


  • steffo365
    steffo365 Posts: 183 Member
    I love Zumba!!
    And I also enjoy doing the Jillian Michaels DVD's.
  • dnvrgurl
    dnvrgurl Posts: 4 Member
    I'd love to see some nutritional challenges like vegetable servings, protein servings, trying to go meatless one meal per day...or reducing sugar... :)

    I also walk, do treadmill, eliptical and weights.

  • bpg79
    bpg79 Posts: 40 Member
    I have been increasing my cardio by starting a running program and taking up spin, but for a challenge it might be nice to something for core training as i think it is often ignored or forgotten. I try to do the plank every night and each week i try to hold it a little bit longer. Just an idea :)
  • chubtofit
    chubtofit Posts: 67 Member
    I have been increasing my cardio by starting a running program and taking up spin, but for a challenge it might be nice to something for core training as i think it is often ignored or forgotten. I try to do the plank every night and each week i try to hold it a little bit longer. Just an idea :)

    I like this idea of core work. A lot of the cardio ideas are great but I think that something "everyone" can do is improve their core strength - regardless of how much you weigh. Core conditioning will help in all areas of fitness and wellbeing. Something like the plank works well especially since there are various levels you can do it at. Just my 2cents.
  • gwendb
    gwendb Posts: 19 Member
    I love the idea of step counting- sitting at a desk all day I KNOW i don't get enough steps in!
    PHYLLISALEXIS Posts: 55 Member
    I am enjoying circuit training and Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD level one
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    My activities are Wii Sports, Zumba, walking, running up and down stairs, jogging in place, jumping jacks, and dancing!

    My SO is teaching me tae kwon do (he used to be an instructor), and I'm really struggling to get through 30DS. Since day one, I've been 1) Sick (better today), and 2) My knees haven't recovered yet (I had a really nasty knee injury years back; my one knee has been messed up since), and I'm really worried about that, so I haven't done Day 2 yet. :(