ALL-IN (for August)



  • BetterWithAge
    8/1 exercises done water done
    8/2 exercises doen. Water done

    Jen...are we all still posted our weekly results here for you to post to the speed sheet??

    Yep, just post everything here and I will add it to the spreadsheet on Sunday. And thank you for posting the exercises for the rest of the week. :)
  • BetterWithAge
    8/1 - exercises done - water done
    8/2 - exercises done - water done
    8/3 -
    8/4 -
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    8/1---exercises done ---didn't get the water done
    8/2 exercises NOT done. ---Water done
    8/3--- Exercises done---water done
  • LibbyBelanger
    LibbyBelanger Posts: 307 Member
    8/1 exercises done water done
    8/2 exercises doen. Water done
    8/3 no exercise. Water done
    8/4 exercises done. water done!!!!
  • kguiste
    kguiste Posts: 87 Member
    8/1 - Exercises done, water done
    8/2 - Exercises done, water done
    8/3 - Exercises done, water not done
    8/4 -
  • LibbyBelanger
    LibbyBelanger Posts: 307 Member
    8/1 exercises done water done
    8/2 exercises doen. Water done
    8/3 no exercise. Water done
    8/4 exercises done. water done!!!!
    Sunday....weigh in at 128. Still not eating correctly. I can't seem to get back to making better choices.
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    8/4---Exercises done. Water done.

    No weight change. All this extra water has made me just about wet my pants a coupla times.
  • BetterWithAge
    8/1 - exercises done - water done
    8/2 - exercises done - water done
    8/3 - exercises done - water done
    8/4 - I am a slacker
  • BetterWithAge
    8/1 exercises done water done
    8/2 exercises doen. Water done
    8/3 no exercise. Water done
    8/4 exercises done. water done!!!!
    Sunday....weigh in at 128. Still not eating correctly. I can't seem to get back to making better choices.

    I am having the same problem. Today, is another day :)
  • BetterWithAge
    Monday - arms (10 min video)

    Tuesday - legs
    Wednesday - full body
    Thursday - abs
    Friday - arms
    Saturday - legs

    Weekly challenge - FRUITS AN VEGGIES!! We are suppose to get 5 Fruits and Veggies a day. You can earn 1 point per 5 F/ V that your team consumes. This is for a FULL serving not a partial serving. When you report back to your captain how many fruits and veggies you had you must also list what you had. --- Captains please enter in the total number earned and the sheet will figure out the math for you. If you only enter 1 point for each 5 you will not get your full points. You must add the total daily. You can get unlimited points based off of how many fruits and veggies your team earns. (1 point per 5 consumed)
  • BetterWithAge
    I am missing a couple of weigh-numbers. Please let me know right away. Belinda will tally the scores this morning.

    I am down 0.5 to 203.3
  • LibbyBelanger
    LibbyBelanger Posts: 307 Member
    8-6. Exercises done. 5 vegs. Blueberries..watermelon, cucumber, carrots, nectarine , peas
  • LibbyBelanger
    LibbyBelanger Posts: 307 Member
    I am missing a couple of weigh-numbers. Please let me know right away. Belinda will tally the scores this morning.

    I am down 0.5 to 203.3
    Good for you Jen!,
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    Got the exercises today. I'm going to seriously dislike someone tomorrow.

    Ive had bell pepper, tomato, and at least 2 servings of watermelon. Need to check my calories.........

    Editted to add.....1 plum. And I did all my water.
  • BetterWithAge
    Tuesday - 8/07 - Legs

    2 minute Bear Walk
    100 Jumping Jacks
    50 Squats
    50 Lunges
    50 Calf Raises

    You can break this up, and make it a circuit if you like.
  • tjchez
    tjchez Posts: 18
    8/6 Exercise done
    for fruit and vegis I had REd Bell Pepper, Green Bell Pepper, Potato, Cucumber, Celery Got busy and forgot my fruit today.
    Water is done also.
  • BetterWithAge
    8/6 - exercises done - 7 F&V; 2 avocado, 3 cherries, 1 banana, 1 mixed veggie
    8/7 -
    8/8 -
    8/9 -
    8/10 -
    8/11 -
  • LibbyBelanger
    LibbyBelanger Posts: 307 Member
    Mon 08/06/12 08:25 PM
    8-6. Exercises done. 5 vegs. Blueberries..watermelon, cucumber, carrots, nectarine , peas
    8-7 exercises done. I won't be walking later !
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    What are 'calf raises'?