May 2013 Due Dates



  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Happy Birthday Rebecca!!!!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Reporting in! Had my first pelvic exam today and am 1cm and 10% effaced. I've been feeling lots of twinges in my pelvis when walking, so I think the walks are really helping. However, I have no other signs, whatsoever, and feel pretty great so I'm not counting on this kid coming early until I'm in delivery. Don't want to get my hopes up!

    Oh - and got my results for GSB and they are negative! Sigh of relief to be spared the IV.

    Hope everyone is well!!

    Glad you came out negative! That also means you don't necessarily have to stay for two days, I believe.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    So bummed, I found out I'm Group B positive today. I'm allergic to penicillin so the midwives cant give me my antibiotics at home....I have to go into the hospital early :frown: worried too.....hoping nothing is passed on to the Bub. Anyone else strep b positive?

    On the positive side, I jumped on the scale at the midwives and I'm down a few pounds.

    Also, I'm geeking out over the chance of possible seeing some filming of one of my favorite shows. We received notice of filming for this weekend that we had to approve. They didn't say what it's for, but I'm assuming its for The Killing (great show on AMC)..... Could be a movie though. ..... At this stage I'm so bored that I'm up for anything.

    I'm sorry to hear that everyone is feeling so uncomfortable fun!

    MormonMama......sorry they stopped in the night :( boooo

    Rebecca- Yes! Thirsty and obsessed with ice chips! G2 is my go to drink. Happy Birthday tomorrow!!! If you OB doesn't think you'll make it to 40 weeks why is induction being offered? Not judging, just honestly curious as a FTM. I'm assuming for medical reasons?

    Laser- feel better, you're almost there!

    Lady- congrats on the good news!

    Hey Ehg & Jess! Hope you're doing well.

    G2 is awesome! On sale at Target this week, too :)

    My OB just wants me aware of her on-call dates just in case I go that route. She was seriously not pushy, though - I think she's just used to moms who are not even 38 weeks yet and are DONE. She was totally cool with my saying I thought it was early to even discuss. ETA that she also said that I didn't have to induce at all if I didn't want to. She's really laid-back, so I'm sure whatever I want is fine as long as it's no danger to anyone.

    Don't fret too much about being positive. I was last time, and they didn't test me this time but consider me a carrier for whatever reason. However I know that messes with your plans, so I'm sorry about that :(

    ETA down here that the thing about the TV show is cool! We have a few shows and movies that film around here, but I never seem to know about it until after the fact. However as soon as I moved out of Atlanta, a whole bunch of TV shows and movies started filming there. I have the worst luck for that! I hope you get to check out some filming! It sounds like a lot of fun.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Happy Birthday Rebecca!!!!!

    Thank you!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    OOPS, double post :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    RBX, I would love to have my baby on your birthday, which is -yes- my due date! (Awesome memory!) I have a lot of good friends with birthdays in May, so all of them are hoping the baby comes on their birthday!

    I seem to feel REALLY awful in the mornings, as in not-wanting-to-ever-get-out-of-bed-except-that-my-hips-hurt awful. The world is then the darkest, dreariest, most miserable hell and I can't wait for my suffering to end. Things start to pick up around 4-5 pm and my energy peaks towards 7-9 pm. Then the world is a beautiful, flowering, lovely heaven and I just want to wander around slowly in the spring rain enjoying all the scents & sights of May.

    Friends keep telling me that there were no signs before their actual day of labor, and that little bit of hope is keeping me very optimistic! Especially after 4-5 pm.

    I know the feeling. It will be over very, very soon!

    ETA that I had no signs before the day of labor the first time except losing my mucus plug throughout the day and then having contractions start late that night. I was totally normal leading up to that day.

    Mornings are very tough, though. Getting out of bed is a chore, and unfortunately I can't take my time doing it!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    So bummed, I found out I'm Group B positive today. I'm allergic to penicillin so the midwives cant give me my antibiotics at home....I have to go into the hospital early :frown: worried too.....hoping nothing is passed on to the Bub. Anyone else strep b positive?

    On the positive side, I jumped on the scale at the midwives and I'm down a few pounds.

    Also, I'm geeking out over the chance of possible seeing some filming of one of my favorite shows. We received notice of filming for this weekend that we had to approve. They didn't say what it's for, but I'm assuming its for The Killing (great show on AMC)..... Could be a movie though. ..... At this stage I'm so bored that I'm up for anything.

    I'm sorry to hear that everyone is feeling so uncomfortable fun!

    MormonMama......sorry they stopped in the night :( boooo

    Rebecca- Yes! Thirsty and obsessed with ice chips! G2 is my go to drink. Happy Birthday tomorrow!!! If you OB doesn't think you'll make it to 40 weeks why is induction being offered? Not judging, just honestly curious as a FTM. I'm assuming for medical reasons?

