Whole30 September Challenge



  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    Day one went well. I have been skipping breakfast for quite sometime now and I think I may have start having something in the morning again.
  • MyHealthyTemple
    MyHealthyTemple Posts: 46 Member
    Just decided to join Whole30 even though it's 3 days into September today, I will just go on a few days longer to make up the days:-)

    Oops! I had dairy today so I guess that's me out!
  • shinyhappyrae
    shinyhappyrae Posts: 11 Member
    Read through the ISWF book yesterday and found this group. I will be officially starting Whole30 Sept 8 because of an event on the 7th I just can't pass up, but will start eating according to the plan today.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Started yesterday! Days one and two have been fine except for the caffeine withdrawal headache. Good luck everyone!
  • I'm in!! today is day 5 for me, and so far so good. i hope i've gotten over the "crabby" phase, so does my husband :)
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm on day 2. So far so good except breakfast. Until now I was having a protein shake every day for breakfast. I do this because I don't like breakfast foods and it's filling and it's a good way for me to sneak in extra veggies. But whey isolate protein is not Whole30 friendly because it's derived from dairy so now I need new ideas. I guess I'll have to force down some eggs because I don't know what else to eat. I say force because I don't really like them. Any thoughts or suggestions?
  • beckie32536
    beckie32536 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm on day 2. So far so good except breakfast. Until now I was having a protein shake every day for breakfast. I do this because I don't like breakfast foods and it's filling and it's a good way for me to sneak in extra veggies. But whey isolate protein is not Whole30 friendly because it's derived from dairy so now I need new ideas. I guess I'll have to force down some eggs because I don't know what else to eat. I say force because I don't really like them. Any thoughts or suggestions?

    You may need to try and think outside the box for things to eat if you aren't wild about eggs. Sometimes I will eat a piece of leftover meat for breakfast (steak is a great option for this). There is nothing that says that you should have "breakfast" foods for breakfast (personally I love anything Italian for breakfast).

    Also, I frequently will have Bulletproof coffee and it keeps me full until 1-2pm.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm on day 2. So far so good except breakfast. Until now I was having a protein shake every day for breakfast. I do this because I don't like breakfast foods and it's filling and it's a good way for me to sneak in extra veggies. But whey isolate protein is not Whole30 friendly because it's derived from dairy so now I need new ideas. I guess I'll have to force down some eggs because I don't know what else to eat. I say force because I don't really like them. Any thoughts or suggestions?

    You may need to try and think outside the box for things to eat if you aren't wild about eggs. Sometimes I will eat a piece of leftover meat for breakfast (steak is a great option for this). There is nothing that says that you should have "breakfast" foods for breakfast (personally I love anything Italian for breakfast).

    Also, I frequently will have Bulletproof coffee and it keeps me full until 1-2pm.

    Yeah, this is pretty much what I am hearing over at the whole30 forum. I can eat eggs if it's frittata style, not just scrambled or poached, fried, etc. I have some leftover sauteed spinach from dinner tonight and I think I'll throw that into some eggs tonight and make a frittata to have for breakfast tomorrow. I also bought a package of organic all natural chicken and apple sausages that I might have along side it.
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    Would anyone that is doing the whole 30 this month and has an open diary mind if added them as a friend so I can look at your diary for more idea's. I have my wife doing this with me and although I could eat the same stuff for 30 days and not care she is much harder to please when it comes to food.
  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    Yesterday was a horrible, hard day for me due to a loss, and I actually ended up at Starbucks with a pumpkin spice latte in my hand. I took 1 sip and all I could taste was chemicals. I dumped it straight in the garbage and moved on with decent Whole30 meals. Technically, I should probably start over, but I think I might have had a bigger victory than eating perfectly.
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    I am on Day 3 - so far so good! I have had some very mild headaches that come and go, but nothing major. My biggest challenge so far has been making sure that I am getting enough calories. I have tried eating larger quantities of meat and including a lean protein as a snack, but I actually started gagging yesterday because I was so full. Does it even matter if I am below my allotted 1200 per day while on Whole30? Any ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated, as this is my first time doing this!!
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    Yesterday was a horrible, hard day for me due to a loss, and I actually ended up at Starbucks with a pumpkin spice latte in my hand. I took 1 sip and all I could taste was chemicals. I dumped it straight in the garbage and moved on with decent Whole30 meals. Technically, I should probably start over, but I think I might have had a bigger victory than eating perfectly.

