May 2013 Due Dates



  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    My sympathy for the lightening pains! I'm not having any contractions/cramps, but it feels like a cinderblock sitting on my cervix.
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I don't think I'm going to make it until June! I'm hoping I make it to at least 38 weeks For the person who was Strep B positive...I am too...just found out today and that means I have to stay two days minimum in the hospital for observation when baby is born :O(. Hope everyone's babies are cooperating!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Same here for the lightening pains (did not know that's what they are called!). This baby has clearly dropped: I feel like my stomach looks like a shelf, it is so ridiculously low and "out there."

    To those of you who are Step B +, I know it adds an extra layer of worry to everything. But from everyone I've talked to, as long as your medical team knows there is that issue and is ready to treat it, then typically it does not cause any problems for the baby. The further out I go from my due date and the more birth stories I read, the more I realize that we all just have to be open to surprises during this whole experience. The key is being informed and ready to work with the surprises so that they do not get you down and spoil this precious experience.

    OMG, we are all SO CLOSE!!! Hang in there, ladies! Soon we'll all be sharing our stories and melting over each others' baby pictures!
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    I was also Strep-B positive with my last one. Still waiting on my results from last week. There is a slim chance that I won't be positive this time around, which will be great. I'm due June 1st, but I really don't think I'm going to make it until then. These last few weeks are dragging. I hope all of you have your babies very shortly. :) I'm hoping for some more progress at this weeks appointment. I was at 1cm and 50% effaced last week.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    @prplrose - not only do we share the same due date apparently our bodies were in almost identical phases at our Dr appts last week :) I was 1cm, and she didn't even give me a percentage on effacement except to say it wasn't much.
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    @ehg87- Seems that way. lol I have my next appointment tomorrow morning. I really hope I've made some more progress, even though I would like the kid to be in there until next weekend. I'm done with work next Wednesday and I have a couple of special days planned for my kiddo before we move and the baby comes.
  • speshell4
    speshell4 Posts: 49
    HELP!!!! can someone tell me what is going on.... I did not have any issues with this pregnancy or the other 2. everything was great and nothing weird happened. over the last three days I have felt ummmm weird. it is like I have constant butterflies in my stomach. I feel slightly nauseous. I don't feel sick, or bad it is just weird. is this pregnancy related and I just missed it with the other 2??
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I've felt slightly nauseous for the last few days too.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    HELP!!!! can someone tell me what is going on.... I did not have any issues with this pregnancy or the other 2. everything was great and nothing weird happened. over the last three days I have felt ummmm weird. it is like I have constant butterflies in my stomach. I feel slightly nauseous. I don't feel sick, or bad it is just weird. is this pregnancy related and I just missed it with the other 2??

    Part of it could be nerves that you're getting close (when I think too much about it, I feel that way), but also I can't eat/drink very much at once. Pretty much every night after dinner I feel awful and somewhat nauseated because my stomach is being compressed. Combine that with the anxiety/excitement/whatever of knowing I'll have another baby in the next couple of weeks or so, and yeah, I feel that way.

    I wouldn't say I feel weird compared to how I felt a week or two ago, just that everything is a bit more intense. I also don't remember feeling this way last time, but I could just not be remembering.

    As long as you are still feeling movement and not having weird discharge or anything, it's likely just nerves and/or your compressed stomach messing with you.

    Please keep us posted, though!
  • speshell4
    speshell4 Posts: 49
    HELP!!!! can someone tell me what is going on.... I did not have any issues with this pregnancy or the other 2. everything was great and nothing weird happened. over the last three days I have felt ummmm weird. it is like I have constant butterflies in my stomach. I feel slightly nauseous. I don't feel sick, or bad it is just weird. is this pregnancy related and I just missed it with the other 2??

    Part of it could be nerves that you're getting close (when I think too much about it, I feel that way), but also I can't eat/drink very much at once. Pretty much every night after dinner I feel awful and somewhat nauseated because my stomach is being compressed. Combine that with the anxiety/excitement/whatever of knowing I'll have another baby in the next couple of weeks or so, and yeah, I feel that way.

    I wouldn't say I feel weird compared to how I felt a week or two ago, just that everything is a bit more intense. I also don't remember feeling this way last time, but I could just not be remembering.

    As long as you are still feeling movement and not having weird discharge or anything, it's likely just nerves and/or your compressed stomach messing with you.

    Please keep us posted, though!

    Well bummer!! I did not go into labor with my last 2. I was induced with both at 42 weeks. They have this one scheduled for the 30th. I was hoping that maybe what I was feeling was something- anything happening to start labor on its own. I figured it was just nerves:( about to have three boys, three and under. I am feeling pretty stressed about that. We are moving from a man on man defense to a zone defense.
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member

    We are moving from a man on man defense to a zone defense.

    :laugh: That's certainly something to be nervous about!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member

    Part of it could be nerves that you're getting close (when I think too much about it, I feel that way), but also I can't eat/drink very much at once. Pretty much every night after dinner I feel awful and somewhat nauseated because my stomach is being compressed. Combine that with the anxiety/excitement/whatever of knowing I'll have another baby in the next couple of weeks or so, and yeah, I feel that way.

    I wouldn't say I feel weird compared to how I felt a week or two ago, just that everything is a bit more intense. I also don't remember feeling this way last time, but I could just not be remembering.

    As long as you are still feeling movement and not having weird discharge or anything, it's likely just nerves and/or your compressed stomach messing with you.

    Ditto. I feel pretty nauseous after eating too - and have also been feeling general discomfort in the ole' compressed stomach area on and off over the last few days.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies!!