    Laser- feel better, you're almost there!

    Lady- congrats on the good news!

    Hey Ehg & Jess! Hope you're doing well.

    G2 is awesome! On sale at Target this week, too :)

    My OB just wants me aware of her on-call dates just in case I go that route. She was seriously not pushy, though - I think she's just used to moms who are not even 38 weeks yet and are DONE. She was totally cool with my saying I thought it was early to even discuss. ETA that she also said that I didn't have to induce at all if I didn't want to. She's really laid-back, so I'm sure whatever I want is fine as long as it's no danger to anyone.

    Don't fret too much about being positive. I was last time, and they didn't test me this time but consider me a carrier for whatever reason. However I know that messes with your plans, so I'm sorry about that :(

    ETA down here that the thing about the TV show is cool! We have a few shows and movies that film around here, but I never seem to know about it until after the fact. However as soon as I moved out of Atlanta, a whole bunch of TV shows and movies started filming there. I have the worst luck for that! I hope you get to check out some filming! It sounds like a lot of fun.

    Thanks for explaining, just curious how the process works everywhere. And thanks for sharing your experience about Group B......makes me feel better to hear others experiences.

    What are you doing for your bday??
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm jumping in from June, (June 1st DD to be exact). The other boards are waning in posts minus this one :) Plus I figure I have as good of a chance at a May baby as I do with a June! I had my first cervix check yesterday, along with my strep B. Cervix check was highly disappointing. She said I was approx 1cm dilated and "not very thin at all." I was really holding out hope for a "you're 3 cm & 75% effaced." Lol. Oh well my midwife said that how dilated/effaced I am isn't necessarily an indication of how soon I'll go into labor. Thought that was rather contrary to everything I've previously heard. She said ladies going in for 3rd and 4th births can easily go from 1cm and not effaced to being in full blown labor....Thoughts? I think she was just trying to make me feel better :noway:

    Sounds like everyone else is quickly approaching D-Day. I'm jealous!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    So bummed, I found out I'm Group B positive today. I'm allergic to penicillin so the midwives cant give me my antibiotics at home....I have to go into the hospital early :frown: worried too.....hoping nothing is passed on to the Bub. Anyone else strep b positive?

    On the positive side, I jumped on the scale at the midwives and I'm down a few pounds.

    Also, I'm geeking out over the chance of possible seeing some filming of one of my favorite shows. We received notice of filming for this weekend that we had to approve. They didn't say what it's for, but I'm assuming its for The Killing (great show on AMC)..... Could be a movie though. ..... At this stage I'm so bored that I'm up for anything.

    I'm sorry to hear that everyone is feeling so uncomfortable fun!

    MormonMama......sorry they stopped in the night :( boooo

    Rebecca- Yes! Thirsty and obsessed with ice chips! G2 is my go to drink. Happy Birthday tomorrow!!! If you OB doesn't think you'll make it to 40 weeks why is induction being offered? Not judging, just honestly curious as a FTM. I'm assuming for medical reasons?

    Laser- feel better, you're almost there!

    Lady- congrats on the good news!

    Hey Ehg & Jess! Hope you're doing well.

    G2 is awesome! On sale at Target this week, too :)

    My OB just wants me aware of her on-call dates just in case I go that route. She was seriously not pushy, though - I think she's just used to moms who are not even 38 weeks yet and are DONE. She was totally cool with my saying I thought it was early to even discuss. ETA that she also said that I didn't have to induce at all if I didn't want to. She's really laid-back, so I'm sure whatever I want is fine as long as it's no danger to anyone.

    Don't fret too much about being positive. I was last time, and they didn't test me this time but consider me a carrier for whatever reason. However I know that messes with your plans, so I'm sorry about that :(

    ETA down here that the thing about the TV show is cool! We have a few shows and movies that film around here, but I never seem to know about it until after the fact. However as soon as I moved out of Atlanta, a whole bunch of TV shows and movies started filming there. I have the worst luck for that! I hope you get to check out some filming! It sounds like a lot of fun.

    Thanks for explaining, just curious how the process works everywhere. And thanks for sharing your experience about Group B......makes me feel better to hear others experiences.

    What are you doing for your bday??

    You're welcome! I don't think it's common for strep B to affect your baby. It just sucks because now I have to stay at the hospital for two nights.

