


  • biglew909
    biglew909 Posts: 57 Member
    Progress today:

    5 military-style sets: 11,13,9,9 final 19 (the most I've done so far.)

    And, dare I say...they were EASY. I'm totally pumped to see how well I do on my next exhaustion test!
  • alaliberte
    Wow! I'm totally impressed by what I'm seeing everyone do here! Great job everyone!

    I finished week 1, day 2, rank 3 for a total of 53 pushups today.

    On the first day and in my initial test my abs were spent, I'm passed the abs and now my arms are feeling it intensely.

    I just know my arm balances in yoga are going to be so awesome because of this challenge!
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Just completed week 2, day 1 Level 3 of the program. Man, that was pretty brutal. First set went by pretty easily, but by the third set my arms were spent, but i'm loving it. Enjoying the "chest pump" that I'm getting after completing the sets. Onward to day 2!
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    Week 1, day 2, level 2 6,8,6,6,10 with 90 second rest
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Week 1 day 3. Max 16 military style. Total pushups - 33. :-)
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Everyone is doing awesome! Let's keep up the steam for week 2
  • alaliberte
    Everyone is doing awesome! Let's keep up the steam for week 2

    Youngdoc2b--I noticed there are only three recommended workouts per week. Are you only doing three per seven days, or are you just moving on to the next week when the week's workouts are done? Just curious if there is any advantage to waiting...
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Okay so I finished day 2 week 1. This time I did most of them without being on my knees. I did a total of 45 pushups. I made that mistake because I'm also doing the 200 squats and 200 abs challenge and got my numbers wrong.

    Overall, I'm sore but glad I'm doing this.
  • phillips529
    phillips529 Posts: 195 Member
    Okay so I finished day 2 week 1. This time I did most of them without being on my knees. I did a total of 45 pushups. I made that mistake because I'm also doing the 200 squats and 200 abs challenge and got my numbers wrong.

    Overall, I'm sore but glad I'm doing this.

    Excellent work...your improving every day!

    I'm still on Week 2 Day 1. I ended up getting pretty sick and have to take a few days off. But I'm planing my come back for Monday!
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Everyone is doing awesome! Let's keep up the steam for week 2

    Youngdoc2b--I noticed there are only three recommended workouts per week. Are you only doing three per seven days, or are you just moving on to the next week when the week's workouts are done? Just curious if there is any advantage to waiting...

    I'm only doing the suggested 3 per week. I finished week 1 day 3 last week, so that I could start week 2 yesterday.
  • alaliberte
    Okay so I finished day 2 week 1. This time I did most of them without being on my knees. I did a total of 45 pushups. I made that mistake because I'm also doing the 200 squats and 200 abs challenge and got my numbers wrong.

    Overall, I'm sore but glad I'm doing this.

    Excellent work...your improving every day!

    I'm still on Week 2 Day 1. I ended up getting pretty sick and have to take a few days off. But I'm planing my come back for Monday!

    Feel better! See you Monday.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    Week 1, day 2, level 2 6,8,6,6,10 with 90 second rest

    I had some extra energy tonight so I decided to do this again tonight with the same numbers, so that gives me a total of 72 today
  • Jose2828
    Week 1, day 2, level 2 6,8,6,6,10 with 90 second rest

    I had some extra energy tonight so I decided to do this again tonight with the same numbers, so that gives me a total of 72 today

    Double workouts will surely payoff.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Just completed week 2,day 2, level 3. This time,it was 14,16,12,12,17 reps consecutively with a 90 second rest between sets. I cut down the rest time to 60 seconds just to get it over with quicker Lol. Once again,the last set was a struggle around Rep 8. Had to stop and take a 5 second break,then knocked out the rest of the reps. It's amazing to see how much we've all progressed already and it's only week 2. Keep it up everyone! By the end we'll all be doing 100 pushups in a row..anyway,day 3 coming up saturday,then hopefully starting week 3 on monday
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    progress today,

    I gave my military style a go today and managed 5 (not bad for someone who could only do 1/2 a week ago) 1/2 meaning lowering myself down slow and controlled but unable to push myself back up again.

    Ill give it a go later and get hubby to watch and make sure my form is correct, :) ... then I think Ill do an exhaustion test on sunday and start the military push up challenge :D Ill prob be starting in column 1 but at least its ***military*** and not ***girly*** any more :D:D:D:D:D

    the progress I have made so far astounds me :)
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    progress today,

    I gave my military style a go today and managed 5 (not bad for someone who could only do 1/2 a week ago) 1/2 meaning lowering myself down slow and controlled but unable to push myself back up again.

    Ill give it a go later and get hubby to watch and make sure my form is correct, :) ... then I think Ill do an exhaustion test on sunday and start the military push up challenge :D Ill prob be starting in column 1 but at least its ***military*** and not ***girly*** any more :D:D:D:D:D

    the progress I have made so far astounds me :)

    Nice! You are progressing very quick,that's awesome. Good luck with the military pushups. Keep us updated
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    progress today,

    I gave my military style a go today and managed 5 (not bad for someone who could only do 1/2 a week ago) 1/2 meaning lowering myself down slow and controlled but unable to push myself back up again.

    Ill give it a go later and get hubby to watch and make sure my form is correct, :) ... then I think Ill do an exhaustion test on sunday and start the military push up challenge :D Ill prob be starting in column 1 but at least its ***military*** and not ***girly*** any more :D:D:D:D:D

    the progress I have made so far astounds me :)

    Nice! You are progressing very quick,that's awesome. Good luck with the military pushups. Keep us updated

    not really so quick lol, I've been at this for about 4 months and started doing the push ups on the back of a couch, because I could only barely do 3 on my knees :( lol ...
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    progress today,

    I gave my military style a go today and managed 5 (not bad for someone who could only do 1/2 a week ago) 1/2 meaning lowering myself down slow and controlled but unable to push myself back up again.

    Ill give it a go later and get hubby to watch and make sure my form is correct, :) ... then I think Ill do an exhaustion test on sunday and start the military push up challenge :D Ill prob be starting in column 1 but at least its ***military*** and not ***girly*** any more :D:D:D:D:D

    the progress I have made so far astounds me :)

    Nice! You are progressing very quick,that's awesome. Good luck with the military pushups. Keep us updated

    not really so quick lol, I've been at this for about 4 months and started doing the push ups on the back of a couch, because I could only barely do 3 on my knees :( lol ...

    Hey, any progress is good progress. You'll get there
  • alaliberte
    Just finished week 1, day 3, rank 3, for a total of 59 today--about 2 minutes rest in between and 4 minutes before last set.

    EEEOOOWWW! Taking the weekend off and will start week 2 on Monday.
  • alaliberte
    progress today,

    I gave my military style a go today and managed 5 (not bad for someone who could only do 1/2 a week ago) 1/2 meaning lowering myself down slow and controlled but unable to push myself back up again.

    Ill give it a go later and get hubby to watch and make sure my form is correct, :) ... then I think Ill do an exhaustion test on sunday and start the military push up challenge :D Ill prob be starting in column 1 but at least its ***military*** and not ***girly*** any more :D:D:D:D:D

    the progress I have made so far astounds me :)

    Great work! You are setting goals and meeting them. Very impressive!