    Everyone is getting so close!

    I'm so happy to finally check in and say that our sweet baby boy is here! I was induced yesterday - we got to the hospital around 7:30, they broke my water around 9 (to put an internal moniter on baby's head- he was being shy and they were having a hard time keeping tabs on his heart rate).

    We progressed very quickly and at 4 I felt the need to push. The nurse checked and said I was a 9.5 so I needed to wait to push. We rolled to my left and immediately the urge to push got even stronger. I asked her to check again and sure enough it was go time. We did 2 or 3 "practice pushes" (during one of them i threw up, wish was one of my big l&d fears but that is when he descended very rapidly). after that she stopped me and called the dr. She also called another nurse incase I couldn't keep him in bc at that point he was crowning.

    Doctor rushed in and we pushed about 3 more times and there he was. For whatever reason this time no one told me that I'd gotten the head out, so I was surprised when I felt his shoulders come through (that is a funny sensation that I remembered very well from my first). I had a great l&d experience and am just hoping recovery goes smoothly. I did end up with a second degree tear... Guess there are consequences for only pushing 30 minutes. Lol.

    Anyways- he is here, healthy and unlike big brother eating like a champ! I haven't had to pump yet and my milk is already coming in strong. Can't wait to see the rest of the birth stories over the next few weeks!!

    (Also apologies for typos. Typing on my cell and right after feeding... I'm pretty tired).
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    YAY!!! Finally another birth story :) Congrats! Glad everything went well & he's eating well!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey ladies!!

    Everyone is getting so close!

    I'm so happy to finally check in and say that our sweet baby boy is here! I was induced yesterday - we got to the hospital around 7:30, they broke my water around 9 (to put an internal moniter on baby's head- he was being shy and they were having a hard time keeping tabs on his heart rate).

    We progressed very quickly and at 4 I felt the need to push. The nurse checked and said I was a 9.5 so I needed to wait to push. We rolled to my left and immediately the urge to push got even stronger. I asked her to check again and sure enough it was go time. We did 2 or 3 "practice pushes" (during one of them i threw up, wish was one of my big l&d fears but that is when he descended very rapidly). after that she stopped me and called the dr. She also called another nurse incase I couldn't keep him in bc at that point he was crowning.

    Doctor rushed in and we pushed about 3 more times and there he was. For whatever reason this time no one told me that I'd gotten the head out, so I was surprised when I felt his shoulders come through (that is a funny sensation that I remembered very well from my first). I had a great l&d experience and am just hoping recovery goes smoothly. I did end up with a second degree tear... Guess there are consequences for only pushing 30 minutes. Lol.

    Anyways- he is here, healthy and unlike big brother eating like a champ! I haven't had to pump yet and my milk is already coming in strong. Can't wait to see the rest of the birth stories over the next few weeks!!

    (Also apologies for typos. Typing on my cell and right after feeding... I'm pretty tired).

    YAY, congratulations! I noticed that you hadn't been around so kind of figured that you might have had your baby :happy:

    I am so glad everything went relatively smoothly! I am also glad to hear that he has been eating well and that your milk has (already!) come in. I'm sorry about your tear, but it seems like it is more common than not to tear, if your doctor doesn't cut you. Hopefully you will heal nicely and quickly!

    Throwing up is, oddly enough, not one of my big fears, I guess so long as I have an appropriate place to do it besides on myself! I'm sorry that happened to you, but they've seen just about everything in L&D, I'm sure!

    Thanks so much for checking in with us, since I know that takes some time and energy! Keep us posted on how you are all doing - both you and the baby, as well as big brother's transition!
  • speshell4
    speshell4 Posts: 49
    Hey ladies!!

    Everyone is getting so close!

    I'm so happy to finally check in and say that our sweet baby boy is here! I was induced yesterday - we got to the hospital around 7:30, they broke my water around 9 (to put an internal moniter on baby's head- he was being shy and they were having a hard time keeping tabs on his heart rate).

    We progressed very quickly and at 4 I felt the need to push. The nurse checked and said I was a 9.5 so I needed to wait to push. We rolled to my left and immediately the urge to push got even stronger. I asked her to check again and sure enough it was go time. We did 2 or 3 "practice pushes" (during one of them i threw up, wish was one of my big l&d fears but that is when he descended very rapidly). after that she stopped me and called the dr. She also called another nurse incase I couldn't keep him in bc at that point he was crowning.

    Doctor rushed in and we pushed about 3 more times and there he was. For whatever reason this time no one told me that I'd gotten the head out, so I was surprised when I felt his shoulders come through (that is a funny sensation that I remembered very well from my first). I had a great l&d experience and am just hoping recovery goes smoothly. I did end up with a second degree tear... Guess there are consequences for only pushing 30 minutes. Lol.

    Anyways- he is here, healthy and unlike big brother eating like a champ! I haven't had to pump yet and my milk is already coming in strong. Can't wait to see the rest of the birth stories over the next few weeks!!

    (Also apologies for typos. Typing on my cell and right after feeding... I'm pretty tired).

    Congrats!!!!- reading birth stories make me cry!!! I am so happy everything went so smoothly and you have a new little guy!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Congrats on your baby boy!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Congratulations, Mormonmomma! Now get some rest, lol!
  • speshell4
    speshell4 Posts: 49
    My company just threw me the sweetest little shower!!! it was very unexpected and thoughtful!!! it is starting to feel very very real.
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Congrats Momma!! Sounds like you had a great birth experience and that your little boy is excited to be here! :smile: Enjoy your new baby and get some rest!