Daily check in



  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Oy! I went on vacation for a week and then took a week off! Whoopsie! Back at it today. My legs are so sore from yard work yesterday but I'm about to get back at it right now - no more slacking!
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    Took a few days off to enjoy this long weekend with my husband. I have a few more days at level 2, and then I'm starting level 3. I may stick with this one for another month. Very challenging and great results.
  • Tonya0809
    Tonya0809 Posts: 33 Member
    Day 2 of level 3 finished this morning...really hate those rock stars and jump squats!!! On the bright side I took my measurements yesterday and I have lost 4 inches overall with most of that around the waist and tummy!!! :bigsmile:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I have not been posting due to hurricane Issac, but I only missed to 2 workouts. I actually had power the whole time...just a house full of people and pets!!! Anyway I decided to jump to level 3 today because i was feeling pretty good. So I am day 16!!! I will probably switch between level 2 and 3 until day 22 or so then do level three for the remaining time. Two weeks until vacation so can't miss a day!!!

    Hope everyone has a Happy Healthy Day!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 17 level 3! Yeah! Feeling pretty good..very happy I was able to make it this far without a relaps of some sort with my chronic fatigue!! This is very good for me.. maybe the new medicine is really working and it really has something to due with my thyriod!! Only time will tell!!

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • FrauHausMaus
    I have been keeping up, but the holiday weekend has been nuts, so I haven't checked in. Oh... remember that whole "shoulder injury" thing I was so worried about? Yeah... that totally happened.

    Blew out my right shoulder last night on a plank.

    I'm scooting back down to Level One, minus the push-ups... and no weights on the arm raises. If I have to do the whole 30 days at level 1, so be it.
  • awerewka
    awerewka Posts: 151 Member
    ^^ I only made it 4 days in to level 2 and decided to go back to level 1. I am ok with it since I went from no exercise right into the 30 day shred. Even doing 30 days of level 1 is quite an accomplishment for me. I think I lost count but I am at about 17 days now. 3-4 days exercise/wk is about all I can do right now. As the weight comes off i am sure I will have more stamina.
  • Tonya0809
    Tonya0809 Posts: 33 Member
    Skipped yesterday due to my leg bothering but right back in it today! Finished Day 3 of Level 3 this morning!
  • mary127
    mary127 Posts: 90 Member
    After doing other types of workouts the past couple days I am back to 30DS. Level 2, day 8
  • Tonya0809
    Tonya0809 Posts: 33 Member
    Day 4 of level 3 done!! Am I the only one on level 3??
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    Day 17 level 3! Yeah! Feeling pretty good..very happy I was able to make it this far without a relaps of some sort with my chronic fatigue!! This is very good for me.. maybe the new medicine is really working and it really has something to due with my thyriod!! Only time will tell!!

    Have a great day everyone!!!

    Good for you!! I have to say, your post made me get back with it. If you can stick with it while fighting chronic fatigue, then so can I. So thanks! I took about a week off thinking it would be a long weekend with the husband that then streeeeeetched into the new week... I did it today, and logged day 13 and 14, level 2. I watched level 3 out of curiosity, and think I might try it tomorrow. I like how she incorporates the yoga, pilates, and dance moves in. How are you liking it? Do you find it a lot harder than level 2?
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    Day 17 level 3! Yeah! Feeling pretty good..very happy I was able to make it this far without a relaps of some sort with my chronic fatigue!! This is very good for me.. maybe the new medicine is really working and it really has something to due with my thyriod!! Only time will tell!!

    Have a great day everyone!!!

    Good for you!! I have to say, your post made me get back with it. If you can stick with it while fighting chronic fatigue, then so can I. So thanks! I took about a week off thinking it would be a long weekend with the husband that then streeeeeetched into the new week... I did it today, and logged day 13 and 14, level 2. I watched level 3 out of curiosity, and think I might try it tomorrow. I like how she incorporates the yoga, pilates, and dance moves in. How are you liking it? Do you find it a lot harder than level 2?

    My reply posted as part of yours. I don't know why...
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    Level 3, first day. Yikes.
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    16th day, day 2 of level 3.
  • aimeehaven
    aimeehaven Posts: 30 Member
    Did day 4 of level 3 today. So far I can say my favorite level is level 2. Almost done!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    So I have been keeping up ! On Saturday I got up early did day 21 (on level three) of 30 days! I got up early because we going to a birthday party at Global Wildlife Center - we had to leave at 8:00! On yesterday, I did level 2 and walked for 30 mins. so, feeling very good, i decided to do The Fat Burn Express by Power 90! I am happy to say I completed all 35 mins and was able to do some moves at advanced level! (that's because I have been doing level 3). I am considering this day 23 !!!

    Now I will admitt my energy level still slips but I am adding back a little more protein to see if that helps. My main focus is being healthy and feeling good ---- I will worry about these extra pounds when I am better. Very hard for me to do but... I am trying. At least I am not still gaining and I do feel better and I am able to exercise!!! So I am in a positive direction!!

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 24 - I again switched today level 3 for another dvd workout. I did 30min level one bigest loser sculpt, still with Julian Michaels! I think I will do level 3 of 30day shred tomorrow.

    Still feeling pretty good. It is a pleasant surprise - I have felt so bad for so long and when i tried to exercise it got worse. It was had to explain...no body understood... The famous "they" said to exercise it will give you engery and you will feel better. Duh!!! but in my case it simply didn't work, until now..with thyriod medicine!!!

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!
  • BeckaT79
    Starting over tomorrow!! My computer was broken and so I couldn't work out with Jillian without it :-) Can't wait to get back into the swing of things. Great job to all of you for your astounding dedication!! Keep up that great work!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 25!! I did the biggest loser again to today....tomorrow will be level 3 for the 30 day shred. I am jsut happy that I can exercise again!!!

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Day 26 level 3!! Boy did I sweat!!! It felt great - I did the full out level three - Yeah!!! I used my 8 lb weights (but used the 5 for the jumping jacks - can't quite get the form good with 8lbs) I was able to dothe advance on all the moves - cheated on the sits ups by putting my feet under the chair but that was it!! I am getting back to my old self - I have a ways to go - but I will get there!

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!