I have a small frame. Giant feet though--I wear 11.5, which are hard to find, so I usually take a 12.
  • bekinator
    bekinator Posts: 103
    Holy crap you are my people!! I'm 6'0" and looking to get to 165... started at 285 and now have 40lbs to go! I wear a shoe size 12...

    But hey, to the gal who started the thread- I used to wear a women's 13 shoe, when i was 285... don't get too discouraged, as you lose weight, you'll drop shoe sizes too! i can't wait till i can wear an 11, it'll be so much easier to shop!

    Meanwhile, Nordstrom Rack is my newest discovery for shoes (-: I'm totally jealous of you size 9-ers.

    And contraryquite, you're so right- I know I feel entirely self-conscious in my skin as a heavy woman, when guys shirk from me, etc... it's better now that I'm "big" and not as "huge" as I was, but still I think we tall ladies are in a whole other bracket of thinking!

    We're also a chic, laid-back, down-to-earth bunch, I'll bet (-;
  • Heather_Golden
    Heather_Golden Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 6'3", but to lose at least another 10lbs...22 years old, from Michigan. My diary is open if you'd to add me as a friend :)
  • 6' even 33 yrs old size 10 shoe. Down from 273-233 so far and size 20-14/16 pants. Goal wt 180. But I would really like t see some pics of you other tall ladies. I am broad shouldered and have a 7" wrist, I have always used the excuse I'm to tall to weigh that little! I've never seen myself under 180. Guess right now I need to work 10 pounds at a time to get under 200, then really up the anty and see what I can do. I have been doing X factor for a while now and today am starting insanity. Wish me luck and please feel free to add me as a friend. I log everyday and my diary is open to my friends. I love encouragement and criticism!!
  • hey all, Im 6 foot even, medium frame, 173ish, wear a 9.5 shoe and down to a size 10, could probably fit into 8 depending on the store, .. lost MOST the bulk, just need to firm the flabby parts now. would like to lose the last 10 but husband thinks that may be too much for myself. we will see once it all firms up,
  • rinjw
    rinjw Posts: 6 Member
    This group makes me SO happy! I'm 6'1.5", and hovering around 175. I'm trying to get to around the 155/160 lb mark--I once was nearly that size, and felt the best I've ever felt! I'm also going through yoga teacher training right now, and having the extra around my stomach isn't helping with learning the best way to teach poses...
    My feet are a size 10, but lately they seem to be expanding... even boots from Nordstroms didn't fit that size! :(
    Please feel free to friend me! I would love encouragement/criticism/support from other tall women.
  • 6'1.5". I wear a 12 or 13 depending on the shoe. Looking to maintain weight while I'm pregnant and drop about 80-90 after I give birth in July.
  • Hi! I am 6'1", and started (again!) at 385 lb two weeks ago. I am at the beginning of a long journey, but this time I am really looking forward to the process, not only the result... Can't say if I am big or small boned - once I can find some bones, I will let you know... :-). So, for now, I am shooting for 180 as an ultimate goal.

    My first mini-goal would be to get under 350 so I can start using the elliptical again. (it's Ben sitting in my bedroom unused for couple of years now for the fear of breaking it, since it is only rated to 350 lb)

    I do not have the full body before picks yet, but I'll take one today. No after pictures yet either, but they will be coming.

    I am new to this site, but does anyone know of a challenge that is somewhat structured that I can join to help me stay on track?

    And I almost forgot its a size 13 for shoes..
  • @tallAsTwoTrees...

    Happy pregnancy to you! I will keep u in prayers. I was 389 when I got pregnant, gained 15 pounds the first 2 months (before finding out I was pregnant). But then by sticking to the strikt but balance diet and safe exercise dropped 70 lb while pregnant. I swear it was like my body was working right for the first time in my whole entire life! It was the best almost a year of my life I think.

    So enjoy this time! I am so happy for you.
  • ahoyhoy749
    ahoyhoy749 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey everyone :) So glad I found this thread!

    I was on the "Find your twin" one and everyone was 5'1 or shorter lol.

    I'm 28 a mom of two, and 6'1. I wear a size 12 or 13 shoe in woman's (13 since I packed on the pounds :(

    At 242...looking to get back to 185. My mini goal is 227 to be health per BMI, then 215, then under 200. We'll see how it goes though. I yo yo more than a toy.