    We went to lunch at a Mexican restaurant, but other than that I'm way too exhausted to do anything! I'd love to just take it easy!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm jumping in from June, (June 1st DD to be exact). The other boards are waning in posts minus this one :) Plus I figure I have as good of a chance at a May baby as I do with a June! I had my first cervix check yesterday, along with my strep B. Cervix check was highly disappointing. She said I was approx 1cm dilated and "not very thin at all." I was really holding out hope for a "you're 3 cm & 75% effaced." Lol. Oh well my midwife said that how dilated/effaced I am isn't necessarily an indication of how soon I'll go into labor. Thought that was rather contrary to everything I've previously heard. She said ladies going in for 3rd and 4th births can easily go from 1cm and not effaced to being in full blown labor....Thoughts? I think she was just trying to make me feel better :noway:

    Sounds like everyone else is quickly approaching D-Day. I'm jealous!!

    Yeah, I know people who weren't completely effaced and mildly dilated go into labor. I think when you're close enough, all bets are off! I was 70% dilated and 2cm yesterday and lost my mucus plug today. I'm hoping I go tonight, which would follow suit from last night!

    You probably have a better chance at May than June!!!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member

    Thank you! I meant to mention that my OB was, um, rather thorough when she examined me, to the point where I said, "Ok, this is getting uncomfortable, and you're also making me want to pee on you!" She's good like that, so I know she wasn't offended (she laughed and got herself out from in there). When I got home and went to the bathroom, there was a bit of blood - like a bit of spotting - but that wasn't surprising given how much she was messing around with me. Then late last night and first thing this morning I had a bit of mucus with some old blood, but the blood wasn't in the mucus. I just went to the bathroom again a few minutes ago and definitely lost a decent chunk of mucus plug. No doubt that's what it was, too.

    I told my husband, though he knows that means things could be imminent but maybe not, however last time I lost it and went into labor that night (oddly enough the day after my OB appointment). I am also telling my sister to put her on notice so that if she has to pick up our son this afternoon and/or handle him overnight, she can. Assuming nothing happens between then and now, I'm considering going home early and letting my husband pick up my son so that I can kind of pack a hospital bag and get a small bag together for my son so that my sister will have what she needs for him (diapers, clothes, etc.). Her younger son is only 6 months older than he is, so she has most things, but I want to be sure she's covered. I also have laundry waiting in the dryer that needs to be tossed around for a bit and folded so that there are clean clothes put away in the house! Let's just say that my husband is not the greatest at folding laundry, which is why I handle my and our son's clothes, and he handles his (he'll just let clean clothes sit in a pile until he decides to wear them).

    I had a dream last night that I went into labor today and was like, "That's cool because then we can share a birthday." Tomorrow would be fine, and my dad would be thrilled to see Sunday so that we have our little birthday sequence. I asked my OB who was on call on Sunday, and it's another OB that I really like from the practice, so that would be fine. (It's not the one man who is, ahem, rather attractive - he looks just like Dr. Christian Shepherd from Lost.)

    Anyway, no other symptoms (though I have butterflies in my stomach, so my stomach feels funny) other than my mucus plug, but that could mean a lot like it did last time or nothing at all. I have towels on my bed, just in case :wink:

    Whoa lady! Things are happening for you!! Best of luck with everything - I hope you were able to sneak out early and fold laundry/pack bags/etc. And glad that you have OBs you like on call for the weekend - hopefully we won't see you around here because you'll have some good news to share :smile:

    Happy Birthday and happy maybe-baby-birthday!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hehe, I left early yesterday, finished laundry, washed dishes, packed my bag and a bag for my son - I was seriously on a mad tear! My husband came home with him, so I ran another small load of laundry along with his stuff from his nap bag at school so that it's all clean for Monday (convenient whether I take him to school on Monday or not).

    I had a feeling last night as we were winding down to go to bed that nothing was going to happen because I was so well-prepared! It's Murphy's Law, I swear! I had a bit of a headache, so I took regular Tylenol rather than Tylenol PM (my usual nighttime routine) because if contractions started, I didn't want to be falling asleep due to medication! Lo and behold, I slept poorly because I was hot but didn't have any contractions all night. This morning I feel normal except for dropping some more, I think.

    So I think one of two things will happen: I will either go into labor this weekend, or I will continue on as I was and will go into labor whenever. My original thought was between the 12th and the 16th, but my money's on the later end, if not after!

    Anyone else have news?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Meh, checking back in... no action. I lost a bunch more mucus plug yesterday, but other than that, no symptoms.