    Skwidlund - I was just reading a post on the Whole30 website earlier where someone had a similar "oops". They had eaten something with an ingredient that is not allowed. The moderator basically said "don't sweat it, and no need to start over". Just chalk it up to learning and move forward. :) Hope your day is better today!
  • sataylor24
    sataylor24 Posts: 49 Member
    Yesterday was a horrible, hard day for me due to a loss, and I actually ended up at Starbucks with a pumpkin spice latte in my hand. I took 1 sip and all I could taste was chemicals. I dumped it straight in the garbage and moved on with decent Whole30 meals. Technically, I should probably start over, but I think I might have had a bigger victory than eating perfectly.

    I hope that you are having a better day today and I will keep your family in my prayers. I think the fact that you tossed the Pumpkin Spice Latte in the trash after 1 drink is a huge win - NSV for you.
  • sataylor24
    sataylor24 Posts: 49 Member
    On day 9 and still going strong.
  • DEGiltz
    DEGiltz Posts: 297 Member
    Thought I would chime in too ... I'm on day 6. I didn't think this was something I could do, but I'm actually really enjoying eating this way. Would love to add some friends to my friend list who are sticking with this challenge for the month and beyond!!

    Please send me a friend request if you would like to be support "buddies"! : )
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Day 3 here. No issues so far. I even enjoyed my breakfast of egg frittata with spinach and a whole 30 compliant chicken and apple sausage from whole foods. It even kept my full until lunch. That's one reason I love protein shakes, they keep me full for hours, unlike most breakfasts which leave me looking for a snack mid morning. However, I have had a wicked headache since yesterday. Nothing is helping. I don't know if it's related to the diet because my diet really wasn't that different before I started a few days ago. I just want it to go away.
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Day 6 coming to an end and each day I feel better and better! I keep fining myself not eating dinner. Sometimes Im a little hungry but the thought of actually eating something is unappetizing. I wonder if my body is making the switch from eating for pleasure to eating for fuel? I have plenty of fat to live off of for months! Maybe Im also recognizing what is and isnt true hunger.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Starting day 4 and already I can feel the difference in my jaw. I have TMJ and the inflamation would sometimes hurt so bad I could not close my teeth together properly. In fact the other day I told my husband ,I thought I was going to have to break down and get it fixed. Guess I have fixed it with change in diet!! How AWESOME is that?!?!?!?!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Day 7 here and going strong. I did overdo the nuts yesterday and I got on the scale this morning because I was sure I would have gained, but thankfully it's still the same. Breakfast still proves to be the biggest challenge since I am not longer drinking protein shakes. I really missed them so this morning I made one without the protein powder. I just used almond milk, 2 tbs of almond butter(instead of the usual 1), 1/2 cup frozen blueberries, some fresh kale, and an apple slice that my kids left over. It wasn't as good as my regular shakes because there's no sweetener in there, but it was acceptable and it did fill me up for quite a while. I had it around 8:30 and ate lunch at 12:30. That's about as long as my protein shakes fill me up for so I'm happy. Now I know I have an alternative to eggs.
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 317 Member
    I started my 30 days this past Sunday (9/8) so I am halfway through my Day 3. So far so good! I tried this challenge back in August but only made it 2 weeks or so before I caved, so I'm really looking forward to sticking to it this time around! Its also nice to have my husband on board with me - I've noticed its been keeping me motivated to look for good Whole30-approved recipes to make sure he doesnt get bored with it, so its a win-win!

    My main focus this time around is going to be to cut down on my fruit intake - I relied pretty heavily on it last time and I know I need to get it under control.

    Oh and thanks to idauria for the idea about the shakes for breakfast - I've been surviving on eggs only lately so it'll be nice to have an alternative!
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    Hey all,

    I started the Whole30 on Sunday (9/9), so today is Day 3. I'm super-pumped on this - it's challenging, but I need the reset. August vacations, back to school stress, the resolution of my custody case (which was very positive, and also incredibly emotional), and my kids' birthday - I just got too casual about my eating and exercise, and my body responded with added weight and my clothes starting to feel a bit snug. NO GOOD!

    I was a bit apprehensive about going without my beloved bacon, and dark chocolate, and my occasional dairy, but I love a challenge, and I do very well at hard-core extremism, so I'm just telling myself that it's a finite period of time, and I can add these favorites back in to my Primal lifestyle at the end of 30 days.

    Also, my first half-marathon is on Day 29, so I feel like that's great timing - I should be lean and mean and ready to tackle that challenge - it's like a double-focus in terms of timing, and I like that.

    I will admit that I've already broken one of the Whole30 rules - no getting on the scale - I took a peek this morning, and after only 2 days, I'm down 8.4 pounds. Now, I know that's probably all water weight, but it certainly is encouraging, and it makes me absolutely certain that this is exactly what I need right now. :)

  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Day 12 is done for me! I went on a 4 day camping trip, brought all my food, and stuck to it!! Im so proud of me :)
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    Day 4 and feeling fabulous! Strange stomach gurgling, seriously evil flatulation (my partner was scared to come near me) and very mild headaches on Days 2 & 3 (sugar and sweetener withdrawal I'm guessing), but otherwise fine.
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 317 Member
    Day 5 for me and sticking with it!

    Even went out to dinner last night for my birthday and was able to make some good whole 30 choices (prime rib, roasted veggies and grilled asparagus)! Although I did question the oils and marinades used for the veggies - the menu description said nothing about marinades but there was definitely something on them.

    What do you guys do when eating out? or do you avoid it all together?
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    Day 5 for me and sticking with it!

    Even went out to dinner last night for my birthday and was able to make some good whole 30 choices (prime rib, roasted veggies and grilled asparagus)! Although I did question the oils and marinades used for the veggies - the menu description said nothing about marinades but there was definitely something on them.

    What do you guys do when eating out? or do you avoid it all together?

    I have to go out to a business lunch next week and tried to bow out of it but my boss is not letting me. It will be interesting see what I can order that will fit into my Whole 30.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I went out for my birthday tonight and I was able to stick to the plan. We went to a seafood place and I had grilled fish and steamed veggies. I asked them not to put butter on anything. They were very accomodating. It's funny though, when my plate came out there was a candle in my fish. The waitress said they didn't have any desserts without dairy so this was what they came up with! I am glad because I didn't want to have to turn away dessert. Tonight I celebrated with a tbs of sunbutter though, lol.
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Its the last week! How is everyone doing? Is there anything you are looking forward to on day 31?

    I would just like a piece of bacon, after looking at package after package, at store after store, I think I deserve it! :)

    I don't really plan to add back much else. Id like to try bulletproof coffee with butter, that's about it! I have learned dairy is the root of a lot of my issues, I'm just going to have to say goodbye.
  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    Its the last week! How is everyone doing? Is there anything you are looking forward to on day 31?

    I would just like a piece of bacon, after looking at package after package, at store after store, I think I deserve it! :)

    I don't really plan to add back much else. Id like to try bulletproof coffee with butter, that's about it! I have learned dairy is the root of a lot of my issues, I'm just going to have to say goodbye.

    I've had the same dairy epiphany. Well, it's probably the third time I've had that particular light-bulb go off, but this time I've seen just how much of a difference it makes.

    I've really missed baking. I have a few paleo-friendly recipes picked out, but I'm going to try to stay Whole30 afterwards with just a treat or two a week. I can't believe how much energy I've had the past few days to go too crazy, even with a night or two of bad sleep and way too much stress. I can't seem to sit still!

    Edited to add: I also really, really miss my scale! I'm anxious to get those measurements done. There have been tons of results with better energy and mental clarity, usually better sleep and clearer skin, but I'd love to see those numbers :wink:
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    I've been bad and have been weighing myself. The first week was so hard, I needed to know my effort and strong will was worth it. And it is! I only wish I would have taken measurements, cant find my darn measuring tape anywhere.
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    Day 4 and feeling fabulous! Strange stomach gurgling, seriously evil flatulation (my partner was scared to come near me) and very mild headaches on Days 2 & 3 (sugar and sweetener withdrawal I'm guessing), but otherwise fine.

    UPDATE: Day 15 and feeling fantastic! Have dropped another clothing size in 2 weeks, according to my weekend shopping :bigsmile:
    Bought a size 10 skirt...which fits perfectly and a size 8 skirt...which is quite snug, but considering I was a size 16, that's pretty darn good!