    Anyone else have any progress and/or fun weekend stuff going on? My husband and son both need a haircut, so my husband is taking him now (the place opens in 20mins). That way I get some rest. Not that I'm not resting, but it's hard to rest with a toddler. I was even eating a pear earlier for breakfast, and he was climbing all over me trying to share it. (I don't mind the sharing, but the climbing is difficult to take!) So I'm just hanging out watching old episodes of Scrubs for the next hour or so :)

    Happy Mother's Day, mommas!!!
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    Nothing going on here other than horrible burps, LOL. Happy Mother's Day all!
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    Happy Mother's Day all. Hope everyone had a great day. I did!! It was relaxing, and very laid back. Pregnancy wise nothing too interesting. I've had an increase of Braxton Hicks contractions & TMI alert I've had some pink streaked mucousy dischargy stuff this evening. Everything I've read basically says that's the norm if you've had a cervix check in the past 48 hrs, so I'm trying not to get my hopes up! My next appt isn't until Friday so won't know if I'm making any dilation progress until then.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    No progress here, either. All the couples from my birth class are posting their stories, and while I am happy for them, it's also soooo frustrating to see all the cute pics of them holding their babies! When will it be my turn? The week stretches out before me like an abyss.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I've got my fingers crossed that I deliver right on target on May 27th so my husband can start off his leave with the extra paid holiday! :laugh: That or the 24th so we have a nice long weekend, haha.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Happy Belated Mothers Day!!!

    So yesterday I decided to get "all over color" instead of weaved highlights as my hair is so thick that once baby comes I won't be able to sit in a salon chair for 4-5 hours. (All over color is much quicker) My roots are WHITE. like I'm Marilyn Monroe..... I don't recognize myself when I walk by the mirror!!! Any tips on toning it down?

    Looks like from all your comments, there's not much action going on with anyone yet..... Same here.

    I've been having more frequent "lightening" ......omg. OUCH!

    Does lightening feel similar to contractions? Because that hurts!

    Have a good day ladies!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Happy Belated Mothers Day!!!

    So yesterday I decided to get "all over color" instead of weaved highlights as my hair is so thick that once baby comes I won't be able to sit in a salon chair for 4-5 hours. (All over color is much quicker) My roots are WHITE. like I'm Marilyn Monroe..... I don't recognize myself when I walk by the mirror!!! Any tips on toning it down?

    Looks like from all your comments, there's not much action going on with anyone yet..... Same here.

    I've been having more frequent "lightening" ......omg. OUCH!

    Does lightening feel similar to contractions? Because that hurts!

    Have a good day ladies!

    I've never gone blonde, so I don't have any input there, sorry! I have dark brown hair, and once I got reddish highlights mixed with a teensy bit of strawberry blonde highlights, which looked awesome at first, but after a few touch-ups I realized I had become super blonde (well, at least for me)! I am currently pale, but I have yellow/olive undertones to my skin, so to me it just looked awkward, and when I needed the next touch-up I had my hair done all medium/dark brown. Blonde is just not a good look for me, and I am happy being a brunette :wink:

    As for "lightening" pains - YES, I was just experiencing them and thinking, "MAN, THAT HURTS!" I am totally serious, too - it's what prompted me to log on here because I was going to ask if anyone else was experiencing them! (I really don't remember them being this sharp last time.) Just every now and again it's like s/he moves around down there (I know his/her head is sitting on my cervix) and it not only causes me to want to pee but hurts! I can tell I dropped a lot over the weekend, and I have a feeling that if I make it to my next OB appointment on Thursday, I will be at or near 100% effaced. Hopefully I'll be dilated a bit more than 2cm, too. I have been so uncomfortable all weekend and today that I can't imagine I have not made substantial progress, but Mother Nature has her way of playing jokes on us...

    I've still had mild cramping come and go, as well as random pains otherwise when I get pressed from within (like right now there's a foot jabbing me that is kind of hurting - ok, it just moved back), but nothing substantial or worth even pulling out my Contraction Master app. This morning around 3:45 I felt horrible and was thinking maybe it was the start of something, but it turns out I just had to pee really badly :laugh: Either it was the full bladder that was hurting, or it was causing contractions (which is why they say to empty your bladder if you're not sure if your contractions are real). Lots of annoying but painless tightening otherwise.

    Since I delivered last time at 38w5d, I am sort of counting that as a milestone for this time... I'm curious if I will pass it or not! For me that is Friday. We shall see!

    ETA that the pains I feel down there when s/he moves around are different than the contractions that I remember. Mine were painful all around my midsection, both in front and back. Unfortunately they were kind of sharp, too, but everyone's are different.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    No progress here, either. All the couples from my birth class are posting their stories, and while I am happy for them, it's also soooo frustrating to see all the cute pics of them holding their babies! When will it be my turn? The week stretches out before me like an abyss.

    Aww :frown: Is there any chance that your EDD is off? I'm just wondering because it would bug me to go past 40 weeks if I was sure of my EDD or suspected it should have been earlier.